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Days of Our Lives: November 2023 Discussion Thread

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I don't believe it was him quitting his care... it was that someone was not there editing the material to not be off-the-rails. I feel like Anderson brought the HEART into the soap at that time, and ensured face masks / Devil returns were not going to happen.

Edited by Liberty City
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Sadly, Sheri Anderson didn't take over for Ron as nonunion headwriter during the strike.  It was said that the firedguy began coordinating the scriptwriting during the strike, which is a way of saying he put himself in charge of everything and tried to be the showrunner.  Unknown if there was actually a headwriter or he just ran things.  The strike began May 2 and he was fired Aug. 4 so there are three months of him being in charge that will air into early spring.

Sheri may have been on the DAYS staff since the WGA website states she went ficore in 2023.
But she could theoretically also been writing for some non-soap project. 

One clue is that on May 15 she changed her "sheriawriter" facebook banner pic to a vase of flowers with a little hourglass next to it.  You can see only the top of the flowers in the banner but the May 15 post shows the whole picture.  I mean that could be a coincidence but the strike began May 2 and she uploaded that pic May 15.

**** speculation only *** maybe firedguy was in charge of story direction and other crap but perhaps she was writing dialogue?  

We might not learn what actually happened, since nonunion writers probably won't be credited. 

And then there's two more months of writers strike writing after firedguy left.  Who knows who was in charge then?  That stuff could air into late spring.

We'll see Ron's stuff up through the Christmas 2023 episodes.  Then strike material through May. 
Episodes taped with Janet being co-EP would start airing in April.  But the writing would be by nonunion people.

Episodes taped with Janet as co-EP and written by Ron and union writers ...
probably won't air until late May? 

Who knows what the shape of the show will be in by then?

(disclaimer that I might be off by a month or two but that's sort of the basic idea)

Edited by janea4old
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Hey, hey, hey, brilliant post! I would just point out one thing. Sheri historically wrote for GH as much as she did for DAYS, so her FiCore status could have been another soap project. We just don't know who has been writing GH. We only know that we kinda like it. (And, we know that 'Dan & Chris are back' stuff is just now showing up around the studio & there's some grumbling, uh-oh!)

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Meanwhile, I'm still waiting on the last part of Sheri Anderson's DAYS novelization trilogy...

We got a Stirring in Salem and A Scandal in Salem, (although neither were actually set in Salem), and now my Amazon cart still reminds me of my pre-order for the third one.

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j swift, Donna L. Bridges, and AbcNbc247, many thanks for the welcome. Hope you're all having a nice weekend!

Donna, I haven't always watched credits, but with all the cast changes on Days, I've been watching theirs for the last few months. (And I'm glad they're full size, normal speed. I like knowing that if I do want to see the credits, they're optimally presented.) So (as I implied in my other post), Gwen's return wasn't a surprise. But I didn't expect both EOB characters to appear in the same episode--for me, it didn't do any favors for EOB as Theresa.  

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Good to see you & thanks! I've just been posting some Blast From The Past pictures: John & Izzy, Nick & Eve, Mike & April, KA in a negligee, Emilio with his whole chest exposed, Bo on a bike, Steve & Kayla on a bike, a very sexy Bo & Carly SOD cover, pictures of Wayne Northrup & Lynn Herring, fun! 

Very often I give shout outs to Richard Bloore, who is the Costume Designer at DAYS. I think in general he does a great job of dressing his people but putting her in that hoodie as her "bad guy" disguise to steal a baby was just lame. The wig is bad enough. And the wig is always there, dominating every scene she's in. And, she had the hood part way up which just drew the attention to the wrong thing. Okay, I realize I'm nitpicking. Just nothing about Constantin & Theresa snatching Victoria did it for me. Totally dissatisfied, that after being so high on Ari & Dan's performances Wednesday! I really dislike the show being so good some of the time & so awful the rest!


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I feel like the penny just dropped, and the story is starting to make sense.

Chad wants to buy The Spectator in order to fire Everett, at the same time Alex wants to resurrect Brava.

So, I assume Chad will fire Everett and then Theresa will hire him?  That has to be the reason Titan is suddenly getting back into publishing.  Unless, I'm giving everyone too much credit.

BTW, I liked the Xander & Everett interaction, Paul Telfer is a charm magnet and really brings out the best in his scene partners.  I enjoy the guy friends on DAYS, like Brady & Eric, or EJ & Chad, I think one of DAYS strengths are those types of scenes.

Edited by j swift
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It certainly helps that these guys are all solid performers that the show is lucky to have. This is the factor that probably keeps me watching when the writing is less than stellar. Conversely, when an annoying character is paired with a performer who is lacking (imo), the overall effect is unbearable.

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Gil is another character that never needed to exist. Let’s hope that the cliffhanger ending is actually true and not just some dream. 

Too bad about the custody case though. I would have liked to seen Xander and Sarah fight for Victoria, at least for a little while. Dropping the case now just seems so rushed and it really didn’t need to be.

But I did really like their scenes today. And that the two of them didn’t immediately reunite. 

And I know that this is a nitpick, but I really hate that background music that they play at the Brady Pub

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