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GH: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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I said weeks ago that they took him off contract. Still don't know if it means staying on recurring or going. 

I think the person who does Soap Dirt makes stuff up. I have thought that about her for years. I consider her broadcasts meaningless & that is what I tell other fans. Plus, I know a whole cadre of people who agree. Do you find over time that she is good at this? 

And, BTW, I do not think there is a snowball's chance in hell of Liz being paired with Jason, or anyone which would propel her into front burner storyline status. Her only chances for story are Aiden being bullied or having to take Vile-Ette into her household. Repeat after me: The people in charge do not like Becky & have no intention of her driving major story. Say this over to yourself till it sticks. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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I don't really want to see 15 year old fan wars start again, but Liz/Jason do have a pretty vocal following.  I don't think a Liz/Jason pairing would improve ratings much, but I don't think it would hurt them. 

I have no illusions the show cares about BH/Liz/Liason.   I just think they do have a pretty long suffering, intense fanbase.

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I always believed that Patrick Mulcahey quit.

Look, I know about PM's rep as a brilliant scriptwriter. What I don't know is how that translates to Head Writer. We were all excited when he came to GH and would be part of a turnaround, but I'm not convinced he was ever the answer.

No matter how great his skills, if a writer can't work as part of a team, it won't help the show. I know we like to blame "everyone else" (Korte, Frank, Varni, Chris & Dan), but that doesn't mean Mulcahey wasn't part of the problem on that team. He had to be talked into joining GH, and then quit after a few months. I can only imagine how much turmoil there was BTS.

We've seen some good things the past couple months, but we've also seen A LOT of mess. I just don't think it's fair to blame "everyone else" and act as if Saint Patrick was above it all.

In-fighting among writers and execs is never a good thing, and we can see that on our screens. I have no idea if GH can lift itself out of this ratings decline, but I hardly think Patrick Mulcahey was the only way out. He wasn't Shakespeare, and this is no Shakespearean tragedy.

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Personally I don't believe I have beatified Patrick. Nor do think I have demonized Frank. Mostly I see both good & bad in Frank, in Korte & in Patrick. I've never really felt like I have a good grasp on Varni although I have seriously wondered if he understands soaps. Over the weekend I posted some specific things I think Frank has to address. Why Frank? Because the buck stops there. 

Dan & Chris, to me, aren't a part of what you are describing. They had their time. It was previous. Personally I think they did a great deal of damage & were not good HWs, at all. They left the show in a sorry state. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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I don't think you beatified Mulcahey or demonized Frank, and I never said you did. Still, you can't deny that A LOT of people have put Patrick on Mount Rushmore.

I mentioned Chris & Dan only because so many people have thrown their names into this discussion. I agree that the buck stops with Frank. He is Question #1 when it comes to turning around GH.

I understand the mess that is GH, and I've complained about it for a long time. I guess my point was that PM didn't work. You can't save a show when you can't work with others, or don't want to. So PM isn't a "kiss ass"? Well, good for him. To me, that defense is just another way to make him blameless and untouchable.

Writers are part of a TEAM. At GH, Frank holds the cards and the power. That's life. I give Mulcahey credit for leaving if he couldn't stand the hierarchy there. But -- in my opinion -- it's laughable to think that PM was anything but difficult to get along with.

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Oh, I did not misunderstand you. I did not think you were calling anyone in particular out, just generally speaking of the overwhelming feel to things of Frank = bad and PM = good!!! 

The last thing I said Frank needs is a great HW. He had Patrick. That failed. Fine. Bring on the next one & maybe do better or it will be better, but, get on with it. 

And, yes, on US daytime soaps it is absolutely a Writing TEAM. Plus, the writers have to get along with the producers. It all has to gel. I agree with you. 

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I also want to say Brava to the talented @Liberty City for this once again stunning banner. Makes the topic pop. I am jealous, we, the last surviving people in the Bold topic don't have a banner like that.

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