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DAYS: December 2023 Discussion Thread

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Wouldn’t it be so nice if Leo was killed off while Ron was on strike? I know it’s not happening, but it’s nice to dream about. Hopefully, they’ll be a lot less prop writing at least.  

I enjoyed Nicole’s therapy session with Marlena. Ari is still killing it. And I’m glad that Nicole confessed that, for a time, she did wish that the baby was Eric’s. With the way that Ari’s always played it, you could always tell that, deep down, Nicole wanted that. And I like that Nicole is now determined to be a good mother to Holly. Once Eric and Nicole reunite, Holly finding out the truth about her father’s death could be a really good storyline. 

Btw, Eric has a job?

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As for Konstantin, I still can’t stand him but I am a little interested in him knowing John from the past or wherever. I wonder if this was in Ron’s plan or if this is a strike story. It could be good. I just hope that it doesn’t contradict John’s already convoluted backstory. 

That’s for sure lol 

And besides, it’s been SIX AND A HALF YEARS!!!

Even if things were going good, it would still be time for a change 

I like Harris as well. And its always good to see SB play someone that’s not a Jason clone, or Jason like at all. 

Was it Mia?

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Give Ron a chance under Janet’s production. I’m sure you’ll see that the problem was always Alarr. 

Meanwhile, Days needs to fire its lousy script editor Fran Meyers as well as ALL of their script writers. They are the actual problem with the writing on Days.


Have you noticed continuity often doesn’t line up with previous episodes? That’s Fran’s job to catch and correct and she simply doesn’t do it.

Her son Henry Newman is a nepo hire.

In addition, Fran cuts mentions of history, including references that are often important to upcoming story. 

She’s foul. She needs to go. 

I’m so tired of people like Fran getting away with her nonsense and not being held accountable by the show or the audience. And I’m so tired of Ron being the scapegoat for things he’s not even responsible for. Alarr’s biases played a heavy role in the writing, particularly over the last couple of years. Ron has to work within certain parameters. He doesn’t have carte blanche.

Edited by EdibleFlowers
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Doesn't Konstantin rolling his ankle feel similar to the last excuse he used to stay in Salem?  Much like the tablecloth he bought Maggie for Christmas feels like a repeat of the lace he bought her earlier and pretended it was from Greece?  What's up with the déjà vu in this story?

Also, kind of humorous to see Black-Patch rough up Konstantin considering they're like two years younger than him.  When John picked him up, I expected his back to go out.

Also, today I got why everyone goes to Marlena for therapy, despite the fact that she's a psychiatrist in a hospital without a private practice.  Nicole, Eric, and Harris don't have any friends.  So, they use their insurance to talk to Marlena.  It's not therapy.  It is just a substitute for not to talking to themselves aloud like they did in the James Reilly days.

Finally, I'm sure Maggie knows John's backstory, but I wonder if she was in town when he first moved to Salem?  I know Maggie spent some time in New York, so I'd like to know if she met John when he thought that he was Roman?  Just so she'll have some perspective when the whole Konstantin tale is revealed.

Edited by j swift
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I liked today's episode.  Loved the Marlena/Nicole scenes.  No matter how unrealistic it was for Marlena to be her psychiatrist.  I thought Ari was great!

I was cracking up at Drake literally only having one line today.  Why was he just sitting in a chair watching Steve threaten Konstantin.  So weird lol.

@j swiftI am 99% sure Maggie was in town when John/Roman showed up.  I believe she was gone from 84-85. She definitely knew John as Roman and had scenes with him.

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I'll be honest, the Paris webisodes were pretty boring IMO.  Austin being in them was weird, but I do think it's one of the first Li Shin appearances!  Unless you're a Chad/Abby completionist (which I am certainly not) I can't really recall anything too exciting happening.   The Last Blast webisodes were much better.

Edited by carolineg
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