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MTV: The Real Friends of WeHo


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Have they ever done an Ultimatum-type show with long-term gay couples who are divided over monogamy vs. opening up the relationship, and they test out life paired with other people who are seemingly more compatible? I’m blanking on if they’ve done one.

One might attribute that to karma and burning all his bridges. And the ugly on the inside seeping out.

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To my knowledge no. But that trailer has the same vibe...a potential for mess, guilty pleasure (cuz I admit I hated seeing what some of those people went through on the season of TI but I can't say it wasn't juicy and thought provoking at the same time), and trashy.


I think the only thing I can think of is that one show where it was a gay dating show where not all the contestants were gay. And there was a biiiiiig controversy over that because the options of that versus normal dating shows.

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Oh, how I hollered on the bus reading that last tweet. 


But on a more serious note, Todrick saying ANYTHING given what I've seen about him and heard about him (he did WHAT? under that tweet?) makes me think of Nene Leakes and her Bravo lawsuit...right message, wrong messenger.

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So, I guess I am one of the 20,000 people who watched it, as opposed to the 700,000 people who watched the RuPaul premiere on MTV.

The pilot drama revolves around two stories.  First is Dorión (the spelling of his name suggests it is either fake, or his mother knew he would own a makeup company from birth), who's never met anyone else in the cast and is dismissive of Joey because he is an influencer.  I feel as if that is stale territory because most people in 2023 know that TikTok and Instagram are viable, but not democratic, sources of income.  Men pushing vitamins and makeup on social media are no different than Mr Whipple or Madge to the Manicurist were to a prior generation, (and they didn't get any respect among actors either).  If the discussion was about the racial bias in who gets brand deals, that would be interesting.  But, to fight about the validity of influencers as advertising from a guy who owns a cosmetics company seems dumb.

Then, there's Toddrick Hall and his social media stuff.  My one laugh came when Toddrick is interviewed about how touched he is by the love of his fans, and to illustrate the point the editors show a tweet from a fan wishing him a Merry Christmas, as if either that's as far as fans are willing to go or it's the only positive tweet they could find.

Also this Daily Beast quote, "It brings me no joy to say that The Real Friends of WeHo stinks as badly as the alley dumpster behind The Abbey after jockstrap night"  is stupid because everyone knows The Abbey is too concerned with catering to straight women gawking at gay men to ever host a jockstrap night.  But, this is totally correct "Joey Zauzig, an influencer who sounds like he has milk trapped in his lungs."

Finally, for a show from the producers of Real Housewives, it seems odd that they can't get the sound correct in public spaces.  The entire party scene has people talking over each other, and they need subtitles just to understand the conversations.

Edited by j swift
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