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With the phenomena of reality tv slowly turning into scripted soap operas... I'm thinking a lot of people are back to craving something that is pre-thought, pre-envisioned, polished and dramatic. I would rather see something I KNOW is scripted than watch a bunch of women pretend they are not fake and not acting out storyline ideas coming from producers. And I'm meeting more and more people that want MORE than the 10 episodes a year shows. People crave continuity. And familiarity. Something they can turn on and expect to see every day, something they can stream every single day. We live in an era, where people want instant non-stop entertainment (just look at the tik tok mania and the meltdowns surrounding it's cancellation) - soaps can and will provide that constant thing. They also have a great binge-able quality about them - another thing consumers crave. You can watch an entire season of 260 episodes of you have the time... in just a few weeks. People do that all the time. Myself included.

I am optimistic that not only will the genre survive and begin to thrive with new soaps... we may also live to see the first... re-booted daytime drama. (Susan Lucci... I see you winking over there). But which one will it be... I'm not sure. I just believe it may happen. And a reboot may mean that it will only preserve the core values, setting and theme... some characters. 

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'Who are you to tell Erica Kane...' IKTR, LA LUCCI!!


That segment was great. And seeing that OLTL pic just got me teary-eyed.


I have faith that KM can bring it as the wild card given what I saw of her on B&B once Maya went bad, I feel the potential is there. I'm more interested in Dani...just her vibe, her presence...and I remember the actress from OLTL and loving her as a recast. 


And I love seeing the spotlight always on the Duprees and how they are such the core four in pictures, promotion, and interviews. A solid place to grow from. 


27 sets!!! YES, PLEASE.


And just seeing MVJ is inspiring. 

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I agree about all of this; however, my only gripe is that soaps need to revert back to 30 minutes. BTG, because it is new, might be the only one that can handle an hour at this point. All the others need to revert back to 30 minutes max. 

And I wouldn't be surprised if here in Georgia--especially, in Atlanta, that it becomes the new Mecca for soaps. 27 sets is impressive; however, there is a lot of space here and the studios that I've seen are spacious. 

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I agree! It will make engagement with the shows way easier and more people, who are not able to watch multiples hours a day, can fit them into their schedule. I believe one of the biggest reasons Bold is still alive and kicking is because it's basically 18 minutes of trash that... you can forgive if it's horrible and try the next day. If someone made me watch a 40 minute Bradley Bell episode... I would literally not be able to do it on a constant basis. You would have to pay me. 

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It reminds me of when One Tree Hill filmed in North Carolina because of the tax brackets, and I can only imagine Georgia is providing them the same.

As for studio space, Beyond the Gates shoots on a soundstage that is:
15,213 (AREA (sq ft))    127 (LENGTH (ft))    117 (WIDTH (ft))    50 (HEIGHT (ft))

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It is specifically that 18 minute factor that makes people say that B&B is the easiest soap to watch, the easiest show to access! It literally demands the least of the viewer.

Back when we were cancelation crazy & the last 4 NY soaps all fell, they should all have been switched to half hour versions of themselves rather than be canceled. I believe it would have made enough of a difference!

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Same. The desk clearing scene looked over the top.

The cinematography on this show looks quite different than other daytime soaps. It reminds me of the Tyler Perry soaps on OWN.

Great quote. Reports have shown that white/mainstream audiences do not watch majority black productions because they don't empathize our identify with the characters. The irony is, black people see themselves in the characters when watching predominantly white shows all the time.

I love CBS Sunday Morning. Even when they use the show promote CBS books and productions it's still an informative segment. This was a much needed attention boost.

Same. There's just too much scripted content out there right now. I love watching Only Murderers in the Building because it's 30 minutes so I can get through the season quickly. The 30-minute format would have been better. I suppose it has to do with the amount of advertising they're trying to sell.

Edited by Planet Soap
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