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B&B July 2023 Discussion Thread

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I imagine Ridge will pull the 'I'll do whatever to protect my family' card now that Sheila is out. If so, I kinda want Brooke or Taylor to say, 'Really, Bunhead?'

I'm hopeful that JMW's leave will open up stories for Finn. I literally feel like I know three things about him: doctor, abs and compliant. He was shocked for 5 seconds when he realized Steffy cheated on Liam with $B. No spouse would just get over that in a few minutes. Huge missed opportunity to delve deeper into Finn's personality. I'm all for SINN, but c'mon they need some real conflict.

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@edgeofnik he didn't get over it "quickly" he felt the foregiveness was worth it cause it was a one time thing and he knew waffles had manipulated her, even Thomas had his number then too

I'm hoping we get Sheila vs. Li. Li getting her "boy" away from the SheilaDevil. Honestly, on this show unless your name is Ridge or Liam you barely get airtime. Look at Don, Lawrence, Matt, etc, barely on 

He's kind, compassionate, caring, best husband, father, doctor, son. He would die to protect his family. Need I go on? Lol


@Jeff  I adore him!


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I've been a big supporter of Scott Clifton's acting, but these upset/angry/annoyed looks he's giving Finn over the Sheila hug are not it.

I know he's probably embarrassed by the writing, but following through with embarrassing faces makes it all even worse.

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Pics 3 and 5 above look like “woah Finn, can ya use some more lube!?”.  Anyway I don’t know how anyone can with this show at this point. Just from reading, did Hope jump out of the Thomas bed, run to Carter, get the papers done in 5 minutes, then go home, present Liam with the papers, bang divorce? 

This is why no one cares who ends up with who.  What about custody, prenups, control of finances or companies? Where is some character development with some kids (yes you can)?  Then maybe we’d care what happens to people and their families.  

They really had a court appearance in an office and with Sheila — there’s nothin to see here folks? She’s free?  I could see from reading - in 1 month or 2 months or shorter - it’ll be Steffy whining that Finn couldn’t protect her. She just cannot with Sheila as his mother. Duh.  

Good Lord doe’s someone, anyone need to write this show? Apparently.  At least ya coulda had judge go to his quarters and Sheila appear and say - thank you so much David, for being supportive of me all these years.  He says he’s just a judge doing his job, please get out.  Your sitch with the legal system has a quite lucky, don’t give me a reason to review this again.  You need to concentrate on being a good citizen and clean your life up, bye Sheila.  

She leaves. He turns around and rubs his temples and forehead.  Makeup comes off on his hand. Revealing “Killer” on his forehead.   

I don’t care if it’s a rewrite. Give people something 

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@Fevuh I was perplexed by the speed of kiss, fight, sleep with Thomas, divorce papers and done in record time. Then I read what coming up soon, which gave me a theory why they might be severing Lope ASAP. Remember the days when they had the artificial '3 months or 6 months' before a divorce was final? I think they used it with Liam/Steffy's first marriage. 

All this nonsense with Sheila should've never happen. Shooting Steffy/Finn over spiking Brooke's champagne was idiotic and illogical. When Sheila is around, stuff happens. When she's not, we got the past 3 months.

Quinn filled the role of instigator (Sheila) for several years - she hooked up with Deacon, Bill and Eric, spiked Brooke's drink, kidnapped (and worse) Liam, threatened Katie, etc. - but Quinn was declawed. It's amazing how many stories are recycled and burned through on B&B! Sadly, Brad hasn't even made an attempt to have another (younger) character fill that role.

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They could have done it with Sally/Courtney Hope.  They missed a boat with that one.  The actress had a demeanor (there are just those kinds of people, and it's something you can't pick out, you can't cast it, difficult to find) - those people who can play a character and you feel sorry for them, no matter what they do almost.  Sally/CH had that.  I could totally see her doing AWFUL things, and if you just write a little bit around it, and give her the material - she'll shed a tear, explain herself, talk about always being left-out, as the Spectras always are....and you'd feel a little bad for her for awhile.  Do awful, terrible things, sleep with half the city......and then just take some money and do something "nice" with it, and you'd forgive her.  To an extent.  She's a rare actress that had and has chemistry with everyone.  EVERYone.  

Sheila is a dead end road and has been for about 20 years.  They'll never get rid of her, and it's caused writing to be lazy, contrived, and at a level that - nothing matters and people don't care anymore.  When I tried to watch, I'd see her face, and it's an immediate TV-turn-off moment.  It just doesn't matter, not worth spending time on.  

Edited by Fevuh
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Why on earth was there a national news break? I've looked at several news sites, don't see anything that would warrant CBS breaking in.

The good news is that whatever scenes were lost, the dialogue was repeated during the rest of the episode and certainly during the next week!

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