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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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Thanks for the explanation.  I did wonder if this was another character named who had been named after her, but I was fairly certain I have a handle on all of Laura's children/grandchildren at this point.

I don't even know what to say about that "tribute"...

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Yup, and I've always maintained: the storylines Mulcahey & Korte inherited feel out-of-place, while the ones they've introduced feel more intentional. It's a mix-match of things that I am sure they're sorting out as they go along. And I suspect, still, by Fall Sweeps, we'll be moving.

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IOW, if Chris Van Etten and Dan O'Connor left behind any sort of long-term projections, then that's what EK/PM have been working off of from the beginning; that they've reached the end of said projections; and that now, the material is totally theirs.

Edited by Khan
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I thought it was fine tbh. Lucy gave a nice, touching tribute to both onstage with giant pictures of them onscreen behind her between musical acts. I appreciated it.

I would love to believe that, but Imma need to see some sources for this stuff lol.

I think the show has improved a lot, but it's got a long way to go and needs to get there faster. The weird wannabe tastemakers on social media tire me out with their self-importance (and are way too fond of the shítty or boring couples of the last decade), but they're not wrong about the speed at this point.

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The previews are always posted on TwiX and there's a video site. 


I think it is a serious oversight that they don't put them on Hulu, but then I am critical on GH "Promotion" generally. 

They begin with an overly dramatic voiceover that says "NEXT (pause) on General Hospital!"

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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I guess that with PM and EK being appointed w/o the time to create a bible, they have to establish a working relationship with each other and FV and any other ABC people involved.

Follow the mandates they are given as to what characters need to be featured and how to accommodate them into storylines that various factions are happy with as well as letting things play out onscreen to see what actors/characters they want to maintain and who to cull.

Tie up existing storylines and establish relationships b/w characters and story points that will have them in place to fully implement their vision/version of the show.

This is really a 3 to 6 months project to get everything in place.

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This is a hypothesis that may well be accurate, but unless @cassadine1991 is willing to source his claim we're all just spitballing.

It would also be highly beneficial for the new HWs to actually give a standard magazine interview to talk about this stuff and their plans, as is customary for new creatives.

Edited by Vee
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Honestly, I am surprised they haven’t yet. Both PM and Korte have never been press shy, lol.  Unless there’s a mandate from FV and ABC that they don’t speak to the press for a specific period of time. 

PM doesn’t typically hold back, so the sheer spectacle of it all when he does finally speak will be entertaining, ha. 

But, if I am honest, the show currently does remind me structure-wise of PM’s last HW/CO-HW stint (at GL in 1994 after Nancy Curlee’s departure). That’s the only comparison I have for him as a HW. That stint was a cluster f.uck for a lot of reasons, not entirely his fault - but often their were really good scenes played by actors who cared, but the overall show could be a drag and the actual storylines lacked pizzazz and were very lackluster. But we should be lucky we don’t have Justin Deas mugging and yelling for what felt like every damn episode in this case…

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Which I would find very curious. PM is not known for being non-vocal.

I am not going to form any assumptions about Mulcahey's ability to HW based on his very benighted time at GL knowing what I do of that era. I do think GH could well be a similar clusterfuck atm - especially if he was hired over FV's head. The show does feel sandbagged.

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So, I went & listened to a half hour. Can't stand to listen to more.

At 16:51 Someone, I think Casey but it might have been Rodrigo said "We heard cast members have just received real scripts of PM/EK's true stories but, ...

And, he went on not continuing to talk about that "We heard"

They are saying all of the stuff I hear [ahem] some posters on TWiX regularly rant. Basically everything the haters say. 

And, if you go, be warned that they swear non-stop. I am not a prude but some people with their use of swearing, to me, just give themselves away that they are seriously deficient in vocabulary. 

They actually said we'd had one week of character driven story & then no more. Said with Carly that they are rewriting history. Said it doesn't make sense to them. Said it is like two people who do not agree with each other are writing the show.

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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