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Days: May 2023 Discussion Thread

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I hear you re: Kristen's sentence (whatever it was, because as you point out, she just went from being in police custody to being back in jail), but there was a whole bunch of hand-wringing around the time the women "died" and how their deaths were on Kristen. She was arrested for their deaths, and once they turned up alive and Megan's involvement was revealed, it also became known that Megan, not Kristen, had stolen/taken the orchid. They all knew she had it prior to that -- she was holding it as collateral and then it vanished and she was accused of making it disappear, right? So Kristen wasn't responsible for any of what happened, or the part that she was responsible for happened way before she was taken into custody. 

I guess the real answer is that the writers don't understand it any better than we do.

Edited by Michael
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Obviously, you can extort people for issues other than money.  Kristen extorted Brady by threatening his mother with death unless he abided by her demands, which is illegal regardless of her ability to actually carry through on her threat.

How Megan was able to be moved from isolation in federal detention to the general population in a local jail, and then was freed due to a plea bargain with a judge in Greece, is the real head scratcher. 

Edited by j swift
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To piggyback off the friendship thread that started with a Kristen/Lani comment I think in the 90's it helped Kristen had other relationships and friendships that grounded her.  Her close relationship with Billie/Jen and the fact Alice/Tom liked her helped remind us that Kristen did things out of desperation.  She also had a career in social work she was passionate about and a strong relationship with her brother Peter that felt much more real than her 40 onscreen siblings now. She wasn't an all out psycho.  She spiraled out of obsession, but she didn't start out as evil and I don't think she was truly evil even in the end.   There is nothing redeeming about Kristen now.  It's been so long since she acted like a sympathetic human you can't reverse her course now.  She's just irredeemable and there is nothing to root for there at all.

I do agree with @j swift.  Kristen wasn't asking for money, but she was forcing Brady to change custody in exchange for the 'cure' and that was a formal legal agreement.   It was at the very least blackmail.

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I'm with you, @carolineg. She's not even a good mother! I like what they're doing with Rachel, but Kristen is basically manipulating this kid into being a little psycho. And this started when ED first returned -- and got worse with Haiduk -- but they keep doing this sex kitten thing with her that feels like her one note now. She's always preening and moaning and vamping. If they're going to do it, they could at least explain that it's because she found a reason to use her sexuality as a weapon or... I dunno. 

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Yes, the only thing Kristen ever wanted is to be a mother and she's blowing it big time. She's using her child as a weapon to keep Brady, which is slightly in character, but in the 90's I felt she actually did want a child and to be a mom.  Even if EJ/John Jr was a means to keep John, I empathized with her not being able to conceive and losing her "only" chance when she miscarried

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Yeah… this nurse crap has Jamey Giddens’ untalented little fingers all over it. Hopefully he’s gone for good and doesn’t use the strike as an excuse to come back. 

One episode and she’s already kidnapping Abe? No buildup? Not even a scene with Paulina to at least try to explain why she’s doing this? 

I don’t understand it. Ron’s had some of the best people in the business working for him on Days and yet he continues to accept pitches from the worst writer Days has ever had. I know asskissing feels good, but come on. 

And don’t even get me started on how Colin, the guy who just fell off a roof was able to overpower that cop. 

The only thing that made this episode somewhat watchable was Eric/Sloan and Nicole/Anna, even though poor Jessica Serfaty still needs acting lessons. 

Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. And will have been worked on by writers with actual talent. 

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I enjoy the Nicole and Anna pseudo-maternal relationship.  But, it is odd if you think about that she's Carrie's mother, and Sami's step-mother, and she threw Nicole under the bus during the kidnapping story (semi-literally).  I don't recall a moment when they reconciled their past.  So, it is a bit left field, but the actors are so charismatic that they make it work.


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Good lord. The romantic pairings or potential romantic pairings on this show seem to be going around like musical chairs these days. 

Umm, I don't have much to say I don't think. I'm glad the show can be able to tell good stories like secret pregnancies. Because let's face it - if Nicole's pregnancy isn't enough to keep you intrigued twice a week, at least you have Sarah's pregnancy to fall back on to fill on the days where Nicole's not on, you know? 

I don't know what Stacey was talking when she told Megan they were going to look at the bedroom suites inside the Dimera mansion. I don't see any significant differences in the bedroom sizes as they all look the same to me. 

Why Chloe is working in journalism is dumb. She like bitched about how she's an opera major and opera gigs in the town of Salem are slim to none. Doesn't mean she can't work for Giggle Grams.

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@AbcNbc247I thought you might be exaggerating, but this Nurse popped up out of nowhere.  She couldn't have had a weeks worth of scenes so we could get to know her?  Why would she want old man Abe?  Why does she look like Paulina?  Is this going to be the obvious Misery rip off I think it is?  This is absolutely ridiculous.  

I thought today was overall pretty good.  The actress that plays Talia does the strangest thing with her one eyebrow when she's emotional.  It's sort of like Drake's eyebrow, but more pronounced.  I can't focus on anything else when she talks now.

I am surprised they had Sloan come clean so quickly.  It takes a lot of drama out of the situation, but it's clear the show is trying to rehab Sloan's entire character.

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I wish I was exaggerating

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That whole storyline and the fact that it’s going to be rushed killed the whole episode for me.

And yeah, I’ve noticed that thing that Talia does with her eyebrows too

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That Nurse (did we get her name? I can't remember if she told Colin) had 2 scenes with Colin and then went straight to kidnapping Abe.  This has to be one of the fastest moving things ever to happen even on Days.  At least have this woman lurk in the background for an episode. 

I swear I won't ever be able to listen to Talia again.  I am completely fascinated by the range of movement in her eyebrows now  That being said, she sounded like an idiot today.  Colin bought her little gifts and was sometimes sweet to her?  Girl, get out....

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