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GH: February 2024 Discussion Thread

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I said Jax.  But mostly because if Frank was casting out of spite, Ingo would be the first one to get recast.  Not ASJ.  He is still much more relevant than Jagger even if I don't see a need for him.

And for everyone who keeps asking.  No, Jagger has never specifically identified to any sort of race/ethnicity/background.  The name Cates doesn't suggest anything in particular.  Both Stone and Jagger looked darker and ethnic.  Gina never did.  But again, to me it's the same thing as casting Brenda with Terri Conn, KMH, or any of the other hilarious blondes that have been suggested in this thread.  Brenda is to our knowledge Caucasian, but Vanessa clearly isn't.

I'd have the same issue if Jax was cast with a non-Australian.  No one likes Ingo, but if they cast an American white guy it wouldn't be right for Jax even though they are both white.

Edited by carolineg
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Now Stone always looked quite pale to me, not dark-complected at all. It was a very striking look. Not olive-skinned either. So, I just looked at a Bing Images page of Robin & Stone & in most he looks pale but in a few he looks dark-skinned. Maybe they had him made up to look pale because he was ill.  Hmm. 

Edited by Donna L. Bridges
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But who cares? Why do we need to add Jagger back to the show? What is Jagger's relevance to today's already overcrowded cast and what is so interesting about this unrecognizable recast?

I'm sure this actor is a nice man. Lots of actors are nice people. But if I didn't know he existed 48 hours ago I'm not going to start the White Country Radio Jagger Fan Club just because he seems nice and happens to share the same character name as a guy who last appeared on the main show almost 30 years ago and whose footprint on the current canvas is nonexistent.

Edited by Vee
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Yes he could just be FBI agent Bill but why not use History. Its Canon that Jagger is an FBI agent. He has connections with many still on the show: Sonny, Mac, Felicia, Maxie, Laura, Robert, Anna, Jason, Ned, Lois, Scott, Lucy & Kevin

So there are many possibilities. Now will GH use them. That is what we will have to wait & see.


This board and the internet as a whole doesnt speak for all GH fans


I am sure there are fans excited to see what Jagger does



Edited by John
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Exactly.  What is he going to do that another random FBI agent couldn't?  Talk to Olivia about Leo?  Go a few rounds with Sonny talking about things that happened decades ago?  Say hi to Lois? Form a buddy cop team with Dante?  It's such an odd choice to cast Jagger again when no one ask for it.  Like...ever.  Even when ASJ was on Nightshift pimping to get back on main GH and had some buzz no one cared.

None of these characters need to spend their time talking to Jagger about the past.  Maybe Scott.  And also Jason doesn't remember Jagger at all so it would all be moot because he left town before Jason had his accident.

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I said it, too. If he could master the accent (not entirely necessary) then Adam J. Harrington would've been an ACE to play Jax. I think if Robin were on the canvas I'd be a bit more excited to see Jagger but... yeah, this just... I don't know. Feels like talks with Ted King fell through so they went to a random plan.

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Okay, but Miguel Morez could show up not played by Ricky Martin, but as a blonde man singer/FBI agent and find Jason and it would have the same affect.  There are no real ties or stakes here.

He looks much more suited to Jax.  I feel like you need the accent to be Jax though.

Ted King was in talks with GH?  Dammit....why did that fall apart?  

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