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LATEST RATINGS: May 4-8, 2020


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It’s interesting, though. The delayed viewing bumps are pretty small in the A18-49 demos. A lot of primetime series more than double their Live+SameDay in Live+7 in that demo (which allows for apples-to-apples comparisons), and GH leads here with only a 24% boost. I’m sure streaming adds some for the soaps, but it’s pretty much WYSIWYG in those weekly numbers Toups posts. Granted, most delayed soap viewers likely DVR during the day and watch when they get home from work (still SD), as opposed to primetime viewers, who will watch on weekends.

And yes I don’t know how The Talk survives on those numbers. I suppose they are saving a lot of $$$$ with these janky Zoom episodes.

Edited by Faulkner
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Those were my thoughts exactly. I don't believe the L+7 include streaming, on demand or online views but considering the lean gains from DVR viewing, I'm unsure if there is much to be gained from adding the streaming views to the numbers anyway. I know some say DAYS is usually the most popular show on the NBC app, but I wonder what those numbers actually look like and whether they're large enough to even matter. 

Yes, I think that Nielsen does offer some measuring services for streaming services but I don't think they're factored into the L+7 numbers. I believe those only include DVR numbers. 

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Since the services airing the shows mostly owns their shows, we'll never know the numbers for streaming unless they choose to release it. Nielsen tracks, but it is not accurate whatsoever.


YouTube and Hulu are tracked, yes, but they'd only count in the Live+SD and Live+7 numbers if the episodes aired were DVR's or watched live by users of those services. The way ratings count are that the show has to air the same number of commercials (exact same commercials) when it re-airs. That's why SOAPnet ratings never counted for the ABC soaps. Different advertisements.


"The Talk" is just embarrassing right now. I generally enjoy the show, but if I wanted to watch a YouTube show on CBS, I'd watch YouTube instead of CBS. They should be ashamed for not doing what "The View" is doing. Hell, the ABC talk show even gave the ladies a green screen so they can pretend they are even in the studio in NY. It's a cheap effect, but it works. Ratings are great.


Next time I'm going to share the A18-49 rating since not many outlets share the total number. That way you can see how the daytime shows compare to their primetime counterparts. The soaps do better than The CW and some of the big four shows. Embarrassing.


As I said, "The Talk" is just...


Talked about a lot of that above, but I do think that with the soaps in particular doing well on their respective network's services and apps, the numbers have to be high enough to justify keeping a lot of the other shows they spend millions on in production. The soaps just don't get any love on that front since they audience is already there on the miniscule budget they are already getting. No sense to invest, I guess. Nielsen measures streaming, yes, but again...not accurate whatsoever.

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The Talk has been struggling in the ratings before the pandemic. I remember reading an article saying they hope Marie could help them increase their ratings.


I wish they'd cancel it and bring back ATWT.

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I totally thought of porn when I read this the first time...


Don't think I'd put too much weight into that rumor, but if I were P&G I would  say "nah" too. To leave broadcast to move to cable at the time would have been a huge downgrade. Now, not so much.


CBS didn't cancel the soaps. The production company did, which was P&G. 

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Yeah. Truly sad. I wish we could blame CBS but it wasn't them. Not entirely at least.


I've always been fascinated with TV ratings. So I'm happy to share what we else see. Just glad there is interest in seeing the massive amount of data there is even though Live+SD is still really important.

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Do you have any idea what the budget for a primetime series vs. a daytime serial is nowadays. I imagine producing a soap is still costly for the networks as they are producing 200+ episodes per year compared to a tenth of that for primetime shows. 


I've always enjoyed looking at the numbers since I started watching soaps so I appreciate you sharing these with us. I remember always being stressed out when GL would have a bad week as it was already struggling. I just wish soaps would perform a bit better and part of me is hopeful that many still do watch soaps just in untraditional ways. 

Edited by GLATWT88
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