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GH: February 2024 Discussion Thread

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The closest that I could find was when in August 2022 you said, "Sabato could've been a decent return to the main show once upon a time..."  But, my point was that I appreciate that it is difficult to predict how this group will respond to the various twists and turns.  I meant no harm, as I assumed you welcomed dissenting opinions.


Edited by j swift
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Oh good, because for a while there it seemed like you were just showing up to gently shake your head and tut indulgently at our opinions. The upshot of your expedition is that none of us have asked for it (and I was responding to someone else's speculation about Jagger and Karen's original exits/lack of return), so we're neither impossible to please nor blinkered in our motives or reactions. I've literally never given much more thought to Jagger coming back, because it's just not a character I see any purpose for. Did I briefly speculate that ASJ could've, at one point in the late '90s or early 2000s, garner interest for the network as a return given his lingering brand in those days, sure, but that's as far as I've ever taken that thought.

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I am 99.9% sure in one of my thousands of posts on this forum I probably threw out a Jagger return at some point.  I was even excited for his Nightshift return and figured he'd migrate to the main show.   I can safely say that anyone on this thread or board that currently posts has not asked or pushed for a Jagger return in the year 2024 lol.  I can't think of anyone on this board that even is a huge Jagger fan.  Most GH fans on here have at best some nostalgia for him or just outright disgust because of his former portrayer. 

Probably pick up the current stories.  I think at best we'd get a soft reboot and some stories would be quickly wrapped and some characters trimmed off the cast.  I don't see Frank going for a full blown revamp.

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I'm all for it, because I find it fascinating when it's done (the OLTL/AMC Hulu revivals, Neighbours on Amazon and more recently Sussman's Y&R) even when it doesn't work out. But I'd be pretty surprised if PM does it outright here. I can't see Frank going for it. But we're all about to find out just how much power each creative has.

@Darn and I were discussing this recently. It was very noticeable when Guza ghostwrote in late '97 and then again in spring '02 before his name was officially back on the show (the Carly 'death' story). I think Marland may have done it for a time early in his '70s run, when Bobbie was allegedly first introduced before his name was on the end credit roll. And Malone and Griffith famously did it in January of 2003 at OLTL a month before their "Storm of Change" soft reboot - the show's dialogue changed overnight from Tomlin's campy schlock. Ironically that ghostwriting period was a lot better than much of what came later lol.

I don't know if that will happen here, but if it does knowing PM I'm willing to bet we'll notice fast. So much GH dialogue is purely functional exposition.

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If nothing else, I want Mulcahey and Korte to be able to bring back dialogue that reveals character and doesn't just recap the plot for the folks who aren't paying close enough attention.  IMO, you shouldn't even need exposition if you're writing for the characters.  If the audience is smart, they'll figure out what's going on later.

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