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GH: Actress Says Goodbye

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I suppose it is that time isn’t it. As I celebrated my third year of being on General Hospital yesterday, I also watched my last episode as Jordan Ashford air. People kept asking me how it felt to have ended my time on the show, and it wasn’t until yesterday that it really sank in, as I watched Jordan’s goodbye to her family and knew the tears you saw were real tears between not just colleagues but friends.

I decided it was time for me to move on from @generalhospitalabc and I got nothing but love and support from everyone involved. Not to mention was given the most beautiful send of that left me quite literally shaken.

I’d like to take a second to thank every single person in my @generalhospitalabc family that helped me make GH my home over the last three years, especially @fvalentinigh . From the crew, to my cast mates to our security guard Emma, there were multiple people on any given day that brought such a smile and warmth to my heart.

When I started GH it was my first opportunity as a series regular, and to get the opportunity to throw myself into Jordan for the last three years and work with some truly incredible actors has been an honor. Thanks for holding space for me to grow. I am a better actor because of the time I spent within those walls and will forever be grateful for the way the show nurtured and challenged my ability.

To the fans, it took me a while to win you over, but once you saw my heart you made me feel so much love. I hope I brought something unique and honest to your beloved character of Jordan Ashford, she’s one helluva woman. Until next time loves 


May be an image of 2 people, beard, people standing, wrist watch and text that says 't @briananicoleee'

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Briana Nicole Henry wasn't a bad actress but Jordan was not the right role for her. It didn't help she didn't have romantic chemistry with Donnell Turner nor given the best stories. I wish her well and hopefully she is successful elsewhere. And let's not forget she and her on screen son looked quite close in age. 


Though I wonder if/when they will be recasting the role? 

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