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GH: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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This not directed at anyone in particular.
I'm simply making a general response to the past few months of threads.
This has come up again recently but I'm responding to the overall discussions by many posters.

I don't understand why there is a discussion of what twitter accounts like/dislike.  
Really, I don't.

I prefer reading discussions when any poster here says what they themself likes/dislikes.

Furthermore I personally feel uncomfortable reading here when there are posts referring to anyone who prefers a character or pairing as a stan or rabid fan,
or referring to anyone who dislikes a character or pairing as a "hater".

Speaking only for myself, I have likes and dislikes but I'm not a stan or a hater.  But I hesitate to post my thoughts when likes/dislikes are categorized as stanning or hating.

I'll post my thoughts for now... hopefully they'll be read as simply my thoughts.

I really like Elizabeth, and I want her to get more story (without Finn or Violet).
I really like Trina and I want her to get more story! 
But I'm not "rabid" about either character.  I simply like who I like.
I really liked the Sprina pairing and was disappointed when NAC left, but I understand that's life.

I very much dislike Jason no matter how he is written.
(I might have been interested if he were to regain his Quartermaine memories -- but of course I realize that will never happen).

I never liked Carly.  I disliked Carly for years; but now I watch old clips of Sarah Joy Brown and appreciate the acting she put into the character.
I don't like Carly/Jason at all.  
Laura Wright's Carly isn't interesting to me. I don't hate the actress. I think she tries. I'm just disinterested in the character overall.
However I really loved what Laura Wright did during the Bobbie Memorial episodes.

One thing I always hated was the overfocus on Carly/Jason/Sonny. It seems apparent that GH management thinks those three *are* the show, but I disagree.

One other thing.  I do sincerely believe that some of the Black characters are not written for properly.  I do think Trina's point of view is shown less than Josslyn's point of view.  I don't think that makes me a fanatical Trina stan.  It just makes me a viewer who wants to see more of Trina's point of view. 
We'll see what *might* possible develop later on with Trina and the new Gio character.

I was a fan of old-school Anna Devane, but I'm not sure what the show is doing with her now?  Seems like they're just throwing things out there to see what sticks.

Jane Elliot is the queen.

Edited by janea4old
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Liz, agree, Trina, agree, Sprina agree to a point. Loved the fairy tale aspect but disliked what I felt was an imbalance in the writing where Spencer was more important & Trina was made somehow dependent. Anyway, great while we had it. But, long since past it. 

Someone said that they think GH is unintentionally racist. I honestly think there's something to it. I look at certain things and say, "GEEZE, the optics are horrible." 

And, I'm ready for Trio. They just better not screw this up! 

I didn't like it when Anna spent all her time being sad. I'm good with her now that she's doing things again. 

Jane can do no wrong! Thank God actors find they need health insurance. I gather that is why she initially returned & I will take it & just thank the soap gods she is happy staying on!!! 

And, BTW, I do not  label anyone as a hater based on their relative like or dislike of any character. No, the term is reserved for people doing & saying the most hateful 8 hurtful of things. You wouldn't mistake them for someone decent. I can't speak for anyone else.

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The plus side was she got a lot of love last night and the people that dream cast her to be one of the ingenues on The Gates were giddy to see her and MVJ interact on social media. That cracked me up. 

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MVJ's show has been cast before she has even really started. 

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WHAT?? NO!!! I didn't!!!


I don't like Terri DeMarco (though of us in the HWs thread know who I'm talking about since I coined the phrase), but I don't go searching her out and could care less about what she does.


That is crazy.



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This may be a stupid question, but I have mentioned I know little to nothing about Soap Twitter.  Why do these people hate TA?  Did she do something or is it just because she exists?

I know this is a very different sector of soap fandom, but most people seem to like her around here.  

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