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Disney+ X-Men'97

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Me too! 

But can we discuss Deathbird's evil azz referring to us as the "Milky Way ghetto?!"

Why does she have to be so damn cruel?! 

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I loved the soapy, tortured scenes of Charles being torn between going back to Earth or remaining with Lilandra. I hope those two don't break up as I love them together. She's my favorite pairing with him beside Moira, who friendzoned his butt for Sean (Banshee) eons ago. 

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I thought it was a very strong episode for character, especially Xavier being reestablished so well (in all his moral complexity). His evisceration of the Shi'ar was brilliantly written and well performed by Ross Marquand - he will never be Cedric Smith's original voice, but he's close enough. I dug the dialogue lifted for him from Morrison's Genoshan genocide story.

I loved Alison Sealy-Smith's take on both Storm and the Adversary, but I wish that story and her romance with Forge had been spread across maybe 1-2 more episodes. That's the constraint of their episode order and trying to do much as they can while fearing for renewal though.

Not sure how I feel about Storm being in the Cockrum dress permanently, so I hope she's not - I would prefer the Outback costume or something like her recent Krakoa/X-Men Red look - but it's a neat change as a nod to her glorious past and was a lovely sequence.

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My Rogue got BUSY this last episode. She decimated a base that held the Incredible Hulk at one point. She disarmed Captain America's do-gooder ass. She put Gyrich in a coma, which made it easier for Bastion to kill his ass. She killed Boliver Trask like a gangster. And we got to see her tender side with her brother, Nightcrawler. 


This show is so damn good. 

My only gripe is why can't the episodes be 1 hour long?! And only 10 episodes?!

Jean stepped up this episode. Fanting Jean appears to be gone! When she tossed half of that building in the harbor, I gagged. 

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 at the messy triangle with Jean/Madelyne/Scott. When he thought she was alive and it just turned out to be his other bae (in the comics), Emma, I gagged. Then Scott shedding a tear and Jean being there to wipe away his tear despite it being for her clone. Just good soap opera goodness.

And I knew it was too good to be true with Sunspot's parents. Per usual, it all came down to the bottom dollar and them worrying about the company's stock. I get this inkling feeling it'll be a situation with Jubilee being in peril where he'll end up having to use his powers to save her and then being shunned by his family. 

And we all figured Magneto wasn't dead, but what the f*ck does Bastion want with him?!

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I definitely didn't figure that Magneto wasn't dead! I was very annoyed by the distinct lack of mention of him (or a funeral) throughout until the end. I was also pleased they had Diamond Emma turn up, just like in the comics during the original Genosha holocaust.

Operation: Zero Tolerance was a good idea in the comics that created or showcased fun characters like Cecilia Reyes, Marrow and Maggott, even if its actual plotline (like so many in the '90s) left a lot to be desired. IIRC at the time it was intended as a major reset for the staid X-line - they were supposed to be back on the run, out of the mansion, etc. as Bastion hunted them down for an extended length of time, not just one crossover. As a lapsed fan that interested me and I liked some of the new team members, so I came back for a bit. Soon enough though the typical overbearing editorial of the era intervened and the actual fallout was contained to just one storyline, with little else changing. The three new members stuck around with a new writing team, but within a year or so most of them were flushed along with the writers as the X-office pivoted yet again and finally brought back the long-lost classic characters (Kitty Pryde, Nightcrawler, Colossus) back to the main book and out of Excalibur hoping to boost increasingly sluggish sales as the company spiraled into bankruptcy. I've had a soft spot for Cecilia Reyes in particular since, and when Claremont returned a few years later in 2000 he made a point of using her heavily again. Anyway, that's just remembrance.

Very weird seeing Captain America and Thunderbolt Ross, the Hulk, etc. referenced or shown in this cartoon vs. back in the day, when IIRC the most they got away with was a few cameos here and there. (I wonder if we'll see Carol Danvers again.) I liked seeing Bella Donna and the Thieves Guild at Gambit's funeral even if those characters always annoyed me. And I liked Morph turning into Quicksilver. Amelia Voght (one of Xavier's many slampieces) turning up to talk to Beast in Genosha was a deep cut - I saw Mimic in the background of one of those shots too.

Notable that Val Cooper is explicitly not counted among the dead. That is not coincidence. It has to be Mystique.

Does it really take Storm that long to fly across the country? It's been a few days at least. Get the lead out!

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@Vee your commentary is one that I am always eagerly awaiting on this show. While I occasionally read the comics, I am not a massive comic bookhead as most. I have a few in possession but not too many. 

I always loved X-Men for the original cartoon and Evolution, the toys (as a child), a few graphic novels, video games (SN: X-Men Legends 1 & 2 are some of my all-time favorite games). I am seriously thinking about subscribing to Marvel Unlimited to delve into a lot of the comics that I didn't get around to reading. 

But I love to hear your viewpoint and jot down what arcs I need to brush up on. 

And I wish Storm was in this episode too, but I think she's going to possibly show up in the next three episodes. At least I hope she does. I was hoping she would've been the one to save them when they were battling Trask, but I did love Cable popping up. It was glad that Scott realized that Cable was Nathan. If only the show would finally address the Havok situation... (SN: I am wondering if they'll also address Vulcan too as he was alongside Deathbird in the last episode). 

Edited by NothinButAttitude
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