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Days of Our Lives: December 2021 Discussion Thread

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Well, Ciara was watching real estate shows so maybe they will move?  I like how Ciara didn't even get out of bed when Jake was there.  Who does that lol?

And I hate myself for it, but I still think John/Marlena are adorable after all these years.   Drake plays it more cheesy these days, but damn if they still don't make me feel nostalgic when they are all cuddly and sweet.

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The devil already stated out loud that it doesn't have a gender.

I don't know if it has a preferred gender for sexual relationships either.  

It took on EileenKristen's form and tried to seduce John and Eric.
It took on Steve's form and kissed Kayla.
I suppose you could say that's "preference for opposite gender" but ... eh.

It is whatever it wants to be, with whomever suits its purpose of creating chaos.

Edited by janea4old
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At least when JER had Marlena become possessed by the devil, he paved the way for it with stuff like her affair with John.  Ron Carlivati having Johnny become possessed is just random as hell* with absolutely zero build-up.

Like I always say, an audience will go wherever you want them to, you just have to take the time to get them there.


(*no pun intended)

Edited by Khan
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Ron was more interested in outdoing the original story than crafting a cohesive plot with proper build and investment. He became so proud that he lost what made the original story magic in the first place.

Ryan Murphy syndrome.

You can be unpredictable and still maintain the mechanics of good plotting.

That said, bring on devil Johnny. At least he speaks in full breaths. (Love you Dee.)

Edited by KLN
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God, forgive me for saying this, but if I were writing this story -- and THAT is the iffiest if that ever iffed, folks! -- then I would have had Eric, who just performed the most recent exorcism, be the next one to become possessed.  For one thing, it could touch off a whole new quadrangle with him, Ava, Nicole and Rafe.  But also, I would have BEGGED and PLEADED with Ken Corday and Sony to bring back Wayne as Roman in time for the next part of this arc to begin. 

Once they realize what has happened to their son, he (Wayne's Roman) and Marlena could team up to save Eric, just like they'd do in the old days, whenever they took on dastards like the Salem Strangler and Stefano DiMera.  As they wrestle (with help from a new character, a friend of Eric's from the seminary, who has had his own crisis of faith, and who had to step away from the priesthood as a result) with the devil to win back Eric, old memories, feelings, temptations resurface, putting Roman and Kate's relationship in jeopardy, and causing the very angry and jealous John to lash out in surprising ways.  And Marlena would suspect that the devil has also taken possession of her beloved John, but for once, the devil has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Edited by Khan
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Corday wanted the possession story revisit not Ron. Ron doesn't care and it shows in the writing. The story should not have been revisited. The story hasn't even been compelling. It's been a joke and a total farce. If they were going to revisit it...the story should've been on beyond Salem on peacock.

His grandmother is possessed again and he mentions knowing it on Beyond Salem yet Will is nowhere to be found on the main show.

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I would literally give anything for Wayne back as Roman.   I love Jarlena for all it's worth, but I loved Wayne as Roman.  Without him (and I don't think it's all JT but writing), Roman is so lame!!

Johnny smirked his way through the exorcism (much like his brother Will at all times lol) so I am not surprised he got Possessed.  He started this, so it is fitting

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