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Which Long Absent Soap Character You would like To Return?

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I Know! Writing out a character like that, Leaving Us with That HUGE Doubt, that was cruel! And her Returning on a Beyond Salem would be Nice, They seem to have far more Budget than DOOL Itself! I Would love to see Greta anyway BUT A Budgeted Kingdom just wouldn't work to me lol

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I always thought Julianne Morris was absolutely gorgeous, but Greta was pretty dull.  It's just unfair to not finish her story.  She spent her entire time on the show trying to figure out who her father was and we never found out.  IIRC, I think Greta found out and told John it wasn't him before she left, but I could be wrong.  I can't blame her for ditching Salem to rule a fictional kingdom though.

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I....don't even understand Ciara's thinking with that cover.  She's at least 20 years younger than Greta lol.  JM showing up would have made Ciara/Ben look like idiots, but I do remember thinking she was going to show up as well.

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YES! She was a Nice Girl, My recent looking around showed a number of People Preferred her with Eric over Nicole (their Young Love was really sweet), If she was Back They could pair her with Eric Again, Finally give him a stable relationship for a change, It really is beyond me why they made those crazy storylines of Gina Coming Back through Hope a Dozen Times though the years and Never Tought about Bringing Greta Back for A Visit, Maybe for the 50th Anniversary! I think she still acted at the time, She Had Made an Appearence on Y&R as Amy Wilson in November 2014 

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I liked Greta with Eric, but I have never been a huge fan of Eric/Nicole.  I liked Greta with Austin too.  The show just seemed to lose interest in JM/Greta.  She was annoyingly everywhere in the beginning of her run, but then she just got really C stories at the end (Garden of Eden, Jack pretending to be gay, really chaste romances that went nowhere, etc).  Someone posted a picture of Julianne Morris with KA or someone days related recently and she still looks okay (she's clearly had some work done).  Anyhow, I don't think she's actively pursuing acting, but I am sure she would make a guest appearance on Days.  She's not anywhere near the top of my list of people to bring back to Days, but I wouldn't be against it.

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THAT is how I always thought JM played it in her last scene, and I've always held onto it. Perhaps she just wanted to spare him some pain while allowing herself to process her feelings over it all. But I don't remember what would be going on with John and Marlena to believe that.


But yes, I would love to see Greta again. And Nicole COULD use a rival again with some history behind such a rivalry.



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I have not watched that scene since it first aired, but I remember JM did play it like she could have been lying to spare John.  Or at least leaving the door open for her to return and reveal it was John.  I want to say John/Marlena were knee deep in the Brady being evil stuff and Zack still being John's baby so they weren't on great ground.  I just don't think John/Marlena would struggle that much with Greta being John's.  She was a grown woman, it was before J/M met, and they knew it was a possibility.  IDK, maybe the show wanted to leave the option out there in the universe, but wanted to put a pin in it for the moment.

Greta would be a good Nicole rival and great for Eric at this point.

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Same. I want to say the direction of the scene probably didn't help either. lol. But I could see Greta doing that...moreso given what you said as far as what John/Marlena was going through with Brady. She might have thought it best, worrying that since Brady was making Marlena's life h#ll that Marlena might resent her presence too. I'm sure Marlena would not have, but Greta would be that selfless anyway.


And thank you to you and Joseph. I remember Greta and Austin, but I couldn't remember for sure if Greta and Eric was going on, too. It's been so long. So yay!!! She could totally come back and still mix it up with people on canvas like Nicole. The history is there. 

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Yeah, I mean even with not going by Julianne Morris's real age Greta would be in her mid-40s at the very least. I'm not sure why they didn't go with Ciara pretending to be her daughter - they could've always used it as a way to established that Greta had gotten married and had children, giving her a bit of a happy off-screen send-off.

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