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Look into the past - 1975

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@FrenchFan Thanks so much for these. I have three Y&R scripts from Jan 1977 shared by Kay Alden, not sure if I can share those here, so here are details and synopsis. I have others I can write up later. If I can get permission to share them, I will add the scripts to the One Drive vault. 


WRITTEN BY - William J. Bell & Kay Alden

TAPE DATE - Thursday January 06, 1977

AIR DATE - Thursday January 13, 1977

CAST - Lorie, Lance, Brad, Leslie, Brock, Kay, Stuart, Jen & Peg

SETS - Tahiti Set, Brad and Leslie's Apartment, Chancellor Living Room, Brooks Living Room



Lance & Lorie  - The newlyweds are honeymooning in Tahiti. Lance is talking business on the phone. They then talk about their marriage, what it will be like being married to each other, the future and so on. Lorie admits she loves everything about Lance and confesses she can't separate him from his wealth. She also admits she is horrible with money and he tells her that  she will have an allowance, and that the jet isn't a play thing. Lorie tells him she would love to be part of every facet of his life and Lance tells her that he would love for her to get involved in the business. She asks about his business call, but he would prefer not to discuss that right now. Lorie wants to know where they are going next, but Lance wants to keep that as a surprise.

Brad & Leslie (A note in the script says - Assuming this is Victoria's first appearance, let's captivate our audience with her talent for as long as possible before seeing her face and revealing the recasting of Leslie) As Leslie plays the piano, Brad wonders when Leslie is going to tell him about the baby and Leslie wonders if it is the right time to tell him. She does tell Brad that he has been doing so much better since they reconciled and that she has something to tell him. 

Peg, Stuart & Jen - Peg returns home and almost forgets to take off her wedding ring. Stuart and Jen press her about her future life plans, but Peggy is vague. Stu notices Peggy isn't wearing her engagement ring. Peg finds it in her pocket and puts it on, then quickly says goodnight to her parents and goes upstairs. Stu and Jen argue about his dislike of Jack. He blames Jack for Peggy's problems, then bluntly states that Peggy's real problems started with Jen's affair. 

Brock & Kay - Kay is lonely and is feeling sorry for herself. Brock tells her to reach out to others for help. She doesn't want to hear it, especially if he is going to tell her to help others and toss her money to the wind. Kay then turns the tables and asks what Brock plans to do with his life. Brock isn't sure, so Kay uses this as a way to dismiss his advice to her. Brock then tells her that he plans to reach out and help as many people as he can and she should do the same. 



EPISODE - #965

WRITTEN BY - William J. Bell & Kay Alden

TAPE DATE - Monday January 10, 1977

AIR DATE - Monday January 17, 1977

CAST - Stuart, Brock, Peg, Jack, Liz, Joann, Kay

SETS - Allegro (Portion - Booth), Brooks Living Room, Jack's Apartment, Chancellor Living Room



Stuart & Brock - At The Allegro, Stuart impresses on Brock that Peg and Jack's relationship is going nowhere. She won't get professional help and he is worried about her. He asks Brock to spend time with her to help her move on.

Peg & Jack - They have dinner at his place. He notices she isn't wearing her wedding ring and they discuss her reluctance to tell her family about their marriage. The issue of sex also comes up. Jack tells her in time she wil be a great partner. (He literally tells her that her breasts and lips were made to be kissed, possessed and loved and that she is made for love) He tries to get her to stay the night. Peg is reluctant, he tells her they can just lie in bed together. He wants to be with her as she falls asleep and there when she wakes in the morning. He asks her to trust him and she gives in and agrees to spend the night. 

Liz & Joann - Liz tells Joann how possessive Kay can be. How she gives with one hand and takes with the other. She also tells her about Jill working for Mrs. Chancellor.

Joann & Kay - Joann tells Kay she is going to enrol in University, it is something she promised herself she would do. Kay mentions there is another reason to enrol.......her ex-husband works there, Jo tells her she is turned off all men right now (would love to see Kay's expression here). Mrs. Chancellor pretends she is worried that Joann will have no spare time for herself with working at The Allegro and studying (but is really more worried Jo won't have time for her) Kay suggests that Jo attend school and make money by becoming her paid companion. 


EPISODE - #971

WRITTEN BY - William J. Bell 

TAPE DATE - Tuesday January 18, 1977

AIR DATE - Wednesday January 26, 1977

CAST - Lance, Lorie, Greg, Snapper, Kay, Joann, Japanese Man (Middle Aged), 2 Younger Japanese Men, Nurse 

SETS - Allegro (Portion - Booth), Brooks Living Room, Jack's Apartment, Chancellor Living Room



Lance & Lorie - We see Lance and Lorie sightseeing in Tokyo that evening (This isn't on location but a mix of the actors and film clips - I get the feeling this is similar to Lauren's San Fran car tour with Lance pointing things out and Lorie being excited) We next see them as they return from dinner. Lorie has the hiccups but wants more sake. Lance remembers her being drunk in Mexico City and tossing her clothes off the balcony. Lorie loves Tokyo but Lance tells her they are leaving in the morning. Then three Japanese men burst through the door and hold them captive, until they realise they have the wrong Prentiss and they apologise and leave. Lance wonders if they are looking for Lucas.

Joann & Kay - Kay is miserable waiting for Jo to return home (it is 1am apparently) They talk about Jo's day, Kay's drinking (she hasn't cut back but hasn't been drinking more) Jo still losing weight and the insecurities that come with being a woman. Kay asks again if Jo will be her paid companion. Jo finally agrees to the job.

Greg & Snapper - Greg confronts his brother at the hospital about the respirator plug being pulled. He is furious and plans to get to the bottom of it. Snapper tells him pretty much to bugger off until Greg mentions that Lt. Dillon told him about the plug and is planning to go to Liz as well. 

Edited by will81
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All My Children

Written by: Agnes Nixon

Produced by: Bud Kloss

Kitty and Linc Tyler arrived at the address in Los Angeles given to them by the actor who officiated as the minister at a mock funeral staged to convince Kitty that her mother had died of a heart attack. As Mrs. Lum - the woman hired by Phoebe Tyler to impersonate Mrs. Carpenter - stood on the other side of the door in a ragged sweater, fearful and torn by her desire to see Kitty, she heard "Don't be afraid, Mamma, we love you." Kitty went on to say that she knew that Mrs. Lum was not her mother but that she needed her. Mrs. Lum finally opened the door and told Kitty, when she asked about Nigel Fargate, the actor she came to Los Angeles with, that he ran off into the night with everything she owned, "and him appearin' in a Passion Play!" Mrs. Lum tried to convince Kitty that Mrs. Tyler would never give her a moment's peace if she were to take her in. She asked about Kitty's real mother and Kitty said if she ever returned, she would be happy to see her but "she'll never take your place." Kitty told Myrtle that Linc had given her a present of the Boutique and when Lincoln welcomed her to the family, Myrtle conceded, saying, "If I could work in a Carney, I guess I could work in a boutique."

Back at home in Pine Valley, Kitty's vision was blurring again and when she went to bed early, Myrtle and Linc both agreed that there might be something wrong with Kitty besides just an emotional reaction to the pressure she had had to bear in the recent past. Mrs. Lum promised to keep an eye on Kitty.

Erica sustained a rather suspect sprained ankle on an ice skating date with Dr. Jeff Martin, her former husband. - The skating party was supposed to be a foursome when Dr. Frank Grant proposed it to Jeff, but he had taken Caroline's acceptance for granted and had to back out when she made other plans. Caroline had accepted a date with Nick’s police partner, Clay Watson. - Jeff carried Erica home and tended the ankle with wet compresses at Erica's insistance though there was no noticable swelling. Erica coaxed him to stay with her beyond the time he planned. Nick Davis came by to ask Erica to report to work at the Chateau though it was her day off, as his assistant, Freddy, was down with the flu and he had not been able to reach her by phone. Jeff went to his hospital duties as soon as Nick arrived. Nick told Erica she was only using Jeff to try to make him jealous. When Erica reminded him that they both agreed that theirs was only a business arrangement, Nick told her she knew it was more than that and, kissing her, he told her he hoped it would be a lot more in the future. He made love to Erica, then took off immediately to his duties at the club. He came back the following day bringing roses to "poor Camille." She accused him of using people for his own moment of pleasure and then throwing them over and Nick answered that it was mutual. Mona Kane rang the bell at her daughter's house and heard Erica screaming insults at Nick. She was shocked and puzzled at the behavior of both; Nick's apparent callous-bess and Erica's imprecations. She expressed surprise at Nick's behavior and asked her daughter after he left why she was so vindictive. Erica was upset and Dan Kennicott’s music teacher, Mark Dalton, suddenly caught her eye.

Erica had mentioned to Phoebe Tyler that she had seen Phoebe's son-in-law Paul Martin lunching with Dr. Christina Karras. Phoebe went to Paul's office the care of their retarded daughter, Beth. Paul dismissed Phoebe, but some time later, pleased that Anne had taken her father Dr. Charles Tyler's advice to secure a regular pediatrician to care for Beth - Dr. Quinn — Anne had dismissed Christina as her daughter's pediatrician and for a time was determined not to replace her -, he presented his wife with a candy valentine and told her about the gossip. Anne was displeased, telling Paul he should have told her about his luncheon with Christina the same evening it happened. He explained it was a business lunch having to do with Christina's father's estate and asked if it bothered Anne that he and Christina get along. Anne replied that she thought it did.

Phoebe’s visit to Christina came just after Frank Grant found a printed note saying "I HATE YOU" in Christina's office. She covered by saying that it was probably the work of one of her little patients who didn't like getting his medicine. When he left, she said aloud that a patient didn't write it and accused her dead father - whom she saw and talked with - of being responsible. Just then Phoebe came to see her and demanded that Christina issue strict orders that little Philip remain in her residence following his asthma attack. When Christina replied that she refused to interfere in people's private lives, Phoebe asked what she called meeting with Paul in a restaurant and accused her of trying to break up her daughter's marriage. After Christina showed Phoebe out, the apparition of Anton Karras returned and said that the woman was right; that she was interested in Paul.

At dinner with Jeff, Christina found another note, printed with the words "YOU MUST DIE." She shouted at Jeff when he came back into the room to find her so distraught and asked her to tell him what was troubling her. She insisted he go home, saying all she needed was some rest. When he left, she accused her father of writing the notes but the image of Anton Karras told her that she wrote the note herself; that she was a child — a nothing — a nobody. Christina sank to the floor.

Chuck Tyler proposed to Tara that they make little Philip's stay at the Tyler house a semi-permanent arrangement, as he was convinced that the boy's asthma attack was due to his having felt vibrations that he might be forced to leave. - Phil Brent was in fact ready on two occasions to bundle the boy off to live with himself and Tara. - Chuck suggested that they arrange some sessions with Dr. Mallory and follow her suggestions whatever they might be.  

Dr. Joe Martin was suspicious when Brooke and Dan Kennicott asked for him to prescribe birth control pills. 

Caroline Murray continued to date Clay Watson while Frank stewed over the competition. Frank Grant knew that Caroline wouldn’t date him if he didn’t go ahead in his divorce plans. Frank called at Paul Martin's office and asked to retain Paul to represent him in a divorce action against his wife Nancy.

Donna Beck changed her image with a new haircut. She accepted Mona's invitation to dinner with herself and Dr. Charles Tyler and invited Benny Sago when Mona suggested she bring a friend. Donna was shocked and embarrassed at Benny's atrocious table manners and his insistence that they leave before dessert and coffee. She told him he had insulted her friends and was embarrassed at his obvious lie about plans to move on to a Disco, the Steam Pit. She insisted that she wanted to go home and Benny took her. He then walked in on Dan Kennicott and Brooke English at the Tyler home, despite the fact he had been forbidden the use of the house on his off duty hours as Phoebe Tyler's chauffer. Dan Kennicott left when Brooke failed to put Benny in his place after telling Dan so often that Benny meant nothing to her.

The following day, Donna brought Chuck a toy she bought for his "son," littl Philip, when she learned of the boy's asthma attack. She declined to go over and give th boy the present herself as she was sure Phoebe would not allow her in the house. - Donna was Chuck's ward, a seventeen-year-old former prostitute who was being tutored toward completing her high school education by Dar Kennicott at Chuck's expense. - Chuck told Donna that Phoebe would be out for some time that afternoon and suggested that he meet her and take her to meet his son because it was time that they get acquainted, as they are both "a very important part of my life."

Phoebe saw Mrs. Lum at the Boutique and told her it would be over her dead body that Mrs. Lum would have anything to do with the shop. Kitty told Phoebe that the shop belonged to her and that she had the right to choose who she wanted to work for her. When Phoebe left, promising that they had not heard the last of her, Myrtle said she knew Phoebe wouldn't be satisfied 'till she ran her out of town and perhaps she should go, but Kitty said if she left she would go with her. Kitty had another attack of blurred vision and Myrtle called Linc. When Joe came to examine Kitty, he recommended that she plan on seeing Dr. Polk, the psychiatrist who formerly treated her.  

Phoebe returned home to find Donna Beck playing with little Philip. As Chuck was out of the room, she attacked Donna, asking how she dared come to her house and "contaminate these premises." She told Donna that Chuck should have left her in the gutter where she belonged and as Donna prepared to leave, saying she didn’t want to make any trouble for Chuck who is her friend, Phoebe says that the word friend pre-supposes equality and Donna would never be Chuck's equal. Chuck entered and berated Phoebe for being so insensitive and later informed her that if she continued drinking he might move himself and little Philip out of the house. When Phoebe insisted that he couldn't care for the boy himself, he warned her that he would make some kind of arrangements if it came to that. - Chuck had spoken to his father Dr. Charles Tyler, musing that the child might be better off with him than with Phil and Tara. He said that little Philip had no feeling for Phil. When Charles told him that Phoebe's house was not a suitable place to raise the child, Chuck replied that he could always get a place of his own. Charles answered that Chuck couldn't be both a father and a mother to the boy and added that if Chuck were married it might be a different story.

Anne tried back out of plans to attend a meeting of a group of parents of retarded children, asking Paul to go instead. Paul insisted that she go, saying that she was in a better position to ask the questions that needed to be answered and he would attend the next time as they had agreed. When Paul said he was looking forward to spending an evening alone with his daughter, Anne was touched and relented. Paul checked on the baby while Anne was away and she returned in very good spirits telling him how kind and supportive the parents she met were. She told Paul that a whole new world had opened up for them and Paul agreed that they were going to make it. She left happily to check on Beth, and Paul settled down to read some literature she had brought home, but after a moment he heard an agonized scream from the nursery.

Another World

Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch

As if fate were involved when Gil and Ada McGowan said a sad goodbye before Gil's departure to Bolivia, it was their last goodbye. Ada received Gil's letter and enthusiastically shared his happiness that he contacted his son Tim and they would be returning home to Bay City in a few days. She no sooner began plans for a welcome home party when Gil's other son Bert arrived from Seattle — bearing tragic news. Bert sadly broke it to Ada; both Gil and Tim were killed in a mine explosion in Bolivia. Ada screamed hysterically until an emotional barrier set in cushioning the shock by not letting her believe that she had lost her man. Days later she had to accept the facts as it was confirmed by the embassy in La Paz; she let go of the letter she had clutched in her hands since Bert arrived.

Friends Jim Matthews and Dave Gilchrist had offered to console Ada, but to no avail. Finally, Alice Frame brought psychiatrist Dr. Richard Gavin to see Ada. Ada took one look at him and said "nobody can help me." Alice and Bert were immediately discouraged; however, Dr. Gavin planned to meet the challenge head on reminding Alice she reacted the same way when he began to treat her after the shock and depression she encountered with her husband Steve's death. Alice didn’t remember. Richard relayed that Ada wouldn't either.

Ada finally relinquished her resistance to Richard's help and she began talking to him. She admitted her anger that Gil had left her through death and blamed herself because she forced him to make the trip, therefore sent him to his death. This breakthrough had helped Ada face reality and she could then cope with life as it was. She bean by accepting to have dinner at Jim's home then spent time at Rachel's. She resumed her responsibilities as Nancy's mother also. Liz wouldn’t allow Jim to live his own life, and invited herself to accompany Richard Gavin to Ada's. This was the first interest she had shown to Ada, brought on by Richard's annoucement that Jim was spending time with Ada.  

Clarice Hobson, who had been living with Gil and Ada since the birth of her son, had decided it was time for she and little Cory to make it on their own. She had taken an apartment and allowed room for Bert to live at Ada's. He had decided to remain in Bay City as he had no family or job to return to in Seattle. Mac helped him by hiring him to work at the Cory Complex. Lawyer Jeff Stone had befriended Clarice and was advising her on financial investments for the very substantial trust fund set up by Mac Cory for little Cory. He was careful to know of the details of her investments set up by Jim Matthews and attorney Scott Bradley.

Jeff had tangled himself in a web spun by Olive Gordon. He once represented her in her divorce from Ray Gordon. Olive used her divorce as leverage for money, the greens that fed her greed. When she latched onto the expectation of becoming the future Mrs. John Randolph, Olive's witching emerged again. - Willis Frame brought Olive to Bay City to break up Ray and Alice Frame's romance as it was cramping Willis' climb to success in Frame Enterprises. Olive surpassed Willis in malevolence. When their scheme was exposed, Willis resolved to become a better person, Olive went on to more conniving ways.-

Olive had prevailed upon John's daughter Marianne and his daughter-in-law Molly to fight for her cause. She made a dramatic exit from Bay City, supposedly to escape the cruel accusations that she was an unscrupulous woman and no good to John. Molly and Marianne made a pact to convince John he had to go after Olive to California and bring her back to Bay City. It took little persuasion and John was on his way.  

Mike Randolph was furious with his wife's interference and subsequent success at getting Olive back into his father's life. He and his mother Pat knew that Olive could only make John's life miserable but were helpless in attempts to educate John about her. Pat's father wisely advised her to step aside and stay out of John's life altogether. - She had stopped divorce proceedings as a preventive against Olive's marrying John. - She realized she had to do that. When she interrupted Mike and Molly still arguing over their disagreement about Olive, Pat warned them to not dwell on others if it was going to ruin their own chance at happiness.

Olive and John greeted Mike and Molly and gave them the tidings, they planned to marry. Molly's immediate excitement was drowned out by Mike's animosity towards Olive. Marianne's acceptance of the news was not up to Olive's expectations. With Marianne's hopes of her parents reconciliation ended, she was obviously sorry. Marianne haunted Olive about her promise to help break up Mike and Molly's marriage - as payment for Marianne to pretend fondness for Molly and therefore help Olive please John - but Olive pushed this aside as she then had what she wanted — John's proposal.

Olive wasted no time notifying Ray she would give him the divorce then, glowing in the satisfaction of her reason. Pat might not be as cooperative as she expected, toying with the idea of fighting it, if only to stop Olive from getting what she wanted!

With marriage around the corner, Olive used her influence on John to have him fire Jeff on the spot. John did so, reluctantly, causing a bitter argument with Jeff. Jeff made one futile attempt to caution John that he was being trapped by Olive. Even his admonishment of Olive's blackmail attempts and her using John until she could get something better would not budget John's devotion to her. Minutes later, Olive was pussyfooting John and pushing him to get that divorce from Pat.

Pat was weary of her fight to protect John and would not oppose the divorce. Her final words John contested — he would be doing the same thing - asking for a divorce - in six months.

Mike was still blaming Molly for Olive's return and they argued constantly. He wa con-templating the advice from Willis that Olive's technique to "divide and conquer" was working and the coinciding observance of his friend Darryl Stevens. Darryl had foreseen that "Olive is using Molly to get what she wants. Watch out, that Marianne isn't using Olive to break up your marriage."

Mike was eager to move from John's home, to escape Olive's influence on his marriage. She was one step ahead of him, keeping Molly under foot by convincing her a job in John's office would help Mike as he was knocking himself out with work and school to make ends meet financially. Instead of Mike's acceptance, Molly was confused by his violent rejection of her new job. Olive nonchalantly pumped John for the details of his settlement with Pat. She impressed generosity on him to give Pat all that she wanted, as she knew what abandonment by a husband felt like. All she cared about was John, and not what he had. He retorted he had to think of their future if she wouldn’t. She pulled an about turn with Molly, conveying that Pat was taking John to the cleaners and he was extremely upset. While Molly told Mike how unreasonable his mother had been, Pat just wanted to get the settlement over as painlessly as possible and accepted whatever John wanted. Mike entered a tearful scene between Pat and John, and concluded Molly's statement was true. He and Pat realized Olive had been to Molly first because Pat hadn't begun settlement discussion with John until then. Mike and Molly were then sleeping in separate bedrooms. Olive, with Marianne's enforcement, promoted the separation by advising Molly she shouldn't let Mike dictate her life. She didn’t understand why she was going, but Molly agreed to stay at Marianne's. Mike took their problems to Pat. She convinced Molly to return home to Mike, advising her she had to make concessions to save her marriage, reflecting on her own mistakes with John. They made up happily with Molly asking Mike to help her not to be unduly influenced by Olive.

Jeff was persistent in making Pat keep her promise to him that she ensure his employment if he risked his job by exposing Olive to John. He was in a precarious position and wouldn’t let her renege on her obligation to help him. Pat took this to Ray, but before they agreed to hire Jeff on at Frame Enterprises, Scott Bradley offered to confirm their suspicions that Jeff was not to be trusted.

With Clarice’s coaxing, Ray and Alice were serious about hiring Jeff, although Ray was still skeptical. Scott's recommendation that Jeff couldn’t be trusted held little weight against Clarice's faith in Jeff. He asked that they hired him on his own merit and not be influenced by Olive's phony accusations. This incident caused Ray and Alice their first dispute. Alice used her position as owner of the company and overpowered Ray's protest in hiring Jeff.

Their differences were diminishing and Rachel and Mac were courting each other all over again. Mac had honored Rachel's desire to pay for her new studio with her own earnings from her sculpture profits. She relayed to him that for years people accused her of using others for what she could get from them and it was true — but then it wasn't and she wanted to prove it.

They put their hostilities aside and devoted themselves to consoling Ada in her time of grief. Ada prefered her solitude with only her memories of Gil to cling to. When finally she did take the first step and visited with Rachel and Mac in the living room she broke down at the sight of Mac and Rachel embracing. Her words were effective as she blurted out that she could forgive Gil anything if he were with her. "You two don't know how lucky you are, you have each other. Make the most of it, you could have it taken away from you without any warning at all!" Her words sank in and the problems Mac and Rachel had allowed to divide them seemed quite insignificant. Rachel asked Mac to return home with her that night. He accepted with no hesitation.

Mac celebrated their anniversary, Valentine's Day, first class. The day began with champagne and orange blossoms and ended with a shiny new Rolls-Royce for Rachel. Rachel's response was not too exuberant, and Mac sensed he went overboard again. Rachel explained all she wanted was a simple life with Mac beside her. He understood. The car was returned. Rachel was then at peace and contented with her fulfilled life. She and Gwen Parrish had had a meeting of the minds, Rachel accepting Gwen's high opinion of Mac and commending her for respecting their marriage.

As Gwen was no longer a threat to her marriage, Rachel played matchmaker to Gwen and Dave. She tricked them into meeting at the Steakhouse where she had ordered a champagne dinner for them in thanks for their friendships.

Iris Carrington and Liz were at it again, this time soaking up what evidence they could that Dr. Dave Gilchrist and Rachel were having an affair. Actually, Mac and Rachel were rebuilding the close relationship they once shared, and Iris couldn’t stand it. She got nowhere with Gwen who had a brief affair with Mac, but took a back seat realizing Mac's heart belongsedto Rachel. Iris hoped to stir up Gwen's interests again boasting of the secret liaison Rachel had with Dave. Iris suggested that Gwen confront Dave about it, to find out she wasn’t stirring up gossip, and Gwen took her up on it. Her meeting with Dave turned out quite the opposite from what Iris was hoping for. Dave confessed his feelings for Rachel to Gwen admitting there was truth in Iris' statements about his consistency in his attraction to unavailable women, and he was not proud of it. Gwen spilled out her story about Mac also, claiming she had been attracted to him since she was a teenager, but she too had to admit defeat because the love between Mac and Rachel was too strong to combat. They agreed to have dinner together and discussed their mutual concern for protecting themselves and the Corys from Iris. At dinner, Iris entered, amused to see Gwen did follow her advice, but when Gwen and Dave played a little game with Iris, pretending to be quite affectionate with each other, she was flabbergasted and couldn’t escape fast enough, confused by what she just saw. Dave and Gwen laughed afterwards, proud of their victory against Iris, Dave commenting he had finally met Iris' match! His first step to rehabilitation of his habits was complete when Dave disclosed his temptations to Rachel. She understood and thanked him for his honesty.

Russ and Sharlene Matthews were on a see-saw of reconciliations. Their love for each other seemed to bring them together, but when they made love, Russ couldn’t block out Sharlene's past as a B-girl and treated her cruelty. The last straw was his attempt to rape Sharlene. She was rescued by Russ' sister Pat before she was forced to submit to him. Russ did this under the influence of alcohol, later always regretting his actions. Sharlene's brother Willis felt responsible for the problems between Russ and Sharlene since he was the one who revealed Sharlene's loose life to Russ. As a result, he was determined to erase the discord in their marriage. A constant irritant to Russ and Sharlene was Russ' aunt Liz Matthews. She thought of Sharlene as "common" and just not good enough for her nephew. She had launched a campaign to begin divorce proceedings against Russ' will. Flaunting this in front of Sharlene had put Sharlene on the defense, believing it was Russ' wish to end their marriage. Russ sobered up long enough to go to Sharlene to try and convince her otherwise, and upon Willis' suggestion, apologized for his mistreatment of her.

Dave had returned from a leave of absence : he needed to sort out his feelings to-wards Rachel. He was met by Russ, complaining about his problems. Philosophizing about his own life, Dave enlightened Russ to be thankful he had a marriage to fight for instead of being on the outside watching other people's marriage problems.

Jim insisted that Russ talk to Sharlene and clarify that it was not his idea about the divorce. Jim also tried to stop Liz's attempts to bully Sharlene with threats of going to Dr. Prescott - her employer - with the truth of Liz's underminings. Russ and Sharlene's talk did not go well again. Although Russ assured Sharlene the divorce was only wishful thinking on Liz's part, Sharlene still feared for her safety and saw Russ turning into the kind of person she detested. He asked if she couldn’t trust him, her silence was his answer, and Russ left, commenting maybe they didn't have the strong basis for a marriage after all.

With sober thoughtfullness, Russ tried once more to pull his marriage together. He rigidly repudiated Liz's interference. But Liz gloated with the knowledge that he mumbled to himself while drunk and she, putting pieces together, derived the facts of Sharlene's past. He swore her to secrecy which went in one ear and out the other. Liz got to Sharlene first, threatening that she would expose her to everyone in Bay City if she allowed Russ to talk to her. Sharlene's guilt let Liz win, she rudely shut out Russ just seconds after Liz left, the damage done,

Liz was finally fighting a losing battle when Sharlene divulged the blackmail threat to Jim. He made good his promise to handle Liz. He took the whole story to Dr. Frank Prescott for which Liz worked as a receptioniste. His accusations that Liz could stand to have anyone in the family love anyone else because she craved their affection for herself didn’t settle with Frank until he overheard Liz bluntly state to Russ and Sharlene their marriage was a mistake. He was appalled by her rudeness and would not tolerate her prejudice against the Frames. Her second attempt to hedge his discernment of her true motives failed. Frank then realizes what Jim was conveying and repudiated Liz's friendship. He would deal with her as an employer only. With Liz's interference detoured, Russ and Sharlene started to work on a permanent reconciliation. They agreed to seek Dr. Gavin's psychiatric help. Russ wanted to resume living together but Sharlene was not ready — she was still trying to overcome the mental scars Russ inflicted with his violence when drunk. Before she was ready, Russ sprang Dr, Gavin on Sharlene. Her reaction gave Richard no choice but to forgo any therapy. Sharlene angrily refused to reveal her past life to a "stranger."

The death of wealthy art collector Wilbur Finley had brought his widow to Bay City to hire an architect that would design a memorial museum for her husband's memory. Gwen and Willis were anxious to win the contract, bored with designing and building bland warehouses for Mac. Mac realized this and suggested his own staff to the task. They found Mrs. Finley a very abrupt and definite woman, surprised that she had offered the bid to other architects. Evan Webster was nervous about his presentation of sketches to Mrs. Finley, but willing to take on the challenge of competing with Gwen. Already hostile towards Willis because of his romance with Angie Perrini, Evan planted his own sketches of the museum in Gwen's portfolio musing to himself he would take care of Willis once and for all. He then hinted to Angie "someone" could've stolen it in order to eliminate him as a contender to the assignment. Angie suspected Jeff because he would do it to help Olive undermine Ray. Ray accused Willis "who has done worse things when he's wanted something bad enough." Angie took Ray's accusations to Willis. He was appalled that she would consider even asking if he was guilty and would not deny it because of his disappointment in Angie's mistrust.

Iris was moving in on attorney Brian Bancroft whose son Ted had just arrived in Bay City. Even his own attempts to keep his personal life private didn’t hold up against Iris when she was after something. She receives a phone call from Corinne Seton from New York and put the pieces together quickly that she and Brian were involved. She launched her attack on Corinne by inviting her to a surprise party for Brian, even asking her to houseguest. Corinne falls into the trap.

Bert McGowan was then getting established in Bay City and becoming involved with Clarice. He was leery of Jeff's intentions and bluntly warned him he had got his eye on Jeff so he wouldn’t be able to take advantage of Clarice. 

As The World Turns

Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Willmore

- Having fallen in love with one another, Beau Spencer told Annie Stewart that they had to explain this to Annie's sister, Dee, whom Beau had been dating. But Annie was injured by a falling air conditioner unit and Dee had overheard Beau professing his love to an unconscious Annie. - Dee talked to Joyce Colman about her problem but refused to let Joyce blame Annie for her despair. She knew that Annie had been denying herself because she couldn’t bring herself to hurt her, Dee. Dee told everyone that she had decided she had spent too much time on her social life and was going to settle down and study harder. She turned down several invitations from Beau. Annie continued studying after she came home from the hospital, but had to drop out this semester to recuperate. Beau told Annie that Dee's affection seemed to have been an infatuation that was waning, and he felt they could then tell her.

Susan Stewart felt people were still blaming her for telling Dan Stewart the day before he was to marry Valerie Conway that she had kept him from Kim Dixon. She found excuses to be hurt so that she could soothe herself in liquor, even though she knew she couldn’t handle it. When her research team finished their research project ahead of schedule everyone was too busy to celebrate. Her daughter Emily had forgotten that they were to have dinner together and was visiting a friend. Susan refused to let Kim send for her. Drunk, she looked for Kevin Thompson, whom she considered her only friend. Kevin took her home, but she passed out before he could sober her up to talk. Dan noticed that Emmy was very quiet and was told by Betsy that she couldn’t understand why her mother hadn't even phoned. Dan had been told that Susan had flu, but Kevin enlightened him. Kevin told him that Susan had been drinking again and didn't even remember seeing him the previous Thursday. Dan visited Susan to let her know the effect she was having on her daughter. He accomplished little, since Susan still felt persecuted.

Carol Stalling was helping out at Jay's construction firm while he was in the hospital following his accident. She asked if he would like to recuperate in the apartment rather than the Spencer Hotel. She offered to stay with Sandy. Jay only wanted to return to the apartment if she was with him. Carol tried to impress upon him that, while she wasn’t furious, she was still hurt by his affair. Carol continued to help Jay even after he returned to work. Carol had been dating Tom Hughes, her first husband, and he couldn’t bring himself to tell Carol that he was jealous because she seemed to be getting closer to Jay. Just as Tom was ready to voice his concern, Carol broke down and Tom felt that this was not the time to discuss it. The following day, when Jay tried to draw her further into his life through the business, she told him she still intended to get the divorce and he could take care of her share of the business through Dick Martin. When Dick arrived with Donald Hughes, Jay told them to decide everything between themselves and he would sign it. He refused to discuss anything.

Natalie Hughes refused to take no for an answer when Valerie tried to tell her she was no longer interested in selling the farm. Natalie obtained a two week exclusive and then rushed to Jay Stallings with an offer to get him the farm. Jay had tried to sever all relationships with Natalie while trying to win Carol back. He would rather deal with Gar Kramer personally, but she warned him that Gar had another client who had first claim. She refused to wait while he checked his cash, knowing that he would have to call her.

Don Hughes was seeing Joyce Colman more and more frequently. His family was concerned, but knew that any objection would only make him defensive. Nancy tried very hard to be gracious to the woman her son was seeing, but felt she knew too much about Joyce to be happy that Don was dating her. Because Joyce had tried many times to play Bob off against his brother and had accused him of promising involvement and then reneging, Bob managed to occupy himself elsewhere when Don brought her to the house. After an evening during which Nancy could hardly contain herself because she felt Joyce was trying to take over, Don was encouraged until he took her home and Joyce asked him to leave when he became romantic. The following day, she told Natalie that she was afraid she might have driven Donald away by being so cool. Natalie said that if her experience with Jay proved anything, playing hard to get might win her Don because being easy didn't pay off for her, Natalie. When Donald arrived that evening she told him that she could no longer be casual about their relationship and she found this difficult. She was very hurt by Grant Colman and could not allow herself to become involved enough with another man to let herself be hurt again. Don was mystified, but she refused to back down. Everyone noticed how moody Don was, but he refused to confide his problem. He would only assure his mother, when she asked, that the dinner went very well and his mood had nothing to do with the family.

John Dixon had mentioned the idea of taking his infant son Andy from Kim, to nurse Pat Holland. Pat was sure that Kim would make provisions for John to see Andy after she married Dan Stewart, until Lisa Colman and Susan Stewart both commented that Kim and Dan should restrict John. Pat told John that it would take a lot of planning so that no one would suspect that he had taken the boy, but she was willing to help him. She was concerned that if she quit her job to care for Andy somewhere outside of Oakdale she might be suspected because of her friendship with John. They began by Pat telling her supervisor that John stood her up. John then arrived at the hospital and staged an argument with Pat. She told Nurse Marion Connelly that she was going to quit so she could leave town to forget John. Pat was surprised when Dr. Strausfield offered to let her take her vacation and a leave of absence so that she could decide if she really wanted to give up her nursing position completely. When Kim heard this, she stopped by to wish Pat well when she brought Andy in for his check up. Pat was crushed and told John that she had had second thoughts. He convinced her that Dan would be a bad step-father and it was not wrong for him to take Andy because the law said that if there was no legal agreement, whichever parent had the child had custody. He added that when they started their new life they wanted her to come with them.

Pat and John rented a cottage in Maple Valley using the name Mason and told Mrs. Hewitt that Pat would be getting the house ready while he traveled and their son was staying with his grandparents. John was almost caught by Mary Ellison as he bought baby furniture. John had found out that Carol Stallings babysat for Andy and he felt this would be the best time to take him. Pat had to follow Carol to find out her routine since she would recognize John. Kim wanted John to go to a lawyer with her and set up regular visitation periods because he was again coming by without phoning first. He told her to have an agreement drawn up and he would sign it because he wanted Kim to remain calm and reassured.

Valerie Conway was still telling everyone that Kim used Susan to break up her engagement to Dan and that Kim had hurt her long ago by sending Cliff Tanner away when she couldn't have him for herself. Lisa Colman had been sworn to secrecy with the truth about Cliff, but she thought she was doing her friend Kim a favor by setting Valerie straight. Valerie told Bob Hughes that Kim had made up this lie that Cliff tried to attack her just to hurt her, Valerie, more. Bob told Lisa that rather than helping Kim, she had only widened the breech between Kim and Valerie. Lisa was sure that she had lost all her friends by going too far this time. She vowed not to dislike anyone anymore. She would try to get along with Valerie, Natalie and Joyce. With Grant's urging, Lisa renewed her resolution not to interfere in the lives of others.

Bob, Dan, Kevin and Kim all tried to con-vince Valerie that she was wrong, but they were unsuccessful. On Kim's last visit she assured Valerie that she would not try to talk about their problems again. Kevin was upset that Valerie was falling back into her old way of life — endless parties with the jet-set.

Kim’s divorce would be final the last of March so the wedding date was set for April third. Kim didn’t want Valerie to hear this from someone else, so Dan promised to see her. Valerie asked him to come Thursday night. When Dan arrived during the party, Kevin realized that she set Dan up. She made sure everyone knew who he was. Kevin told Dan that she had been hurt and was using everyone because of it. This was the only way she could face him.

Grant felt terrible when he forgot a lunch date and swore that nothing would come before his marriage in the future. For this reason he turned down a chance to take on a case that would send him to Switzerland for several months. He was feeling proud of himself when he told Lisa, but found that this was one time that Lisa wouldn't mind his working so hard if he took her along. Grant arrived at the Hughes' a few minutes too late because Chris had just offered the job to Don and he had accepted. Joyce continued to appear indifferent to Don and had made a point of seeking out men like Dr. Jim Strausfield to make him jealous. Don thought that going away at the moment might be the best thing for him.

Pat told John that she couldn’t take Andy. John said that he would actually take him, but he needed her to distract Carol while she had Andy at the supermarket. John told everyone that he would be spending the day at the library and accepted Mary's dinner invitation, thinking that this would put him above suspicion. Kim had had some presentiment, but Ellen tried to assure her that this didn’t mean that anything would happen.

Tom decided to ask Carol if he had a chance before he left for Sacramento on business. Carol wasn’t ready to make any commitments. Natalie was stunned when Valerie mentioned that Jay wanted the farm for his wife during her presentation of Jay's offer. Natalie suspected, it was not enough to entice Valerie to sell. Jay went to the supermarket to see Carol against Kim’s advice. John recognized him and called off the plan to take Andy for the moment.

Kevin and Sandy Garison were seeing more of each other because they enjoyed the company. Kevin helped Sandy when she was disappointed because her son had preferred living in Sacramento for the time being.

Days Of Our Lives

Written by: Pat Falken Smith

Produced by: Betty Corday

Mike Horton, having returned to Salem after David Banning convinced him Trish Clayton needed him, talked with Trish in her hospital room. Trish guessed he tried to run away. Making it clear she didn’t remember what happened with Jack in her apartment, Trish asked Mike to tell her the story so she could back him up with the police. As Mike began the story, Lisa asked him to stop, saying she didn’t like his story. Lisa asked Laura to get Mike away because he told bad stories. - Trish's step-father got drunk at her apartment and tried to rape her. Mike intervened. While Jack and Mike were struggling, Trish picked up an iron and hit Jack on the back of the head. He died. When the police arrived, Trish was in shock, so Mike told the police he killed Jack, in order to protect Trish. The trauma of the incident had exposed multiple personalities in Trish: Lisa, a young, innocent child and Cynthia, a cold, cynical, hooker type. Both personalities were refugees for emotions and attitudes Trish herself couldn’t admit or express. - Mike questioned his mother, psychiatrist Laura Horton, about the personalities. He wondered why Trish succumbed to the syndrome rather than Brooke Hamilton, whose life had been just as full of tragedy. Laura explained that Trish repressed feelings while Brooke unleashed hers. Laura told Mike Trish would need his support.

David and his fiancée, Valerie Grant, told Mike police Lt. Danton was at the hospital. - Mike's case appeared to be simple self-defense, until the police found that Mike and Jack had a history of hostility. The statement Mike gave to the police that night also didn’t jibe with the coroner's report. Therefore, the police were after Mike on the charge of premeditated murder. Mike ran to his "father" Mickey, who, with Don Craig's help, persuaded the police to let Mike turn himself in, as an APB would make Mike a target. Mike felt unable to face jail and wanted to run. - Don Craig, who had called Danton, found him in the coffee shop. Danton admitted Trish was in bad shape. They discussed the obscene notes Trish had been getting. Danton revealed there was enough disagreement in the lab about the handwriting on the notes and in Jack's scrapbook of Trish to make it difficult to prove Jack wrote them. Danton asked if Mike thought Jack wrote the notes. Don didn’t know for sure. Don told Danton Mike was in the building.

Mike asked Laura what to do. Laura couldn’t tell him. She reminded him he kept saying he was a man. This could be his test. David told Mike he'd be a fool to run because he'd hurt everyone, including himself. Mike went to the chapel to sort things out. He lied to give Trish enough time to recover. Then he was afraid finding the truth would send Trish over the edge. Mike figured he had to go on lying, but he couldn’t stand the thought of prison. Mike's natural father, Bill Horton, found him and told Mike he and Laura trusted him, no matter what. Bill affirmed his and Laura's love for Mike. Bill then put his mistrust of Linda Phillips aside and asked her to talk to Mike. - Linda and Mickey had an affair years ago. She still loved him. Recently, in an effort to show Mike he wasn't a homosexual, Linda took Mike to bed. Mike then loved Linda, who had apparently lost any chance with Mickey because of Mike. –

Laura told Dalton there could be no more police interrogation of Trish for the present. Danton pointed out that Mike needed Trish's testimony.

Jeri Clayton, Trish’s mother, told Robert LeClair that she felt all Trish needed was to be home with her mother and her love. Robert asked when Jeri was going to realize Trish was very sick and needed Laura's help. Jeri snipeed that Laura didn't do such a great job with Mike. Jeri insisted Jack would never hurt Trish. Robert asked if Jeri had forgotten how Jack used to beat her up. Jeri went to the hospital and announced she had come to see her baby and was going to take Trish home. Lisa told Tom her mommy and daddy loved her because she was a good little girl. She wanted to be a ballerina. She then told Tom to go away because her daddy told her she couldn’t talk to any men except him. Jeri bursted in. They hugged and protested their love for each other.

Linda visited Mike. She told him she loved him in a special way because he was warm and gentle and helped her when she needed him. She urged him to turn himself in so he could get it out of the way and lead a normal, peaceful life again. Lisa became Cynthia, who demanded Jeri get away from her, saying, "As far as I'm concerned, I never had a mother." Cynthia threatened to kill Jeri if she ever saw her again. Jeri was devastated.

Mike turned himself in to Danton. Mike was read his rights and booked. Tom called Mickey at the farm to tell him. Mickey told his wife Maggie that he was reluctant to go to Salem because if he stayed away, Mike might turn to Bill. Bill was very hurt at Mike's turning to Mickey, instead of to him, but took it stoically. Don accompanied Mike to his cell. Mike didn’t want Mickey called. Don asked Mike for the truth of what happened in the apartment because he didn’t believe Mike killed Jack. Don pointed out that Mike kept referring to "the night Jack was killed," not "the night I killed Jack." Don revealed there were other inconsistencies in his statement. Mike was evasive about taking a lie detector test. Don asked if Mike was willing to go as far as premeditated murder to protect Trish.

Despite Mike’s stated lack of desire to bother Mickey, Julie Williams, Mike's cousin, called Mickey. Mickey insisted Mike had to ask for him. Julie reminded him he found Mike "on his bail of hay." She asked if Mickey wanted Mike to beg him. Mickey agreed to talk to Maggie about coming in. Julie suggested that he come immediately. He agreed. Alone in his cell, Mike broke down, "Dad, where are you?" - When Laura was married to Mickey, Bill raped her. Mike was born. Laura and Tom kept the secret of Mike's real parentage until Mike was in a bad accident, at which time Mickey and then Mike, found out. Mike and Mickey had been estranged since Mickey confirmed that Bill was Mike's father. –

 Trish had a dream. Jack came into her room while she feigned sleep. She was about 5. Jack found her doll on the floor and put it in bed with her. He told her he liked being with her, that he didn’t want boys coming around or touching her. Jeri entered and chased Jack away. Little Trish opened her eyes, picked up the doll and hit it. Trish came out of the dream murmuring "mommy." Laura asked what was happening. Trish murmured she didn’t like the doll. Why? "Because Jack gave it to me." Trish became agitated and had to be sedated.

Mike’s crying began complaints from other prisoners. Danton suggested Mike call Mickey. Mike asked for privacy and Danton took him to his office. Mike apologized for giving Mickey a hard time. He said he turned himself in. Mickey was proud of him. Mike asked Mickey to come.

Jeri suggested to Greg Peters that Laura might force Trish to say things to help Mike. Greg was incredulous. Jeri insisted Trish just stroke out at her because she was hurting about the night Jack was killed. Greg suggested it was either that night — or some other. Greg took Jeri's feelings to Laura, suggesting Laura remove herself so nobody could accuse her of using Trish to help Mike. Jeri suggested to Danton that she was being kept away from Trish, neglecting to tell him Trish became hysterical when she visited. Jeri then led Danton to believe she and Jack were going to reconcile, that it was Trish who wanted the divorce. She told him Jack didn't like Trish's moving in with Mike and that Jack and Mike once had a huge fight. Jeri said Jack couldn't hurt Trish. Danton asked if Jeri could testify Jack was incapable of raping Trish. Jeri was silent.

Laura sent Jeri to see Trish, having placed a taperecorder in the room. Jeri's words merged with Trish's dream: "Bad time is over now. I won't leave you alone again." Jeri was upset because Trish didn’t hear her. Greg put her out, then removed the taperecorder.

The Hortons hopes to get Mike out on bail. Don revealed that Murder I was not a bailable offense, usually, but if the judge should decide to set bail because of extenuating circumstances, like Trish needed Mike near for her recovery, it could be as high as $500,000. Alice and Tom didn’t have the money because they paid for Mickey's sanitarium expenses during his breakdown. Laura and Bill volunteered much of their time at the clinic. Nobody else in the family had that kind of money. The bail bondsman would want 10% in cash and collateral for the balance. Linda Phillips went to the one person who had that kind of money — Bob Anderson, Julie's ex-husband. Bob agreed to lend the money and the collateral, if Bill would accept it.

Laura wasn’t making much headway with Trish, Lisa and Cynthia in regular therapy. She asked Trish's permission to use sodium pentathol. Trish was scared, but agreed.

Unaware yet of Bob's desire to help, Laura and Bill, with Mickey's advice, decided to get a loan against their house. Bill offered to handle it, since he didn’t have much to do these days. Laura insisted on handling it, and when Bill demanded to know why, she had to admit she hadn't gotten around to changing the house to Bill's and her name. Bill stormed off. He told Greg Peters he felt left out. He couldn't give Mike the legal advice Mickey could, and Mike wouldn't accept the one thing he had to offer — love. 

After having told Robert she intended to take Laura off the case, Jeri was asked to meet with Laura. Jeri refused permission for the sodium pentathol treatment and removed Laura. Laura reminded Jeri that Trish was afraid of Jack, especially when he was drinking. Laura recalled that both champagne and bourbon bottles were found in the apartment. Jeri replied that Jack had a right to drink because of the way everyone treated him. Jeri insisted Jack would never rape Trish because he loved her. Jack was protective because he knew what Johns were like in clubs. Laura asked if Jeri always looked at customers as prospective clients. Jeri was furious. She insisted Trish was a virgin.

Jeri poured out her troubles to Doug Williams, who insisted Laura would never manipulate Trish. To take her mind off her troubles, Doug hired Jeri to fill in for Trish singing, until Trish was better. This led to the Williams' first lovers' quarrel. Julie felt it was a mistake. She stomped out to Sharon and Karl Duval's house to work on Sharon's portrait. Kari urged her to make up with Doug, saying it wasn't worth it to let other people get in the way of Doug's and her happiness. Doug and Julie made up.

Jeri’s cries of manipulation got to Laura, who began to question her objectivity. She confided her fears to colleague Marlena Evans, who felt Laura was being fair, but suggested she take over for a few days to let Laura regain her poise. When Tom suggested a chance of psychiatrist to Trish, Trish became upset, fearful that Laura, too, was abandoning her. Jeri let drop she decided to take Laura off the case. Trish asked what Jeri was afraid of. She demanded Laura remain on the case. Cynthia emerged and drove Jeri off, screaming "slut" at her. Jeri reinstated Laura and gave permission for sodium pentathol treatment. Laura and Marlena found, under treatment, that Trish's doll was named Lisa. Trish couldn’t remember what happened to the doll, but Lisa remembered the doll was a bad girl and had to be spanked. Cynthia said Lisa hated the doll. Cynthia refused to let Lisa talk, saying Lisa "killed" the doll and had always been a tattletale. After hearing the tapes, Trish balked at further treatment, until Mickey convinced her it' wa the only way to help Mike.

Mickey went to see Nick, the janitor who was accused of sending Trish the notes until Marlena proved his handwriting didn't match. Nick was on parole for child molestation. Nick denied ever seeing Jack - Jack paid Nick to put the notes under Trish's door -. Mickey felt Nick was lying. Nickwais afraid of getting in trouble. Nick appeared to weaken until Mickey said no little girls were involved.

Under sodium penthatol, Laura asked Trish about the night Jack was killed. Trish remembered Jack brought champagne to celebrate Nick's arrest. She didn't drink. Jack wouldn't let her answer the phone. Trish slipped into Lisa, who was very agitated. Laura gave up and rocked Lisa to sleep. Greg visited Trish later. Trish revealed she thought Jack wasn't dead, that he was still around to punish her. Greg reported to Laura that Trish seemed to harbor some fear and guilt about Jack. Trish thought she saw Jack, who told her she couldn’t get rid of him that easily. Trish became hysterical.

Laura had Jeri listen to the tapes. Jeri became hysterical. After calming down, Jeri said there were times when Trish wasn't always herself. Jeri remembered it was Trish who smashed her doll. But she never asked Trish about it. Laura asked how many other things Jeri hid from Trish. Laura agreed to release Trish from the hospital, saying Trish had nothing to be afraid of with Jack dead. Trish wasn't ecstatic about the idea of going home. She asked Val how long it would take to get completely well. Val replied as long as it took to establish one personality. Trish told Brooke, her old roommate, she was afraid to live with Jeri because she was afraid Cynthia might hurt Jeri. Brooke found them an apartment to share.

Mickey had Mike show him the details of the struggle with Jack on a floorplan of Trish's apartment. Mickey decided Mike was lying. Maggie told Don Mickey was enjoying working on Mike's case. Don confessed he was deliberately forcing Mickey into the case. Bob made it easy for Bill to accept the collateral for bail. Mickey went over Mike's story with Don, coming to the conclusion that Mike was guilty of Murder I. Danton went to see Nancy, the prostitute Jack said he was with the night before his death. Nancy suspected he was a cop and clamed up. Mickey then visited her and found out Jack was impotent, had been for 20 years. Don mused that that was the end of their self-defense defense.

Bill refused to believe Mike could be lying. Laura tried to get him to talk about going back to surgery or finding a related field. He was defensive. Laura wanted him to fight to get what he wanted! - The night Mickey was committed, he shot Bill in the arm, resulting in Bill's losing some feeling. Bill had been suspended from surgery until his arm healed completely, which was hard on him. –

Rebecca LeClair still couldn’t be a wife to husband Robert. Robert, in self-defense, moved out of their bedroom. Rebecca's real love, Johnny Collins, who left her at the altar, resulting in her turning to and marrying Robert to give her baby a name, continued to write and call from Chicago, keeping Rebecca in a constant state of agitation. Johnny wanted her with him.

Brooke Hamilton displayed business acumen while working at Anderson Manufacturing, earning a promotion and raise, and making her father, Bob, very proud. - Both knew their true relationship, but neither knew the other knew. –

Phyllis Anderson Curtis, having recently lost a premature menopausal baby, wasn’t bouncing back. She spent her days drinking and crying, perplexing her husband Neil and her daughter, Mary Anderson. Mary was still unable to face her rising feelings for Neil.

Karl Duval told Marlena, his wife's psychiatrist, that Sharon lived in two worlds. He didn’t like living in either. He assured Marlena he had never had another woman in his life, despite what Sharon had told her. He urged Marlena to get Sharon to talk about her father. Sharon revealed her father wanted a son. When she arrived, he drove her mother to her room and took over her education. But no matter what Sharon did, especially athletically - she excelled -, her father never forgave her for being a girl.

The morning of Mike's hearing, the Hortons gathered at the courthouse to show support for Mike. Bill was very worried about Mickey's representing Mike. He feared Mickey would want to continue on past the hearing to the trial. Laura agreed to support Bill if he pulled Mickey off the case, but reminded Bill that Mike wanted Mickey there. Bill wondered how much of a defense Mickey would put up since he believed Mike was lying. Bill went to Mickey. He wondered at the advisability of Mickey's being Mike's lawyer. He pointed out that, if Mickey won the case, Mickey and Mike would be closer than ever, assuring Mickey he could live with that. He asked Mickey what would happen if he lost. The two brothers reconciled in their concern for Mike.

After denying Mickey’s dismissal motions on grounds of insufficient evidence, the judge moved on to the question of bail. Pointing out bail was not usually granted in capital cases, the judge agreed to listen to arguments. Arguing brilliantly, Mickey won bail for Mike. Bail was set at $200,000.

The same day, Trish was released from the hospital. Brooke took her to the new apartment, which lacked furniture. Trish reminded Brooke they could use her furniture from the old apartment. While Brooke was on the phone, Trish slipped out. She went to Doug's Place, where she found Jeri rehearsing, which produced feelings of ambiguity. Jeri and Trish reminisced joyfully. Trish encouraged Jeri to keep the job. Trish next wandered to the apartment where she killed Jack. Flashes of that night came to her, but her memory remained blank. Brooke found her and sent her home, but she returned to Doug's Place. She told Robert she wanted her mother to keep the singing job because she owed her mother for all the things she had done for her. But it was Cynthia who told Robert she had no plans, that the future couldn’t be counted on. When Brooke found Trish didn't return to the new apartment, she went to Bob and they started searching, after alerting Marlena Evans.

Neil Curtis went to Marlena's office to discuss a patient and found Lisa there. He talked to her as he turned on Marlena's taperecorder. Lisa told him she knew if she was a good girl and waited long enough, a doctor would come. She couldn't find her mommy. Lisa revealed to Neil, then Marlena, that Jeri worked a lot and Jack stayed with her. Lisa kept insisting she had to be quiet, divulging that Jeri entertained "friends" at the apartment while Trish played in her room. She had to be quiet or her mommy would get mad. Sometimes her daddy got mad, too. Jeri made Trish sit on Jack's lap. Sometimes Jack yelled at Jeri, calling her a "bad lady." Lisa defended Jeri. Mike called, and the mention of his name brought Trish out. Trish told Marlena she would convince Jeri to keep the job at Doug's Place. Mike arrived and promised Trish his support. He tpmd her he didn’t want her to remember what happened.

Brooke arranged a welcome home party for Mike, after learning Trish was O.K. Trish had a hard time facing all the people until David sympathized with her. When Mike left, he kissed her on the cheek, causing her to glow. Mickey was puzzled at Mike's continued insistence that Trish not be pushed to remember what happened. Trish was then recognizing when the other personalities began to emerge. She most wanted control over Cynthia, whom all agree could get Trish in trouble if she should emerge at the wrong time.

Phyllis finally made an attempt to pull herself out of her depression and grief. She bought Neil an expensive sportscar for his birthday, causing her "friends" Jane and Margaret to snipe about buying a husband and paying to keep him. Mary overheard them and defended Neil, causing Jane to wonder.

The Doctors

Written by: Douglas Marland

Produced by: Jeff Young

The strain of a murder indictment and resultant forced inactivity was having a detrimental affect on Matt Powers and his marriage to Maggie. - Dr. Paul Summers, blaming Matt for the suicide of his wife because she could not face the problems of their severely retarded son, whom Matt wouldn't let die at birth, devised a plan to have Matt blamed for the death of junkie Joan Dancy. Using his Svengalic influence over Stacy Wells, Paul had her pull the plug on Joan's respirator, while he created a diversion which included Matt. Matt's was the only fingerprint found on the plug. Matt's son Mike, a member of the police force, was forced to admit to Matt that he had doubts of Matt's innocence, which as resulted in their estrangement, also. Mike was in California with his wife Toni, helping her "through a rough time with her mother, who was irreversibly injured in an auto accident. – Construing Maggie's genuine concern over his depression as meddling, Matt, to avoid talking, hasd moved into the guestroom. Maggie observed that he had closed another door between them. Matt insisted she was pressuring him, and he couldn’t stand it. Maggie replied that she never thought of "love and affection as pressure." Nola Dancy, Joan's beautiful older sister, arrived to sit with Powers' grandson Michael Paul. Maggie, hurt, left for work.

Matt admitted to Nola waiting was hell because his preoccupation with his indictment was cutting him off from his family and friends. She offered to let him talk it out to her because she respected him and knews things would work out for him. Maggie confided to Althea Davis that she was beginning to resent Matt's ability to put aside his depression for others.

Jason Aldrich, Matt’s lawyer, told Matt he was checking on staff members to see if anyone made the phone call that lured reporter Rudy Winston to the scene to create the confusion in the hall around the time of Joan's death. Matt refused to believe anyone on the staff could hold such hard feelings for him. Jason observed that only someone at the hospital at that time could have given Winston directions on how to evade security. When Maggie returned, Jason told them no court date had been set yet, but he was going to ask for a change of venue, which would make the date even later. Matt told Maggie all he wanted was something to take his mind off waiting. Maggie revealed that she resented the fact that he could talk to Nola and not her. Maggie felt "abandoned, unwanted, unneeded." Rather than talk, Matt walked out.

Jason talked with Terry, a "friend" of Joanie's, who was reluctant to cooperate. Terry reminded Jason of his step-daughter, Stacy. Jason remarked to clerk Jerry Dancy that Stacy could have ended up like that if Paul hadn't helped her kick her habit. - To throw Jason off their track, Paul married Stacey because a wife couldn’t testify against her husband in that state. He then pointed out to Jason the consequences of his benign neglect of Stacey by pointing out how he saved her from a drug habit, neglecting to say he got her hooked to begin with. - Paul had taken a lodge in Canada, where Stacy had found peace from her guilt over the whole situation. Stacy, who was pre-gnant, was getting a lot of satisfaction from helping at an orphanage with her obstetrician. She told Paul on one of his weekend visits that she didn’t want to return to Madison because she was afraid she would confess. Paul agreed to let her stay.

Jason found an opportunity to tell Nola that her seeing so much of Matt didn’t look good, especially after the romantically misleading article that ran in a Boston paper during Matt's Grand Jury hearings. Nola was incensed, insisting she was just trying to help her sister Sara and Matt. Greta Powers asked mother Maggie to explain the strained atmosphere. Maggie tried to cover, but finally admitted there was a rift, caused by lack of knowing what to do.

Paul received an urgent call from his son's doctor at the home. His son had pneumonia. Paul rushed right there, but was too late. When he told Mona Croft, Steve Aldrich, and Ann Larimer - who knew about the whole mess -, they were sympathetic. After Paul left to tell Stacey, Ann observed that Paul’s almost "psychotic bitterness" over his son's birth was probably what drove his wife to suicide. Ann wondered who Paul would blame for his son's death. Following the simple funeral, Matt paid a condolence call on Paul and Stacy. The call was hard on Stacey, who reiterated her plea that they move to Canada. Paul took some leave time from his recent appointment— as chief-of-staff! — at Hope to go with Stacy, telling Mona he was thinking of making the move permanent in the future.

Matt took a break from the book Nola had encouraged him to write about his present experiences and turned on the stereo. Maggie called, and Nola answered. Her jealousy welled up. Matt refused her request that they take Greta to dinner. Later, after checking Michael Paul, who was still napping, Nola teased Matt into trying a new dance step. Maggie arrived to find them dancing and Michael Paul screaming. She drove Nola out and fired her. Matt accused Maggie of acting like a jealous schoolgirl. Maggie was humiliated to learn Greta was at home. Matt left and found Nola at Andre's. He poured out the whole story about Mike to her. Nola urged Matt to make up with Maggie.

The following evening, Matt refused to accompany Maggie to a cocktail party for the architect of the new intensive care wing, even though the wing was his idea and the architect his choice. He understandably didn’t want to be around the hospital Board. He and Maggie argued over money, resulting in his accusing her of not treating him like a man. He stomped out. Maggie decided to go to the party with Althea, but asked that they go to Andre's so she could apologize to Nola first. Nola turned down a date with Jason. Matt arrived and flattered her about how much it helped to talk to her. Maggie and Althea arrived. Maggie was stricken.

Steve Aldrich’s daughter, Stephie, had been having intermittent high fevers. Ann was there one night when one occured and Steve was called on an emergency. Ann volunteered to look after her. At Mona's urging, Ann spent the night. Steve lost his patient, and Ann was comforting. - Steve's wife Carolee left town after finding Ann and Steve at Ann's apartment in a compromising situation. Carolee was discovered later in a catatonic condition, by Ann, who used stolen and borrowed - from Paul – I.D. papers to hide Carolee away in a sanitarium. Ann wanted Steve. Dr. Brandt, a specialist in catatonia, took Carolee to his hospital, fascinated by her case. Since then Ann and Paul had thwarted all attempts by Brandt to find out if Carolee was from Madison. - Stephie was diagnosed as having rheumatic fever. Ann pulled her through, and Steve was grateful.

Meanwhile, MJ Match, Carolee's cousin, who was also in love with Steve, but felt he only saw her as another Carolee, had turned down his proposal and taken a temporary leave to return to her former hospital with her brother Darren. In the wake of Stephie's illness, Steve proposed to Ann, who accepted with alacrity. They would be married as soon as his divorce was final.

Dr. Brandt, meanwhile, had established that Carolee - he knew her as Mary Ellen Smithfield - was close to someone named Steve, that she knew children named Erich, Stephie, and Billy, and that she lived in Madison. During one session dwelling on home, Brandt got "Maple St." He checked with the Madison police who said nobody named Smithfield ever lived on Maple St. Brandt perservered and found that someone named Ann also loved Steve. Brandt decided to depend only on Carolee to locate her home after she dressed herself and demanded to go home.

Luke Dancy, eldest of the Dancy children disappeared when their long-lost father, Barney, turned up at Hope with serum hepatitis. He returned to Eleanor Conrad's apartment. Eleanor, a rich widow, told him running away wouldn't solve his problems. Barney kept asking visitors about Joan. They told him she was visiting friends upstate. Andre refused to give Luke his old job back. Eleanor promised to talk with some contacts. Virginia was determined to care for husband Barney upon his release from the hospital. Luke was hostile, saying Barney only showed up when he needed something. He told his mother that when Barney came, he went. Discovering Luke was using Eleanor's car, Sara, aware of Luke's reputation as a gigolo, warned him not to hurt Eleanor.

Maggie apologized to Nola for her bad manners, then asked Nola to understand that she couldn’t have her around. Maggie was devastated to learn that Matt had gone to Nola the last time he walked out of the house. She told Matt, "Out of your own hurt and humiliation, you have hurt and humiliated me ... You've lost your self-respect, but you're not going to de-stroy mine." She left with Althea and went to the cocktail party for architect Kyle Wilson. Nola urged Matt to follow, but he refused, saying Maggie wouldn't believe anything he said. Maggie lashed out at Mona for the Board's lack of support of Matt and ended up weeping on Wilson's shoulder about the devastation wrought by the waiting and the onus of the murder indictment. Althea suggested Maggie get away, telling her of requests for doctors to lecture and consult. Maggie turned her down, until Matt refused to let her into the guestroom or even talk to her.

Jason failed to get a change of venue. He told Maggie he had a suspect, but wouldn’t discuss it until he had a confession.

Carolee got away from the sanitarium, but was found by Brandt at the bus station, where she had requested a ticket to Madison. Back in her room, Brandt misunderstood Carolee's use of the words "doctor" and "nurse," thinking she was referring to him and her nurse. Carolee came down with a cold, preventing Brandt from taking her to Madison. Jason told Steve his divorce was final. Steve was not overjoyed, but Ann is ecstatic.

The Edge Of Night

Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson

Nicole Drake’s life had seemingly returned to normal with the taped confession from Claude Revenant/Gilbert Darcy. - After an explosion on their honeymoon yacht, Nicole was presumed dead. She came in contact with Gilbert Darcy who was living incognito, hiding from Tony Saxon, the syndicate leader from whom he embezzled millions. Darcy believed Nicole knew of his "secret island" where he planned to live untouched by Saxon's goons. When a raid on his limbo island forced Darcy to flee, Nicole escaped but then entered into a state of amnesia. She had since recovered and returned to Adam accompanied by Clay Jordan, posing as Nicole's psychiatrist, who was hired by Claude Revenault. Nicole knew he was an imposter and who he worked for. He committed the murders of psychiatrist Quentin Henderson, Phoebe Jamison and hired killer Van Rydell but had not yet been linked to them, although the suspicions were running high. Under hypnosis, Nicole revealed she never did see the location of his secret island which he proudly displayed on a wall map marked by a red ruby. Instead, Nicole's mind was preoccupied by her concern for Adam. Darcy, however, did not realize this, thus his attempts to silence Nicole by death. With the capture of Darcy's secretary, Darcy delivered his tape and Nicole began to enjoy her new found freedom. –

She had shared her newest turn of events, her pregnancy, with close friends Molly O'Connor and Nancy Karr. Her husband Adam might be the last to know, however, as he rejected the prospect of fatherhood when Nicole presented it to him in a hypothetical sense.

Nicole informed Molly she was going out for fresh air, taking time from her job at the New Moon Cafe. Molly's concern was warranted, as Nicole did not return for some time, instead a police officer returned Nicole's purse found on the curb side. Molly was alarmed and feared for Nicole's life, alerting Adam and Bill Marceau. Adam's optimism was changing as the hours dragged on without Nicole. He was relieved when Nicole's recent hypnosis brought out the fact that Billy was alive. - Billy was Darcy's hired native who helped in Nicole's escape from limbo island - This enabled them to contact Billy at his home in St. Anthony and have him come to Monticello. He gave them the news all concerned were anxious to hear, he knew exactly where Revenant/Darcy's island was. Bill Marceau's triumph was premature, however, as the news bulletins arrived that there was no resistance to the raid because there was no sign of Renevant/Darcy. He had escaped. Unknown to anyone was the fact that Darcy escaped and was then in Monticello.

A man came into the police station and informeds Bill and Adam he had seen a woman fitting Nicole's description. He described her as looking frightened and nervous. She was picked up by a man in a car. This hotline had begun the wheels turning, and Bill suspected that Clay Jordan was still and always has been in Monticello. Bill's suspicions were factual. Jordan had Nicole stowed away in a delapidated hotel room. He wouldn’t give her a chance to explain that it was over for him. She refused to eat or cooperate in any way. She left Jordan the alternative that she would reveal Darcy's island location under the effects of sodium penethol. Her pleas to consider her baby went through Jordan as a flimsy try at saving herself from his capabilities to kill her.

When Mike Karr mentioned that Nicole would not see a "shady doctor" about abortion, bells rang in Bill's head, to the tune of "Shady Dr. Clay Jordan." He initiated a search for prescriptions issued by Jordan and they were successful. He had been traced to the hotel address. Outside the door, Marceau and his backup crew promised Jordan an escape car in exchange for Nicole's safety. Set up and mentally weakened from Nicole's resistance to cooperate, nervous from her insistence that she was pregnant, Jordan was outsmarted. The police broke in, captured Jordan and released Nicole to safety. She was safe, her unborn child might not be. It could be the victim of Jordan's obsession to get the truth from Nicole by use of drugs! Nicole was hospitalized, and Adam was relieved that she was safe once again. He was stunned when the doctor reported that though Nicole survived the extensive use of drugs, the baby might not have.

Nancy Karr’s past months had been a living hell. She had been forced to lie, steal, cheat and deceive her husband Mike. To protect her interests, she moved to a dingy apartment, separated from Mike and had been lowered to the ranks of cooperating with "clean" criminals such as Beau Richardson, right-hand man to corrupt politician Tony Saxon. All this Nancy had done to prevent young Tim Faraday from being tortured. Nancy's once confident exterior had broken down to nervousness and irrational behavior for which she offered no exp-lanations to Mike or her daughter Laurie. The truth of the matter was that Nancy had been the link to Mike for Tony Saxon. He was anxious to keep one step ahead of Mike and his task force formed to carry out the indictment of Tony. By abducting Tim and hanging his safety over Nancy's head, Tony had achieved all the leads he wanted. Unfortunately, because Nancy had associated with Beau frequently, Mike assumed there was an affair between them. - The reason Tony's threats were successful with Nancy is because many months ago, she and Mike had begun the process of adopting Tim. They loved him very much but before it was legal, a woman named Josephine Harper came to Monticello and whisked her nephew out of the reach of the Karrs. Then living in San Francisco, with his "aunt", so her credentials proved; Timmy's life was at stake and Nancy held the trump card in this game of life. –

Devoting herself solely to the reconciliation of her parents, Laurie had combined a vacation to San Francisco with her husband Johnny Dallas, and an attempt to track down Tim. Her ultimate goal was to return Tim to Nancy, and give her back the zest for life she once possessed. Laurie reported to Nancy she had seen Josephine Harper but left her with doubts because she was so vague about Tim's whereabouts. This news shook Nancy, she cut Laurie short and proceeded to tell Beau what Laurie had stirred up, definite about the fact she played no part in it. Laurie on the other hand, didn’t know what thin ice she was treading on and set out more determined than ever to find Tim. When she persisted to Josephine, threatening to include the police in her trace for Tim, Josephine put in a call to Tony. He realized Nancy was his source of trouble then but was confident Laurie would run out of steam and time before she found Tim. Johnny was losing patience with Laurie also, he had spent his vacation waiting for Laurie in their hotel room. Tony granted another $1000 expense money to Josephine for Tim's care.

Tony was moving in fast discovering that Harold Nivens was his "canary" responsible for feeding the task force damaging evidence about his tax evasion. His orders to Beau were precise, "locate him, find out if he's our man, and see what it takes to get him to stop singing." Nivens was Tony's man — he was being interrogated by Mike and Draper at the same time Tony was giving out orders. They offered him immunity for his participation for his direct testimony, if it gave them a winning case.

While Draper assured Mike that Nivens was ready to go to trial, Beau accompanied by a reluctant Danny, was paying Nivens a visit. They refused his request for $250,000 for his silence. Nivens was extremely nervous at Beau's threats on his life; pushed to his physical limit, Nivens went into cardiac arrest. Danny was screaming for help while Beau stood back laughing at the ease of his success. They returned to the Ace of Clubs. Danny was furious that Beau literally scared this man to death. He was revolted that he had been hired to participate in Saxon's dirty work, but his temper was curbed by Beau who demanded "you didn't go anywhere and you didn't see anything!" Shortly thereafter, Mike found Nivens dead in the hotel room and reported it to the police. During her therapy with Dr. Chris Neely, Tracy – Danny’s wife – slowly got closer to her psychiatrist.

Nancy was saddened by the hurt she had inflicted on Mike. Her worse fears that he would never forgive her for what she had put him through were very near truth when she asked about a legal book on divorce and separation she found in their renovated house. He confirmed her query — he was considering divorce — there was no where else to go. Nancy could only offer Mike a statement that she would explain everything in time, and when she did, she hoped he would at least understand why she had done this to him, if he couldn’t forgive her for it.

Tony Saxon’s frustrations were getting the better of him with the indictment closing in. More aggravating to Tony was his daughter Deborah's relationship with police officer Steve Guthrie. Money was no object to Deborah and she got a kick out of Steve's simple way of life. Her father forbade her to see him, but Deborah carried on anyway, attracted by Steve's honesty — and his deep blue eyes! Meanwhile, Steve was not as entertained by his poverty and accepted Beau Richardson's job offer to moonlite as a security cop at the Ace of Clubs. Unknown to Steve, the "bait" he had bitten onto was the fact that he was guarding the Ace's illegal gambling casino well hidden in the back room. Danny Micelli was having fun as manager of the club and had learned fast that the "back room" was an unspoken part of his job. The test of Steve's merit would come as foreseen by Tony in his comment to Deborah, "only time will tell how honest he is."

Assistant District Attorney Draper Scott was hard at work on the Tony Saxon case, meeting with high-level treasury people in Washington. His father Ansel, Tony's lawyer, was terribly irrate over Draper's trip, not because of the opposition to his client, but because Raven Alexander, Ansel's new stepdaughter and former lover, was sharing Draper's hotel room. He showed up at their room, not to fight for his case, but to check up on Raven. Mischievous Raven was delighted to see she had lured Ansel her way. She denied she made the trip to punish Ansel, and greeted him with a warm kiss. In Monticello, Ansel's bride Nadine was fit to be tied, admitting to her friend Geraldine Whitney, she suspected Ansel's interests in Raven. Geraldine tried to distract Nadine from her fury, suggesting they matchmake Raven with Geraldine's chosen heir, recently widowed Kevin Jamison. While Raven and Kevin were subjected to Geraldine's performances as cupid, Draper met with his father back in Monticello. He cautioned his father that they could be accused of collusion, and therefore, his lips were sealed. Ansel relayed to Draper he was being forced out of his prestigious New York law firm because of his time on the Saxon case. Draper offered his father consideration for his position, they drank to a "new understanding," put their past differences behind them.

General Hospital

Written by: Eileen & Robert Mason Pollock

Produced by: Tom Donovan

Dr. Monica Webber was furious at not being able to gain access to husband Jeff's hospital room. - Jeff accidentally shot himself while high on pills and liquor after discovering Monica and his brother Rick were having an affair. Neurosurgeon Mark Dante performed surgery to remove the bullet and a fragment. Jeff was not recovering well, appearing to have lost his will to live. - When chief of staff Steve Hardy told Monica that she couldn’t see Jeff because he didn’t want to see her, she went to Mark, hoping to circumvent Steve. When Mark also refused permission, she lashed out at him, saying he was just trying to punish her. Mark replied that he never faulted her love for Rick. He just hated her selfishness and disregard for Jeff. Monica tried again by accusing him of bungling surgery. Monica again dragged Dr. Otto Marriner in, hoping to get to Jeff through a phony consultation. - Monica hoped that if she could gain Jeff's forgiveness Rick would take her back, despite his statements to the contrary.- Mark refused to let Marriner in. Steve backed Mark, telling Marriner that the hindrance to Jeff's recovery was Monica. When Steve told Jeff he was not renewing Monica's contract, Jeff simply replied that it was Steve's hospital.

Monica sneaked into Jeff's room. She told him she and Rick broke up because she couldn't continue knowing what she had done to him. She wanted him to take her back. - Once he was on his feet, she would resume her pursuit of Rick. - He forgae her. She asked him to take her back as his wife, and to ask Mark to let her in.

Marriner, still bitter about Steve's replacing him with Mark after he resigned because Steve chose Mark's surgery over his more conservative treatment for a bone fragmint that was paralyzing Steve, arranged lunch with hospital administrator Arnold Thurston. Thurston was unhappy with Steve to begin with because Steve was not his choice for chief of staff. Marriner told Thurston that Mark was an ex-con.

Mark fought Jeff’s request that Monica be allowed to visit, but Jeff persuaded him by admitting he was also skeptical of Monica's motives, but he felt he had things to discuss with her. Jeff agreed to take Monica back — on his terms. He refused to let her kiss him. Monica told Dr. Gail Adamson that it might be harder than she thought. Jeff's recovery improved. Steve agreed to renew Monica's contract.

Heather Grant was deliberately pregnant with Jeff's baby. She finally told Jeff, who first suggested an abortion. Heather refused, saying that he and Monica were split up, he could marry her. Jeff told her that he and Monica were going to make another try at their marriage; that Heather forgot one thing — he loved his wife.

Meanwhile, Peter and Diana Taylor, for whom Heather worked, had been trying to persuade Heather to move back home with her mother. Heather almost convinced them that her mother was too Victorian to accept her condition. - Heather hadn't told anyone except her mother who the father of her baby was. - When her mother inadvertently told Peter she would take Heather in under any circumstances, Heather had to do a lot of fast talking to shut that door again. Heather had another plan in mind. Since Jeff wouldn’t marry her, she was going to work on Diana to "buy" her baby. - Peter and Diana had tried to adopt an infant, since Diana was unable to have more children. When they were unsuccessful, they decided to adopt an older boy, Mike, who also lived with them at the moment. - Noting there were problems with Mike — fighting with little Martha, some communication problems, unexplainable hostile behavior — Heather started to work on Diana, saying an infant's behavior was so much easier to shape. Jeff offered financial support, but Heather refused to discuss it.

Finding Heather at home with Jeff, Monica began to wonder if Heather was the mysterious girlfriend Jeff referred to before his accident. Jeff had been less than romantic, citing his recuperation, and had insisted Monica sleep in another room. Monica mused that if Heather was the girlfriend, then her dues were paid, and she wouldn’t have to continue to live with him. Gail Adamson tried to talk her out of the idea, to no avail.

Gail had known Monica since Monica was in the foundling home. She guided Monica into medicine. When her world came apart with Rick's dumping her, Monica summoned Gail. Gail ran into old friend Lee Baldwin, who was estranged from his wife Caroline. Gail and Lee had been seeing a lot of each other. When Lee learned Gail was unhappy as an administrator and wanted to get back to social medicine, he presented Steve with the idea of such a department. Steve hired Gail. Gail had since asked Lee to represent her in a suit against the Russian government for royalties owed on the sale of her late husband's book. - Gail married one of her patients who had only a year to live. They spent eleven ecstatically happy months touring the world before he died. The book was their love story. Proceeds were to go for research. –

Lee found himself in an awkward position between his brother Tom Baldwin and Audrey Baldwin Hobart. - Nine years ago, during a bitter era in their marriage, Tom took Audrey's and his son, Tommy away to Mexico: There he was framed for murder and sentenced to life. To protect his family, Tom let them believe he was dead. The day Audrey and Steve were married, Tom returned, having been pardoned. –

Dr. Lesley Faulkner finally learned her daughter Laura's whereabouts from Mac McLaughlin. Mac told her Cam arranged for the Vinings to move to Haverland, Canada. -Fifteen years ago, Les gave birth to an illegitimate daughter. The baby was switched at birth for Barbara Vining's stillborn child. The truth finally came out, but Les's late husband, Cam, couldn't stand to share Les with anyone, so he paid off a lot of people to convince Les Laura wasn't hers, and sent the Vinings to Canada. - With Rick along for support, Les went to Canada to find her little girl.

Barbara Vining, meanwhile, had been having trouble with Laura, who was deeply hurt at the sudden shuffle in her life and lack of contact from Les. Laura had run away to a commune. Realizing Laura would do it again, with or without permission, Barbara let her go. Les was horrified when she learned of it. Barbara explained that Laura was confused, that she – Barbara - tore up letters Laura wrote to Les because they were afraid of Cam, even after his death, because Cam said he had left letters to be published about Barbara's past.

Lesley visited Laura at the commune and found her hostile, unwilling to believe Les's explanations or love. Buck, the leader of the commune, took Laura to see Les, hoping to drive Les off. Laura almost weakened, but Buck tooted the car horn. Rick went to see Laura and reached her by telling her that Les needed her because she was pregnant and because she loved her. Laura weakened further. Les visited her again and told her she had to leave the following day. Les wanted Laura with her, but the decision had to be Laura's. Buck pressured Laura to stay. Apple, Buck's girl, urged him to let Laura go so that it would be like it used to be between them.

Mark Dante went to Lake Cliff to bring his wife Mary Ellen – Mellie - home. Terri Arnett, with whom he shared a real love, went to the apartment to get some last minute things in order. Gina, Mark's sister, who disliked Mellie and approved of what she had observed between Mark and Terri, warned Terri that Mellie was the type who wanted everything, and once she got it she didn’t let go. Mellie had guessed at the love between Mark and Terri - no affair, as they were waiting for Mellie to be able to stand alone -. Then home, Mellie mused that she was no longer afraid of Terri. She seduced Mark that night. After Mark went to work, Gina visited, and Mellie arranged a big night out at Terri's Place. Gina warned Mark Mellie might suspect about Terri and him. He brushed it off, so Gina warned Terri, who swore she was prepared. However, Mellie was all over Mark at dinner, then requested Terri sing "For All We Know," Mark and Terri's song, because it was Mark's and her song. Terri finished the song and rushed to the powder room, where Mellie found her and flaunted her "honeymoon" with Mark. Gina interrupted and offered to bring the whole thing to a head. Terri refused. She later told Mark she couldn’t see him anymore because it was too painful.

Mark decided to tell Mellie, feeling she could take it. Before he could start, she rushed to her room and slammed the door. She later emerged and asked him to forgive her for "slipping back." Mark arranged a session with Peter. Mellie glibbly denied any problems. Peter told Mark that Mellie wasn't completely well yet, that she was manic when around people, but probably hit bottom when alone. Mark went to see Terri, who reiterated her pledge not to see him. He accused her of not loving him enough.

Gina was a resident in OB-Gyn under Adam Streeter. Adam liked Gina, finding her expert and efficient and caring. Adam's 16-year old daughter Jill saw Gina as a threat to her relationship with her father. - Adam's wife died about 5 years ago. Jill had been the woman in his life since then, and she was unwilling to give up her place. - Gina began to notice signs of Jill's drinking. She tried to talk to Jill, who refused to admit she drank. Gina found herself in a bind: Adam and Jill had a special relationship, which she didn’t want to destroy, especially if she was wrong, but what if Jill was a teenage alcoholic and she didn’t warn Adam. Mark felt she should just tell Adam.

Jeff and Monica made love, not successfully. Monica agreed to have his children, but told Gail she had no intention of going off the pill.

Audrey sent Tommy to his room when Tom arrived to sign some papers. Tommy was reluctant until Tom told him to go. When Tom left, Tommy again brought up Tom and Audrey living together. Audrey said no, that she loved Steve. Tommy sneaked off to Tom, telling Tom he wanted to live with him because Audrey had Steve and he – Tom – didn’t have anyone. Audrey lit into Tom when he returned Tommy. After another instance, when Tom took Tommy out to lunch without telling Audrey, she told him again that he was interfering with her control of Tommy. Tom pointed out that she seemed determined to misinterpret every gesture he made with Tommy. It hit home.

Apple told Lesley that Buck used the girls at the commune sexually, and that Laura was next. Leaving a message for Rick. Les went to the farm with Apple. She and Buck had a confrontation. He wanted her to leave. Laura told Les she was happy there, that she didn't want to leave with her, prompted nicely any time she hesitated in her speech. Les reaffirmed her intention to stay there until Laura left with her. Buck sent Laura to talk to her again, to no avail. Buck then tried to throw her out bodily, throwing her to the floor in the process. Laura came to her aid, trying to pull Buck away. Rick arrived and knocked Buck out. A local OB prescribed rest. Laura returned to the hotel with Les, and, with Rick's guidance, even made up with Barbara. Rick proposed to Les. In attempting to make sure the question wasn’t purely impulsive, Les angered Rick, who insisted his feelings are genuine, then stomped out.

Guiding Light

Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Allen Potter

The city of Springfield was in an uproar over the Rita Stapleton murder trial! The second trial day began. The D.A. had a strong case against Rita. The innuendoes he pointed in her direction were making it exceedingly difficult for Rita's lawyer, Mike Bauer, to successfully defend her. - Rita Stapleton and Roger Thorpe were employed by a wealthy Texan years ago in Abilene, Texas. They both prefered to conceal their former relationship and the lives they led there from mutual acquaintances in Springfield, although this was becoming exceedingly harder to do. Malcolm Granger showed up, however, having tracked Rita down and he threatened to expose her for her part in his father's death. Before he could act on this, he suffered a stroke and later died at Cedars Hospital. He had scribbled “RITA’S” on paper beforehand. Since Rita was the last person to see Malcolm alive, a medical board hearing was held and the verdict was that Rita and other nurses on his case were not negligent in Malcolm's death. But Raymond Schaefer was hired by Mrs. Granger to investigate the circumstances of Malcolm's death. He took his case to the District Attorney, Rita was arrested and the trial had begun. –

Testimonies were not turning out in Rita's favor. Miss McHenry, RN, had said under oath Malcolm's medical card was found behind - meaning hidden behind - Rita's purse. To add to the doubts she had laid down, Miss Clauson, RN, stated "Malcolm was too sick to pull out his life support system himself." Although this was stricken from the record, it was imbedded in each of the juror's minds.

Considering his position as Chief-of-Staff and his personal involvement with Rita, Ed Bauer's turn at the stand was a touchy situ-tion. He spoke in truth claiming the oversight in medication was not a factor in Malcolm's death. A Dr. Lytell's testimony interrupted Ed's, he cited his experience as head of neurology of City Hospital, stating Malcolm's condition would not allow him to pull out his own life support system. But Mike's expertise drew out that if Malcolm could write, as he did, he PROBABLY could perform the detachment.

Returned to the stand, Ed was forced to admit Rita concealed her association with Malcolm. More of a surprise was Ed's confession that he proposed marriage to Rita before she told him about the Malcolm business. Dr. Steve Jackson would not be intimidated by the D.A., and stood firm that the consequences were not a result of negligence alone.

Mike was disillusioned by the way the prosecution was gaining influence with the jury and was further dissatisfied when the D.A. presented a letter for future evidence. The letter was written by Malcolm to his wife the day he had his stroke. Confronted about it, Rita denied that its contents could be incriminating because she was doing errands at a Granger field office at the time of Granger Sr.'s death, and therefore, could have no part in his death, as Mike felt the letter indicated. The D.A. warned Mike his client was weaving a web of lies. Rita was really scared then. She sneaked out to talk to Roger and was ready to reveal all in order to escape the mounting lies to Ed. Roger was fearful that if his connection with Rita and the Grangers was exposed, he would lose all that was important to him in life, his wife Peggy. They had just celebrated their first year of happy marriage. Peggy was proud of the honesty they shared. - It had taken Peggy many agonizing months to accept and finally forgive Roger when he told her he had a brief affair with Holly Bauer, then married to Ed, and fathered her daughter, Christina. This fact broke up the Bauer marriage, Ed had never condoned Roger for this. Roger knew Peggy's trust could not withstand another skeleton from the closet. –

Raymond Schaefer took the stand stating Rita's inheritance was written into Cyrus Granger's will just three days before he died. An investigation was held to satisfy the family's doubts that Cyrus' death was not natural. The investigation proved a natural death.

The trial took a turn for the worse when a surprise witness, Gus Hildebrand, foreman for the Granger Ranch, arrived to tes-tify. He stated that Rita lied — she did not go to the field office as she said she did, at the time of Cyrus Granger's death! With this information out, Mike was appalled that Rita had lied. At the end of the session, he gave Rita one long look, then solemnly asserted that "there's nothing more devastating than having the jury think you're a liar. I hope that's not what's happened.!" Later, Rita admitted she had lied but would not betray Roger's trust in her silence. The only explanation she gave Mike was that why she lied was irrelevant to the case. In court, the letter was presented as evidence despite Mike's strong objections. Raymond Schaefer read it aloud, with emphasis on the prosecuting points. ". justice will be done. I met with Rita, she has avoided me ... she knew the only way to get the money was to have my father dead. I know how she killed him ... tomorrow I will go to the police. Rita must not be allowed to continue her evil ways." D.A. Van Gelder was confident he had his case wrapped up, he addressed the court and jury, jabbing Rita with words of her guilt. She could take no more. She stood up in protest then fell to the floor in a faint.

Ed was called in and had Rita admitted to the hospital for rest and observation. Mike and Ed confered about what had happened. Ed asked, if Rita had lied thus far, how many more lies would there be. He and Mike agreed they both had to face the implications of this. Ed had to take it further into what effect this would have on him personally.

Mike had had it with Rita. He wanted her complete honesty and she wouldn’t give it. He saw no other alternative but to drop her case. He felt she'd be better off represented by someone else as she couldn’t be truthful with him because of his closeness to her as Ed's brother. Rita could understand Mike's position but would not break her silence. Roger knew what Rita's confession would do to both their futures, but left the decision up to her to tell it like it was. With Ed's persuasion, Rita agreed to talk to Mike. Ed was present when she admitted that the reason she was not at the field office was because she was with another man. Mike demanded to know who the man was. She wouldn’t give them Roger's name. Despite her silence, Mike promised Ed he would stay on the case even though Rita's protection of whoever she was involved with meant losing it.

Newcomers to Springfield Dr. Emmett Scott and his daughter Jackie Marler were discussing the trial, voicing very derogatory opinions about Rita's character. Evie Stapleton, who was hired as their housekeeper, overheard them and was furious with their disrespectful judgement about her sister. She quit her job in support of Rita. Rita was touched by Evie's loyalty to her when Jackie explained to her what she did in an apology to Evie. Evie overlooked the incident and returned to work. She had given Jackie Ben McFarren's name as a prospective artist to do some work for Jackie. He met Jackie and agreed to paint an oil of the view from her terrace as a birthday gift to her father.

Jackie’s establishing residence in Springfield had been a poker in the fire to Dr. Justin Marler and Dr. Sara McIntyre. - Justin and Sara were engaged when in medical school. Justin dropped Sara to marry Jackie because of the prestigious career her father Dr. Emmett Scott could offer him. They had since been divorced. Emmett's head condition had brought them together again, as he was Justin's cardiac patient as being treated in Springfield. Sara was still mourning the recent death of her beloved husband Joe. Jackie's presence was a reminder of the feelings she once had for Justin. - Justin was overly concerned about Sara. She was working long, hard hours to combat her bereavement for Joe. To add salt to the wound, Dr. Scott was persistent to unravel the mystery of Sara's familiarity to him. As his internist, she evaded his personal queries keeping a professional distance from him. Occasionally, Justin cornered Sara into a reminiscent conversation of their past relationship, she managed to push it aside as idle thoughts.

Jackie took advantage of Justin's medical visits to socialize with him. He remained cool and distant; his antagonisms for Jackie surfaced frequently. She tried to stir up jealousy in Justin by threatening to go after Mike Bauer. Her first step was asking for Mike's legal counsel. She received a rejection from Mike's secretary Ann Jeffers. Her persistence got her an interview with Mike although he confirmed Ann's statement that he couldn’t take on any new clients. Ann was silently disappointed at the prospect of Jackie meeting Mike though she had vetoed the hint by Mike's daughter Hope that their relationship could be other than a platonic friendship.

Justin and Sara confered professionally about Emmett's condition. His restlessness was doing him more harm with his rehabilitation than the rest he probably had. Sara agreed with Justin's suggestion to Emmett that he work with him on a part-time basis. Meanwhile, student nurse, Katie Parker, arrived at the hosptial.

Love Of Life

Written by: Gabrielle Upton

Produced by: Darryl Hickman

Meg Hart learned that Ian Russell had hired Arlene Lovett as hostess and pianist at Beaver Ridge. She brought up the fact that no one in Rosehill knew that Ian had a wife. Ian gave Ray Slater a finder's fee for putting him in touch with Meg who sold him her share in Beaver Ridge. Ray reminded Russell that he had promised him a piece of Beaver Ridge as well. He had to convince Meg that she should sell her interest. Ian said that Slater was to get him two percent of Rick Latimer's share so that he could have the controlling interest. Since he managed this on his own, Ray should be satisfied with his fee. He implied that Ray would never be more than a flunky.

Arlene was working hard at Beaver Ridge while she waited for the return of Dr. Tom Crawford from Tanzania where he was helping to organize a clinic for the natives. Tom hated to leave Rosehill just when he and Arlene had found each other again, but this was a career opportunity that he couldn't pass up. Arlene finally received a letter from Tom telling her how much he missed her. Ray Slater told Arlene that if she was smart and really wanted Tom, she would consider leaving town and getting a job somewhere else. People didn’t call Mr. Russell "The Collector" for nothing; she might think he was terrific to have paid her mother's hospital bill and given her this job, but he would want to be paid back sometime. He worked slowly so that you didn’t realize you were on the take until it was too late. Arlene reluctantly accepted a ride home from work with Ian. Carrie exploded when she saw his car and told Arlene she felt deceived because Arlene concealed the fact that she was working for Mr. Russell; if it was really too cold to wait for the bus she should take a taxi home. Arlene agreed that it was only ten days until Tom came home and she could suffer a little until then. The following night, Ian dismissed her cab and again took her home.

The government was closing the African borders so Tom was returning early. He wrote Arlene a letter, and tried to call before leaving when he realized that his letter wouldn’t arrive in time. The call didn’t go through and there was no time to place another. When he arrived in New York he called Beaver Ridge, leaving a message for Arlene that he would pick her up at midnight. Ian overheard the call and promised to give her the message. While in Africa, Tom came to the realization that he wanted to marry Arlene, and had brought her an African necklace used in tribal marriages.

Arlene was trying to study up on Africa so that she could discuss it intelligently when Tom returned, but since her book was out of date, Ian offered to teach her. That evening Ian arranged for champagne, music and a cake, claiming that the cook must have found out that it was his birthday. Since his driver was "detained," he asked her to join him in a celebration drink. His one wish was that she dance one dance with him. She was so tired that she laid her head on his shoulder and this was the way Tom found them.

Meg Hart had continued trying to break up her daughter Cal's marriage so that she could win Rick Latimer for herself. She knew that Rick was in financial trouble and wanted to keep this from Cal so she encouraged Cal in her desire for the old mill house, saying Rick would be hurt if she didn't let him buy it. Then she turned to Rick, complaining about his giving in to Cal. When she learned that Cal wanted a baby of her own, Meg worked on them both, saying that a baby at the moment wouldn't be fair to Rick. Cal finally told her mother she realized that she was trying to get Rick to overextend himself so that he would come to her for help and that if they had a baby she would never get him back.

Rick was upset because Russell refused to expand Beaver Ridge or finish Skylar Mountain and since he then had control, he had the last say. Rick vowed to make Beaver Ridge pay off yet so that he could still realize some of his dreams.

Vanessa Sterling and Dr. Joe Cusack had both advised Felicia Lamont to tell Edourd Aleata that she was carrying his child and had decided to have an abortion so that her invalid husband Charles would never know that she was planning to leave him when she realized she loved Eddie. Felicia tried but couldn’t when she found that Eddie had not really accepted the fact she couldn’t go back on the vow she made to stay with Charles if he came out of his coma. She left without telling him. Joe had arranged for Felicia to see a private physician, but the time element was short if the abortion was to be performed on an outpatient basis so that Charles was not suspicious. Van had told Felicia that she couldn’t help her cover up because she didn't approve of abortion, but when Charles told her that Felicia was gone for the day, Van chastised herself for letting Felicia go through this alone.

Felicia was very nervous while waiting, but a young mother explained how she wouldn't give up her child even though she had dispaired when she found herself pregnant for the third time. She asked Felicia to hold her son while she saw the doctor. Felicia had been looking at this as an operation that she had to have, but after she held the baby she couldn’t go through with it. Van was glad that Felicia came home, but then tried to get her to face the future. She thought that giving the baby up for adoption was the answer because Charles would never let Eddie's child live with them and he was sure to know who the father was. Felicia was going to keep the baby, but had no idea how she was going to break the news to Charles.

One evening, while the Sterlings were dining with the Lamonts, Eddie could no longer restrain himself. He called just to hear Felicia's voice, but she passed it off as a wrong number. Later he arrived at the door saying he had come to see how Charles was. Still suspicious, Charles talked about their plans for the coming year. As he talked on, even though the others tried to change the subject, Eddie became very tense. Finally the pressure was so great that he held his wine glass too tightly and it crumbled, cutting his hand badly. Bruce took him to the hospital where Felicia called later to be sure he was all right. Charles asked what could have made him so tense because he noticed that Eddie would not have cut his hand if the glass had smashed as it hit the floor. –

 A motorcyclist, James Marriott, was killed when he ran into Ben Harper's car. Ben went to phone the police, but while he was trying to recall everything clearly so that he couldn't be falsely sent back to prison, the police arrived in response to another call. Ben then felt it was too late to reveal his involvement. Ben met Andrew Marriott at the cemetery and took him home after he drank too much while talking about his dead son, James. - Mia Marriott sought Ben out at the sporting goods store to apologize for being rude when he brought Andrew home. She would like him to see Andrew again because Ben was the only one he had talked to about James since the accident. Ben thought Andrew should talk to her or one of his doctor friends. Mia said that she was the last one he would talk to, but she wouldn’t explain.

While looking her pen in Ben's car, Lynn found a slipper under the seat and put it in Ben's closet. Andrew was puzzled over the fact that Jim left the house that day in his slippers and only one of them was found. - Ben absently carried the slipper away with him when he stopped to help the boy and found he was already dead. –

Mia visited Ben several times, trying to persuade him to see Andrew. She wrote her name and number on a matchbook cover and gave it to Ben. He was very confused when he finally visited Betsy and Suzanne. Just as Betsy thought they were becoming closer, Ben bolted and left abruptly, forgetting his jacket. The following day, Cal lifted his jacket and the matchbook fell to the floor. She quickly retrieved it. Betsy asked her not to offer the apartment she was fixing to Ben yet because she was hoping that he would move in with her. Cal confronted Ben about Mia Marriott and warned he would have to deal with her if he hurt Betsy. Mia told Ben that she knew something no one else did about the accident and she wanted to tell him. She asked him to come to the house Friday evening since Andrew would be at a meeting. Ben found Andrew at home and tried to convice him that life was worth living even though his son was dead. Mia said that she had no idea the meeting would be cancelled and asked Ben to see her again so that she could explain.

Tom felt he had been betrayed and rushed out of the lounge without listening to Arlene's explanation. At first she was furious, but then she tried to talk to him at the hospital. Arlene decided that if Tom didn’t trust her, she didn’t need him. Ian offered to take her under his wing and make her a princess who could mingle with the most elite.

Ben and Mia met several times, but she couldn’t bring herself to tell him what was on her mind. Finally, at her home, Mia told Ben that she knew who killed Jim and that the feeling of guiIt might be punishment enough. She was asking why he hadn't asked who it was when they heard Andrew's car and Ben slipped out the back door. Ben was sure that Mia was on to him and would go to the police. He wanted to square things with Betsy before he turned himself in.

Lovers And Friends

Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch

When Richard Cushing remonstrated with his daughter Megan on her casual attitude toward keeping engagements with her fiancee Desmond Hamilton, she replied that he was hardly in a position to lecture her on marital responsibilities. - Richard Cushing and his business associate Barbara Manners were lovers. Richard's wife Edith was aware of the affair but chose to ignore it. When Richard requested that his son Austin take an indefinite leave of absence from his brokerage firm and hired Jason Saxton to replace him, Barbara wondered aloud if Richard wasn’t trying to get Austin out of the way to prevent his stumbling onto the truth about them. But Richard denied that he could be that petty. - Megan phoned Rhett's apartment and his brother Jason pretended to be Rhett, agreeing to have Megan come to his studio that night. He then visited Desmond Hamilton and told him that Megan was seeing Rhett.

That evening, neither Megan nor Rhett telephoned their respective homes to say that they would be late. At the Saxtons’, Rhett's girl, Connie, and his mother were expecting him to join them, although belatedly, for dinner, and Desmond accepted Edith's invitation to stay and dined at the Cushings. When Megan didn’t come home, Desmond drove to Rhett's place and, in Megan's phrase, "bursted into Rhett's studio like an avenging husband." Megan apologized to Rhett for her fiancee's behavior and left with Desmond. In his car, Desmond insisted that Megan not return to Rhett's studio again and Megan returned home in her own car, telling Desmond that she would not see him until he could respect the fact that she had an independent life of her own.

Rhett went to the Saxtons’ and confronted Jason when he learned of his impersonation and the way he set Megan and himself up. They had a fist fight and, before Josie broke it up and sent Rhett back to his own apartment. Jason caught one on the eye, leaving him with the beginning of a very conspicuous shiner as he presented himself for work at the brokerage firm.

Connie learned that Rhett had turned down Megan's offer to pay him for his time and the use of his studio facilities. She confronted Rhett and learned that it was so, then became hurt and angry, telling him that he knew very well that she had been banking all her spare money for two years so they could afford to be married. Jason told her not to make the mistake of taking Megan too seriously.

After a disagreement with Laurie, Austin got drunk and wandered over to the Saxton house. He woke up in the morning on the couch - once again - and learned that he had been throwing pebbles at the window as he used to do when Laurie lived there, though he had no recollection of it at all. Amy arranged for him to speak to Lester, and Austin admitted that he was an alcoholic and asked for Lester's help. When he turned up late at the office, Richard was glad to hear that his son would then admit that he needed help to control his drinking and told Austin that he would arrange matters so that he could be admitted as soon as possible to Fresh Fields, a sanitarium frequented by fellow inebriates in their social class.

Austin had second thoughts and told Lester Saxton that Fresh Fields was merely an expensive "drunk farm." Lester told him that nobody could send him there unless he himself signed the commitment papers. Austin speculated that his father might get angry enough to write him out of his will; that his father had been paying his bills all of his life.

Lester and Austin spoke about Austin's prospects and when Austin volunteered that he could paint and play the guitar, Lester told him that there were too many dissatisfactions in that kind of work for Austin to depend on it when he was trying to struggle with staying sober. Austin agreed that he wouldn't have started drinking if he could have been the kind of artist he wanted to be. Lester fave him a brochure from his electronics plant, asking him to read it over and suggesting he might be able to arrange a job for him if he was interested.

When Richard phoned to say that he had "taken care of your immediate future" - the director of Fresh Fields having agreed to admit him as a patient -, Austin told him that solution was wrong for him and that he would make it on his own with Lester Saxton to help him. Richard insisted that Saxton was not qualified because their backgrounds were so different, but Austin insisted that "a drunk's a drunk." Richard reminded his son that he had agreed to go to Fresh Fields but Austin replied that his father bullied him into it and he wouldn’t let him do that any more. Richard reminded his son that he paid his bills and was told that Austin wouldn’t allow that any more, either.

Cushing, who had told his wife previously that she was making too much of her apprehensions about the Saxton family, went to see Lester and told him that he resented his interfering in his family's lives. Later, Jason replied to a barb by Edith Cushing that he might find his position with the brokerage house overwhelming, by saying he was sure he wouldn’t have as rough a job as Austin would; that Austin was taking a job in a factory that he – Jason - turned down some weeks ago.

Edith went to see Desmond who had made up with Megan and agreed not to fuss about her seeing Rhett. She told him that as a young girl she wanted to marry his father but her own father convinced her that breaking her engagement to Richard just "wasn't done." She insisted that she and Richard had been very happy and that things always worked out for the best, but Megan was an impulsive young woman, as she once was, and needed him to exercise more control.

After seeing Edith, Desmond phoned Megan and told her that he wanted to see her again to talk about their future. Megan, feeling trapped, asked Jason, when he called to ask Laurie to dinner to celebrate his new position, if he minded if she took Laurie's place, saying she didn’t want to remain home that night.

When Desmond learned that Megan deliberately avoided seeing him, he went to the Cushing house to wait for her return, determined to resolve things once and for all. Sophia persuaded him to speak to Richard and get his advice and called Barbara Manners' apartment to locate him. Before Richard arrived, Rhett called to deliver some negatives and immediately after, Jason and Megan returned from dinner. Megan said she was sick of talking and asked Desmond, Rhett and Jason to leave. When Megan told her father that Desmond should trust her more, Richard replied that she didn’t make it easy. Her father asked if it was Desmond she was defying or the whole idea of marriage itself and told her that it seemed as if she was trying to drive Desmond away.

After Austin accepted the job at the factory, his father tpmd him that he had seen Lester but that his quarrel was not with Saxton. He asked if Austin was taking the job just to snub his nose at him and Austin said that he never had done that and would will. Richard ende by tel-ling Austin that he was proud of him for facing his problems head on and promised to back him up all the way.

Austin learned that Laurie had taken a job as a clerk in Desmond's office and made some cracks about Desmond but Laurie quickly came to Desmond's defense. Austin apologized and told Laurie that he was still in love with her, saying that his job at the factory was part of his effort to straighten himself out. He told her he hoped he would have more luck with her as a blue collar than he had had "as a blue blood."

Tessa Saxton had accepted a date for her first dance at her new school with a classmate, Hadley Phillips. Sophia insisted that she wear a string of pearls saying that they should be worn in order to keep their sheen. Tessa was delighted but when her sister Ellie learned who Tessa's escort was to be, she was increasingly upset to hear. Ellie insisted on meeting the young man when she identified him as coming from a wealthy, socially prominent family. Finally, Ellie noticed the pearls and told her younger sister that she couldn’t wear them as they were valuable and she might lose them. Ellie reached to take them off Tessa and broke them. She told her sister she shouldn't have tried to pull away and Tessa ran up to her room crying. When Josie asked what had happened, Eleanor told her that Tessa broke a string of pearls Sophia lent her and that she would return them and explain. When she arrived at the Cushings, Ellie told Edith that her sister had found the pearls broken on the lawn and Edith assumed that her mother has become careless and forgetful.

On the advice of his mother, Rhett called Connie and told her that he wanted to pick her up and talk at his apartment. He told Connie that he too had been putting money away for the past six months as a surprise for her. He agreed with Connie that they could announce their engagement. When Megan called, Connie told Rhett that it was all right with her if Megan worked there and even invited Megan to share dinner with them. As Rhett was preparing to go for some wine, Desmond rang the bell and apologized to Rhett. Connie and Rhett both left on Rhett's errand and Desmond told Megan that he was withdrawing his objection to her seeing Rhett. Megan replied that he had said that before but they didn’t quarrel further and Desmond asked to see some of her work.

When Amy called at the Cushings to see Austin after work as he had asked, Edith Cushing told her that Austin, who was in another room, was not home and called to say that he would be delayed. Eleanor witnessed the lie but told Edith that under the circumstances she would do the same thing.

When Austin later learned from Amy she was turned away, he brought her back to the Cushing house and told his mother that Amy would be his guest at dinner and that they would be downstairs playing billiards 'til it was ready. Edith agreed but told Sophia that she couldn’t understand how Austin could force that girl on them and when Laurie came in from work, she sent her down to the billiard room to keep Austin company.

One Life To Live

Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan

Larry Wolek had tried dating Doctor Margaret Dexter reputed by Alan Bennett to be the coldest woman on the hospital staff. As Tony's Place was the spot they visited on their dinner date, Karen had to ask Lana to take their order, though they were seated at a table which was her station, just as she herself had taken over previously when Lana could not bear to watch Brad and Jenny together. Karen then accepted a date with Alan, which she had previously turned down, and was dangerously close to conceding that she might as well spend the evening with Alan whatever developed and give up on Larry for good. However, Larry and Dr. Dexter watched a television program and Larry left early. He showed up at Tony's Place just as Karen was about to leave and dragged her off protesting to his car and home to the Craig house. He demanded to know if Karen was sleeping with Alan and Karen refused to answer one way or the other. She shouted that Larry dumped her over Danny and his cereal and poor old Mrs. Wade weeks ago and then wouldn’t even let her try to forget him.

The following morning, Jenny asked why Karen didn't set Larry straight about Alan, why she was still playing games. When Karen answered that she wanted Larry on her terms, Jenny retorted Karen's terms were that she would provoke Larry but he was not allowed to be jealous and he had to live above his income. She was convinced that Karen would lose Larry but Karen said she was merely preparing for any possibility that might occur.

Karen herself made the final move the following day after telling Lana that she couldn’t understand what it was about Larry that made everyone take his side. She told Lana that she swore sometimes she hated him, and then went to Larry and said if her faults bother him so much, maybe she should do something about them; that she would try if he would. That was all it took to get Larry to agree to put her ring back on.

Larry told his small son Danny that he and Karen were back together again. When Karen spoke to Danny alone and told him she would like to have him as a ring bearer in her wedding party, the boy told her he didn’t want to be part of the wedding. Karen said it was all right and Danny added that he didn’t care because his dad told him it was not going to happen for a long time. He said his dad said not to worry because the wedding wouldn’t be 'til after his Aunt Viki got her baby back.

Karen met Dorian Cramer Lord and went with her to Llanfair to celebrate with afternoon champagne. Dorian gave her opinion that Karen and Larry's marriage should take precedence over everything else. She told Karen that if she were to ask Viki and Joe, they would want them to be married as soon as possible and that Larry had a tendency to put Viki's welfare ahead of his own.

Karen visited the Riley home and told Viki that she and Larry had no definite plans. She asked Viki if she thought it would be wrong of her and Larry to consider going off quietly and getting married and Viki replied that would depend on what kind of a wedding they wanted. Karen admitted that she and Larry both wanted a traditional wedding with all their friends and relatives present. After Karen left, Viki called on Larry saying Joe and her problems were complicating his life and she wouldn’t have it. She asked him for her sake to be married as soon as possible.

Larry told Karen they were not getting any younger, that Viki was adamant and they could be married whenever she liked. They decided on March 18th as the date for the wedding. He told Karen she could have whatever kind of wedding she wanted, "the whole bit," and Karen said she wanted a long white wedding gown, Danny as her ring bearer and a reception at the country club. Larry strang her along saying he was not sure the country club rented out its facilities to non-members, but finally said that he had received an application and would apply for membership as a pre-wedding gift to her.

Just before Viki arrived, Vinnie had been telling his brother Larry that Joe was cracking up; that he was never home on time and usually drunk and that Viki was covering up for him and getting used to doing it by then.

Viki had told Dorian that she wanted her to stop coddling Joe and catering to his weakness. She pointed out that Dorian had seen Joe drunk at the office and at Union meetings. She reminded Dorian when she refered to "our newspaper" that the paper was Dorian's; that her father left Dorian in complete charge and it was up to her to see to the paper's needs. - Joe had reminded Viki that when push came to shove with the unions in the past Victor always gave in to protect the tradition of the Banner's never having failed to publish in fifty years. Joe was taking a hard line with the unions and Viki was afraid that the unions would "walk." –

The following day, Viki walked in just after Dorian stood by as Joe poured himself a "hair of the dog." When he left the office to attend to a problem, a press had broken down, Dorian told Viki she was up half the previous night thinking over what Viki had said and that it occurred to her that Viki was right. She decided that the paper suffered from Joe's inability to handle his problems and that she believed he should see a doctor. She asked Viki if she would mind if she – Dorian - spoke to Joe herself about seeing Doctor Will Vernon for the good of the paper. Viki said she had tried but she would be grateful if Dorian was able to succeed where she failed. Dorian told her that she was not looking for gratitude; that she wanted to see Joe and Viki happy the way they used to be. When she was told about this by Viki, Anna's eyes widened and she asked "And you believed her?"

Cathy had remembered the fact that there was a picture in her album that corresponded to the drawing she made of a woman whom no one had been able to identify. Frightened at the implications she put the thought out of her mind. - This woman and her husband were the couple Cathy left Kevin with. Cathy kidnapped the Riley's infant son after learning that the pregnancy she so counted on to help her get over the death of Megan, the child she had by Joe Riley, was nonexistent. The couple had since relocated from Hobart, Texas to California. - When Will Vernon took Cathy to Tony's Place and to the apartment upstairs where she lived with Tony Lord after their marriage, she remembered some details and incidents but when she returned to the living room she flew into a range at the sight of a scarf left there by Pat. She accused Tony of having some broad up there while she was locked up and then she recognized Pat's perfume and said aloud "Pat Kendall."

When Tony told Pat about the incident, Pat said that it was only a matter of time before Cathy started saying something about Brian being Tony's son. Tony suggested that they talk to Will Vernon about how to break the news to Brian who was then out of the hospital and recuperating at home with Pat. He warned Pat that she would have to tell Will the whole story and Pat conceded that and said for the boy's sake she would. When Tony talked about taking a trip to California to meet Pat's mother and mentioned he had inquired about a vacant house that seemed perfect for them, Pat told him that until Cathy was better, they had no right to plan their lives. Tony, who found out that Cathy married him immediately after she found out that he was the father of Pat Kendall's child in order to keep Pat from telling him, retorted, "Any help I give her is much more than she gave me and you know it."

When her husband came home after the first few minutes of a telecast news-conference updating the search for the Riley baby, the woman who then had Kevin switched off the set. Earlier she had told her husband that as far as she was concerned the baby was a "gift from the Lord," and if the Lord meant for his mother to come and take him it was fine, but if not, she was going to enjoy him for as long as she could. Even though she had seen a picture of Cathy and heard that she was the woman accused of kidnapping Kevin and was then undergoing psychiatric observation in Llanview, she told her husband Frank, when he wanted to switch the set back on, that she had looked all over the channels and there was nothing of interest on.

Joe showed of at Llanfair, staggering after a dinner with Union officials. Dorian got him to promise to call her when he arrived home. At home Joe told Viki he was haunted by the same scene she kept remembering, of the day when they first held Kevin. He insisted that Kevin was dead but Viki, dry-eyed, told him she didn’t accept that and never would. Viki told him they had so little in common, they might as well not be living in the same house together. Dorian called, reminding him that he promised to call her. She asked if he was all right and he laughed and told her that depended. The following morning it was Joe's turn to want to talk to Viki who told him to forget it, that there was nothing to talk about. He said he couldn’t ignore what she said and if she could pretend that it never happened, they were a lot worse off than he thought. She replied they were.

Dorian reminded Joe about her phone call last evening and Joe insisted she had to be mistaken. When Dorian told him that she did, in fact, speak with him and asked if he had ever blacked out before, he denied that he blacked out, merely forgot something that he obviously didn't consider important. Joe told Viki that he was going to stop drinking and Viki merely nodded. When he commented on her lack of enthusiasm she said, in a carefully controlled voice, that she would give him whatever support she could.

When Will learned that Brian was Tony's son, he recommended that they not tell Brian while he was still recuperating from his illness. He said that Cathy was not likely to be able to spread word about Brian's parentage because of her situation and her inability to remember and without that immediate threat he advised that it was best to wait until Tony's situation with Cathy was completely resolved. Tony agreed to abide by this in the best interests of the child.

Larry returned later that day saying he had spoken to someone at the country club and the cost for the kind of wedding she was planning was overwhelming. He suggested they reconsider but Karen insisted that she would take care of it — she had it all figured out. When he asked if she would mind telling him, she said she certainly did. She said she didn’t want to compromise and didn't want to talk about it as she had a headache. Larry noticed that she looked ill but she insisted she was O.K. and he was just being the doctor.

Karen had given Larry a list of people she wanted to invite to the wedding. She told him he could cut whomever he wanted from the two-hundred but asked if she could add one name —Dorian's. Larry told her emphatically that if she added Dorian's name, she could get someone else to take his place. Karen accepted this but suggested Larry consider that Dorian had been very good to her, had never said anything against him in her presence, and was probably the most important woman in Llanview. She went on to suggest they take advantage of a professional "Social Service" to take care of all the details of the wedding at a cost of 10 percent of the money expended. Larry vetoed this.

Jenny reminded Karen that her plans were rather grandiose since the bride was supposed to pay for most of the wedding and, considering their parents' and Karen's own situation, asked where the money was going to come from. When Jenny asked if Karen was planning on letting Larry pay, Karen insisted she was not. She ran from the room asking why Jenny was always trying to ruin things for her, "especially today."

Jenny was confused about how she felt about Brad: was it love or sexual attraction? Brad kept pressuring Jenny for a deeper commitment. He wanted to marry her but she was unsure whether he was the man she wanted to the rest of her life with. She wondered if she might be attracted to Dr. Vernon, Brad’s father. Naomi pushed Brad to be more aggressive with Jenny but he fumed when Jenny suggested he be more like his father. Brad adviced Jenny to seek Will’s help after she confessed she had sexual hangups.

At work that night Lana remarked that she was looking tired and upset and asked if she was mad at Larry. Karen said if she was mad at anyone, it was herself for going out with Alan Bennett and letting Larry get the impression that she had been to bed with Alan. Lana replied that was all over and everything is O.K. then. Karen answered "except for one thing — I think I'm pregnant."

Ryan’s Hope

Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

After an angry scene with Mary and Alex McLean, Jack Fenelli had to be taken upstairs by Alex. Jack phoned Jumbo Marino, asking him to come immediately, but when Jumbo arrived to be told by Jack that he wanted him to help move back to Jack's waterfront apartment, Jumbo refused to allow Jack to risk further harm to himself. When Maeve was called away to help her daughter Kathleen in a temporary crisis, Jack left Ryan's on his own. After a talk with an authority in the Chancery office of the Diocese, Jack learned that the first step to securing an annulment was to start a civil procedure. He retained Anne Burney as his council. Mary refused to accept the summons Jack himself tried to serve her with but was finally confronted by a process server at Ryan's.

On the night of a party to celebrate Faith and Pat's engagement at Ryan's bar, Delia told Pat she was pregnant. He told her he very much doubted that he was the father and that nothing was going to break his engagement to Faith. After a few minutes, he left the party, pleading a patient who needed his attention, and went to Roger Coleridge's apartment. Roger told him that he got exactly what he deserved. He asked for Pat's blood type, and as it was different, he told Pat he could prove he was not the child's father; that was, if Pat cared to wait. He added that the sad thing was that after all Delia had done to him, he would be pleased if the baby were his.

That same night, after his return from the Dominican Republic where he secured a divorce from Delia, Frank Ryan finally learned that the baby Jillian Coleridge was carrying is not his child. Frank told Jill he remembered the day she came back from the weekend at the beach house; Jillian said Seneca was strictly a friend. As to the matter of his raising Seneca's child, Frank told Jill: "It's your baby, your problem and your lies." Jillian gave him back the ring he gave her and Frank walked the streets 'til the dawn, finally hurling the ring out of sight.

The following day, Frank returned to the hospital and as Seneca was present when he walked in, Jillian asked that Seneca stayed. When Frank said that he would be happy if Seneca would take full responsibility for Jill's child and the baby could make do with one loving parent; Jillian asked him if he ever for one minute doubted that she would raise his son, little John, and see to it that Delia would have her rightful share in caring for the boy. Frank's answer was that this was different. Seneca told Frank that he couldn’t have everything and that he was telling Jill in effect that she couldn’t have him unless she abandoned her baby. Frank told Jill, nodding his head in Seneca's direction, that he wouldn’t have "him" in his life for the next twenty-odd years; that he couldn’t compromise about Seneca. Jillian retorted "And I have to think about more people than you." In Jill's opinion it was obvious that Frank couldn’t for-give, so he couldn’t compromise. Frank walked out.

Jillian was released from the hospital the following day and when Roger called on her, she told her brother what had to soon be common knowledge. She said that she didn’t understand her own behavior in lying and continuing the lie to Frank. She went on to say that she didn't want mostly to hurt herself; that she was protecting the perfect image she had of herself. When Roger told her she was being too hard on herself and that he understood, Jillian was grateful; but then Roger began to think aloud in terms of how Seneca's child would be his own niece or nephew and consequently his attitude toward Roger's returning to the staff of Riverside Hospital might soften. He couldn’t stop short of asking Jillian to put in a good word for him and Jillian laughed at the "new, reformed, Roger Coleridge."

Seneca rushed into Jill's apartment filled with enthusiasm after talking with Allan's doctor. Bill Wolfe had gotten a research grant to develop a system which could and had been used at Riverside Hospital, employing the Le Boyer method at the time of delivery. Jillian was mistrustful of the possibility of manipulation on Seneca's part — she reminded him that despite the "bonding" experience that the method promoted for the father, mother and child, that they were not a family; but she agreed to go that very afternoon to a showing of tapes illustrating the method in Dr. Wolfe's office which Seneca had so thoughtfully arranged for her.

Mary Ryan Fenelli came to see Jillian and agreed to join her and Faith for the screening, hopeful that if Jack would agree, the bonding aspect would prove the answer to Jack's fears that he couldn’t relate to their expected child. – Mary had asked that Frank represent her in her dealings with Jack's attorney but she was determined not to allow Jack an inch in her fight to save her marriage. She was aware that Jack would have a difficult, if not impossible task in securing a divorce or annulment from a faithful wife who was pregnant with his child in New York State. - After seeing the tapes Mary said that she wanted so much for the baby to be born into the world in that manner and added that if she could just get Jack to look at that tape, she didn’t see how he could say no.

That morning, Delia took off from the Ryan's before Maeve and the rest of the house were up and went to a Clinic where she told the doctor in charge that she was seeking an abortion immediately, in a manner calculated to arouse the conviction in Dr. Thompson that Delia was emotionally overwrought and acting contrary to what she really wished. When Dr. Thompson asked for the name of someone who could see her home, as she was apparently in no fit state to travel, Delia asked her to call Maeve Ryan.

On hearing that Delia had consulted Dr. Thompson about securing an immediate abortion, Maeve rushed over. Alone with Delia, she learned that the child was Pat's; that he had suggested that Delia give the child up for adoption. She told Dee that there would be no adoption and no abortion and that they would know what to do after she spoke to Patrick.

Pat told his mother, Maeve, that he didn't send Delia to the abortion clinic and he would find his own solution. Maeve learned that Pat and Dee were lovers before her marriage to Frank. Maeve asked if she knew Pat at all. When Delia asked if Maeve was going to send her away, Maeve put her down to rest, telling her that there was no question she would care for Delia's and Pat's child; that she loved him already.

When she returned to Pat, he told her that Delia schemed and lied, and she remarked "This from her greatest defender." She told her son it didn’t matter what Delia planned, he allowed it and enjoyed it and they were both aware that he had a mind of his own. Maeve told him he had to face responsibility for the life he had begun. Pat said he intended to and he also intended to be responsible to Faith. Maeve asked how.

Maeve tried to talk with Delia again but came back to the room where Pat had just told his father about the situation to report that Delia was upset in a way that frightened her; that she thought Delia was emotionally ill and she made matters worse by offering to raise the child herself, causing Delia to cry that if Maeve took another baby away from her, she would kill herself. Johnny agreed that if Delia was going to be in charge of the baby, someone was going to have to be in charge of her. Johnny and Maeve made it clear that they couldn’t think of any solution other than for Pat to marry Delia.

Maeve got a phone call from Faith who asked her to come over. When she did, Faith showed a stricken Maeve her grandmother's wedding dress, saying she wanted to wear it at her own wedding, and asked to borrow a brooch to go with it. Jillian came in while Maeve was there and Faith tried to defend her sister to Maeve, but Jillian asked to be alone with Maeve saying she wanted to hear anything Maeve had to say. Maeve said she was used to Delia's habit of abusing the truth but from Jillian she had come to expect something different; that she was surprised that honesty and truth weren't as central to Jililan's relationship with Frank as she thought. When Jill talked about Frank's present inability to understand that she had to put the baby's welfare first, Maeve agreed, saying that the child did deserve to be welcomed with love and protection and she was sure that was where the greatest responsibility did lie.

Mary Ryan Fenelli had offered Jack a "deal." If Jack would agree to participate in classes on the Lamaze childbirth techniques with Mary and follow through with sharing with her the post delivery according to the Le Boyer method, then if he was still insistant on the break-up of their marriage she would give him an uncontested divorce. Jack agreed to view the tapes with Mary but afterward, in Dr. Wolfe's presence, burst out with "Thanks, but no thanks. It's your pregnancy, your baby. You can have it any way you like, but count me out."

Pat got Bucky to cover for him when he got an extended shift and went to Faith's apartment to tell her about Delia. She told him she was very disappointed in him but that didn’t stop her from loving him and wanting to marry him. When Roger confirmed what he had told Pat before, Faith headed for Ryan's to confront Delia.

Seneca and Jillian were watching television past midnight, Jillian grateful for his company for a change. She was out of the room when the phone rang and returned to hear from Seneca that there was no one on the line when he answered. The call was from Frank who hung up when he heard Seneca's voice at that hour.

Search For Tomorrow

Written by: Irving & Tex Elman

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim

The Kaslos found that Steve had very little time to spend with Liza while he was touring with Melissa Manchester. When he finally got a few days off to take her skiing, she sprained her ankle. Having forgotten his music, Steve returned to their hotel room to find Liza poring over her modeling portfolio. Steve told her that he wanted to quit the tour and go home so that she could start working for Woody Reed again. Liza objected, saying that the only thing she was unhappy about was her ankle, especially since he loved her enough to want to give up his career for her happiness.

Woody Reed heard about Scott Phillips through Liza and asked him to handle negotiations on his new contracts. He realized that Scott's fees were higher than his current lawyer but you get what you pay for. He had been offered a partnership with Olympia of Paris and would manage the New York office.

Feeling very high after a champagne brunch with his new partners, Woody called Liza from Paris, telling her he was a partner in Olympia of Paris and asking her to meet him in New York because he had a deal she couldn’t refuse. As it was four o'clock in the morning he promised to call later. Liza was rejecting any possibility, but Steve suggested she talk to Woody. She asked Steve to give up the tour and come to New York since he joined the tour to meet people in the music business and most of them were in New York. Steve and Woody convinced Liza to accept the job and Steve agreed to meet her when the tour was finished.

Hospital patient Cindy French was afraid mobster Ed Minter would come looking for her as she had told the police he beat her baby who died from those injuries. Doctor Gary Walton felt sorry for her and let her stay at his apartment until she could find a place of her own and get her life in order. His friends, Amy Carson and Doctor Wade Collins, were concerned that he had lost his objectivity. Wade told Gary that the hospital board was meeting and he was to be there to request reinstatement. Gary finally conceded to what he called begging, but was adamant that Cindy's living at his apartment was part of his personal life and had nothing to do with the hospital.

When Doctor Thruston of the hospital board saw Gary having dinner with Cindy, he told Doctor Bob Rogers that he did not approve of Gary's companions. As medical examiner he did the autopsy on the French baby and knew that Cindy had been living with Ed Minter, if he was found and the case came to trial, all this would be brought out in court and it would be very messy. Bob called Wade who told Gary. Gary felt that it was a matter of principle and he was only protecting Cindy. Minter called Cindy to tell her that he wanted to make everything up to her but she refused to believe he was really far from Henderson.

Dr. Greg Hartford had returned to Henderson to settle his Aunt's estate. Greg was recovering from injuries he received in Vietnam and so he dod,’t mind that it was going to take Scott a while because no will had been found. Scott was fascinated that Hartford knew his father, Doug Martin, years ago in New York. Scott was interested in Doug's early life since his parents were never married and he only knew his father for a few years before his death.

Jo Vincente and Ellie Bergman were puzzled by Stu Bergman's animosity toward Greg Hartford. Stu had refused to discuss it with them, but had come right out and told Hartford that he would rather Greg would stay somewhere other than the Inn. Greg was willing to leave, but Jo said this was a public Inn and since it had been his family home and held many memories for him, he was welcome to stay.

Ellie finally recorded her record collection which had been misplaced since she moved to the Inn. She was playing Maurice Chevnor's "Louise" when Stu insisted that she turn it off. Ellie was so stunned that she hesitated for a moment and Stu seized the record, smashing it. Ellie told Jo and they asked him if his hatred for Greg had anything to do with his sister Louise, who drowned years ago while she was dating Greg. Stu replied Greg was responsible for Louise's death.

Stu finally explained that Greg and Louise had asked their parents for permission to marry before returning to school. The Bergmans were happy, but the Hartfords said Greg was too young to marry and they would only sign the consent if he wanted to marry a girl who would fit in with their family. Greg and Louise then explained Louise was pregnant hoping the Hartfords would give in. But the Hartfords just offered to send Louise away for an abortion. When Greg stood up to them, they told him if he married Louise, he could continue in school but he would have to get a job because they wouldn't give him one penny. Louise and Greg went to the family cottage at Crystal Lake to think things out. But Greg returned alone, telling everyone that their row-boat had capsized and he was unable to save Louise. Stu told the police and his family that Greg wanted her to get an abortion and marry secretly, but it was his word against Greg's. He reluctantly went along with his parents in keeping Louise's pregnancy a secret so as not to hurt her reputation.

Jo insisted that Stu talk this out with Greg. Greg assured him his parents only objected to the marriage because they were so young. His family wanted him to get through medical school before marrying anyone. In the heat of the argument they did accuse Louise of being loose and suggested that it was someone else's baby, but he didn't believe it. He never could have caused or wished for Louise's death because it almost destroyed him. Stu refused to change his mind.

Walter Pace was still promising his bank that he would get Stephanie, his wife, to sign over her Collins Corporation stock as collateral for his company loans. Stephanie had asked Scott Phillips to look over her stock before she invested in a deal with Walter. Scott had asked investigator David Sutton to help him check into Pace's business investments because he felt that something was not quite right. David had found that Pace made a lot of money years ago in a deal, but could find nothing in the present about his dealings.

Jennifer Phillipd told District Attorney Sullivan that she couldn’t testify against John Wyatt even though he told her that although she could only go to prison once, it hadn't yet been determined for how long. Stephanie tried talking to Jennifer, but only upset her when she told Jennifer that John didn’t love her and would testify against her.

John still felt that the only way to prove his innocence was to discredit Jennifer on the stand and since she refused to testify, they would have to call her as a witness. His attorney Kathy Phillips was very reluctant. Scott told his wife that he not only felt that Jennifer was too unstable for her to call as a witness, but he had warned her that John, also an attorney, would call the shots in the trial.

Jennifer’s fantasy convinced her to leave town with no luggage, wearing a wig so that no one would recognize her. Even the dark wig didn’t fool David Sutton when he saw her at the bus station. He didn’t believe that Jennifer had any friend who would come to town on the bus. David convinced her that if she loved John, she would stay to testify. Jennifer assumed that she must have misunderstood John.

D.A. Sullivan implied that John used both Jennifer and David to accomplish his wife's murder. He got Lt. Frank to admit that he let David talk him into postponing John's arrest because he hadn't felt that John was guilty. When they broke, Jennifer rushed to John asking him what he wanted her to do. Kathy felt that this strengthened her position that they shouldn't call Jennifer. When John saw Scott and Kathy at dinner, Scott told him that he needed a criminal lawyer.

Bruce Carson moved to Hartford House after Gail Caldwell and his wife Amy both told him to make a choice. Gail assumed that Bruce had come back to her and that he was ready to be a free lance reporter with her, but Bruce said he had never really loved anyone. Gail said that everything had been light and easy, but relationships changed. When Bruce came home, Amy painfully thought that Bruce's visit was to tell her that he wanted a divorce. But he told Amy that he realized dhat he loves her and their daughter Tory and needed them. The day after their reconciliation Amy visited Gail, asking her not to be cynical because she, Amy, felt partially responsible for their affair. Gail, bitterly disappointed, returned to Europe.

Trainer had threatened to fire Bruce if he refused to cover the Wyatt trial. Bruce explained this to John. He had read that John was basing his case on the fact that he hadn't met with Jennifer. When John confirmed this, Bruce was puzzled because he and Gail saw Jennifer leaving John's room the morning she was arrested. He told Sullivan, but explained that this was delicate since he had spent the night with Gail. They agreed to establish that he and Gail worked often in her room.

After receiving an emergency phone call, Gary realized when he reached his car that he had been given a false address and returned to his apartment to find that Ed Minter had broken in and shot Cindy. He disarmed Minter and called the police. The bullet was very close to Cindy's heart, but she was not strong enough for them to operate. After a close call when her heart stopped, they contacted the best surgeon. Gary felt guilty because he promised Cindy that she would be safe. The newspapers played up the fact that she had been living with Gary, endangering his reinstatement.

Sullivan implied that John only left Jennifer to make people think he had gone back to Eunice because Eunice told Jo her big mistake was that she hadn't fought Jennifer before and would never let John go then. Kathy offered to step down as his lawyer when John objected because she didn't discredit Bruce. She didn’t want to call Jennifer, but John insisted that Sullivan made him look so bad that they had to. The courtroom became a circus when Jennifer asked John what to do and he accused her of lying. Kathy sumed up by asking the jury to think about Jennifer's past as a liar and consider that she was lying, but actually believed her own story.

 The Young And The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

After Stuart Brooks found his youngest daughter, Peggy, in Jack Curtis' apartment and jumped to the conclusion that he was taking advantage of her, Peggy explained they were secretly married but their marriage had not been consummated. Humiliated, Peggy returned home. Jennifer suggested that her daughter think of having her marriage annulled if she was not ready to be a wife to Jack. Peggy had lunch with her sister Chris, who gave her some insight while talking about her own marriage. Peggy picked up a few clothes and hurried to Jack's to prepare dinner for him. She had decided that she was not a child and had to live with her husband if she was to learn to be a wife.

The following day, Peggy asked Jack to let her imply to her family that the marriage had been consummated and everything was fine so that they wouldn’t worry. While she was packing to move in with Jack she talked about how happy she was with ALL the aspects of her new life with Jack. After the young couple left, Jennifer said she didn't get the idea from Jack's conversation that their sexual problems were solved.

That night, Peggy looked so appealing and seemed so willing that Jack was unable to control himself. Peggy became hysterical and was unable to sleep all night. In the morning Jack apologized and said that she wouldn’t be so frightened the next time. Peggy said that if there never was a next time it would be too soon. She hated it!

Joann Curtenzski, Jack’s ex-wife, had considered Kay Chancellor's suggestion that she give up her job as a waitress at the Allegro and become her companion as she had decided to go back to school. This arrangement dod give Joann more time to study and Kay was happy that there was someone in the house to keep her company. One evening friend Phil Cooper asked Joann to a show but when he arrived, she had decided to stay home. Joann noticed how restless and despondent Mrs. Chancellor became at the thought of spending the night alone. When Kay turned to alcohol, Joanne decided that it was more important to stay with her. She vowed never to leave Mrs. Chancellor alone.

Noticing that Joann had lost so much weight, Kay ordered some new outfits sent out in her size. Joann realizes that Kay's story about them being too young for herself was an excuse since they were all in her own size. Joann threw her arms around Kay in gratitude and this was all the thanks she needed.

Phil told Brock Reynolds about Joann cancelling their date and he paid a visit to his mother. Brock said he hoped that this association would help them both when he suggested Kay offer Joanne a place to live, but she seemed to be limiting Joann's horizons, which was exactly the opposite of what he had in mind. Kay said it was Joanne's own desire to break the date, but it didn’t surprise her after the way her husband treated her.

Chris Foster had taken Brock's advice and entered Karen in nursery school. Her husband Snapper was going to take her to the state mental hospital to see Karen's mother, Nancy Becker, but when he was unable to go, Brock offered to go along. He knew that Chris had been going to take Karen to see Nancy in the hope of jogging her back to sanity, but the Doctor was afraid this could prove harmful to Karen so he suggested they take a picture of Karen. Miss Simpson, the nurse who alerted them to Nan cy's whereabouts, remarked on Chris' constant concern. Chris explained she couldn't live with herself if she didn't do everything possible to help Nancy. - Chris wanted a child very badly and felt guilty because Karen then called her Mommy and didn’t want her mother back because she left and never returned. - Chris tried getting through to Nancy, but when she failed, she gave Nancy the picture of Karen and asked for a sign that she wanted Karen. Nancy ripped up the photograph.

Snapper learned that Joe Dillon intended to question his mother and knew that he and his sister Jill had to convince her not to talk to him. They explained to Liz that no one knew that she went back to the hospital and she should let Dillon go on believing that she had gone home several hours before because the police wouldn’t understand. They had to tell her that even though they understand that she unplugged the respirator because their father begged her to end his suffering, she could be charged with murder. Liz insisted that she had done nothing wrong and would tell the truth. Joe Dillon questioned Jill when Liz was in the kitchen reliving the moments before Bill died. When she unplugged an appliance, her head throbed and she seemed vague when Jill came to get her. Liz was surprised to see Snapper at the house and insisted that she had to get to the hospital to be with Bill. Snapper rushed Dillon out and wanted to take Liz to the hospital, suspecting she had had a minor stroke when they found that she couldn’t use her left arm. They explained that she didn’t remember Bill's death and agreed to her staying home if she would remain calm. Snapper had called the best neuro-surgeon to examine her. Greg arrived home but was critical of Snapper's handling of their mother since he had come to the conclusion that Snapper killed their father. Snapper felt it might be a blessing that Liz couldn’t remember anything about Bill's death because she wouldn’t be able to tell anyone. Jill felt Greg should know the truth so he wouldn’t continue to accuse Snapper but Snapper insisted they keep silent. Greg vowed to get at the truth.

Joe Dillon told his superior officer that no one held any animosity toward Bill Foster, so the person who killed him did it out of love. Dr. Snapper Foster couldn’t account for his time that evening and even doctors could prove human when they loved a person enough. If he got enough proof, he would have to arrest Dr. Foster.

The third stop on the Prentiss honeymoon was Athens. Lorie found that Lance had been there with many women, but they decided that though neither of them led chaste lives before they met, their prior experiences were part of what made them the people they loved. Lorie put on a belly-dancing exhibition for Lance which pleased and amused him. Next, they visited Madrid where Lorie discovers her sister Leslie Eliot would be arriving to do a piano concert.

The Eliots were looking forward to the birth of their child. Leslie asked if Brad would mind if they named a boy after him even though Barbara's son carried his name. - Brad didn't know that Barbara's child was his son until just before he unsuccessfully operated on him. His son's death drove him from medicine. - Brad suggested they name him Stuart after her father. The Maestro told Brad that he was lucky that he could still enjoy Leslie's talent. It would have been far worse if he had lost his hearing instead of his sight.

Before leaving for Madrid, Leslie visited Vanessa Prentiss to play for her. Vanessa remarked that it would be nice if Lance could be here or if Leslie were with Lance. Leslie told her that Lorie was married to Lance and they were very happy. She told Vanessa that Lorie gave up fame and fortune, the two things she cherished for her, Leslie; that the second book that Lorie wrote was never published because Leslie couldn't bear it. But Vanessa was sure Lorie told her she did have a second book published and asked her detective to track this book down.

Vanessa visited Brad to find out more about Lorie, knowing that she and Brad had been engaged. Brad also insisted that Laurie had changed. Vanessa admitted that she felt comfortable with Brad because of his blindness. Since she saw no one, Lance and the business were her whole life. Brad told her that it could stop being a need and become a compulsion. When Vanessa guessed Brad's profession, he offered to help her. Private Investigator Mr. Campbell had located a copy of Lorie's book, "In My Sister's Shadow." It had been difficult to find because it had been published under a pseudonym. Vanessa questioned Brad about Lorie's book, explaining that Leslie had told her about it. Brad said he was sure the book was never published because he tore up the manuscript himself.

Leslie arrived in Madrid to find the Prentisses waiting for her. The only person missing was Brad. He had promised that although he wasn’t comfortable enough to travel yet, he would soon. The Maestro had told Leslie that since she and Brad had gotten back together, Leslie's heart was back in her music. Both girls talked about how happy their men had made them and Leslie said Brad was going back into medicine. The past came up but Leslie quickly said neither of them needed to remember that. While waiting for the concert to begin, a woman behind Lorie told her husband about a book she was reading. The heroine was a young, shy concert pianist. Tears leapt into Lorie's eyes.

After Chris talked to Peggy, who admitted she would never let any man touch her, but refused to seek help, she told Jack that he didn’t realize how deeply Peggy had been traumatized. Jack still felt that love and understanding would bring her around.

Joe Dillon gave Snapper until morning to turn himself in. Jill was going to tell Greg, but his shouting woke Liz who insisted on knowing what was causing the tension. Greg told her that Snapper was going to be arrested for unplugging their father's respirator. After Snapper arrived and was ordered from the house by Greg, Jill decided Greg had to know the truth. Greg went to Snapper to apologize and offered his help. Snapper said he couldn't tell him the truth because Greg and their mother were very close and he didn't want to hurt that relationship. They agreed that Liz didn’t have to learn the truth and that this would make Snapper's defense difficult.

Nurse Simpson and Brock Reynolds thought it was significant that Nancy taped Karen's picture together and refused to let Brock take it from her.

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Thanks for sharing that. Yes, the Paul/Stacy/Joan Dancy plot took up most of the second half of 1976 and into 1977. The scenes where Paul seduces Stacy are interesting. There was definitely sexual chemistry between the two with the "ick" factor thrown in. For someone whose run on the show was relatively brief (only about a year), Paul Carr was one of the most compelling actors the show ever had.

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I probably should have asked this in the OLTL thread but does anyone know more about Lilian Hayman as Sadie Gray ? In more than 2 years of recaps she had never been mentioned (Carla is already very rare) and in the YouTube episodes from 1975 and 1977 we saw recently, she was not credited. I wonder if she was really present on the show from 1968 to 1986 as it is always said.

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Thankyou so much for the Feb synopsis. Here are the six Feb 77 Y&R script synopsis 


EPISODE - #976

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell & Kay Alden

TAPE DATE – Tuesday January 25, 1977

AIR DATE – Wednesday February 02, 1977

CAST – Kay, Joann, Snapper, Jill, Liz, Greg, Brock

SETS – Foster Living Room, Chancellor Living Room, Greg’s Legal Aid Office



Kay, Joann & Brock - Joann remembers Brock’s words of caution about his mother (he basically reiterated what Liz said earlier), Mrs. Chancellor decides Joann needs a makeover and wants to buy her a new wardrobe. Talk then turns to Phillip. How he would work so much, how it pushed Kay to drink. Joann admits Jack also spent a lot of his time at work and how infuriating it is, what men do to women, how a woman needs love and attention and how starved they both are for affection. Later, Brock comes home and is concerned that his mother is buying Joann a new wardrobe. He is also disturbed about Joann becoming her paid companion. She tries to make Brock see that she is doing all this for Joann. Brock wonders if she is doing all this to usurp and control her. To mould her life into what Duchess wants it to be. Kay throws Brock’s past advice in his face. He told her to reach out and help, that is what she is doing.

Snapper, Jill, Liz & Greg - Snapper and Jill are horrified to realise that Liz has no memory of Bill’s death and desperately wants to go see him at the hospital. Liz has lost feeling in her left hand and Snapper tells Jill he thinks their mother had a stroke (Snapper uses lady a lot and Jill uses Mama) Greg in his office is suspicious of Snapper. He feels Snapper is holding back about the respirator plug. (Greg has a very lengthy flashback to EP #927 from approx. Nov 23, 1976, where the brothers argue over Bill. Greg asks how long Bill needs to be on the respirator. Snapper tells him if they take him off it, he will die, it is his life support and brings up the right to die document Bill signed, Greg doesn’t believe he was in his right mind when he asked for that. Greg believes Bill’s condition could improve. Snapper basically tells him he’s an idiot. Greg feels that Snapper is writing their father off and that Snapper already sees their father as a dead man) Greg calls the hospital and tracks Snapper down at home and heads over there. Greg is shocked when he learns from Jill that Liz has had a stroke. Jill tells Liz that Bill is dead and all three try to convince her to see a doctor. She refuses to move until one of them tells her what happened to Bill. Greg stares down Snapper as Liz continues to demand to know how her husband died. 





EPISODE - #979

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell, Kay Alden & Elizabeth Harrower

TAPE DATE – Friday January 28, 1977

AIR DATE – Monday February 07, 1977

CAST –Snapper, Jill, Greg, Chris, Kay, Joann, Maestro Fautsch, Leslie, Phil Cooper

SETS – Foster Living Room, Foster Kitchen, Chancellor Living Room, Brad and Leslie’s Apartment



Joann, Kay & Phil - Joann and Kay are playing scrabble. Kay affectionately encourages Joann. They are interrupted by a phone call. It is Phil Cooper who asks Jo out on a date, and she accepts. Kay hides her possessiveness but asks who Phil is. Jo tells her he was a customer at The Allegro, they went out a few times as they had a lot in common, they are both trying to lose weight. Kay asks if Joann gave him the phone number. Joann tells her it was Brock. Kay with a slight edge states “Brock’s always – such a matchmaker” Joann senses Kay is upset about her going out with Phil. Kay tells her she might have told her about Phil, out of consideration. Joann is apologetic and plans to cancel the date. Kay wouldn’t dream of it. Joann asks if she wants her to fix her a meal before she leaves, but Kay isn’t hungry and has already poured herself a drink instead. Jo wishes she would eat; Kay ignores this and tells her to get ready for her date. Jo tells her they are just going to a movie; Kay implies that Phil will have more in mind for after the movie. Jo no longer wants to go but Kay tells her she must, it is fine, don’t worry about her, she is used to being alone. When Phil arrives, Kay is rather curt with him and as they wait for Joann, she drinks more, and implies Phil has a lustful impatience to see Joann. Joann comes down and breaks off her date with Phil and he leaves. Kay is surprised. Jo tells her it didn’t feel right to leave her, and that Phil is just a friend. Kay says he seemed quite nice – though average. Jo tells her she won’t leave her alone and Kay admits she did panic a little and that she is spoiled having her there. Jo promises this won’t happen again. They hold each other’s gaze until Jo goes to make them coffee. 

Snapper, Jill, Greg, Chris - Greg and Jill argue about Snapper’s decision to have Dr. Landers come to the house to check on Liz. Greg doesn’t seem to think Snapper has their mother’s best interest in mind. Jill is upset that Greg would think this and tells him he has no idea what he’s talking about. They are interrupted by Chris who came by to spend time with Mom Foster. She is surprised to see Snapper; he tells her about the stroke and sees it as a blessing since Liz has forgotten about Bill’s death, Chris doesn’t understand this at all. Greg is getting impatient; he wants their mother to see a doctor now! Snapper tells him Landers is the best neurologist on staff, Mom is resting, she will be fine. Greg wants a second opinion. Snapper tells him he will have it when Dr. Landers arrives. While Snapper and Jill are upstairs with Liz, Chris pleads with Greg to tell her what is going on between him and her husband. She has noticed the tension. They argue with Greg being cryptic in his wording. Chris is sure it has to do with how Snapper handled Bill’s death and is certain Greg no longer trusts his brother. She demands to know what is going on. They are interrupted by Snapper who tells Chris that Liz wants to see her. When Chris leaves, the brothers begin to argue. Greg tells Snapper that Chris is asking a lot of heavy questions and wants to know what he plans to tell her. Snapper tells him to stay the hell out of it. Greg refuses, knowing what he does. Snapper tells him to get it through his head, he doesn’t know a bloody thing!!! Snapper storms out of the kitchen into the living room angry and frustrated as Chris watches from the stairs worried about her husband. 

Leslie & Maestro - Leslie is delightfully surprised when Maestro stops by for a visit, she hadn’t expected to see him before her concerts in Madrid. Maestro tells her it has been so long since they have seen each other. He notes how radiant she is, how her concerts in Madrid will be a triumph and how happy Brad is as well. She thanks him for his intervention, and they discuss Brad’s vision problems and how different things would have been had she known. Maestro tells her he has cancelled the rest of her European tour and rescheduled it for six months’ time, so Brad and Leslie have time to rebuild their marriage. Leslie couldn’t be happier.




EPISODE - #980

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell & Kay Alden 

TAPE DATE – Monday January 31, 1977

AIR DATE – Tuesday February 08, 1977

CAST – Jack, Peg, Chris, Snapper, Stuart, Jen, Kay, Joann, Karen

SETS – Chris and Snapper’s Apartment, Brooks Living Room, Chancellor Living Room & Foyer, Peg’s Bedroom, Jack’s Bed – in limbo



Jack, Peggy, Stu, Jen - Jack and Peggy spent the night together, without sex. Jack tells her it is a new beginning and that soon she will be comfortable taking the next steps to a complete marriage. Peggy isn’t comfortable with the conversation and decides she is going to see her parents and move more of her stuff over. She is worried about her family’s constant attention on her marriage and tells Jack she wants to tell them they have consummated the marriage in the hopes the questions will go away. Jack isn’t so sure but agrees to go along with her plan. At the Brooks home Stu returns having forgotten some reports and decides to work from home, making Jen nervous. They discuss Les and Maestro’s visit and her upcoming concerts in Madrid. Talk turns to Peg. Stu wonders how her night with Jack went. Jen tells him she is a grown woman and is dealing with her issues in her own way and they need to respect that. Stu thinks the whole marriage was a mistake, Jen doesn’t want to hear it. He asks when Peg will be home. Jen tells him she is already home, but before Stu can head upstairs to see her, Jen tells him she is packing and moving out today.  Stu goes to Peg; they talk about her leaving. Stu is sorry if he overreacted, he wants her marriage to work. She knows he still worries and tells him he doesn’t have to. She and Jack have a real marriage now (she never says they had sex, but Stu picks up on her meaning). Though he had reservations, he tells her if she feels her marriage is on solid footing and she wants to be with Jack, he will support her. He tells her he will miss her, and she tells him he has been the best father any girl could have. Tears fall as they hug. 

Snapper, Chris & Karen - As Snapper wakes, Chris is already awake and pensive. She is still upset that he won’t tell her what is going on. Why did he say Liz’s stroke was a blessing (for the record they discuss Dr. Landers visiting Liz and saying she will be okay and her left hand will heal with therapy) Snapper dismisses it as a bad choice of words, but Chris doesn’t buy this and also presses him about Greg’s attitude towards him. Snapper firmly tells her to leave it alone and to trust him. Chris is angered by Snapper’s refusal to let her in, to help him. She is his wife. They are interrupted by Karen, who is still calling Chris Mommy, but refers to Snapper by name. Snapper uses this moment to take off for a shower. Karen thinks he is upset with her, but Chris tries to reassure her that he isn’t. 

Kay & Joann - Kay greets Joann before she heads for school. She notices her dress is quite baggy. Jo tells her she has gone from an 18 to 14 or sometimes 12. She has taken it in a few times but will need to again. Joann leaves as the wheels turn in Kay’s mind. Later that day Joann returns from class and finds Kay with a bunch of new clothes. Kay is nervous about whether Joann will like them and is relived when she does. Kay pretends that she bought them for herself, but they are too young looking for her and is sending them back. Joann tries to talk her out of it and picks out a dress she thinks Mrs. Chancellor should keep. Kay has her hold it up and tells Joann it is hers. Joann notices the size 14 label and realises Mrs. Chancellor bought all the clothes for her. She is overwhelmed and hugs her in gratitude. Kay weeps with joy.





EPISODE - #985

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell & Kay Alden 

TAPE DATE – Friday February 07, 1977

AIR DATE – Tuesday February 15, 1977

CAST – Jack, Peg, Kay, Joann, Lorie, Leslie, Brock, Lance

SETS – Jack’s Apartment, Chancellor Living Room & Foyer, Leslie’s Hotel Suite in Madrid, Table in limbo, Campus Coffee Shop



Peggy & Jack - Peggy makes breakfast as Jack wakes up. He tries to be affectionate, but she avoids him. Jack apologises for the previous night, for going back on his promise. She tells him its fine, he’s a man. He tells her he is a husband who loves his wife and that last night was difficult, but it is a beginning. The next time she won’t be so afraid, she’s a woman that needs to be loved. Peggy loses it and screams that last night wasn’t about love, it was about sex, and she has no desire for it to ever happen again. She is furious, telling him it wasn’t just that she wasn’t responding to him, she hated it, it made her sick. SHE. HATED. IT!

Kay, Brock, Joann & Jack - Kay is lighting a cigarette as Jo is leaving for school. Kay notices she is wearing one of her old dresses and tells her to wear the new clothes she bought. Joann thinks they are too nice for school. Kay tells her she wants her to always be looking her loveliest. She also tells her to go put some lipstick on as well. She looks pale, blondes need to be careful of that. Joann appreciates the advice and goes upstairs to change. Later Brock stops by. Kay is already sure that he has come to lecture her. He is there to find out why Joann cancelled her date with Phil. Kay tries to make it seem like no big deal, but Brock is sure there is more to it. He needles her until she finally admits that Joann stayed with her because she knew she needed someone with her that night. Brock wonders if Duchess plans to hold Joann prisoner, to mould her life to suit her own pleasures. Kay thinks Brock is overreacting. Brock is bothered by their relationship and where it is heading. At the campus, Jack runs into Joann and is shocked to see how different she looks. They make small talk; he avoids saying too much about Peg. Joann talks about Mrs. Chancellor and how her life has no room for a man right now. Jack can’t stop complimenting her and is happy she is happy. He hopes to see her around, privately Joann is still yearning for him, and she too hopes to see him around. 

Les, Lorie & Lance - In Leslie’s hotel suite, Leslie plays for Lorie and asks her opinion. Lorie is too distracted. They talk about how lucky they both are. Leslie tells her sister she has told Brad about the baby. She almost brings up their past with Brad but stops herself and tells Lorie that they have come so far, and she wants to put all that behind them. Lorie hopes they will be able to do that (NOTE: in the script it implies Lorie is thinking about “In My Sisters Shadow” which Van was trying to track down around this time) Later, while Leslie is at rehearsals, Lorie and Lance flirt and tease each other, but Lorie kills the mood when she suggests Lance call Vanessa. He suggests they both talk to her, but Lorie doesn’t agree. She also suggests he buy his mother a nice gift. Lance agrees and implies he might buy his lovely wife a gift too, but first he takes her in his arms and gives her a passionate kiss.  







EPISODE - #990

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell & Kay Alden 

TAPE DATE – Monday February 14, 1977

AIR DATE – Tuesday February 22, 1977

CAST – Snapper, Joe Dillon, Chris, Brock, Jill, Kay, Joann, Greg, Liz

SETS – Hospital set (Corridor with phone, Nearby Doctor’s Lounge), The Allegro, Chancellor Bedroom, Foster Living Room, Limbo Phone for Joe (same as Yesterday)



Snapper, Jill, Greg, Liz & Joe - (This begins with a repeat of yesterday’s ending) Jill and Snapper had been talking at the hospital when he gets a page, he returns the call, it is Joe. As Joe tells him he has a warrant for Snapper’s arrest, Jill hears Snapper’s stunned response and hangs about watching (Snapper is unaware she is still there) Joe tells him the State’s Attorney has given him permission to allow Snapper to turn himself in and says he has until 5pm. He tells Snapper he will be processed and once he posts bail he can go. Bail is set for $20K but he only needs to post ten percent of it. Snapper doesn’t have that kind of money. Joe tells him not to be stupid and run. Snapper convinces him to let him come in the next morning and Joe caves and agrees. Jill freaks out and Snapper tries to calm her. She wants to call Greg and is incredulous when Snapper tells her not to. They argue about him going to jail and the fact they will need to tell Mama, Greg and Chris something, he can’t just disappear. Snapper tells her until he figures things out, she is not to say a word to anyone. Jill tries to keep Snapper’s secret, but when she encounters Greg at home, and he begins to bad mouth Snapper, she explodes and rages at Greg. She tells him Snapper has been arrested and is about to confess everything when Liz interrupts and demands to know what is going on. She tells them something strange has been going on in the house since she had her stroke, and she has had enough of it. She intends to find out what is going on, right here and right now!

Chris & Brock - Chris meets with Brock. He tells her Mrs. Simpson called and told him Nancy put back together the picture she tore up of Karen. Chris is worried, but Brock tells her Nancy is a long way from recovery. Chris is beside herself that both Karen and Snapper could be taken from her. Brock is puzzled about Snapper. Chris tells him Snapper is still shutting her out and she is worried he has lost interest in her. Brock tries to reassure her and Chris thanks him for being everything she has desperately needed Snapper to be. She then quickly leaves. 

Kay & Joann - Sitting in Kay’s bedroom, Joann and Kay sip tea and talk about how men and women judge women on how they look. They admit they judged each other. Joann mentions how she judged Kay after Brock called her “The Duchess” Kay says she turns people off on purpose, so they won’t see the loneliness and insecurity. They talk of how women should bond over being women, as the stupidest woman will understand another woman better than any man, how women live their lives with emotion and men are too afraid too, how Joann understands her when she talks about fighting the ravages of time while Brock would tell her to cultivate her inner beauty. They discuss their loneliness and Joann offers to sleep in Kay’s bedroom in the other bed, so Kay won’t wake up alone. Kay wants this but stops herself and tells her she won’t impose that on Joann. Joann asks her to promise that if the loneliness gets to be too much, she will call for her. Joann admits she needs to be needed too. Kay thinks her ex was a fool to throw her away, Joann says he didn’t know her the way Kay does. Kay agrees. (NOTE: Joanne goes to call Kay Mrs. Chancellor but corrects herself and calls her Kay. I assume recently Kay had her start calling her by her first name as all other scripts she only ever refers to her as Mrs. Chancellor)






EPISODE - #993

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell & Kay Alden 

TAPE DATE – Thursday February 17, 1977

AIR DATE – Friday February 25, 1977

CAST – Brock, Kay, Jill, Greg, Chris, Jack, Joann, Snapper

SETS – Chancellor Bedroom, Foster Living Room, Jack’s Office, Doctor’s Lounge at Hospital



Brock, Joann & Kay – Mother and Son are having tea in her room. He mentions the changes in her. They discuss Jack – Kay dislikes the man, though she has never met him. She says she knows the type and assumes he’s selfish. She wishes Joann hadn’t wasted so many years with him. Brock feels Duchess is acting jealous. She disagrees and says she sees Jack as a threat to Joann’s happiness. Brock wonders if she sees Jack as more a threat to her own happiness. She admits she loves Joann, Brock wonders about the nature of that love. Duchess tells him he has great insight usually but is wrong on this one. Joann returns home excited about a scholarship she got. Brock congratulates her and they have a warm tender moment that Kay seems to resent. She sends Brock on his way. Joann tells Kay about being on the Dean’s list and how she won’t be so dependent on Kay’s money. Kay is slightly upset at the thought that Joann’s good news means her freedom from Kay, but Joann reassures her that isn’t the case. The two women hug. The hug becomes quite intimate. As they break from the embrace, Kay’s arms around Joann, they gaze at one another. Joann breaks the gaze and apologises and takes off to her room.

Greg, Jill & Snapper – Greg and Jill continue to argue. She then slowly leads him through the night their father died and the things their mother said to them after she returned from the hospital. Greg is disgusted by the implication until Jill tells him Mama told her everything before she had a stroke. She pulled the plug, not Snapper. Greg runs out of the house. Greg goes to Snapper. Snapper is hostile at first, but Greg eventually reveals he knows the truth and the brothers reconcile and Greg tells him he isn’t going to be fighting this battle alone.

Chris & Jack – Chris tells Jack she has been to see Peggy and knows what happened. She tells Jack Peg is falling apart. Jack regrets what happened and is adamant they will work it out, but Chris isn’t so sure. She thinks her sister is on the verge of a breakdown and she isn’t sure Peg will even want him to help her, but he better figure out something and soon, because Peg is on the edge.





Edited by will81
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Folks, thank you both so much for posting these gems!! 

I make fun of David Hasselhoff a lot, because he was such a "non-Snapper" as compared with his predecessor in the role.  But this storyline really endeared him to me, how he was willing to lose his medical career and throw himself under the bus for his mama.  All he had to do was tell the truth, but he wouldn't.  (Guess he didn't wanna Lay Anything Too Heavy on Liz right then, as she was a Very Special Lady in his life.) 

The Kay Chancellor/Joann Curtis storyline was extremely edgy, daring, and bold for February of 1977.  Most impressive is how natural it is, so deeply rooted in the personalities of the two characters -- both hurt terribly by the men in their lives, both vulnerable, one of the characters being young and insecure and needy, the other being older, wiser, more world-weary, wealthy, unhappy and extremely lonely.   You can't help notice the numerous built-in "escape hatches" inherent in the tale:  Joann could suddenly reconcile with Jack or could suddenly decide to attend college full-time out of town; Kay could suddenly become smitten with a handsome young hair stylist; Brock could suddenly swoop in and announce that the relationship is stifling and unhealthy for both women and that the Lord wants them both to walk in a more enlightened pathway.  Gotta say it, kudos to Bill Bell for having the courage and foresight to map this out so cleverly.  

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MARCH 1977

All My Children

Written by: Agnes Nixon

Produced by: Bud Kloss

Anne and Paul Martin's infant daughter Beth was dead, the victim of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - crib death -. Despite the efforts of Phillip Tyler's partner Clay at rescussitation, and the arrival of Ruth and Dr. Joe Martin moments later, there was nothing that could be done. Anne refused to put the infant down for a moment and Ruth tried vainly to get Anne to let the child go. Finally Paul appealed to his mother Kate Martin, who had lost an infant years ago, to see Anne and she managed to get Anne to relinquish the child. In a complete about face, Anne insisted on taking personal charge of the funeral arrangements over the next few days. Explaining that she wanted a very private service, only the minister, herself and Paul were present as Anne felt that only Beth's parents got to know her in the short time she had lived.

Paul told Joe he felt that Anne blamed him for the baby's death because he was the only one present at the time and because he was in favor of abortion. He asked who was to say she was wrong; that he was disappointed when their child was damaged. Paul told Christina Karras that he believed God was merciful; that it would have been hell for him to watch her grow up.

At one point after the baby's burial, Anne was about to take a handful of pills just as Ruth called out. Anne hid the pills and agreed to talk to Ruth in her bedroom where Beth's crib was still up, saying she felt so much closer to Beth in there. Ruth told Anne that there was a time for tears and that it could be a help to her. Paul came in and told Anne he planned to take a few days off to be with her and suggested they go away together, but Anne insisted that no one understood that the time she was with Beth was the happiest of her life. Paul told her he wanted her to go on and be as brave and strong as she was right at the moment. As Ruth left them, telling them she had prepared their supper, Anne took the bottle from under her pillow and put it in the drawer of her bedside table. Anne later told Paul that she didn’t want to go away with him but she would. When he asked where she would prefer, she said that it didn’t matter, "wherever you say."

Chuck Tyler had asked Donna Beck if she would be willing to take on a job as companion to little Philip if he could arrange to get an apartment. Donna could go on with her studies in the time that the boy was at school and he would be out of the Tyler house where Phoebe had been drinking. Donna agreed excitedly and waiteds for word from Chuck who planned to speak to Philip Brent. When Phil heard about it, he refused to consider letting his son be cared for by an ex-hooker and threatened to come and take the boy immediately. Chuck warned him not to try it as he was the boy's legal father.

After the deah of his cousin, little Philip was disturbed by the fantasy that his own mother, Tara might die while he was staying at the Tylers’ and told Tara that he wanted to go home immediately.

Early in the evening preceeding the baby's death, Christina Karras dined with the Martins at Kate's house and when Kate spoke of having known of her famous father through her friendship with Dr. Charles Tyler and praised him, Christina was again haunted by visions of her father. She cut the evening short and rushed off. While driving through the night, the voice of her father filled the car and her distress caused her to drive erratically. She heard a siren and was pulled over by Clay who inquired if she had been drinking. Just then, breaking police policy, Philip joined his partner and vouched for her. After Christina was permitted to go on her way, Clay dressed down rookie cop Phil, warning him he had to follow prodedure in what could have been a dangerous situation for both partners.

When Clay learned that little Philip was living at the apartment Tara and Phil had taken, he warned Phil that he had to take extra precautions with his police revolver as he had a small boy living with him. He advised Philip to lock up his gun in a strong box and they tried to get one, but Philip had to resort to putting it out of reach in a closet until the arrival of a box he had ordered. As Tara was out shopping and Philip was busy with some plumbing repairs, little Philip who had once before, unknown to Tara and Phil, played with the gun, got it down and aimed it around the room. As he heard Philip approaching, he pointed the gun in his direction. Philip angrily demanded to know what the boy was doing and took the gun away. Little Philip in stubborn silence refused to answer and Phil was about to administer a spanking for the boy's disobedience when Tara came in. The boy pleaded with his mother to make Phil stop and Tara told her son that if he would say he was sorry for his disobedience, "Uncle Phil" would not have to spank him. Little Philip cried out that Phil had no right to spank him: only his father had that right.

Dr. Jeff Martin went to Christina's apartment after he heard about her departure and insisted that Christina needed help. He told her that the reason he gave up the apartment she then lived in was because he saw and spoke to his dead wife there and was unable to function until Joe Martin convinced him that he should take the job in Wisconsin, even at the risk that Jeff would not return to Pine Valley. Christina was calmed and grateful for the comfort Jeff tried to give her but some days later when Erica refered to the similarity of their situations - Erica's father was a famous director - and prattled on about how her father loved her, Christina lost track of herself and Erica saw that she was momentarily disoriented.

Chuck Tyler insisted that Donna break a date with Benny Sago and arranged to take her to dinner at the Chateau. The evening turned out to be a surprise birthday celebration with champagne to celebrate Donna's coming of age. Nick sang for her and Donna realized that Chuck was no longer her guardian. Nick left to go to his office charging Erica with getting rid of a loud drunk and Erica realized that the man was a former "John" who was a regular with Donna when she was a prostitute in Center City. When Chuck left to phone in to the hospital the man thought he might be mistaken as Donna was with a doctor, but Erica suggested he check it out as Donna was alone at the moment. Donna was too startled not to acknowledge him and told him that the man with her was not a "John" but her guardian and begged him to leave. Nick and waiter Bruno hustled the man off and Donna ran off to the ladies room with Erica right behind to "comfort" her.

Erica told Donna that what happened might turn out to be a good thing; that Chuck was a champion of the underdog who sometimes did more harm than good. She said that Chuck would always love Tara and his little boy and she didn’t want to see Donna get hurt.

Back at the apartment, Chuck told Donna he needed her and if she left, his life was going to be empty. They were kissing as Caroline and Frank came in and both broke apart guiltily. Caroline talked to Donna and Frank and Chuck left. Frank learnde that Chuck had given Donna a gold chain that belonged to his mother - he didn't have time to go out and find something -. He told Chuck he had to act responsibly. He pointed out that Chuck knew that she had a crush on him and he had taken her out and given her an expensive present, and told her not to leave. When Chuck said he didn’t want to lose Donna, Frank said if he meant that and told her so, he was making a commitment and that he'd better live up to it or he might as well have left her in Center City.

Paul Martin scheduled a trip to Sea Island, and when Anne was accepting but unenthusiastic, he accused her of just going through the motions. When Ruth offered to clear away Beth's things while they were away, Paul told her that Anne hadn't moved a single thing and he didn’t dare propose it. He told Ruth he couldn’t do anything to make Anne hate him more. At her apartment, alone, Anne crooned: "Don't worry Beth, mustn't be lonesome. I will be with you very soon."

A spinal tap on Kitty Tyler revealed that she had a rare degenerative disease, a disorder of the nervous system for which there was no cure. Dr. Desmond told Linc that Kitty could live for years with only occasional symptoms or it could prove fatal in a matter of months or even weeks. Linc insisted that Kitty not be told.

Paul Martin had been in touch with Nancy Grant and had told Dr. Frank Grant that Nancy had agreed to an amicable divorce. He warned Frank that he would be foolish to take this step if he had any ambivalent feelings. Frank told Caroline Murray that he was relieved knowing he was going to be a free man soon but unhappy that Caroline wouldn’t make a commitment to marry him, saying he knew for his part that he was ready. Caroline insisted that it was not right to make plans.

Dan Kennicott and Brooke English had spent a night together at a ski resort – Brooke had accepted the invitation after finding Benny fooling around with a maid at the Tylers - . Brooke had managed to make certain that there was only a double room available and overcame Dan's reluctance to share it with her. On their return, Phoebe Tyler fished for some information, saying that the two of them were positively glowing. Unable to learn anything she retired to her room to nurse a cold. When Dan left, Benny asked Brooke if she made out with Dan or not. When Brooke told him angrily to cut it out, Benny guessed she didn't and it was bugging her. When Benny grabbed for her she told him, haughtily, he was "entirely too presumptuous." She asked Benny about Donna Beck and Benny insisted that Donna and Dan were both small potatoes and suggested they take advantage of Phoebe's indisposition and the servants' night off.

At a dinner Erica had arranged for Mona Kane to give, Erica fumed as Mona and Erica's date Mark Dalton, a young music professor, carried on an erudite and enthusiastic conversation pertaining to classical music. Erica reminded her mother it was time to serve dinner. Afterwards, Mark offered to obtain another ticket to the concert he and Erica were attending, but Mona declined. When Mark made no move to leave, Erica asked what the matter was. Mark again - as he had done on several occasions before - mentioned how he was struck with the feeling that he had seen Erica before. Mona said that she felt she knew Mark from the moment she saw him standing in the doorway on his arrival. She mentioned that she knew a woman named Maureen Dalton once. When Mark said that was his mother's name, Mona blanched.

Another World

Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch

Vera Finley’s memorial library project had aroused more than competitive spirits between architects Gwen Parrish and Evan Webster. Gwen's co-worker Willis Frame had been victimized by Evan's malice aforethought. Evan's co-worker Angie Perrini did not give Evan a second glance because of her devotion to Willis — until Evan planted his own sketch for the museum in Gwen's portfolio. Evan stood back and watched Willis' past devious reputation - which he had since renounced - ruin his defense of himself, and Angie's trust along with it. Everyone involved had been taken in by Evan and his claim that Willis and Gwen stole the sketch so their work would be the only presentation Vera Finley could accept. Concreting Evan's accusation was Vera's decision to go with Gwen and Willis' work. Willis asked her to withhold her final approval until Evan could submit his sketch — but it was useless, her mind was made up and Gwen and Willis were doomed. They had their employer Mac Cory's complete faith in the matter, but Evan had his employer, Ray Gordon's backing. Mac recommended Gwen and Willis discuss everything with Alice Frame, Ray's superior, as she owned Frame Enterprises, giving themselves a chance to prove their innocence as Alice was a fair-minded person. In a meeting with all parties involved Alice listened to both sides. Darryl Stevens, who worked at the Cory Complex for Willis, had complicated matters further. With Alice's nephew Mike Randolph's assistance, Darryl entered Frame Enterprises at night, found the duplicate sketches Evan proclaimed he destroyed, and presented them to Willis and Gwen as evidence to help their cause. Evan was cornered for an instant, but retrieved himself, announcing he wouldn’t be slandered by someone who coerced his employees into stealing for him. Among the innocent the consensus was unanimous; Evan found a way not to compete and, therefore, a way to divide Angie and Willis — his ultimate goal!

This deception had put a rift in more than one romantic duo. Not only would Willis have to fight to reinstate his love and trust with Angie, but Gwen's new involvement with Dr. Dave Gilchrist had suffered also. Since Dave found the missing sketch in Gwen's portfolio he assumed she put it there. Mac, however, gave Gwen the benefit of the doubt and convinced Dave to do the same. Ray and Alice had allowed their difference of opinion to carry through into their personal lives and postponed marriage plans until they could come to terms about who was the real culprit in the case.

The merry-go-round of accusations was spinning faster and everyone was tossing their chosen felon on for the ride. Jeff Stone, Frame Enterprises' attorney, donated Bert McGowan, his competitor for Clarice Hobson's affections, while Ray Gordon was passing the word he suspected Jeff Stone was the evildoer.

In the meantime, Ray had threatened to begin legal action against Darryl to scare Darryl into revealing his accomplice. Darryl remained silent. Willis guessed it was Mike Randolph, Alice's nephew. He informed Mike that Darryl refused to implicate him as his accomplice. Mike was willing to put his job on the line to protect Darryl. Despite Alice's request to curb his actions, Ray had Darryl legally summoned to a court hearing. Scared, yet still not revealing Mike's name, Darryl planned to leave Bay City to relieve Mike from exposing himself and losing his job, and to solve everyone else's problems by being out of the picture. Gwen convinced him to stay, and warned Willis of Darryl's intentions. As one last stab at getting out of the court hearing, Darryl asked Evan point blank to drop the charges. He wouldn’t let Evan get away with getting someone convicted for a crime he did not commit, but Evan's retort was that all the circumstances support his story so the truth wouldn’t even matter. While he and Darryl were conversing over this, and Evan had admitted his guilt, Jeff Stone had been eavesdropping. Later he confronted Evan with what he heard and offered Evan not blackmail for his knowledge of Evan's guilt, but rather the suggestion they could both be beneficial to each other when “favors" were needed. Mike asked John for legal advice about revealing his part in the entry. John's advice was to keep quiet, Mike's interests came first. Mike knew he was withholding evidence, which was a crime, and retorted that John's values had gone downhill since he took up with Olive.

As a last resort to save their marriage, Dr. Russ Matthews and his wife Sharlene agreed to talk to psychiatrist Dr. Richard Gavin. Sharlene was extremely reluctant but finally agreed if Russ was not present. The session went well with Sharlene revealing her past as a B-girl, the nucleus of their problems, to Richard. Richard noted when Russ talked about the "problem" he used warfare language. Just as Richard began to work at what lay beneath the facts Russ intruded, shattering both Sharlene and Richard's faith in his cooperation. Adding to Sharlene's insecurity about psychiatric treatment Russ' aunt, Liz Matthews hinted to Sharlene that as her close friend, Richard had confided in her about Sharlene's case. That was all Sharlene needed to hear to resist further treatment, fearing Richard would "unconsciously" divulge the truth. Without Sharlene's complete trust to confide in him Richard couldn’t help her, so he wisely left the case. He asked Liz's employer, Dr. Frank Prescott, to help stop Liz from interfering in her family's lives. She wouldn't do so if her own life were happier. Frank resolved his differences with Liz, hoping his affection would distract her, but she was an addict of intervention. In one sentence she promised Frank she would not meddle, in the next she was reprimanding Jim Matthews for dining in public with Ada McGowan, whom Liz thinks was "too common" for her brother-in-law.

Because Russ brutally mistreated Sharlene while in a drunken stupor, Sharlene couldn’t make love to him, though in her heart she wanted to and that was why she returned home to him to try to make the marriage work. She contentedly functioned as a wife in all areas except the bedroom, and this Russ couldn’t cope with. Despite strong persuasion by Russ's sisters Pat and Alice and her brother Willis, Sharlene had chosen to leave Bay City for good. She wanted to end the marriage while she and Russ were still civilized to each other and believed the only way Russ woud be happy was to be without her. She knew she ruined her chance for happiness years ago. Before leaving for the airport, Sharlene and Russ shared a passionate farewell kiss, she left him, in tears. Sharlene then went to Alice and told her the whole story of her sordid past, if only so Alice could help Russ find someone new in his life who would be able to make him happy. Sharlene was determined to not return, hoping to be able to start a new life with strangers in a new town.

Newlyweds Mike and Molly Randolph had not been the picture of marital bliss. The friction lay with Mike's father and his romantic involvement with Olive Gordon. Olive had earned her reputation as an unscrupulous woman and had succeeded in duping both John and Molly. Mike's sister Marianne had pretended fondness for Molly hoping Olive would help her divide Mike from Molly, so she was on Olive's side though not blind to her fiendish nature. Mike warned Marianne he knew her motives and wouldn’t let her get away with anything.

Pat Randolph had surrendered her fight to protect John from Olive. She realized he would only learn from his own mistakes and did not oppose the divorce any longer. She had to suffer through one last battle before they made the final break. Weary of the past year filled with disputes, Pat gave John carte blanche over their property settlement, and welcomed the end of the marriage. Mike was not as generous, demanding his father split their assets 50/50. John did so as Mike and Pat stood by in tears. Pat begged Mike to give John a little peace in his life, he was going to need it although he didn’t realize it yet.

Olive might not have been satisfied with the financial settlement John made, but she was delighted with her success in convincing John that they take a fast trip to Haiti for immediate divorces. While they were away, Mike and Molly continued to disagree about Olive's impropriety and her influence on John. Wanting no part in John's new life, Mike made plans to move from his home where he and Molly had lived rent-free. He insisted Molly quit her job as clerk in John's office. She did so reluctantly, but voiced her protest when Mike entered the house as John and Olive were discussing their wedding plans with the judge and reacted rudely to them all.

John and Olive’s wedding took place at the Randolph's home. Adding to the nonfestive atmosphere of the day, a stranger on the scene, Ted Bancroft – Brian’s son -, was the only amicable witness available for the bride and groom. He was honoring a favor to Marianne. Mike would not attend, but he and Pat managed to unintentionally rain on Olive's parade. They showed up at the house - to pick up Molly for dinner and a temporary move to Pat's apartment while she took a vacation - just minutes after Olive had recited her victorious vows! She wasted no time in taking over decoration of the house, which irritated Marianne. She hated to see the memories of her family life go out the door with Olive's redecoration. Marianne reminded Olive of her promise to break up Mike's marriage. Olive wanted to leave them alone for the moment. She wouldn’t jeopardize her marriage to fulfill a promise to Marianne. Marianne had finally caught on; Olive used Marianne's approval for her father's marriage to her. Marianne bitterly stated she still expected Olive to go through with her promise.

Iris Carrington had managed to stay out of her father's life, but only because she was scheming to break up another romance, for her own benefit. Mac Cory's lawyer Brian Bancroft had taken up residence in Bay City. His exterior aloofness presented a challenge Iris was eager to conquer. Her divorce from Robert Delaney was final so Iris planned a celebration of her freedom. Actually, the party was a convenient way for Iris to dig into Brian's past. She managed to locate Brian's girlfriend in New York and invited her to attend the party - in Brian's honor - and be her houseguest. Corinne Setton's presence was a pleasant surprise for Brian, and a welcome toy to Iris in her masterful art of gameplaying with people's lives. Iris gathered evidence from Brian's son Ted that Corinne's ex-beau, Craig Brackett was an unspoken sore spot from Corinne's past between Corinne and Brian. Iris then used Craig's name, playing Corinne's pride against Brian's jealousy, the results turning into a misunderstanding between Corinne and Brian, much to Iris' delight. Her little game backfired, however, as Ted had told his father Corinne was miserable since their tiff, and Brian showed up to apologize to Corinne just hours before Iris had her on her way back to New York resolved to never seeing Brian again. Iris had to smile at the reconciliation, but inside had no one to blame but herself — Corinne admitted it was Iris' invitation that brought her back into Brian's life; she had given up on him when he moved to Bay City! Corinne had decided to leave Iris' house and take a suite at the Bayview Towers so she could be closer to Brian. Unable to instigate an aggravation in Brian by harping on Craig's phonecalls to Corinne - Brian's trust in Corinne would not waver as easily this time -, Iris called Craig and arranged for him to continue his pursuit. Iris was surprised to learn that Corinne was Dave Gilchrist’s cousin.

Since Jeff Stone was representing Olive Gordon in her bitter divorce settlement against Ray, any suggestions Jeff made as the Frame Enterprise lawyer, Ray automatically rejected. His recommendation to change the company insurance over to term insurance was vetoed by Ray. Jeff went over Ray's head and sought Alice's okay. Alice accepted the recommendation, having her father's experienced financial approval. This did not sit well with Ray, but Alice stood firm — the company would be run on HER terms. Finding out Ray had accused Jeff of stealing the sketches from Angie had aggravated Alice more. She was confused as to why Ray would do this and conceal if from her. Their dissension was increasing with every deceit Alice learned about.

As Ada McGowan had recovered from the shock of her husband Gil's sudden death, she was helping her friends once again. Gil's son Bert was staying at Ada's and had been hired to work at the Cory complex. Ada saw he was lonely and needs friendship. She asked Clarice Hobson to be friendlier to Bert, as her recent behavior to discourage his companionship had hurt him. Clarice realized she had been selfish, explaining to Ada she wanted to devote her life to her infant son Cory and did not encourage a relationship of any kind with a man, fearing it could become serious. Bert was blunt to Jeff Stone, who also liked Clarice. He warned him he wouldn’t allow Jeff to take advantage of Clarice, knowing Jeff was interested in Clarice's substantial trust fund from Mac Cory.

There was a mysterious aire surrounding the Cory's new housekeeper Helga. She was very straightforward and formal, not even taking guff from Iris, whose opinion of servants was outspoken and lowly. When Helga's so-called cousin, Sven Peterson, arrived at the Cory's mansion, Helga reacted nervously, preferring to keep his presence a secret. His comments about a shooting scared Helga, though she retorted she could’t move too quickly or "someone will suspect what I'm up to." She carefully planned to get Rocky Olsen out of the picture by mentioning to him the Corys had discussed letting him go as their stable man, then relayed to Rachel Cory Rocky was dissatisfied with his job and planning to leave. She then persuaded Iris to hire him if only to interfere with Iris' housekeeper Louise's budding friendship with the Cory chauffeur Brooks. Iris welcomed Rocky to her staff, ignoring the fury this move had ignited in Louise. The Corys were too preoccupied with their recent decision to become parents to realize Rocky's departure was maneuvered by Helga. Their chauffeur Brooks found this whole thing suspicious and began asking questions. Helga held her breath when he asked Rachel what had happened but he seemed to be momentarily satisfied with her answer. Then Helga went to work for Sven, hinting that the gardner was overworked and had Rachel considered hiring Sven to their staff. After an interview with him, Mac hired Sven on a temporary basis. 

As The World Turns

Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Willmore

Joyce Colman found out through Natalie Hughes that Donald Hughes had told Mary Ellison he would be going to Switzerland soon on business for the law firm. Joyce became frantic because she only intended to appear hard to get, not to turn Donald away. She asked Chris Hughes to draw up a will for her, leaving everything to Teddy Ellison, her son who was adopted at birth by the Ellisons, because she was leaving Oakdale in the near future. She hoped word of this will get to Don. It did, but just as they began to talk seriously in Joyce's apartment, Susan Stewart arrived looking for company. Natalie spreaded the word that Joyce forgot their lunch date and although she called in sick, she was not home. Natalie told Donald that she could find no trace of Joyce anywhere. She hadn't been to work, didn’t answer her phone or door and wasn't a patient at any of the hospitals. Donald and Natalie got Joyce's apartment key from the building manager and checked her apartment. Natalie said the drawers had clothes in them and there were a couple of suitcases in the closet, but she could have more. Donald saw that there were no perishables in the refrigerator. He suggested calling the police, but Natalie didn’t want to get Joyce in trouble if she had just gone somewhere. She asked him to wait for a few days. Natalie told Joyce that Donald was concerned and he might go to the police soon. Donald spent a sleepless night worrying about Joyce, but while the Hugheses were having breakfast the following morning, Joyce arrived, saying she didn't think anyone would care if she went away for a few days. Donald said her friends were concerned about her. Natalie asked Joyce to help her with Jay then.

Dee Stewart wanted her family to think she was only infatuated with Beau Spencer and was then him, so that neither Beau nor her sister Anne needed feel badly about falling in love. She told Annie that she would like her help in putting Beau off. Ellen found her daughter Dee crying and told her husband David about it. Dee finally confided that she knew Annie and Beau were in love even though in the beginning Beau had teased and flirted with Annie, but things were different then and she wanted them to be happy. Annie confirmed this, but had no idea how badly Dee had been hurt.

Beau told his lawyer, Dick Martin, that he couldn’t keep his mind on anything else because of the way things stood with Annie. He was going to the Stewarts to tell Dee and then the family how he felt about Annie. Beau never got the chance because David felt he had to protect his daughters from such an unsavory character. Beau tried his best to explain, but David ordered him from the house.

Beau told Annie he had to tell Dee. Dee soothed things over making everything light and easy. When Beau left, he felt assured that he did the right thing and Dee broke into tears. Annie tried to persuade her parents that they were being unfair to Beau, but David remained firm. After Annie discussed the situation with the Judge Lowell, she realized that her father would never change his mind. She called Beau, asking him to meet her at the house. That evening, she told her family that they needn't concern themselves about Beau anymore because she told him she wouldn't be seeing him again.

Natalie Hughes met Valerie Conway to present Jay Stallings' offer on her farm. Valerie rejected it as too low, but told Natalie she was sure Jay wanted it for his wife. Natalie told Jay that if he didn’t make a good offer he would lose the farm and he could always subdivide it if Carol wouldn’t take him back. Jay asked Valerie to name a price, but at that moment Valerie decided not to sell.

Bob Hughes’ feelings for Valerie showed very much when he asked her not to leave Oakdale. Every time he called, she seemed to be busy. Lisa Colman felt compelled to tell Valerie that she was sorry she told her about Cliff Tanner and Kim had nothing to do with it. Valerie told Kim that she wouldn’t have people laughing at her and to get her pride back she was going to capture the most attractive and respected man in town, adding that if Kim told Bob, he wouldn’t believe her. Things seemed to be better for Bob until an old friend of Valerie's – Ralph Mitchell - showed up and his wife accused her of breaking up their marriage.

Dr. Susan Stewart had gradually continued to increase her drinking. One evening she was stopped by the police when she couldn’t unlock her car. She hit one officer when they wouldn’t let her drive. She called Grant Colman who not only got her out of jail, but spent most of the night with her. A reporter, collecting data on drunken drivers, called but Grant told him not to bother Dr. Stewart. The following day, her name appeared in the paper. She was called in by Dr. Jim Strasfield and asked to take a few days off while he considered what he had to do. Susan not only claimed she was not drunk, but that everything else was wrong with the article. She refused to accept help for her drinking problem because, she claimed, she had no problem. Dan asked Kim if she would spend some time with Susan because she was able to help her with her drinking once before. Kim was unable to get anyone but Carol Stallings to sit with Andy. Susan could hardly stand waiting for Strasfield to call. When he finally asked to see her, Susan wanted Kim to go with her. Because Susan had rejected all his help and was suspended once before on the same charges, he felt he had to ask for her resignation. She said the police charges were false, but he questioned them himself plus several witnesses. Susan was furious.

After conferring with Grant, who told her that her chances were slim, Susan still told Strasfield that she refused to resign. He was forced to fire her. Susan asked the hospital board for a hearing because she thought she was unjustly fired. She was collecting data on all the research projects she had been involved with. She hoped to prove the police report wrong and establish her value to the research department. She also wanted a private detective to provide her background information on Strasfield.

John Dixon knew that Carol sat for Andy on Friday so he told Mary Ellison he would be spending the following day at the library and would like Teddy and her to have dinner with him afterwards. Mary mentioned that Carol couldn't meet with Jay and Dick Martin because an emergency had come up and Carol was watching Andy this day. John changed his dinner date to that night and said he would go to the library this day. He called Pat Holland and said that Carol would be at the supermarket this day.

Pat waited until Carol was by herself and then dropped a bottle and screamed that she had been cut. Carol wiped off Pat's hand and they discovered that she was fine. Pat would tell the clerk about the broken bottle. Carol turned back to her cart and found that Andy was gone. She looked everywhere, but couldn’t find him. Another woman found a note in the cart. It said that she - the apparent kidnapper - was a young woman who was unable to have children or adopt them. She would take good care of the baby. The police were called. Grant tried to find Kim and John. Mary remembered that John was at the library. Kim was worried when she returned and found that Carol wasn't home. Dan Stewart came to break the news. Kim held up fairly well, sure that they would find him soon.

Jay heard about the kidnapping and that Carol was being questioned. He rushed to give her support. After she was gone over everything with the police, Jay took her to see Kim. Carol couldn’t understand how any woman could take another's child. Carol felt that Kim might not want to see her, but Kim opened her arms for Carol. Kim's composure was a help to everyone.

The police were following up every lead they could find and were encouraged when a letter and photo were hand delivered to Kim. Tom noticed immediately that the woman misspelled the word "receive" in the note. Later they noticed that the note was addressed only to Kim, so it could be someone who knew them. - One of the nurses at the hospital noticed that Pat misspelled "receive" on her reports. - John hurried to the cottage to tell Pat that they had to be more careful in the future because the police picked up on these things. They would address the next note to John so that he would be covered. Pat was lonely because John could spend very little time with her and he refused to let her become friendly with anyone.

The photo showed Andy in a new suit lying in a new crib. Everyone felt this showed the woman really loved Andy and cared enough about Kim to let her know that he was all right. Betsy and Emmy Stewart, who had been looking forward to having Andy in their family when Dan married Kim, were worried enough that they had gone out in the neighborhood to look for Andy. Things were looking up when the police called to say they were trying to trace the crib in the photo through the manufacturer. Kim was ecstatic and rushed over to tell John herself. She told John that under the circumstances she thought they should see more of one another. John almost broke down. He remembered the day he bought the crib. Kim called to say that Alderman's was the only store in the county to carry this brand and she would like John to go with her when the police questioned the clerk about the two cash sales in the past month. John panicked, wondering how he could get out of going, and was sure that Kim would recognize him from the description. John told Kim and Lisa that he didn’t want to go because they would only be disappointed again and he didn’t think Kim should go either. Lisa agreed and decided to go for Kim. Lisa came back with the report that the buyer was in the late twenties or early thirties, blonde hair and blue eyes. They were interested in this woman because the only other customer was a man. John gave a sigh of relief.

John called Pat when he saw the article and pictures Grant submitted to the papers. She was to find out if Mrs. Hewitt – the neighbour - had the paper and got it before she could read it. When Pat called to say she failed, John told her to pack and he would pick them up. They were paralyzed with fear when Mrs. Hewitt appeared with the paper, but were relieved to hear that the child she was talking about was her brother's. She had brought Pat her unread paper before leaving. John returned to Oakdale. Kim finally broke down under the stress but coped after Bob reminded her that Jennifer found comfort in "Make each day a day well-lived."

After many interruptions, Don proposed to Joyce. She accepted, but asked that they kept it a secret until they were married.

Days Of Our Lives

Written by: Pat Falken Smith

Produced by: Betty Corday

Mike Horton met Mickey Horton, his "father" and defense lawyer, later on the day he was released on bail. - Mike was accused of premeditated murder in the death of Jack Clayton. Actually, the night Jack died, Jack was in the process of molesting his step-daughter Trish Clayton when Mike arrived at Trish's apartment. Hearing Trish scream, Mike broke in and struggled with Jack. Trish picked up an iron and hit Jack, killing him instantly. Trish was in shock and hysterical, so Mike told the police, who also thought Jack was trying to rape Trish, that he killed Jack in self-defense. Mike's story stood until Lt. Danton discovered Jack and Mike had once had a serious fight that ended up with Mike in the hospital. At that time, Mike had threatened Jack. Trish couldn’t remember what happened the night Jack died, but the shock of the event had exposed multiple personalities in her, stemming from a childhood trauma. - In the office Mickey asked Mike what he was lying about, saying the DA would tear Mike's story apart. The facts didn’t support Mike's story, except to show premeditation. Mickey then dealt Mike the clincher: Jack couldn't have been trying to rape Trish because he was impotent. From Mike's reaction Mickey guessed that Mike was lying to protect Trish.

Mike told Doug Williams that he then realized how much Trish meant to him. Doug asked Mike about his feelings for Linda Phillips. Mike realized it was just a physical relationship; then he wanted more. Doug replied that the physical side of a relationship was important, too, then agreed there was more. - After an unsuc-cessful attempt at lovemaking with Trish, Mike began to doubt his manhood. When he confessed his fears of being homosexual to Linda Phillips, Mickey's one-time mistress, Linda took Mike to bed and proved him wrong. Mike then followed Linda around like a puppy, pleading for more and protesting his love. Linda scorned him, fearful Mickey might find out and turn his back on her forever. Mickey, of course, did find out and closed all doors between them. - When Trish returned, Mike told her she meant the world to him, that, "It's you and me against the world." Mike kissed Trish.

Trish watched Jeri, her mother, rehearse with Doug. As she watched, she saw flashes of Jeri in heavy make-up and wearing a red dress like Jack wanted her to put on the night he was killed. Trish became baby Lisa, calling for her mommy. When Jeri went to her, Trish didn’t recognize her as her mother. Brooke Hamilton arrived and got Lisa to trust her. Brooke took Lisa to Laura. Shaken, Jeri went to see Don, still wanting Laura off the case. Don told her that Trish needed Laura because he thought Trish, not Mike, killed Jack, and Trish was going to need all the help she could get to deal with the truth. Since Trish wasn’t competent to give permission for treatment, Laura located Jeri at Don's office. Laura explained to Don that she needed Jeri's permission for treatment, no arguments, because Trish was near a break-down. Don took Jeri to Laura's office. Jeri was reluctant to give permission until Lisa saw her and asked if Jeri had seen her mom.

Laura asked Jeri to stay, then injected Lisa with sodium pentathol. Lisa revealed that Jack used to stand over her when she was in bed at night. In his efforts to "protect" her from men, he used to tell her what men would do to her, urging her to run so they couldn't hurt her. More than that, Jack used to tell Trish his sexual fantasies. One night he picked her up and held her very tight, squeezing until she cried out. Jack then threw her down on the bed and tried to quiet her. He then cried. He told Trish that if she ever told Jeri, Jeri wouldn't love her any more. That night, Trish killed her doll, so the doll, named "Lisa," wouldn't tell. After Trish woke, Jeri confirmed that Trish was crying when she got home from work, but Jeri thought she'd just had a nightmare. Jeri swore she had no idea that Jack had molested Trish's mind in that way.

Mike met Trish at home and reaffirmed his love, saying he wanted to take care of her forever. Since nobody else could get the truth from Mike, not Mickey or Don, Laura confronted him. Mike replied that he would look after Trish. Laura asked how he would do it from prison. She pointed out that Trish had a better self-defense case since she didn't know Jack was impotent. Laura pointed out that the rape - of Trish's mind and feelings - had been going on for years. Mike continued to keep his own counsel.

Following her nap, Trish told roommate Brooke Hamilton that she feelt wonderful, that Lisa and Cynthia might be gone. Mike told his cousin David Banning that he wanted Trish to stop the sodium pentathol treatments. He felt it was too traumatic, that Trish would be all right if she was allowed to drift for awhile. He asked David's opinion. David endorsed the treatments to help rid her of Lisa and Cynthia. Tom Horton, Mike's grandfather, asked Bill, Mike's natural father, to take a hand, since nobody could reach Mike. - Shortly after Mickey and Laura were married, Bill, who also loved Laura, got drunk and raped her. Laura kept quiet so as not to wreck Bill's career and disgrace the Horton family. The day her pregnancy was confirmed was the day Mickey's sterility was confirmed. The secret was kept until last year. Mickey's discovery of the truth drove him into a nervous breakdown, during which he tried to kill Bill. Mike, when he found out, estranged himself from Laura and Bill, who had married following her divorce from Mickey. - Bill was reluctant to get involved, feeling it might destroy the tentative relationship he had with Mike. Bill told Tom that he was asking a lot, a fact Tom readily acknowledged. But Bill was their last hope.

Bill sought Mike out at the garage where Mike worked as a mechanic. He asked Mike to let Trish continue her therapy, pointing out that it was essential Trish face her past, bring out all the guilty secrets. Bill asked Mike to remember the trauma that occurred when he and Mickey found out who Mike's real father was. Bill felt secrets were damaging. Bill then pointed out that Mike and Trish's life together could never be complete because Trish would not be able to share everything with him. Bill asked how Trish would feel about children, with Lisa or Cynthia lurking near. Mike made no promises but when Trish later asked to continue, citing how great she felt, Mike refused.

Desperate for help, Mickey appealed to Linda to help. He told her they think Trish, not Mike, killed Jack. Linda agreed to help. She invited Mike over, then told him Mickey was suspicions. He was noncommittal. Linda said she heard he then thought he was in love with Trish. She said he couldn't really be, because he didn’t want her well. She then challenged his feelings for Trish by saying all she'd have to do was snap her fingers and he'd come running back to her, a real woman. Mike stormed out.

Mike asked Brooke if Trish was better since the last therapy session. Brooke replied that the only thing that would really help Trish was her being able to tell the truth for him in court. Brooke felt Mike was wrong in keeping Trish from the therapy which was so obviously good for her. Mike confessed he doesn't mind clearing up Trish's past; he just didn’t want her to remember the night Jack was killed. Trish would like to continue therapy. Trish explained to Mike that the truth couldn't be any worse than what she imagined.

Mike went to see Bill and Laura. He asked if the apparent breakthrough was real. Laura confirmed that it was. Mike then told her he wanted Trish to continue therapy, but he didn’t want her to remember the way Jack died. Laura assured Mike Trish wouldn’t reveal anything she was not emotionally ready to handle.

Mike met with Trish, saying he wanted to talk about the future. He told her that because he loved her he wanted to protect her, but in all the wrong ways. Unless the truth of her past was faced she would be a little girl all her life. Trish was frightened of the past. Mike assured her they could face it together, urging her to trust in his love. "Do it, so we can plan our life without fear." Trish replied that she wanted him free, herself well, and a life together. She asked him to help her. He held her. 

Unaware Mickey was in the file room at the law office, Mike went to see Linda. He apologized for being rude the last time he saw her, saying he didn't realize then that she was trying to help. He was grateful that she got through to him. Mike continued that he then knew she was trying to help him all those months, and thanked her. "You tried to make a man of me once, and last night you finally succeeded." After Mike left, Mickey told Linda that for the first time he knew what she did for his son. He offered to start over again with their friendship. Linda, tearful, agreed.

Before beginning the next session, Laura told Trish that the things she might be imagining happened in her past weren’t true. Jack was impotent all his adult life. Jack didn't molest her, but he left deep emotional scars. Dr. Marlena Evans arrived to assist in the session. Before Laura played the tape of the last session, Marlena reminded Trish that Jack molested her mind, not her body. Laura said that Jack over-protected her in a sick way. They played the tape. When they got to the part where Lisa said that boys did awful things and she had to run and hide, Trish was visibly shaken. Marlena assured her that Lisa told the truth. They were confident when Trish went under she would be Trish, and wouldn’t hide behind Lisa or Cynthia. Trish had to learn to live with the past before she could deal with the present. During the treatment, they reached an impasse, so Marlena took over, afraid Trish felt she couldn’t reveal certain things to Mike's mother. With Marlena's help, Trish remembered that Jack used to stroke her all over her body and created sexual images, but he never touched her sexually. Trish felt she was being a bad girl. Jack came to her room many nights but never touched her sexually. Trish was sure she didn’t have to feel guilty about her childhood because Jack was sick and made everything dirty.

Trish continued, referring to Jack's dirty mind, that Jack couldn't believe she was just friends with Mike. Jack hated Mike. She recalled that he almost killed him in the fight at the hamburger stand where she worked. She then revealed that Jack wanted to kill Mike at the apartment, so she had to protect Mike. She picked up the iron and hit him. "I had to hit Jack; it was the only way to save Mike." Marlena and Laura terminated the session. Trish asked when she could hear the tape. They were evasive. Trish was tired, but felt good.

The tape then posed a dilemma for Laura. She had the evidence that could clear Mike, but she couldn’t reveal it because Trish wasn’t ready to deal with it. She refused to answer Mike and Mickey's questions, and called a conference with Marlena and Tom. She was unsure of herself. She told them Mike suspected the truth. She wanted to take herself off the case, not trusting her emotions. Tom felt that Trish might retrogress, if faced with the truth at the moment. Marlena felt it would be too traumatic for Trish for Laura to take herself off the case. Laura then asked to bring Jeri in to help. Tom felt Jeri would be cooperative in order to pay for her part of the damage. Laura would stay on, but had doubts.

Lt. Danton had coffee with Jack's prostitute friend, Nancy, who revealed that Jack was impotent, and she had already told Mickey. Danton went to see Mickey. He told him that he could’t support further postponements. He also wanted a court-appointed psychiatrist to examine Trish. Mickey asked if Danton was willing to damage Trish for life. Danton asked what Mike had to lose by the truth. Mickey told Danton that Mike loved Trish. Danton tpmd Mickey he didn’t like to go into court with loose ends and, implied he would keep digging around.

Johnny Collins returned to Salem and demanded Rebecca LeClair, Robert's wife, come away with him. Johnny told Rebecca he was then ready to accept her baby. Rebecca was confused. Doug told her that if she went, she didn’t have to come back because she would hurt too many people. He reminded her that he loved her son, Dougie, like the son he never had and that Dougie's being around had helped Julie get over the loss of her baby - Over a year ago, Rebecca, Doug's housekeeper, talked Dr. Neil Curtis into allowing her to be the host mother when Doug decided to try artificial insemination to give his daughter Hope the baby brother she wanted. Doug and Julie weren't married then. Rebecca wanted the $5000 fee to send her lover Johnny Collins to art school in Paris. Also she wanted to replace the child she'd lost in an auto accident. Everyone thought Rebecca was carrying Johnny's child, and Robert, long in love with Rebecca, cabled Johnny the news. Johnny and Rebecca were to be married. The night before, Rebecca, urged on by Neil, told Johnny the truth. He walked out. Robert then married Rebecca, no strings, and adopted the baby boy, ironically named Dougie. Rebecca had even become a wife to Robert in every way, until Johnny began to call and plead with her to come to him. - Rebecca wondered what kind of life the baby could have with parents who didn’t love each other. She decided to go with Johnny. Robert wouldn’t stop her. He told Doug and Julie, who realized the truth, that Rebecca was just taking Doug on a vacation to a warmer climate. Rebecca hoped to get away without seeing Robert, but ran into him at the door. Later she wrote him that she would always love him "in a special way."

After Rebecca had been gone for some weeks, Robert admitted to Don Craig that he really missed his son, and he wanted to have him back. Off the record, he asked Don if there was a way to do it. Don told him he had a right to see his son, and might even win custody by suing for divorce on grounds of desertion and having Rebecca declared an unfit mother. Robert was reluctant to do such a thing. Rebecca’s leaving and taking the baby was hardest on Hope, who'd come to really love her "little brother." The trauma didn’t make itself felt immediately. Then one day at the park, she traded her doll for a real baby to take the place of baby Dougie. The baby's mother, Mrs. Lewis, alerted by the police through Julie and Robert, came to claim the baby. Hopes did not want the baby to leave. Mrs. Lewis told Hope she might visit any time, and Robert took them home. Hope wouldn’t eat or go to sleep, so Doug called Alice, who told Hope a story that let her know mothers loved their babies too much to give them up, but that "princesses" might visit babies any time.

Dr. Thomas Horton, Sr., had had a dream of being chief of staff of University Hospital. The present chief of staff was retiring, and Tom would like the job, but refused to play politics to get it. Bruce Jamison, head of the hospital board, had been surveying the doctors at University as to their choices for chief of staff. Tom's name was proposed often. But Jamison told Greg Peters, and others, that the board might like a younger man. Actually, Tom opposed some of the financial cuts Jamison was proposing, especially those that effected patient care.

Tom might be above playing politics, but Alice, knowing of Tom's dream, wasn’t. She asked sons Tom, Jr., and Bill to talk to Mel Bailey, head of the nominating committee, to champion Tom. Astounded at Alice's maneuvering, Mel was only too happy to comply, feeling Tom was the ideal person for the job. Mel introduced Tom to the board. Jamison brought up cuts, and Tom expressed his views. Later, Mel warned he would have to learn how to play or he would lose. Jamison sounded out Neil Curtis about the job. Neil refused, saying he wouldn’t make the hospital his whole life. Mel asked Alice if she was ready to assume all the social duties that went along with the job. She replied, "Tom must have his dream."

Valerie Grant, Neil’s part-time recep-tionist, resigned in order to have more time when she and David Banning, Julie's son, were married. Neil put in a call to an agency and interviewed lovely, curvaceous, young Betty Worth. Neil and Greg agreed her references from Chicago were excellent and hired her on the spot. Phyllis wasn’t pleased at all. After Phyl and Neil left for lunch, Betty commented to Greg that Phyl wasn't what she expected. Greg gently chastised her by telling her that the Curtises had a good marriage and had recently suffered the tragic loss of their premature son. Betty apologized.

Julie gave Valerie a bridal shower at Doug's Place that was quite an elegant affair. However, their happiness was marred by Val's mother's refusal to attend, thus making public her objection to her daughter's marrying a white man. Julie, Alice and Maggie tried harder to make the occasion bright for Val. Val was delighted to see her cousin Sarah there. Sarah told her, however, that she was getting nowhere with Helen. The bright spot was that Paul, Val's father, would like to give her away. Angry, Val told David she wanted to be married right away. David urged her to wait a little longer, hoping Helen would change her mind.

Following several devastating therapy sessions, Sharon Duval refused to get out of bed. - Sharon's chauvinist father never forgave Sharon for being a girl. One time when she came home from boarding school for vacation, she dressed in an elegant dress to greet him. He laughed and asked whom she was trying to kid. Since then, Sharon had been unable to trust men, not even her devoted husband Karl. Julie had been doing a portrait of Sharon.- Alarmed, Karl sought out Julie, asking her to be Sharon's friend, if possible. Julie accompanied Karl. Meanwhile, Marlena, Sharon's therapist, had gone to see Sharon as a friend. Sharon, in the course of the conversation, told Marlena that she would never let herself open to being laughed at or humiliated by a man again; she would leave before it could happen again. Julie arrived. She agreed to be Sharon's friend.

Don offered Julie her old job back as his receptionist. Doug encouraged the idea of her going back to work, citing how restless Rebecca became with too little to do. Julie scorned both ideas, saying she had plenty to do. However, after Doug brought it up again, Julie found a way to let out her creative impulses. With Karl and Robert's – reluctant - help, she turned Doug's Place into a gallery to show off her paintings. Before he realized whose paintings they were, Doug expressed his hearty disapproval of the whole fool idea. Julie stormed out. Robert explained to Doug what he did. Julie sought sympathy with Don who agreed with Doug that the club needed a dim, romantic atmosphere. Julie went to Karl who suggested she and Doug might be making too great a thing of it. Noting how interested Sharon had been in Julie's project, Karl offered to finance a real gallery, if things didn’t work out. Doug found Julie and tried to apologize but she stormed out. Karl advised Doug to let Julie try her gallery in the club idea. Doug agreed. But before he could tell Julie to go ahead, they got in an argument over Doug's ex-wife Kim's working there, in a Polynesian "handkerchief." Kim offered to quit but Doug told her nobody was going to tell him how to run his restaurant. Julie overheard, but told Doug he was right, and she would remove the paintings. He said they would stay. The evening was a disaster because of the bright lights to show the paintings. Julie admitted she was totally wrong. Karl advanced his gallery idea again. Julie considered it, but wanted to consult Doug.

Mickey told Laura that Danton had found out about Jack's impotency and might suspect that Trish killed Jack. Mickey demanded that Laura confront Trish before Danton brought in outside psychiatrists. Laura met with Jeri. Jeri finally confessed that part of the reason Jack told Trish the stories was that Jack feared Trish would take the easy way out and become a prostitute like her. Trish arrived. Jeri told Trish that she brought men to the apartment because Jack was impotent, reiterating that she never took any money. She was a "true" prostitute for only two months before she married Jack. Laura left them alone. Laura told Bill that she was going to play the tape for Trish in the next session if Trish and Jeri got along well. Jeri left to fix her makeup, and Trish took the tape and tape recorder.

Trish arranged to be alone in her apartment. She played the tape, and was relieved to learn she truly had nothing to feel guilty about, regarding Jack. She was interrupted before she got to the end of the tape, the part where she revealed to Laura and Marlene that she killed Jack.

Bill Horton, at Laura's urging, was considering finding a specialty other than surgery, since the arm injured when Mickey tried to kill him was not progressing as it should.

The Doctors

Written by: Douglas Marland

Produced by: Jeff Young

The deteriorating marriage situation between Matt and Maggie Powers was further threatened by the appearance of architect Kyle Wilson. Matt had been refusing to let Maggie share his problems or his bed. Maggie and Althea Davis arranged to meet with Kyle on changes to his plans for the new intensive care wing at Hope Memorial. Hospital problems kept acting co-chief of staff Althea from the dinner meeting. Maggie, who'd already revealed the precariousness of her marriage to him, found herself alone with Kyle. After discussing the plans, Maggie asked Kyle about himself, finding he was married to a woman - Janet - who used to be his partner. However, after being blinded, Janet gave up and had refused to be a marriage partner or take steps to function in her blindness. Kyle confided that he found the situation with Janet degrading, a feeling Maggie knew, too.

Matt went to Andre's, where he sought out singer Nola Dancy. He confided that he was unhappy with the situation but found it hard to confide in Maggie because of the pain he saw in her eyes, that reflected the pain he felt. Nola urged him to talk it out with Maggie. Unaware Maggie was still with Kyle, Matt knocked on her bedroom door, saying he wanted to talk. When he got no response, he almost turned the handle, but his pride got in the way. Stale-mate.

As the marriage stalemate continued, Maggie decided to go to New York to teach a seminar at her old college. She felt she needed time alone to work through her feelings. Even though his lawyer, Jason Aldrich, told Matt that his trial for the murder of Joan Dancy was coming up soon, Matt refused to stop Maggie from going. - Harboring resentment against Matt since his first wife committed suicide over their brain-damaged child Matt had insisted be allowed to live, Paul Summers had framed Matt for the death of junkie Joan Dancy. Paul's wife, Stacey Wells Summers, had actually pulled the plug, but Paul planned the whole situation. Matt was indicted by the Grand Jury. He had also been replaced, temporarily, as chief of staff by Althea Davis and Paul. –

After dinner and a show with Kyle, Maggie went to her room and called Matt to tell her she was coming home. Nola, who had dropped by the Powers' house to help her sister Sara babysit Powers' grandson, Michael-Paul, answered the phone. Maggie said nothing, hung up, and returned to Kyle's apartment. She confessed her doubts about resuming her marriage, then told Kyle he made her feel like a woman. Kyle replied that Maggie made him feel like a man. They spent the night together. The following morning, Maggie told Kyle they had to never see each other again, that his caring had helped her put things in perspective, and she was going home to fight for her marriage. Kyle reluctantly agreed.

Barney Dancy, long-absent head of the Dancy clan, arrived from the hospital, where he had been treated for serum hepatitis. Since any kind of emotional trauma could cause a set-back, the family hadn't told him of his beloved Joan's death. - She was a junkie before she died. - They told him Joan was visiting friends upstate. Barney was appalled at Nola's set of values. She had told him all she wanted from life was a husband who would give her a big house, servants, and lots of money. Barney's arrival had driven oldest son Luke out. Luke's resentment of Barney's abandonment of the family bordered on hatred. The announcement of Matt's trial date spurred Virginia to leave early from her job as Mona Croft's housekeeper. She wanted to keep the papers from Barney. Luke returned to get the rest of his clothes, refusing to acknowledge Barney's presence. Luke felt his mother was only letting herself open to more pain, certain Barney would leave again as soon as he was well. When he saw Virginia kiss Barney lightly, Luke exploded. He told Barney Joan died a "pathetic junkie" because she had no father or family to turn to. Virginia forced him from the apartment. Barney went into mild shock. Matt arrived, having been called earlier so Barney could thank him for saving his life the night Matt found him in a bar and had him admitted for treatment. Matt made Barney comfortable, then left.

Learning of Paul Summers' resentment of Matt, Jason began to doubt Paul's protestations of loyalty, even though Paul was married to his step-daughter. Rudy Winston, the reporter who was the center of the hubbub outside Joan's room when Stacy pulled the plug, had revealed to Jason that he got a phone call telling him how to avoid the extra security Matt had ordered. Deducing such information could only have come from someone inside the hospital, Jason had had his law clerc, Jerry Dancy, tape the voices of the staff. Winston recognized Paul's voice. However, it was not evidence Jason could take into court. Jason confronted Paul, who had just returned from the lodge he and Stacy had rented in Canada. Paul intended to resign to spend the last months of her pregnancy with Stacy. - Paul originally married Stacy because a wife couldn’t testify against her husband in that state. Over time, however, he had come to love her, becoming increasingly vulnerable to her pleas that they confess and rid themselves of the awful guilt. Paul didn’t want to be separated until after the baby was born and persuaded Stacey to wait 'til then. They planned to let her family take care of the baby while they were in prison. - The confrontation again caused Paul to try to make Jason feel guilty for all the years he and wife Doreen neglected Stacey. Jason said that wouldn’t work anymore. When Paul wouldn’t confess, Jason flew up to see Stacey. She vehemently denied that Paul pulled the plug, insisting over and over that she knew Paul was innocent.

Paul resigned the following day and called Stacy to announce his imminent arrival. She told him of Jason's visit, insisting Jason wouldn’t let go. Paul told her he wouldn't let her be implicated in any way. Since Paul was arriving earlier, Stacy called her doctor to cancel an appointment. As she was talking, the line went dead. She went over to carry a box of groceries to the kitchen. She was ripped with pain. She crawled over to the phone, but the line was dead.

Jason, frantic when he couldn't reach Stacy by phone, finally called her doctor, who offered to drive out. Paul arrived home and found Dr. Cummings there. The lack of immediate help caused Stacy to lose their baby - a boy. She herself was in precarious condition from loss of blood. Paul told Stacy they had a son. Stacy named him Jason Paul. She asked Paul to promise they would tell Jason everything. Stacey begged him, "No more bad dreams," then died in his arms.

Paul arranged to have the funeral in Canada. Steve, Mona, and Jason flew up. Jason arranged to be alone with Paul and told him he knew, from his last conversation with Stacy, that she was his accomplice. He urged Paul to turn himself in, before he turned what he had over to the police. Paul refused. Back in Madison, Jason went to Paul's apartment. He had a letter Stacy had the grocery delivery boy mail. The letter told all. Paul refused to read the letter, saying he knew what was in it. He said he sometimes heard Stacy calling him to join her. Jason suggested the voice was really urging him to confess.

Steve Aldrich planned to marry Ann Larimer as soon as his daughter Stephanie was released from the hospital after recovering from rheumatic fever. Steve was unaware that Ann knew his ex-wife Carolee, whom he recently divorced, reluctantly, on grounds of desertion, was a catatonic in a private hospital. - Carolee fled Madison after finding Ann and Steve in a compromising situation which Ann had arranged. Carolee lapsed into catatonia. Ann found her in a New York hospital, only hours ahead of Steve, and, posing as her sister, Mrs. Lomax, had Carolee transferred to a private hospital using Paul's first wife's papers. Carolee was known as "Mary Ellen Smithfield" then. A specialist in catatonia, Dr. Brandt, took an interest in Carolee after Ann abandoned her. He had found, despite Anne's efforts to mislead him, that Carolee had a husband named Steve and that they used to live on Maple Ave. in Madison. - Brandt had con-tacted Althea to ask her help when he brought "Mary Ellen" to Madison. Althea had inadvertently leaked the information to Ann, who had moved her wedding to Steve up twice. Ann had also arranged for Steve and herself to honeymoon on a remote Caribbean island that had no phone. Mona had put a down-payment on the DeWitt estate and had given Ann a brooch that was a family heirloom, one she withheld from Carolee. Mona told Anne she had wanted her as her daughter-in-law, ever since Ann's father had Ann and Steve's marriage when they were 18 annulled. Ann admitted she had always loved Steve, adding she would do anything to keep him. Learning Carolee would be in Madison soon, Ann pleaded with Paul not to expose her. Disconsolate, Paul told Ann he would keep her counsel, adding every night she spent with Steve would be hell because she would know she tricked him into marriage. He observed that he punishment would begin on her wedding night.

M.J. Match, Carolee’s cousin, had returned to Hope, despite knowing her love for Steve would go unrequited.

When Maggie returned to Madison, Matt made it clear to her that he was sorry for not sharing these last weeks with her. He wanted to make up. Maggie found herself reluctant, continuing to recall the tender moments with Kyle.

The day of Steve and Ann's wedding, Brandt, Carolee, and his assistant Claudia arrived in Madison. Everyone was surprised at Ann's anxiousness. Brandt took Carolee and Claudia to lunch at Andre's, across the street from Hope. Carolee disappeared. Brandt had Claudia stay while he went across to Hope. Carolee found a flower shop, which reminded her Steve liked yellow roses. - Her mother ran a flower shop. - The owner gave Carolee a rose. Brandt ran into M.J. who had returned recently to Hope, and elicited her help to search for his patient. After covering the hospital from top to bottom and circulating her description, they couldn’t locate the patient. M.J. sent Brandt into Althea's office to phone the police, and started for the elevator to return to her own office. The door opened, and there stood Carolee, who recognized M.J. Brandt was then informed that his patient was Carolee Simpson Aldrich, that she was married to Dr. Steve Aldrich, and used to work at Hope.

Unable to get through to Mona's to alert Steve by phone, M.J. directed Brandt to psychiatric, then she and Darren drove to Mona's house, arriving too late. They explained things briefly to Jason and Althea. Jason tried to reach Steve at the airport, but the plane had already taken off. Jason got a message to the plane.

Back at the hospital, Carolee became completely lucid, demanding to see Steve. Jason and Althea and M.J. told Brandt about Ann and Steve. Brandt felt Carolee had to be kept uninformed for her own sake, fearing a set-back if she learned the truth too soon. M.J. stayed with Carolee until she slept, then joined Brandt in the hall. Carolee woke and overheard part of the conversation. Learning Steve and Ann were married, Carolee fainted. Ann, meanwhile, had intercepted Jason's messages to Steve, and had Steve secluded on Bonita Island, away from all means of communication.

Wealthy widow Eleanor Conrad and Luke had commenced an affair, being careful to keep it a secret. However Sara appeared to recognize a tie left behind in Eleanor's apartment. Nola also warned his brother not to fall in love with Eleanor.

The Edge Of Night

Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson

Nicole Drake had to spend the next few months of her pregnancy in bed — doctor's orders! Since the drug sodium pentathol was forced on her by Clay Jordan, there was a risk she would lose the life within her, and all precautions had to be taken. While she was in bed resting and under the watchful eye of her "friend" Abby Walcott, Abby let Nicole's worst enemy enter the house. Claude Revenault was within minutes from doing the job he sent several hired men to do — to kill Nicole! - After an explosion on their honeymoon yacht, Nicole Drake was presumed dead. She came in contact with Revenault who was living incognity, hiding from Tony Saxon, the syndicate leader from whom he embezzled millions. Revenault believed Nicole knew of his "secret island" where he planned to live untouched by Saxon's goons. When a raid on his limbo island forced Revenault's escape, Nicole fled but a blow on the head caused amnesia. She had since recovered and returned to Adam, accompanied by Clay Jordan, hired by Revenault, posing as Nicole's psychiatrist. Nicole knew he was an impostor but told no one. Under hypnosis, Nicole revealed she never did see the location of the secret island which Revenault proudly displayed marked by a red ruby on a wall map. He did not realize this, thus his attempts to silence Nicole by death. With the capture of Clay Jordan, Revenault was in Monticello to complete the job himself. - Abby had already regretted her involvement with Revenault and begged him to let Nicole live. Her statements that Nicole knew nothing did not sway him. In her bedroom, faced by Revenault with the revolver ready to be fired, Nicole pleaded not for her life but for the life of her baby. Those words halted the finger from pulling the trigger. Adam, alerted by Abby, arrived and barged into the bedroom, attaching Revenault. With the past year's anxieties and fears ended by Revenault's arrest, Nicole sighed relief in Adam's arms. Her account that the baby saved her life perhaps made Adam realize he no longer felt the ambivalence he had towards the child they had not planned but which was already so much a part of their lives.

Nicole and Adam protested the obstetrician's suggestion that Nicole spend the remainder of her pregnancy in a nursing home. It was the most she could do to save their baby. Inactive and bored, Nicole was feeling very sorry for herself. A visit from Molly O'Connor, ex-cop and friend of Nicole's, did wonders for Nicole's disposition. She made her realize that every decision Nicole made had to be based on the love she had for her baby. With that, Nicole made the appointment for the nursing home. Adam accompanied her to the Clairmont Nursing Home where they were greeted by Dr. Miles Cavanaugh.

Since Mike and Nancy Karr had sepa-rated, their daughter Laurie Dallas had become obsessed with hopes of a reconciliation. She launched a search for young Tim Faraday, hoping if he would come back to Nancy and Mike, their hostilities would be forgotten and therefore resolved. - Unknown to Mike and Laurie, Timmy was the reason Nancy left Mike. Tony Saxon had Tim in his clutches with the complicity of Josephine Harper, as his aunt. Mike was head of the crime force initiated to indict Tony for income tax fraud. Threatening Tim's life forced Nancy to cooperate with Tony and report Mike's vital indicting evidence to him through his right-hand man, Beau Richardson. She moved out of the house hoping Tony would think she and Mike had marital problems and she would no longer have access to his records. Unfortunately for Nancy, she not only convinced Tony that the separation was genuine, but Mike believed it also. –

Fearing Laurie’s pursuit of Tim would stir up anger in his abductors, Nancy desperately tried to stop Laurie's search. She frantically asked her to cancel the private investigator Laurie hired to find Tim. Laurie told her mother she did, relieving Nancy's fears, but admitted to her father she did no such thing. To the contrary, Laurie paid the man five hundred dollars to find Tim. Set up to appease Laurie, Mrs. Harper let the private investigator see Tim and even talk to Laurie on the phone.

Since Nancy had been in the company of Beau Richardson frequently, Mike assumed she had left him for an affair with Beau. He saw no other alternative than divorce. Nancy was horrified by his suggestion, then blurted out the whole story about Tim and Saxon. She was ashamed to confess given the choice between Tim's safety and betrayal of her husband, she chose Tim. Mike found this overwhelming and unbelievable. To test Nancy's tale, he called Tim in San Francisco himself. The same response was given, Tim was fine and in no danger. He then took his findings to Beau, who twisted Nancy's confession into an excuse for revenge on Beau, because he called their affair off. Nancy in the meantime had called Tim herself. She let Mrs. Harper know she had knowledge of the kidnapping, and realized Mrs. Harper was sworn to silence. Mrs. Harper was playing dumb to everything Nancy was saying. Suddenly it dawned on Nancy, that Josephine Harper had to have cooperated with Tony. She, Nancy, had been the victim of a grand and successful ruse! While Beau was soothing the jawbone injury which Mike powerfully inflicted upon him, Tony was glorying in the prospects that Mike's lack of control would be bad for his public image — one point for Tony's side. Ansel Scott would need all the help he could get because winning this case would determine the rise or fall of his career. Nadine Scott had just informed Geraldine Whitney that Ansel's law firm no longer existed in New York.

Nancy’s father, Joe Pollock, sensed her recent distraction and confronted her about it. She only lamented "his daughter is a murdered woman and the man responsible for her murder will not see justice done to him." She commented that if he were to name a city, she'd go there to start a new life. Mike meanwhile, was afraid he was going to be charged with assault by Beau Richardson.

The Saxon trial had begun with father and son attorneys, Ansel and Draper Scott on opposing teams. Draper's key witness, Mr. Nivens, died of an apparent heart attack the day before he was to give valuable testimony against Tony Saxon. Unknown to Draper and Ansel, Niven's death was caused by threatening aggravation from Beau Richardson, witnessed by Danny Micellli. It was a strain Niven's already weakened heart could not bear. Involved more deeply than he prefered, Danny had been paid "blood money" of $1,000 for his silence.

Draper gave his opening statement, describing Tony as a "cancer stealing the life of our city." He charged Tony with misuse, embezzlement and malfeasance of public funds. Ansel's verbal introduction denounced his son's accusations, calling it pure rhetoric, only words used to enflame an audience.

Draper’s genius at the law was seeping out as he submitted inadmissable evidence - copies of cancelled checks illegally obtained - to prove Tony's involvement in shady deals while on the city's planning commission. The evidence could not be used, but it was imbedded in the minds of the jury.

Police officer Steve Guthrie and Tony's daughter Deborah had become involved in romance. For the first time in her life Deborah cared for someone more than herself. When Tony informed her Steve asked for his job as security guard at the Ace of Clubs, Tony's rough saloon, she believed her father's prediction; Steve was no honest cop. - Steve was hired by Beau as a protective front for the Ace's illegal gambing room. Steve thought his $200 weekly salary was to keep the drunks in line. - Steve showed up for work on an unscheduled night, and accidentally found the passageway to the casino. He had to decide which side of the law he was on and either reported the illegalities or kept quiet. In the meantime, Deborah was miserable about Steve's dishonesty, and he had a hard time convincing her he was as shocked about his involvement as she was.

Danny’s wife, Tracy, was suffering from insomnia because of their estrangement. She was Dr. Chris Neely's first psychiatric patient in private practice, and his "free" therapy had helped her greatly. She faced the problem head on, asking Danny to return home. He was indefinite, then made his accusations that Chris was receiving some other kind of "payment" from Tracy since there were no bills for services rendered. Chris was insulted for himself and for Tracy by Danny's lack of trust in his wife. Since Beau fired Danny as manager of the Ace of Clubs, he had nowhere to turn but to his closest friends, Johnny and Laurie Dallas. He admitted he was lost without Tracy, Johnny pointed out Danny's pride would make his life miserable. Realizing "home" was where he belonged, Danny returned to Tracy. Tracy was not home, however, she agreed - after a few refusals - to have dinner with Chris. They arrived at the apartment for a drink, without realizing Danny was there. Danny again assumed the worst of his wife and left with the comment, "I'll get out of the bedroom, you'll probably be using it." - The fact that Tracy was a prostitute in her adolescence began the dissension in the Micellis’ marriage. When Danny found out Tracy could not bear children because of treatment for an abortion by a quack doctor, he left her. Today Johnny told him she was in love and only sixteen when she got pregnant. Knowing no one, she made the mistake of going to a quack. This confession was what finally convinced Danny he shouldn't let her past divide them.-

Draper Scott was no longer resisting the company of his step-sister Raven Alexander. The association which was engineered by Raven's mother was then blossoming into a love affair. Draper had proposed marriage to Raven. She was not as serious, however, preferring her intimate and rare moments alone with Draper's father.

Nancy went to see Beau at the closed-down Ace of Clubs. She guessed Josephine Harper was either part of the conspiracy or had been threatened as she, Nancy, was. But remembering Josephine was formerly an actress, Nancy suggested she could have produced the horrifying tapes that forced Nancy into this situation by simply having little Timmy perform a scene for her. Beau, toying with her as he was with his dart board, never quite confirmed her theories.

In conversation with Adam, Mike picked up on his own remark about San Francisco and recalled Beau denied knowing who Timmy Faraday was and in the next breath denied ever having been in San Francisco. Mike realized he never mentioned San Francisco to Beau who had to therefore have been lying. This sent Mike hurrying to the Ace of Clubs to confirm it and there he found Beau Richardson, alone in his office in the deserted club, dead of a vicious stab wound in the chest.

General Hospital

Written by: Eileen & Robert Mason Pollock

Produced by: Tom Donovan

Dr. Mark Dante, chafing after a fight with Terri Arnett, the woman he loved, took his wife Mary Ellen – Mellie - to Boston, to check out some neurological equipment at his old hospital. Mellie, a "recovered" psychiatric patient, knew of Mark and Terri's love, and told Terri there would be lots of time for Mark to spend with her, like a second honeymoon. Terri, hurt, tried to cover, but Mellie knew her barb had hit home. - Mellie was hospitalized after an auto accident, for which Mark was responsible, caused her to lose their baby and suffer a hysterectomy. Mellie went into a severe depression. Mark and Terri fell in love while he was in Port Charles to operate on Steve Hardy to relieve pressure on Steve's spine caused by a displaced bone fragment. Terri and Mark weren’t lovers, but were waiting for Mellie to be well enough to stand alone so that they could be together. Mellie had sensed their love, and had done a good job of convincing her doctors she was well. Mark and Terri fought because Terri couldn't stand hearing, from Mellie, about the sexual delights of their reunion. –

Mark and Terri made up. Mellie, standing in the doorway, saw them kiss. She returned to the apartment and summoned her chauffeur, Lenny. She reminded Lenny he once told her the hill up to the apartment complex would suffice to kill Terri, if her brakes were tampered with. He remembered, but wasn’t sure he wanted to be involved. Mellie flashed her emerald ring at him, the prize for his cooperation. He agreed to help. Mellie asked him to be prepared to act that evening. She then went to Terri's office in her supper club, where she demanded Terri meet with her at 5:30 that night or Terri would be sued for the alienation of Mark's affections. Mellie ran out. Frantically, Terri tried to reach Mark, but he was tied up in surgery.

Meanwhile, Mellie lured Mark's sister, Gina to the apartment, to receive a gift. She had Gina come at 5:00. While Gina was there, Mellie told her she was expecting Terri for tea, Terri's idea. After Terri arrived, Mellie didn’t bring up the alienation of affection suit, but chatted on about the tea service and the blend of the tea. The phone rang twice - Lenny's signal that the brakes had been fixed -. Mellie then launched into a vitriolic tirade about Terri's affair with Mark, refusing to let Terri get a word in to explain that she and Mark weren’t lovers. Mellie forced an agitated Terri from the apartment by telling her she'd kill her before letting her have Mark.

In checking out an accident on the hill near his apartment, Mark stumbled over a log, and came upon Terri's unconscious body. She was rushed to the hospital. It appeared she was suffering from nothing more than exposure, but when she remained comatose, Mark ordered an angiogram, which revealed a subdural hematoma in the left temporal lobe — the speech center. He began treatment with steroids, hoping to shrink the swelling. If that didn’t work, he would have to operate. Mellie was frantic that Terri would wake up and tell all. Rick, finding out Mellie visited Terri at the club the afternoon of the accident, questioned her, but she covered, saying she was just paying a courtesy call, but Terri was so busy she suggested they get together over tea later. Rick didn’t quite buy it, since 5:30 was one of Terri's busiest times at the club.

Terri’s accident had had a beneficial effect for the Weber clan. Jeff and Rick, estranged since Jeff found out Rick was having an affair with Monica, Jeff's wife, had come to a tentative reconciliation.

Rick had asked Dr. Lesley Faulkner to marry him. Somewhat fearful that he might still be in love with Monica, Les had put him off. However, Rick had told her that unless she refused him by the end of the month, they would be married. Laura, Les's 15-year-old daughter, liked Rick and had been urging Les to accept, especially when she found out Les loved Rick

The night of Terri's accident, Jill ran into Monica in the lounge while waiting with Les for word of Terri. Happily, Laura told Monica of Rick's proposal to Les, unaware of Monica's continuing interest in Rick. Monica checked it out with Rick, who admitted Les hadn't said yes, yet. Rick told her Les was on the verge of accepting. Noting Monica's reconciliation with Jeff, Rick observed that they all seemed on the verge of working their way out of the past mess and he hoped they would all have a happy ending.

Rick was unaware that Monica was back with Jeff only to get him back on his feet, following brain surgery to remove a bullet he put there accidentally while imagining seeing Rick and Monica in bed while in an alcoholic stupor. Monica hoped her seeming devotion would show Rick she was not the liar and cheat he thought.

Monica’s out was the person of Heather Grant, who was pregant with Jeff's child, following a brief affair while Jeff and Monica were in the throes of breaking up. Heather, rejected by Jeff because he loved Monica in spite of everything, had other plans for her baby.

Heather had maintained that the father of her baby was someone named Carlton, who was married, but was about to get a divorce from his wife. Heather had her reluctant mother write such a letter to her. Next, Heather stole a bottle of sleeping pills from the clinic, where she worked as a volunteer. She replaced the pills with vitamins. She next faked a phone call from Carlton telling her it was all over. While Diana Taylor, for whom Heather worked as a mother's helper, was in the house, Heather faked an overdose. Ironically, Jeff was the ambulance doctor. They rushed her to the hospital and pumped her stomach. Heather would only talk to Diana, telling her the thought of raising her baby alone got to her. She pointed out the difficulties of raising a child alone. Diana and husband Peter talked it over, then told Heather they'd like to take her baby. Heather agreed that might be a good idea because then she could go somewhere and get a fresh spat, but she had to think it over. After an appropriate amount of time had elapsed, Heather told Diana she could have her baby, later musing that she intended to charge the Taylors $10,000. Heather continued to refuse any help from Jeff. After she was released from the hospital, Jeff sought her out, giving her a $1000 savings certificate for the baby's education.

Mike and the Taylors’ daughter Martha had been having problems since Martha named a doll she won Patricia. It occured to Peter that Patricia might have been Mike's mother's name. He checked with a newspaper clipping he had, then confronted Mike, hoping to help the boy deal with his parents' death in a fire on Valentine's Day some years ago. Mike kept insisting his parents weren’t really dead because he never saw them dead. Peter decided not to press Mike until he could get more information. He found from an old neighbor, Mrs. Lester, that Mike's bedroom was on the second floor of the house, but the clipping showed he was rescued from the ground floor. Mrs. Lester told Peter the Mallons fought a lot after Mr. Mallon's business started going bad. Mike told Peter he hated the fighting, but they ignored him when he asked them to stop. He was downstairs that night to get away from the sounds of their fighting. He'd fallen asleep in the den.

The battling between Tom Baldwin and Audrey Hobart over their son Tommy came to a head when Tommy ran away to Tom, saying Audrey had Steve but Tom had nobody to love. Tom's brother, Lee Baldwin, questioned Tommy and found he was clinging to Tom because he was insecure about Tom's leaving him again. - Nine years ago, Tom kidnapped Tommy and took him to Mexico. There Tom was framed for murder and condemned to life imprisonment. To protect Tommy and Audrey Tom bought a phony death-certificate, and let everyone believe he was dead. An elderly Mexican lawyer took an interest in Tom's case and had him pardoned. Tom returned the day after Audrey and Steve were married. Audrey was then waiting for her divorce to become final to remarry Steve.- Lee warned Audrey that the arguing over Tommy might lead to a nasty custody battle in which Tom could win. Thus, reluctantly, Audrey had agreed to let Tommy live with his father. She had, however, managed to find them an apartment in her building so that she could see Tommy often.

When Terri’s condition worsened, Mark tried drugs to relieve the pressure. Unsure of himself because of his emotional involvement with Terri, Mark asked archrival Otto Marriner to consult on the case. Marriner, usually conservative, urged surgery. After Mark ate enough humble pie to satisfy him, Marriner agreed to do the surgery. Mellie, meanwhile, arranged with Lenny to push Marriner's car off the road when he started for the hospital, hoping to prevent surgery, thus killing Terri.

Monica learned of Jeff's $1000 withdrawal from savings and confronted Heather, suggesting it was used to shut Heather up. Heather fave Monica the Carlton story, vehemently denying the baby was Jeff’s. Earlier, concerned because Monica hadn't gotten pregnant yet, Jeff had offered to take his and Heather's baby. Heather refused. Mrs. Grant wanted Heather to give the baby to Jeff also, saying a baby deserved at least one parent's love.

Peter and Diana took Mike to see his parents' grave. After Peter assured Mike the fire was not his fault, Mike appeared to feel better.

When Marriner didn’t arrive and Terri began to herneate, Mark desperately realized he was going to have to operate himself. Lenny meanwhile reported back to Mellie — mission accomplished — Marriner's car had been found off the road in a remote area. Mellie was delighted; Terri would definitely die then. Mark implored God not to let him down.

Dr. Gail Adamson, new head of the new department of social medicine, saw more and more of Lee Baldwin, whose marriage to Caroline was shaky. Caroline refused to leave Florida and her son's side. Bobby had an incurable fatal disease, which was in remission.

Guiding Light

Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Allen Potter

- Years ago in Abilene, Texas, Rita Stapleton, RN, was the private nurse for wealthy Cyrus Granger. Only days before his death, Cyrus changed his will to include a substantial inheritance for Rita. Cyrus' son, Malcolm treated Rita brutually when she refused his advances. Cyrus surmised this, never forgiving his son for mistreating Rita. Rita came to Springfield to begin a new life but her past had haunted her. Malcolm tracked her down and was threatening to expose her for her part in Cyrus' death. Before he could act on this, he suffered a stroke and later died in Cedars Hospital. Though Rita was the last person to see Malcolm alive, a medical board voted her non-negligent in Malcolm's death. Attorney Raymond Schaefer then arrived in Springfield to investigate Malcolm's death and took his case to the District Attorney. Rita was arrested and a trial had begun. Rita's reputation as an excellent and conscientious nurse was holding little weight in court as it had been brought out she deliberately lied about knowing Malcolm prior to his admittance at Cedars Hospital. –

The D.A. had a strong case, twisting each witnesses’ commendable opinion of Rita into damaging testimony. Rita took the stand in her own defense. Her lawyer, Mike Bauer, was adamant, Rita gad to confide in him completely if he was going to have any chance at winning her case.

Rita finally unravelled the mystery to Mike and the key to her innocence. At the time of Cyrus' death, Rita lied about her whereabouts. She was not on an errand for Cyrus as she claimed to be, as was subsequently proven in court. She was with another man in a motel room! Mike then understood why she was keeping this from him, the man was Roger Thorpe, who lived in Springfield. Rita promised Roger she would not expose him because this would end his marriage to Peggy. Mike only saw Rita risking her future to protect Roger's marriage. What Mike didn’t know, but Rita did, was that Roger fathered Holly Bauer's daughter when she was still married to Ed Bauer. Ed was then in love with Rita and, before the arrest, proposed marriage to her. With all the hurt Rita had caused Ed so far, she knew if the truth came out about Roger and herself, it would be a mental burden both he and Peggy could not bear. She was putting her life on the line frustrating Mike because as he admitted to his brother Ed, "I can get her off, and she won't let me!"

Mike conveyed to the DA that he - the DA - had been blinded by his own conviction, and listened only to the evidence that supported his theory. That could be very dangerous to an innocent person. Ed pleaded with Rita to give this man's name, and fight for her life. She remained silent. Although she didn’t understand Rita's deceptions, Mrs. Stapleton's faith in her daughter's innocence had not waivered. Neither her pleas, nor Ed's or Mike's to name the man in court would sway Rita's conviction to silence. Mike couldn’t share Rita's optimism that she would be acquitted.

The day of the summations arrived. The DA presented a convincing argument of Rita's guilt, based on her repeated lies "to cover up a pitiful murder." He debated that Rita's failure to kill Malcolm by withholding medication forced her to pull out his life support system, therefore, it was no accidental death. Lies, lies and more lies, and the prosecution exposed them all. Rita even lied to her own attorney. She knew Malcolm knew too much and she wanted him silenced forever. The DA also prosecuted Rita for killing Cyrus, thus her reasons to silence Malcolm. He ended his summation with very effective incriminations - "Rita Stapleton had the opportunity, motive and desire to murder. By intent and premeditation she is GUILTY of first degree murder!"

There was a break in the session. Rita had to face a confrontation with Raymond Schaefer in the courthouse corridors. He enjoyed twisting the knife in Rita's back, commending the DA's brilliant summation and admiring Rita's spirit. He left her shaken with his comments that whoever she was protecting probably had done her some big favor to warrant such devotion from her.

Mike began his final plea for Rita's defense. He acknowledged the DA's speech as moving and provocative — but it was only one person's view. He angled the jury's decision towards protection for Rita's future, the purpose behind a trial by jury. He asserted there was a failure to produce sufficient evidence by the prosecution. Certainly, Rita couldn’t be convicted for murder because of the deceptions in which the DA had based his case. The suspicions were under two interpretations: Rita's guilt, Rita's innocence. If there was to be any doubt, the jury had to go with her innocence and return a not guilty verdict.

He reminded the jury that the prosecution's case was loaded with insinuations and innuendoes. He warned them "beware of YOUR responsibility. You must give Rita the benefit of the choice." The DA tried to portray her as a monster — she couldn’t be, as testimonies given in her behalf boasted of the finest credentials as a nurse. was is a person of a background filled with love, sacrifice and the grace of God.

In closing, Mike’s words echoed in everyone's minds ... "you must convict the guilty. Protect the innocent. Rita is entitled to your protection."

Roger Thorpe was tormented by what he was allowing to happen to Rita. He knew he was undeserving of his wife's pride in the honesty she believed they share in marriage and of his father's comments that he was proud of the man Roger had become. He was beginning to show signs of breaking under the pressure. He visited Holly and Christina one day, but gave no reasons why. Then he listened to Ann Jeffers discussing the case, and asked, if someone were to give additional evidence that would save Rita, would it be too late to be heard in court.

In the days given for the jury to arbitrate their verdict, Ed had to leave Springfield to tend to a critically ill friend. Alone with her thoughts, Rita recalled in her mind all the events leading to her destiny: Malcolm's brutality, Ed's proposal, Malcolm's condition in the hospital, the DA's inculpating summation, Roger's confession of Christina's conception. While she was doing this, Roger had taken the first step to help her. He went to his father's and spilled out the whole story and that he was the person Rita was protecting. Adam patiently listened to his son. Roger cried he was tired of wrecking people's lives, of hurting and being hurt. He had to tell Peggy everything, but knew in his heart she would not understand — he was going to lose her. Adam commended Roger for the strength and courage he had shown by coming forth with the truth.

Holly, in the meantime, had told Ed she would approve if he told Rita of Christina's true parentage. She had given Ed warm companionship at a time he needed it most. Her mother, Barbara, had attended Rita's trial, and voiced her outspoken opinions of her belief in Rita's guilt. Her husband Adam - Cedars administrator who was fighting for Rita's good character and reinstatement at Cedars - and Holly both disapproved of Barbara's prejudices against Rita. She informed Holly she planned to invite Ed to dinner, and Holly immediately concluded she was campaigning to reunite Holly and Ed again and protested. Barbara defended her right to do what she wanted and say what she wanted - about Rita -.

Dr. Sara McIntyre had allowed her devotion to her work fill in the gap left vacant by her husband Joe's death. She was coping well, and received comfort in the successful research she was accomplishing with Dr. Justin Marler. - Sara and Justin were engaged while attending medical school years ago. Justin dropped Sara to marry Jackie Scott because of the prestigious career her father, cardiologist Dr. Emmett Scott, could offer him. They had since divorced, and Justin recently joined the staff of Cedars Hospital. –

Justin told Sara he saw a sentimentality in her while he was too young and foolish to notice in medical school. He relented about the past, and remembered the night he told Sara he was going to marry Jackie — not her. The memory still bore pain for Sara, Justin's consolation was that though he cared for Sara, if he had married her perhaps he wouldn't have brought her the happiness Joe did.

Emmett and Jackie were living in Springfield. Emmett was recovering from a heart condition under the care of Justin and Sara. Emmett was losing patience with the gradual healing process he had to adhere to. When Justin couldn’t get him to slow down, Sara worked wonders with him. In the meantime, Jackie was testing Justin's awareness of her, flaunting her attempt to snag Mike Bauer. Justin's first reaction was anger, but he realized it was mostly his fault that Jackie felt she had to "prove" she was capable of capturing a man's affections.

Jackie Marler was not alone in her pursuit of Mike Bauer. Mike's daughter Hope was promoting his relationship with his secretary, Ann Jeffers. Ann sensed Mike's distraction and asked Hope to just let things happen naturally. She was pleased, however, when Hope arranged a surprise birthday lunch for Ann, escorted by Mike.

Ben McFarren had been commissioned by Jackie Marler to paint the view from her terrace. He arrived at the house to begin work, and while there he and Evie Stapleton (Jackie's housekeeper) enjoyed the beginnings of a warm friendship.

Love Of Life

Written by: Gabrielle Upton

Produced by: Darryl Hickman

Betsy Harper told Cal Latimer and Eddie Aleata that she had noticed how happy Felicia Lamont seemed when she visited with Suzanne. She was going to suggest that Charles and Felicia adopt a baby. Eddie said that this was the last thing Felicia needed since she had the total care of her invalid husband. Eddie pleaded with Van Sterling to prevent Betsy from making this blunder. Van knew that Eddie still hoped Felicia would stop being a martyr and leave Charles. Van saw she was too late when Felicia told her that Betsy had given her an idea that could solve her problem. She could talk Charles into adoption and then go away until "their baby" was available and neither Charles nor Eddie needed know that she was the natural mother. Van tried to discourage her, but Felicia continued to make plans. Felicia told Charles that his grandson, Johnny, liked the family atmosphere at the Sterlings' and he would feel more inclined to come home if they could do the same.

When Cal Latimer put an ad up for the garage apartment, a young college girl showed interest in it. Meg Hart told her daughter this was the last kind of tenant she should consider because a young blonde could easily seduce Rick. Rick told Cal that a young man, Michael Blake, was coming to see the apartment. Blake liked the apartment, but wanted to work off half of the rent. He was a belated student and worked part-time. Rick suggested that he could do the carpentry Cal wanted done on the mill house. Meg and Rick pushed until Cal had to reluctantly agree. Cal told Van that she wanted to do the remodeling with Rick as a togetherness project. Bruce and Rick agreed that Rick was not inclined toward this type of work and she should not try to change him. Cal felt very uncomfortable with Blake and tried to avoid him. He finally admitted to Rick that he grew up in RoseMill, but had been gone for some time. Michael Blake was keeping a diary in which he wrote that he was on his way and nothing would stop him.

Upon returning from Africa, Dr. Tom Crawford found Arlene Lovett dancing with Ian Russell in the deserted Beaver Ridge club and rushed from the Piano Bar. Arlene was furious with him for not waiting for an explanation. She went to his office to tell him that it was Ian's birthday and they were waiting for his car. She had been accepting Ian's offer of a ride home because it was silly for her to take the bus so late at night during this cold weather. She charged that Tom didn’t then and never had trusted her. He had always glossed over everything rather than hearing and accepting her explanation for things. Tom was still very hot under the collar when he went to see Betsy and called Arlene a tramp, not realizing that Arlene's mother, Carrie, was there. Hurt, Carrie left immediately.

Ian told Arlene that he wanted to be her fairy godfather and provide her with a little fun. He called Tom immature and said Arlene was better off without him. He took her to Ray Slater's gambling casino, The Key Club, located just over the county line. Carrie repeated the accusation Tom made when Ian brought Arlene home. She decided that as long as she had the name she might as well play the game and accepted another trip to the Key Club. Tom's roommate, Joe Cusack, and his date Michelle wanted to cheer Tom up by taking him to the gambling casino, but Tom prefered to stay home. Joe realized that Tom's heart and head weren’t of the same accord. Michelle admired the African bridal necklace that Tom brought home, so he made her a gift of it. When she ran into Arlene, Michelle made sure she knew where it came from. Terribly hurt, Arlene accepted Ian's offer to have champagne in his hotel suite. She became very drunk and woke up the next day with a hangover in Ian's bed. Carrie had written her sister, asking if she might visit, but due to circumstances Dorothy had to decline. Carrie asked Betsy if she might move in to babysit and housekeep for her room and board. Betsy was delighted and planned for Carrie to move in the next day. Carrie tokd Arlene that Betsy had nothing to do with her moving out, she could simply not live with Arlene under these conditions.

The hospital was having a cocktail party at the Piano Bar and, after weighing both sides of the situation, Tom decided that he would not stay away simply because Arlene worked there. Arlene couldn’t take it though and rushed out. Livid, Ian told Arlene that she would never embarrass him again by running out and leaving him to look silly. She apologized and he suggested that he would be her mentor and bring her into society. He was slightly disgusted when he visited Arlene because she had let the apartment go while moping over the loss of both Tom and her mother. He wanted to pick up the rent tab on a better apartment, but she vetoed this. He at least wanted her apartment redone by a decorator if he was to spend some time in it. They would start her new image with a complete new wardrobe.

Mia Marriott had hinted to Ben that she knew something about Jim Marriott's death. Afraid that she would go to the police, Ben visited Betsy and Suzanne. Betsy was very loving, wanting to take away his obvious pain. Ben came very close to making love to her, but stopped, saying that it wouldn't be fair to her.

Ben met Mia and when she said she knew who was responsible, he asked if she was going to tell the police. He inquired if she saw it from the window and she realized that he didn’t know that she was talking about herself. She ran out.

Meg, overhearing Ben arranging a meeting with Mia, assumesdthat it was Betsy and when she found she was wrong, she tried to cover up with Betsy. Betsy told Cal that if Ben was seeing another woman that it would be the end of their relationship because she would never take him back.

Andrew Marriott wondered why Jim had his slippers on the day of the accident when he always wore his boots to ride his motorcycle. He put an ad in the paper offering a reward for information leading to the arrest of the hit and run driver.

Mia apologized for running out and explained that she was upset because she thought he already knew she felt responsible for Jim's death. She and Jim had an argument and she told him to get out of the house. She knew that Jim was in such a rage when he left that whoever hit him never had a chance. She felt sorry for the driver. Mia broke down, saying she couldn’t tell Andrew because he would blame her.

Ben felt free at last and called Betsy, but was interrupted when Andrew came into the store. Andrew had ordered tournament basketball tickets months ago for Jim and himself. Mia suggested that Ben might go with him. Ben was going to see Betsy, but when he saw how down Andrew was, he accepted the invitation. Over hamburgers, Andrew told him that his friends had kids Jim's age and felt guilty when they mentioned them. He said he got an answer to his ad and hoped to get some information.

Betsy vowed that she was through with Ben. He promised to call right back and she had waited for hours. He had been unwilling to confide his fears and she felt this was destroying their chance of getting together again.

Ben was worried when he returned to the Sterlings' and the last thing he wanted was a confrontation with his mother. He told her that he had been to a basketball game with a man, not out with another woman. She pressed him until he broke down and told her about the accident and how he met Dr. Marriott. Meg told him not to worry because if he should be questioned she would give him an alibi. She would say they were going over his finances. But he couldn’t stand the pressure anymore and was going to the police, but first he wanted to tell Betsy. Meg pleaded with him to reconsider.

After work the following day, Ben dressed in his best suit, hoping to make the impression that he was an honest citizen. He arrived at Betsy's to find her frantically preparing to leave for the hospital. Suzanne's pediatrician was out of town and his replacement would meet them there. Ben was surprised to see that the pediatrician was Dr. Marriott. His questioning led him to believe that Suzanne had swallowed something and x-rays showed it to be an open safety pin. They would keep her under observation. Betsy was glad to have Ben's company when she insisted on staying at the hospital.

Andrew told Mia that the informer never showed up, but Ben's baby was in the hos-pital. Mia said she would offer her sympathy in the morning. Andrew suggested that he might know who was responsible for Jim's death. He found a clue at the cemetery, but had to leave to operate on Suzanne before imparting the information. The pin was in danger of puncturing the peritoneum. Carrie arrived with fresh clothes for Betsy but left when Tom didn’t speak to her. Mia arrived shortly after Cal to offer reassurance. Ben was surprised when he came back from the cafeteria to find Mia there.

In accepting Tom’s congratulations for saving Suzanne's life, Dr. Marriott bitterly noted he, himself, has one son who' was dead and another son who ran away from home some time ago.

After the operation, Ben told Betsy about the accident and she insisted on accompanying him to the police. She believed that he didn't hit Jim Marriott, but the fact that he ran from the accident while on parole would go against him. Dr. Marriott wanted to see Ben.

Felicia told Van that her wisdom finally got through and she had decided to tell Charles that she was pregnant. She hoped Charles would be understanding and agreed to keep the baby, but she had serious doubts.

Lovers And Friends

Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch

At Megan’s insistence, she and Desmond Hamilton planned a weekend together in a vacation cabin. Rhett and Connie were drawn into their plans when Megan asked if she could leave her car in Rhett's parking space. Megan told her mother she was planning to stay the week-end at the home of a friend but in the face of an increasing snow storm, Edith Cushing called to inquire about her daughter's safe arrival and learned that Megan was not expected. Upset that her daughter had lied to her and learning that Desmond was out of town, Edith went to Rhett's studio apartment. Rhett denied that Megan was with him and Edith insisted upon examining his dark-room as she had seen Megan's car outside. When Edith, distraught, attempted to call the police, Rhett revealed that he was with Connie. Edith apologized and went home, more upset than ever that she had no idea where her daughter was. When she learned that Jason had gone out of town on a skiing weekend, she told Richard that Jason and Megan were probably together. Richard Cushing was skeptical that Jason would risk his position with the Cushing firm but he too considered the possibility until Jason walked in saying that he had heard that they were looking for him. Jason and Richard left together to report Megan's disappearance to the police.

Eleanor spelled Laurie in caring for a shaken and fearful Edith Cushing and was solicitously reading to her when Megan walked in. Eleanor left and Megan explained to her mother that she had been with Desmond but that they cut their stay short. Megan was shocked to learn that Jason and Rhett had been involved but Laurie told her that her mother was genuinely fearful for her safety.

Alone with Megan, Laurie asked why she insisted on Desmond's taking her away when a few weeks ago she could hardly tolerate his company. Megan admitted that their time together wasn't all she hoped it would be but she said it could have been a lot worse. Megan told Laurie she didn't expect Desmond to bring along his work. When Laurie asked what happened, Megan told her nothing, but that she didn't tell her mother that. She said she was glad she took the chance and that Laurie might erase her doubts about Austin if she did the same thing. After Megan agreed to select her silver pattern and participate more in the plans for her wedding, saying she had been unfair to Desmond, Edith left to apologize to Rhett and learned that Connie was his fiancee - they had agreed to announce their engagement. –

Jason had witnessed a scene with Barbara in Richard's arms and when he asked to see Richard about a client, Barbara tried to put him off, saying that it was her job to see that Richard was not disturbed by "minor matters." She warned Jason not to push himself too hard to get into Richard's good graces. Jason told her she was a fine one to talk about pleasing the boss, and when Barbara bridled, he said : "Don't make waves with me or your little arrangement will blow up in your face."

Austin admitted falling off the wagon and lying to Lester about it. He said he was determined to knuckle down at the plant and try to make a go of it. Seeing that Austin was making an effort without her, Laurie called on Amy at the Saxton home, Amy told her that Austin had been on an emotional see-saw since she got back to Pt. Clair and Laurie retorted that Amy had taken advantage. She asked if Amy would have paid Austin so much attention if he weren't rich. Amy replied, "maybe I'll get lucky and he'll be disinherited," adding that Laurie was in for a fight. When Laurie assured her that she would lose, Amy conceded the possibility but insisted that she wouldn’t lose to her, "somebody who's not willing to commit herself to him." Laurie's parting shot was that that might have been true last week but not then.

Austin accepted an invitation to dinner with Amy at Rhett's studio with Rhett and Connie while Laurie was in the room and Laurie was upset. She told Austin she was wrong to be so distant but she was afraid of being hurt, that she loved him and always would. Austin insisted on talking things out and tried to get in touch with Amy to say he would be late but the line was busy. Laurie went on to say that she should never have let her mother talk her into going to Europe. She asked if she and Austin had a chance and he said they would work on it. Later, sure she was being stood up, Amy agreed to let Connie call to see what was holding Austin up. Laurie answered when Austin was out of the room and gave the impression that she was the maid saying Austin went out some time ago; that she wouldn't know where he was heading but that "he and Miss Brewster did mention a party with some mutual friends." As she hung up, she called out "All right, Alberta, I'll tell him" and gave Austin "Alberta's" message that Connie was apparently sick so the dinner party had to be cancelled.

Amy refused to speak to Austin the following day and warned Jason that Laurie intended to get back with Austin. Jason got a run-around from Laurie but no definite turn down til one evening she asked him to fill her in on Amy's background and he told her they could talk it over at dinner. Laurie replied that she shouldn't be seen with him and Jason insisted that she would change her mind in time. Austin and Laurie agreed to go out to the yacht club that evening for dinner and Jason came by to return some books and accused Laurie of leading him on to win Austin back. Laurie insisted that she was not that kind of a girl but didn’t move away when he helped her on with her coat and began caressing her. She asked feebly what he was doing and they were kissing as Austin came down the stairs. Laurie insisted Jason forced himself upon her. Austin asked "Did he, really?" and walked out. Jason told her Austin would never believe that and she replied: 'We'll see."

The following day, Laurie learned that Austin had taken Amy out to dinner at the yacht club in her stead. She insisted to Austin that Jason and Amy were in a conspiricy to drive them apart. Austin told her that she had become calculating and she was using him for some purpose he couldn’t fathom, adding she was using Jason, too. Laurie replied that Amy was using the weakness in him to draw him away from his own kind of people.

Eleanor told her mother that she was pregnant but held off telling her husband. George learned that she had seen her doctor and guessed that she is pregnant. When he came home late after staying for a celebratory drink with Barbara Manners after assisting in averting a strike at a company Richard dealt with, Ellie was testy and he said she had been in a mood ever since he told her family about the baby. When she learned that Richard was considering retaining George to take care of labor disputes in the companies they underwrote, she was impressed.

Once again, Desmond urged Megan not to continue using Rhett's studio, saying Jason had told him that Connie fel her presence there was a threat to her relationship with Rhett. Megan accused Desmond of making up excuses to cover his jealousy but Desmond convinced her that Connie had confirmed it, asking him to keep it confidential.

Megan was packing for things from the studio when Rhett insisted on knowing why. Rhett proposed that Megan arranged to pay for the time she used the studio and that would make Connie happy. He told her he would speak to Connie and call her back saying that he didn’t believe it was as much of a problem as Desmond made out.

When Connie said she didn’t want another woman at the studio when she was not there, Rhett asked if that was why she forced him into announcing their engagement. He insisted that he was committed to helping Megan with her thesis. Connie retorted that he was committed to her but apparently that didn’t mean anything to him and walked out. Rhett called Megan, telling her he wanted to talk about it in person and Megan promised to see him at his studio later that day.

When Megan asked to see Barbara Manners to discuss her troubles with Desmond, she insisted that she and Rhett had only a professional relationship. Barbara reminded Megan that was how Barbara and Megan's father got started. Megan went on to say that she was attracted to Rhett but she didn’t want to come between him and Connie. She added that she and Desmond weren't right for each other no matter what she thought of Rhett.

Laurie asked Desmond to speak to Amy about Austin. When Desmond took Amy for a drive for this purpose, Laurie told Edith that Amy seemed to have given up on Austin in favor of Desmond. Austin overheard and accused Laurie of maligning Amy, saying she never used to be so spiteful. Laurie's reply was "look where it got me."

Edith went to see Amy at the Saxton house. Amy insisted that Desmond was in no danger from her prompting Edith to say she hoped not: "Otherwise I will see to it that you're not able to live in Point Claire."

One Life To Live

Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan

The union negotiations had been satisfactorily settled without the threatened walk-out and Dorian Lord proposed a celebratory dinner at Tony's Place. When Viki arrived, Joe had already slid off the wagon with Dorian's encouragement. When Viki joined Joe, she could see that the evening was going to be painful and pleaded a headache. Tony offered to keep an eye on Joe, but when Joe finally left and Tony offered to drive him home, Dorian told him her chauffeur would see to Joe. Dorian took Joe to Llanfair for a nightcap. Joe woke up the following morning in Dorian's guest room to see Dorian, en negligee, standing over him. She told him she called Viki the night before, when Joe passed out on her couch, telling his wife it was the chauffeur's night off and she couldn't move him so she would let him sleep it off. She told Joe she got him upstairs but he undressed himself. Joe had no recollection except for the earlier part of the evening.

When Joe got home the following day, he told Viki that nothing happened at Dorian's and Viki answered: "To the best of your recollection! Never mind Joe, I take your word for it — the point is, how can we go on like this?" Viki said they were not helping each other and maybe they'd be much better off apart. Joe looked at her and said "I'll leave." When Joe moved out to a hotel, Viki couldn’t bring herself to return to her job at the Banner.

When Joe Riley fired Matt MacAllister and Dorian was unable to persuade Joe to rehire him, Matt at first threatened to expose the full extent of Dorian's machinations, ending any chance of Dorian's breaking up Viki and Joe and getting him on the rebound. Dorian offered Matt a sum of money and letters of recommendation to leave town but Matt turned her down and said he wanted to try to make it on his own and would not threaten her any longer. Dorian left him to rush to the paper when she heard the union contracts were signed, and Matt took a call from Hank Rogers, the private investigator Dorian had hired, with much fanfare, to trace the Riley baby. He learned that Rogers had a very important lead which Dorian had evidently known about and not passed on to the baby's parents and she was stalling about authorizing Rogers to proceed. Matt confronted Dorian when she returned that afternoon. Matt confronted Dorian when she returned that afternoon. Matt told Dorian to forget Joe. He told her he loved her and after he kissed her, she slapped him. He slapped her back. He paused at the door to tell her goodbye — that he was off to find a baby.

Dorian phones Hank Rogers and ordered him to get word on the Riley baby and stop Matt MacAllister, saying Matt was not her representative and should have psychiatric care. When Rogers asked if the Rileys had been informed of the latest development, she said she was taking care of that. She told Rogers that if Matt found that baby before he did, he didn’t need come back to Llanview.

Ed Hall told Dorian he had heard from the sheriff in Hobart, Texas that Matt was making inquiries about a migrant worker couple and asked what it was all about. Dorian told him that Matt was on a glory trip, trying to get his job back and she didn't talk about the lead because her investigators told her it was a million-to-one shot.

After seeing the waitress she had spoken to before she went to the hospital nursery, Cathy remembered taking Kevin. She fainted but when she recovered she remembered part of her trip with the child. She asked Dr. Alan Bennett to get the photo album from Tony, not knowing why she wanted to see it. The following morning when it arrived, the two went over the pictures together, with Alan turning the pages, but they failed to find the picture of Mrs. MacGruder with the baby as it was concealed behind one of Megan, and Cathy could only shake her head.

Will Vernon agreed to give Dorian a progress report on Cathy when Dorian pleaded that her private investigators needed a current report on anything he could give them. Will told Dorian that since his last optimistic statement that Cathy would remember everything soon, she was then stopped at dead center and seemed to have regressed, if anything. She was blocked because she was then aware of the reality of the situation and the consequences of her actions.

Mary MacGrudder had left her husband and gone to her sister in another state with the baby. She told her sister that Frank couldn't leave his job in Bakersfield and then broke down and told her that she had lied to her husband by saying her sister was ill. She told her that this was the Riley baby but she was not going to give him up; that she loved the child so much that if she were to lose him, she wouldn't want to go on living. Her sister was shocked but unable to make her see reason. Finally she said she would give her the money in her son's college fund. Mary didn’t understand what the money was for but her sister told her: "If you're gonna have any chance of holding on to this baby you've gotta get out of this country."

Matt had bribed the name of the migrant couple and the address they left – Bakersfield, Ca. - from the motel clerk, beating Rogers, who had done the preliminary work, to the punch. The lead seemed to dry up for both of them in California and Matt saw Rogers at the airport. He threatened to follow Rogers but the detective only laughed, telling him he could lose Matt's tail in a matter of minutes. Matt tried to convince Rogers that his esteemed employer did not want the baby found. He started to explain that it was a grandstand play by Dorian when he was interrupted by the announcement of Rogers' flight.

Karen Wolek was relieved to learn that she wasn’t pregnant after all. She agreed to have a very small wedding with the cooking to be done by Anna, after she couldn’t raise a loan from a former "friend" she wrote to. When Ed Hall appealed to Larry to help save a neighborhood clinic in a rough neighborhood in the part of town where he grew up, Larry agreed to give some time afternoons and nights which necessitated cutting down Karen and Larry's trip to Bermuda to a weekend. Karen told Lana: "Wolek has to change his own outlook on life; I'm not going to say anything — until after the wedding."

On Karen’s last night working at Tony's Place she dropped a tray in shock when she saw a swarthy, rough-looking man who called her by name. – The man, Marco, had been in the night before, looking for Karen, and at first sight of him, Charlie, the bartender, reached for a gun and kept it concealed behind the bar. - He told her he would wait till she was off and she called Larry, telling him there was a private party and she would have to work overtime. Marco remarked that he could see she was "still juggling — playing two games at once." Larry came by on the off chance she could get away and she hustled him out.  

The following day, Marco Dane was just about to place a call to Larry when Karen knocked on the door to his motel room. He told her he had hoped she had changed but she wasstill the conniv-ing liar she always was. - Marco had just gotten out of prison and looked Karen up. They were both arrested for embezzlement and Karen turned state's evidence, getting six months probation. - Marco turned down Karen's offer of money - which she hadn't got - and her implied offer of herself - for a time-  and told her he hadn't figured out what he wanted from her, but he would let her know.

Lana called Karen to tell her that Dane had struck up a conversation with Vince Wolek at Tony's and was asking questions about her. Vince himself mentioned to Karen that Marco was thinking of settling down in Llanview. Larry had noticed Karen and Lana's behavior but Karen passed it off as a new boyfriend Lana had, saying that Lana was so dumb she couldn't keep a secret to save her soul. When Karen stopped by to wait for Larry so they could to together to get their marriage license, she learned that he had one more appointment at his office with a new patient. When she learned it was Marco Dane she panicked, asking Larry to cancel it and leave right away. When Larry refused, she waited in the outer office and then left to go to Tony's Place to pick up her check, telling Lana if Larry didn’t show up at the house, she was going to take the check and get out of town. Lana couldn’t believe she would give up Larry just like that. Karen told her she lived with Marco in a commune and it was not just a question of her word that she wasn't in on the stolen credit card swindle, but that she had lied to Larry all along about her past, telling him she was a model. Marco's visit turned out to be just a routine office visit requesting a prescription for his high blood pressure condition and Larry and Karen got their license.

Lana went to Marco's motel room to plead with him to give Karen a break but Marco told her she had only heard Karen's version of the story and stated that with friends like Karen, Lana wouldn’t need any enemies. He warned Lana, "Stay away from her, she's a killer."

Karen called Marco at his room but he picked up the phone — held it a moment as she called out to him — and then hung up. She went to his room but he didn’t answer, calling out to her to go away. She threatened to make a scene. He told her that was silly of her but she said she meant to settle things and he opened the door to her.

Frank MacGrudder drove to Minneapolis and arrived at his sister-in-law's home as Mary was out with the baby. She told him that the child was the kidnapped Riley infant when she learned that there had been men in Bakersfield asking about them. He told her in turn that he had a prison record and they had got to get to the authorities before they were located or he and Mary would never get out of it. When his wife got back, he told her they could be put in jail and from the time they knew about the kidnapping would be looked on as just as guilty as the woman who took the baby in the first place. Mary insisted she saw the hand of God in the fact that they got "Michael" and told him she couldn’t give him up.

When Dorian learned that Cathy had remembered Hobart, Texas and it was only a matter of time before the baby was located, she let Ed Hall talk to her operative and he arranged to fly to Minneapolis when he learned that was where Mary MacGruder was headed. He got a call from Mrs. MacGruder's sister and arrived with a uniformed policeman to learn that Frank and Mary had left, taking the baby with them and she had no idea where they went.

At Marco’s hotel, Karen was told that Marco had no intention of telling her how he planned to see that she "sweats it out." He went to her house on the day before the wedding and, as Karen's mother was present, allowed her to pass him off as a florist. When they were alone, he told her she would find out what he was going to do the following day at her "beautiful wedding" and quoted the portion of the ceremony where the priest would ask if there was anyone present who knew of any impediment. The following day, he was present at the chapel but the threatened moment passed with no interference from Marco.

Dorian put Brad Vernon in touch with her rich friend, Peggy Filmore, as a possible tennis club investor, but Peggy had more intimate plans for Brad. She gave Brad a $15,000 check and lot of loving.  

Ryan’s Hope

Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello

Maeve and Johnny Ryan were frightened at the last conversation they had had with Delia and at her manner, although when Maeve knocked on her door, Delia answered looking sleepy and said that she was all right. They called Pat at Riverside Hospital and he promised to come right over, but Clem collared Pat and Bucky to handle an emergency and he was delayed. Delia had overheard and was sure he would be there soon. She took a large quantity of Jack Fenelli's pain pills which she had secreted hours before. By the time Pat arrived to break down the locked door to her bedroom, Delia was comatose. Pat rushed her to Emergency at Riverside to have her stomach pumped.

At the beach house where Jill and Seneca had gone, Seneca settled Jill and went for a long walk on the beach reliving in his mind the weekend they spent together there when their child was conceived. Jillian was racked with pain and called out to Seneca. She tried to reach the phone but was overcome with a severe contraction. She tried to calm herself but realized that she was helpless and about to deliver prematurely. She made an effort to breathe as she had been told but panics at her inability to help herself. Seneca came in and rushed to her. He assured her that they could cope together. He placed an emergency call to a local hospital but the ambulance was out on another call. He requested that they prepare to receive a premature infant and gave postpartum care to Jillian. Jillian was able to help as she was assured of Seneca's presence and a son was delivered weighing only two and a half pounds. When the baby gave evidence of severe breathing difficulties, Jillian drove to the hospital herself so that Seneca could administer mouth to mouth resusitation to the infant on the way.

Jillian asked Seneca to stay with her at the hospital, telling him how desperate she was for him to get back from that walk and praising him as a gentle, gentle man who took charge in the kindest way. She said the delivery wasn't the Le Boyer method they had planned but it was something like it. - Seneca had prepared warmed rocks wrapped as had been done by his ancestors, held his tiny son and breathed for him. - Jillian agreed with Seneca that, after all the problems of the past months, "isn't it nice we have a son." He called her Wonder Woman and she was finally asleep, but after he left the room she screamed out in pain. She was hemmorhaging. Later, believing she was dying, she asked Seneca not to make all the child's choices for him. Jillian was in a critical condition when Seneca phoned Faith telling her that Jillian had had a D and C. Faith and Roger rushed out to the hospital unaware of Delia's attempted suicide.

When Frank heard, he warned Pat not to get involved with Delia. He urged him to do anything he could except marry her. Pat told him he was grown and didn’t need to sit at Frank's feet anymore while he told him how to run his life. He told Frank that if anybody encouraged Delia's dependency it was Frank Ryan and he couldn’t expect him to take much stock in his advice with the mess Frank's life was in.

 Mary told Frank she couldn’t believe that Delia planned to kill herself. Frank said that Delia's pain and desperation were real, it was just that she learned a long time ago how to make it work for her.

Pat came in and showed Mary Delia's note. He said that he set Delia up to depend on him because he liked the rewards and added "Frank can tell you about that." When Frank put in that it was time for Delia to be responsible for herself Pat shouted: "You turned your back on her, walked out on her. It would be a lot easier on you if I do the same thing." Frank told Pat he thought Pat was as sick as Delia.

Pat promised Delia that he would marry her and take care of her and the baby. Pat told Faith about his decision saying he taught Delia to depend on him and if Delia had died, her death and the baby's would be on his head. Faith told Bucky that Pat wasn’t falling for anything; that no one seduced anyone. She said Pat was doing what he wanted to do; that he needed Delia, reveled in her helplessness. She said if Pat wanted a poor little creature for his wife then he had made the right choice and then added "only he doesn't deserve the mess she's gonna cause him."

Seneca had Faith call Frank to tell him that when Jillian awoke, she asked for Frank. Frank went to see Jill and told her he wanted to work things out; that he thought about Jillian and the baby needing someone to help them live, "that somebody should have been me." He promised to return later in the evening. Outside Jill's room, Seneca asked Frank to be good to Jill; not to set her up to knock her down again. When Frank came into the corridor that evening, Seneca and Jillian were outside the nursery. The baby was much improved and Jill and Seneca were talking over what he could be, in the manner of smitten parents everywhere. Frank walked away.

Jack Fenelli secured Jumbo's promise to be a witness for him regarding a remark he made about not wanting children long before he met Mary and under the stress of seeing a longshoreman's widow in misery. Jumbo was doubtful but swallowed Jack's: "facts are facts." Fenelli then tried for Sister Mary Joel but she was furious and accused him of trying to con her; that a chance remark he once made was not an inner conviction and that if he had confided in her to the extent that he wanted her to swear to, she would have spoken up before the wedding. She refused emphatically. On Saint Patrick's day Jack went to Ryan's and tried to get Johnny's testimony. Enjoying the turn-about, Johnny said that he was getting senile and his memory was not as good as it was. Mary walked in and Johnny told her what was happening, causing Mary to remark, "My, my — we are desper-ate." She reminded him without his two witnesses he couldn’t get an annulment.

Faith went to Pat and returned his ring, saying she was going to get on without him and this was the first step. He told her he never wanted to break their engagement and she said ''sure you did — because you did it." Delia came in and Faith taunted her, saying she and Pat were made for each other.

At Ryan’s, Delia talked about a dress and Mary told her in Johnny's presence that she didn’t understand that a celebration was for something happy — "the rest of us see it as the mistake of a lifetime" and she would like Delia to "spare us a victory party." Pat had been stalling on a date but when Mary attacked Delia, saying she had inflicted her misery on herself – Mary - and her brothers, Pat told Mary he didn’t want to hear any more. Mary begged him to stall Delia, promising to keep her mouth shut.  Pat told Delia that Clem had posted a new schedule and they would be married the following week when he would be able to get some time off.

Edmund Strong Coleridge - Jill and Seneca's child - developped Hyaline Membrane Disease and there was nothing to be done except to administer oxygen and hope that the baby's system could fight it off by itself. Just as it appeared that the baby had turned the corner Seneca examined the child and then asked Roger to confirm a new suspicion.

Jack Fenelli came to the hospital and asked Jill to testify for him about an incident when they were living together and a remark he made that could be construed that he was against having children. Jill told him that she had a baby who might be dying and she would not help him walk out on Mary when she was eight months pregnant.

Roger examined the child and pronounced him Hydrocephalic. Jillian remembered seeing a textbook of her father's when she was a child and panicked but Seneca and Roger assured her that they have the equipment and staff to operate at Riverside where Jill and the baby then were; that the surgery was dangerous but possible. Jillian asked Roger who was the best qualified and Roger said that he was, but Seneca would never let him near the child.

Seneca secured special permission from Hershell Westheimer and Roger began surgery on Seneca and Jillian's son.

Father McShane had devised a plan to help Mary Ryan by delaying a letter the Chancery office had requested of him in order to effectively put a stop to the annulment proceedings until after the birth of her baby. He called Jack and told him he would supply the letter after Jack had surgery. Jack was livid, accusing the priest of blackmail and collusion, but Fr. McShane reminded Jack that he broke his promise not to proceed with the annulment until after he had seen a doctor. Jack arranged to be admitted to Riverside after a doctor, whose name was supplied to him by Clem Moultrie, agreed to go ahead.

Delia was threatened with a miscarriage but when Dr. Wolfe was out of town she concealed the extent of her pain from Maeve, claiming that she had a cold and sinus trouble. When Maeve went to Riverside to meet with Mary for a pre-natal exercise class, Mary, home a few days, insisted Delia get out of bed to care for little John and set him on Delia's bed. After Mary left, Delia asked bartender Kevin to care for the child and went to a clinic. She gave the name of Sheila Brown and a false address. She became hysterical when the doctor in charge told her she was about to miscarry and nothing could be done for the baby.

Search For Tomorrow

Written by: Irving & Tex Elman

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim

Liza Kaslo was packing to move to New York to continue her modeling career when she got a call from her musician husband, Steve, who told her that Melissa Manchester had canceled her tour, but Kitty Merritt had split up with her boyfriend and wanted him to be her lead guitarist. The only problem was that he had to leave for the west coast immediately. Liza decided to fly out for a week before she sublet their Henderson apartment and left for New York. Liza was shocked at the intimacy that seemed to surround the rock group. Kitty constantly used the connecting door between her room and Steve's without knocking. Before she left, she made Steve promise to keep this door locked because she had faith in Steve, but didn’t trust Kitty.

Liza opened the paper the morning after Kitty's opening to find a picture of Kitty draped over Steve's shoulder and an article talking about the beautiful music they made professionally and personally. Woody Reed felt she might be upset and rushed over to calm her. He tried to convince her that it was probably unfounded gossip and she should cool off before accusing Steve. Steve was just as upset and wanted to know how Kitty could give out a statement like that. She suggested that possibly her new press agent could have done it without her knowledge to show how good he was. Steve insisted on going along. She read the agent out and told him that he was never to have anything printed again without her OK because this could have hurt Steve's marriage. After Steve left, she thanked her agent for covering and apologized for not giving him any warning.

Dr. Bob Rogers got a call telling him that the expert surgeon they were flying in to operate on Cindy French had flu. Bob tried to persuade Greg Hartford to do the surgery, but he refused, saying he was retired. Dr. Gary Walton found it incomprehensible that a surgeon could abandon a patient who needed him. Bob did the surgery and though there were a few tight spots, Cindy lived through it. Gary refused to leave her bedside while she was in recovery until Bob ordered him to go home. After twelve hours sleep, Gary realized that his guilt led him to act unreasonably. Cindy continued to improve and Gary thought she should return to his apartment until she was able to be on her own. Cindy realized that her friendship with Gary could cost him his reinstatement at the hospital because Dr. Thurston felt she was bad publicity. - Cindy was living with an ex-con who killed her baby and then shot her while Gary was trying to protect her. –

With Bruce’s good wishes, Amy Carson was applying for internship at the hospital. She had realized that she really wanted to be a doctor and Bruce was willing to share the care of their daughter and tolerate Amy's long hours for the two years she would spend in internship.

Eric Heywood was moping around because he hadn't heard from his father in some time. Ralph was to keep in touch and was going to send for Eric as soon as he found a job. The last they heard he was going into Mexico if he couldn't find work in Texas. Scott Phillips could see how insecure Eric felt and told Kathy he was going to offer Eric adoption because being shifted around wasn’t good for Eric and this way he could feel he had a home.

Greg Hartford was in Henderson to settle his aunt's estate and he didn’t mind that it was taking a long time. He finally admitted to Joanne Vincente that he had recovered from the injuries he received in Vietnam, but had no intention to return to medicine. He felt that remaining in practice only to make money was not a good reason to be a doctor. Greg received a call from his ex-wife Diane, in Switzerland, informing him that their daughter Meredith had borrowed money and disappeared from her boarding school. She suggested that he hadn't been a very good father in the past and asked him to take care of this emergency because she had friends waiting for her on her yacht. Greg said she had custody and never let him near Meredith. Greg told Jo that Meredith had run away before, but if she was not found by the following day, he would have to go to Switzerland. The following day, Greg asked Jo what he could bring her from Europe. He didn’t know when he would return.

As the jury deliberated, John Wyatt became convinced that he would be convicted of his wife's murder. He told Kathy that she was to keep the office open and take in another partner if necessary because he would be disbarred. Kathy offered to care for Suzi if the need arose, but John said she seemed to be happy at the Inn with Jo because Stu and Ellie Bergman could usually make her laugh.

Suzi heard talk at school that her father hurt her mother and asked John if he really loved her mother. John reassured her, but chastized himself for not sending Suzi away before the trial began. Kathy said Suzi would look back on this and realize what a good father John was to keep her where he could be supportive.

Investigator David Sutton met with Stephanie Pace to plead with her to admit that Jennifer was probably mentally ill to come to John's office during this whole thing. When they got word the jury was deadlocked John said he was not sure he could go through another trial. Kathy assured him that they could present a different defense this time by not putting Jennifer on the stand. David called to say that the judge sent the jury back to deliberate with strict orders to break the deadlock. The rumor was that it was eleven to one for conviction.

The jury found John guilty of murder in the first degree. They made provisions for John to explain to Suzi before he was taken to jail to await sentencing. Jennifer told Stephanie that she knew John was afraid, but he loved her and soon they would be together. Stephanie explained that John could go to prison for the rest of his life.

Walter came home to find Jennifer thinking he was John. When he brought her around, she admitted there were times she couldn’t remember and it started before she killed Eunice. Wendy overheard this and told Stephanie. Walter said Wendy exaggerated and besides, John was getting what he deserved.

John told the judge that he couldn’t ask for mercy in his sentencing because to do so would be to admit that he conspired to kill his wife. The district attorney asked that John be sentenced to the fullest extent of the law to show that a man of John's means and reputation didn’t get a lighter sentence in this court because of his position. The judge felt that since John had been found guilty, he had to sentence him to prison for life.

Walter Pace was distressed when Mr. Donovan came to Henderson to give him until the end of the week to turn over Stephanie's Collins Corporation stock. Walter was able to convince Donovan that he didn't need to talk to Stephanie herself about the stock. He told Stephanie that Donovan was afraid they would miss out on this deal and if they didn't take advantage of it by the end of the week, he would have to offer it to another client. Stephanie called Scott to ask if he had gone over her stock so she could invest it with Walter. Scott asked David to step up his investigation of Pace. David had found no business deals that Walter had made in the recent past. He went to Washington D.C., Walter's home office, to pick up any information he could because he was sure Pace was a fortune hunter.

David arrived just in time with documents and a tape recording of a telephone conversation with Donovan. Walter borrowed heavily using gold bars as collateral. Things went sour and he had to use the gold. His private investors and Donovan's bank became worried and when they checked, there was no gold. Pace had been able to hold them off and keep himself out of prison on promises and his reputation. Donovan was willing to cooperate in the hopes of getting the money back. Scott and David gave all this information to Stephanie, telling her that her money would keep Walter out of prison.

Armed with this, Stephanie confronted Walter and offered to bail him out if he would tell the truth about Jennifer so that John wasn’t unjustly sent to prison. Kathy was surprised when Walter told his story with Stephanie prompting him. She set up a meeting with the judge, D.A., Stephanie, Walter and Jennifer. They could see that Jennifer was mentally ill when she called her father John in the judge's chamber, but they had to prove she was ill before the murder when she was supposed to have met with John. They appointed a physchiatrist to examine her and report to the court as soon as possible.

By the time Jennifer was admitted to the hospital, she was catatonic. Wade Collins and a New York specialists used narcosynthesis to find out when Jennifer's paranoia began. Walter apologized to Stephanie for hurting her. He explained that although he married her for her money he came to care for her. Stephanie began to feel sentimental until he asked for the check. She remindEd him that he got it when John was free.

The following day in court, Wade presented a tape that revealed Jennifer's meetings with John were through mental telepathy rather than physical. Both doctors testified that there further questioning had convinced them that Jennifer was suffering from paranoia for over a year and therefore they had concluded that she alone planned Eunice Wyatt's murder. The judge reversed John's verdict and had Jennifer admitted to a state institution. Scott told Kathy and John why Walter came forward and John felt he had to thank Stephanie. She was so alone and told John that if Walter had told her the truth, she would have gladly given him the money.

Greg had returned and asked Scott to see if he coul get custody of his daughter. Meredith wrote, telling him how much she hated boarding school, but a court case would bring out Diane's drinking and affairs which could hurt Meredith more than he could help her.

When Kitty received Liza's note to Steve that she was arriving that night, she manipulated things so that Liza found them apparently in bed. Steve rushed after her to explain that he was trying to throw her out, but refused to give up his work and return to Henderson. Liza was going to New York and ended her marriage. As Kitty and Steve were leaving for a concert in Australia, Woody and Liza were taking off on a private jet when it crashed and burst into flames on the runway.

The Young And The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

Peggy Brooks Curtis told her sister that she couldn’t let Jack make love to her. He went back on his promise to let her take her time. Chris told Jack how concerned she was about Peggy. Jack met his ex-wife Joann at the university cafeteria. He had offered tutoring help before, but then when she asked him to read a paper he hadn't the time. Jack returned to the apartment feeling very low because his advisor didn’t like the last chapter of his dissertation and wanted him to approach it from a different angle. This meant he would have to redo all his research. He needed a little sympathy, but Peg shrank from his touch. Jack said that he had tried to help her and let her try to help herself, but since they had both failed, she needed professional help. She screamed that she was not crazy. Jack replied he couldn’t go on like this and slammed out. He called Joann, saying that he had found time to help her and wouldn’t be put off. Kay Chancellor had gone to bed with a cold and they had the living room to themselves. Jack had only good comments about Joann's paper and suddenly realized how good she looked since she had lost weight. In the firelight she looked like the girl he married years ago. Before they really knew what was happening, Jack and Joann found themselves making love by the fire. Kay ventured downstairs and was startled by this passionate scene. Joann realized what a mistake she had made and told Jack that he had taken advantage of her and Peggy, but he would never take advantage of her again.

Peggy told Chris that Jack left very upset, but she was afraid to be sympathetic because he might interpret it the wrong way. Chris warned that she had to make up her mind whether she really wanted to be a wife to Jack because she was hurting him in the worst way and soon he would turn to someone else. Peggy told him that she was sorry, but he said that he could seethe fear in her eyes. He wanted her to go back to her parents, but Peggy insisted that was impossible. Peggy asked Leslie if she could stay with her and had to explain why. Leslie told Peggy that Brad was a psychiatrist and mght be able to help her. One of her biggest fears was talking to a stranger about her sexual fears. Peg was amazed at how much Brad was aware of even though he was blind. He could tell where she was and what she was doing by listening. After she was able to let some of her feelings out, she returned to Jack. At their next session, Brad asked why she returned to the apartment if she was afraid. She explained that she couldn’t go home to her parents. Brad suggested that her father's approval was more powerful than her fear of Jack. Kay let Joann know that she saw her with Jack. Joann blamed herself for being weak and not following her advice to stay away from Jack. She volunteered to leave if Mrs. Chancellor wished, but Kay said she was only hurt because Joann was. She didn't drink anymore because Joann didn't want her to and the same would be true of Joann. Then they both had a reason to make each other happy and she felt they were much closer. Ralph Olson fixed the plumbing and asked Kay out when he saw she was in better control of herself. Joann was pleased when Kay prefered to stay home.

Kay suggested that Joann could forget more easily if they went away for a while. Joann reminded her that she had to stay in school to keep her scholarship. Kay agreed to a tour of the Hawaiian Islands on spring break. Joann shoped for a bathing suit, the first she had had in many years. Kay was selecting the jewelry she would take along and explaining a little of her life when she came across the engagement ring she had when she was married to Brock's father. It was a symbol of undying love. They started the Reynolds Company and after his death the business was going under. Phillip came along and borrowed money to bring the company out of debt. It was when Philip couldn't make it to their anniversary party that she started to drink. Kay gave Joann the ring, saying it was a pledge that her drinking had ended and was a sign of their friendship.

Leslie Elliot would like Brad to go to Toronto with her for her concert, but he was not quite up to it yet, saying that he had a lot of studying to do. She gave him a doctor's shingle she had made in Madrid. Brad was apprehensive when Lance Prentiss offered to fly him to Toronto in his private jet to surprise Leslie but finally accepted. Lance mentioned that he told Leslie that he could use him in personnel, but she told him that Brad was pursuing another career. Brad explained that he was a psychiatrist and neurosurgeon before and had decided to take up psychiatry again. Seeing Brad in the audience made things complete for Leslie.

Lance asked Lorie to go along, but she wanted to keep Vanessa company and get to know her a little better. Vanessa locked herself in her room for the day, only emerging shortly before Lance's expected arrival. Vanessa ordered Lorie to remove the snack she fixed and to retire to her bedroom, announcing it was a ritual that she and Lance discuss business when he returned from a trip. Lorie remained seated. When Lance came in, he asked if she minded if he talked business with his mother first, but asked her to stay and listen. Vanessa balked and said she would speak to him in the morning. Lorie visited Brad asking him to help her find a way to remove Vanessa's veil. He said that many strides had been made since Vanessa was told that her heart condition prevented plastic surgery. He would check it out. Lance asked Lorie if she went to a doctor and could see from the look on her face that she did. He assumed that she was pregnant. She reminded him that she was on the pill, but was ready for children whenever he was. Lance suggested that they get their own house in order first.

Vanessa was sure that "In My Sister's Shadow" was a true story written by Lorie. She questioned Leslie to find out if she spent time in a mental institution and if Lorie was responsible. Leslie said she wished to forget the past and since Lorie was a changed person, they were dear friends. Vanessa was determined to deal with Lorie the same way Lorie did Leslie. Lance cautioned Vanessa that he had an idea she wasn’t really giving Lorie a chance.

Nancy Becker’s nurse at the state mental hospital called Brock Reynolds when Nancy pieced together the photo of her daughter Karen she had ripped up when Chris Foster asked for a sign that she wanted Karen back. The doctor then felt that Karen might be the clue to Nancy's recovery and asked that she be brought to see Nancy. Chris refused until Karen drew a picture of her "mommy" and it had brown hair like Nancy's. Chris hoped that Nancy wouldn’t reject Karen, but knew that she had to do this. Nancy made no move toward Karen and after a quick glance refused to look at her. Chris was going to start permanent adoption proceedings.

Chris confronted Snapper after she heard from Liz Foster that he was going to be arrested for unplugging his father's respirator. He finally confided that Liz did it because her husband was in such pain, but couldn’t remember it since her stroke, brought on by the stress. In a way this was a blessing because she would insist on telling the truth. He told her that Greg was trying to raise the two thousand dollars he would need for bail in the morning. Chris told her father about their problems, but only said she knew he was innocent, keeping her promise not to say why. Stuart took her on faith and loaned her the money. Snapper had to go through the fingerprinting and mug shots "like a criminal." He was angry until he realized that as far as the police were concerned, he was.

Greg asked Snapper to question the autopsy surgeon about the exact cause and time of death. When the surgeon couldn’t answer with conviction, he became suspicious when Snapper said the surgeon's question was his answer. He suggested to the chief of staff the board might want to investigate. Joe Dillon called Greg to say the charges had been dropped due to lack of evidence. Snapper felt his troubles were over and he could get back to the practice of medicine until he found that he was sus-pended until the board held a hearing to determine whether he was fit to be a doctor.

Liz questionned Jill about Bill's death and she told her of his pain and wish to die. Liz began to think that Snapper was protecting someone because he would admit it if he had. Greg told Snapper that if they were to keep their mother out of it, they had to stay away from the question of innocence and deal with the question of euthanasia. Snapper told Chris that the only thing that really bothered him was his mother's rejection. Chris relayed this to Liz and she gave him some support.

Greg told the board that since the civil authorities had dropped the case, the question should be settled. They were investigating to see if his behavior was unbecoming a doctor. Snapper didn’t deny pulling the plug, rather took the fifth amendment, leading them to believe that he was guilty. They asked if, in his opinion, Bill was alive when the plug was pulled. As a doctor he didn’t know. Snapper got into the question of what was dead and that led them into a discussion of euthanasia. Reverend Adams had to say that Judaism and Catholicism were against prolonging life through artificial means. Snapper admitted that his father's attending physician wasn't asked how long he had to live, but Snapper felt death was due soon. He believed that there was a difference between curing and caring. Terminal patients should be cared for instead of waiting for a cure and giving the patient false hope. Dr. Harris said Snapper was an advocate of actively putting people to death. He was corrected and some began to think they had no business conducting this hearing.

The board offered to drop the hearing if Snapper would sign a statement saying he realized he was wrong; that the terminally ill had to be kept alive as long as possible. Snapper said he refused to prostitute himself. Chris urged him to reconsider, but not only would it be an admission of guilt, but it would mean that his mother had been wrong. Snapper had been suspended.

Peggy was sure that Jack would accept Stuart's offer to be his assistant at the Chronicle and was furious that he wanted to teach. Brad suggested that she was looking for a father. Jack told Stuart the truth and thought he should take Peggy home.

Ron Becker kept his promise and arrived to give Karen her fifth birthday present, cautioning her to tell no one where it came from. Jennifer passed it off, saying all kids acquired things.

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Thank you so much for the new synopsis. Love it. Here are the six Y&R scripts from Mar 77

EPISODE - #998

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell & Kay Alden 

TAPE DATE – Thursday February 24, 1977

AIR DATE – Friday March 4, 1977

CAST – Chris, Peg, Stuart, Dr. Atwater, Jack, Joann, Jen

SETS – Jack and Peg’s Apartment, Dr. Atwater’s Office, Chancellor Living Room – Foyer / Exterior, Brooks Living Room




Chris & Peggy – Chris and Peg have a heart to heart about her marriage. Peg tells Chris that Jack was angry about a dissertation and took it out on her and stormed out and now she isn’t sure he is ever coming back. Chris correctly guesses they are still fighting over their sex life. Peg still can’t bring herself to let Jack touch her. Chris tells her she needs to deal with her issues, she isn’t being fair to her husband by holding him at arm’s length. She tells her sister physical love is important in a relationship and without it; what they have isn’t really a marriage.

Stuart & Dr. Atwater – Stuart meets with Bob Atwater and tells him he found medication that Jen has been taking. He wants to know what is going on, if it has anything to do with the irregular heartbeat Bob picked up on in the cardiogram in January. Bob talks around the issue and Stu soon realises that Jen has sworn him to secrecy. All he tells Stuart is that Jen must not be stressed, though he knows that isn’t easy. Stu agrees, which prompts Bob to ask if everything is okay with the two of them, but Stu doesn’t respond.

Jen & Stu – Jen is alone in the Brooks home, unaware that her husband is with her doctor. She is stressed, she knows she and her husband need to talk tonight, she can’t keep it all bottled up any longer. Later, after Stu is home, the pair discuss Peggy. Stu realises he needs to step out of her life and just support her. He talks about thinking of himself as the girl’s father for so long and now they don’t need him so much anymore. They talk about it being just the two of them, though the irony of Jen’s illness isn’t lost on Stu. Jen worries Stu may not be so happy with the idea of being alone with her, that his emotions towards her are just borne out of kindness and that he doesn’t look at her the way he used to. She sometimes feels she is talking to a stranger. Stu tells her she is wrong; she knows how he feels about her. Jen tells him she knows how he used to feel about her. She tells him he doesn’t touch her anymore, and wonders if it is the mastectomy or her age or another woman. Stu is emphatic that it is none of those things. He is older and that is just how things are. They reaffirm their love for each other, and she tells him she couldn’t bear to lose him, he assures her that will never happen. 

Joann & Jack – Jack arrives at the Chancellor estate. He can’t get over where she lives and how she looks. He asks to meet Mrs. Chancellor, Joann tells him that she is in bed fighting a cold. They talk about the past, the places they lived. Joann then reminds him things have changed. Soon Johnny will have his doctorate and he and Peg will be moving away. Jack also talks about setbacks with his dissertation, Joann is understanding about his situation and encouraging. She tells him they better get started on their work so he can get back to Peg. Later, Jack compliments Joann on her paper and Joann thanks him for taking time out of his life to help her. She is glad they can be friends, no hard feelings or regrets. He tells her he has never had more respect for her than he does now. Jack prepares to leave; Joann turns off the lights ready to go upstairs. Only the fireplace burns. Jack sees Joann in the silhouette of the fire, he sees the woman he married. He compares the size she once was, with the size she is now and touches her waist. Their eyes meet and he kisses her, she breaks this kiss but doesn’t move. He kisses her again, more passionately and Joann gives in as they melt to the floor while the fire rages. 




EPISODE - #999

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell & Kay Alden 

TAPE DATE – Friday February 25, 1977

AIR DATE – Monday March 7, 1977

CAST – Chris, Liz, Greg, Snapper, Jack, Joann, Dr. Sachs, Peg, Kay

SETS – Foster Living Room, Doctor’s Lounge at Hospital, Chancellor Living Room and Foyer, Brooks Living Room, Jack and Peg’s Apartment




Chris & Liz – Liz is having trouble with her hand which Chris notices. Liz is about to tell her what Snapper explained to her about her hand but stops. They were both avoiding the subject, but Liz can’t any longer and rants about him being arrested, Chris reminds her he is out on bail. Liz then goes on about what she thinks he did to Bill. Chris, knowing the truth now, tries to be patient with Mom Foster and asks her to trust Snapper, but Liz is weary and asks Chris to leave. 

Snapper, Greg & Dr. Sachs – Snapper and Greg argue about having him testify. Greg doesn’t see the value in it when he can’t justify what happened to their father. Snapper gets annoyed and wants to be assured that Greg actually has some sort of defence strategy. Greg asks who was in charge of the autopsy. Snapper tells him it was Dr. Sachs. Greg wants him to ask Sachs if he can pinpoint the time of their father’s death. He tells Snapper that the State can’t convict him of murder unless they can prove that their father was still alive when the respirator plug was pulled. Snapper meets with Dr. Sachs, who tells him they could only pinpoint Bill’s time of death between four forty-five pm and twelve fifteen am. Snapper asks for cause of death. Sachs tells him it was strangulation, due to his emphysema and having one lung. What Snapper wants to know is if Sachs could prove if the strangulation occurred as a result of the respirator being turned off. Sachs knows what he is getting at and is wondering if he is maybe giving Snapper a way out of the trouble he is in, but tells him that no, they cannot. Sachs tells him the respirator was only helping him to breathe not breathing for him, once his lung deteriorated past a certain point the respirator was useless. He also confirms that they can’t be sure if Bill’s lung gave out before or after the respirator was turned off. 

Jack, Joann & Kay – Johnny stands at the fireplace as Joann sits on the couch. Though they have been physically intimate, there is distance between them. He tells her how much being with her means to him. As they talk Kay listens from the foyer, disturbed and upset. She retreats upstairs. Joann, however, isn’t particularly happy with what happened. She accuses Johnny of having interest in her and being so passionate because of her weight loss and because they are no longer married. She remembers all the times he found it so easy to ignore her when they were married and is disappointed in herself for giving in to him so easily, for being so eager to please him. Johnny apologises, but Joann doesn’t want to hear it. She becomes more and more angry as she yells at him for what he has done to her and to Peggy. She was over him; she was moving on and he comes here and messes it all up. He tells her he didn’t feel he was taking advantage of her. She wonders what he was doing, maybe he was doing her a favour? A farewell gesture to his washed-out ex-wife. Johnny tells her that isn’t the way it was, she tells him she feels cheap. She wants him to get out, she wants nothing more to do with him. She feels she hasn’t changed at all; she is still the same weak spineless creature that came crawling back to him. She hates herself for it. Johnny wants them to talk and wants her to understand but Joann wants him out of her life. Knowing there is nothing more he can do, Johnny walks out.

Jack & Peg – Jack returns home and Peg breaks down in tears and apologises for how she has been treating him, that she understands what she has been putting him through. Jack begins to wonder if that means she is ready for more, but Peg can’t. It still sickens her. She knows and understands his needs, but she can’t do anything about them. He wants to help her and to hold her, but Peg can’t let him touch her. She cries that she is sorry, and Jack tells her he is sorry too (A nuance to Joann) She can’t begin to know how sorry he really is. 





EPISODE - #1000!!! (The exclamation points were on the script)

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell & Kay Alden 

TAPE DATE – Monday February 28, 1977

AIR DATE – Tuesday March 8, 1977

CAST – Snapper, Chris, Kay, Joann, Dr. Sachs, Dr. Atwater, Karen (U/5)

SETS – Chris and Snapper’s Apartment, Chancellor Living Room and Foyer, Doctor’s Lounge at Hospital




Chris, Snapper & Karen – Karen is getting ready for nursery and is surprised to see Snapper. Chris is delighted and hugs him; he kisses her wildly. She is surprised by his mood. He tells her he tried to call her. She says she was at Peg’s and then his mother’s. Snapper asks how she is, and Chris tells her she is still upset, Snapper realises her anger is about him. Chris wants to know what has changed his mood, he changes the subject to Karen, who is waiting to get the bus. As Chris is about to leave, she looks back at Snapper, he realises the question is still up in the air and tells her they will talk when she gets back. When Chris returns, Snapper goes through what he learned from Dr. Sachs and Greg’s defence strategy. The State has no case against him. Chris is overjoyed. 

Dr. Sachs & Dr. Atwater – Paul meets with Bob to discuss the Bill Foster mercy killing case. Sachs tells Bob about the conversation with Dr. Foster, how it disturbed him how relieved Dr. Foster was at the response he gave him about his father’s time and cause of death. He feels he was almost giving him a way out, getting him off the hook. They both agree Dr. Foster is a great doctor, but Sachs feels they can’t just let go of the idea that one of their physicians may have been involved in a euthanasia case. Sachs feels that regardless of what might happen with the preliminary hearing, the Hospital board needs to look into the matter. Bob thanks him for bringing him this information and tells him he needs time to think all of it through before he decides what to do. 

Joann & Kay – Kay is rather cold to Joann, but civil.  They dance around what they both know about last night, but Kay admits to hearing a man’s voice. Joann admits it was Johnny, he was helping her with a paper. Kay supposes she should take back all the bad things she said about him, Joann tells her they were pretty accurate “Still he’s – he must be a very attractive man” “I don’t think so, not anymore” “And when did you change your mind about him?” “I, I don’t know” “It wasn’t by any chance while he was making love to you last night, was it?” Joann is stunned and embarrassed that Kay knows. She is apologetic. Kay thinks she ought to be, since she was using her house as a brothel. Joann is disgusted with herself. Kay says at least Jill Foster had the good taste to go to the stables – where she belongs. Joann tells her she will leave her house right now if that’s what she wants. Confronted with this Kay softens, she tells Joann she is like all of us, human and weak. She admits that just like her drinking hurts Joann, Joann’s tryst with Johnny hurt her, because she doesn’t want to see Joann go through this. Joann is so grateful for all Mrs. Chancellor has done and so ashamed for what she (Joann), has done. She promises to never let it happen again; Mrs. Chancellor means too much to her. They gaze affectionately at each other as Kay tenderly touches Joann’s cheek. (Jo is calling Kay Mrs. Chancellor again)




EPISODE - #1003

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell, Kay Alden & Elizabeth Harrower

TAPE DATE – Thursday March 3, 1977

AIR DATE – Friday March 11, 1977

CAST – Peg, Brad, Jack, Joann, Kay, Liz

SETS – Brad and Leslie’s Apartment, Chancellor Living Room, Peg and Jack’s Apartment, Limbo Area – Campus Coffee Shop




Peggy & Brad - Peg has a therapy session with Brad. They go through her life with Jack and Brad tries to get to the heart of her issues. Peg tells Brad that part of the reason she agreed to marry Jack was because Brock took her out and kissed her, which made her feel like she had recovered from the trauma of her rape. Brad points out that Brock’s actions were not threatening, that he didn’t expect anything from her. He then pushes her to see that somewhere along the way Jack made her feel unsafe. Things changed after the marriage, he was no longer patient and understanding, he forced himself on her, literally raping her again. Peggy tries to diminish what happened, but Brad explains that has to be the reason why she is so afraid of the man she loves. Peg refutes this, Jack isn’t what Brad is implying. He asks her to tell him what happened that night. She says she was brushing her hair; he came up behind and kissed her, she should have told him to stop but didn’t, then he kept going. She breaks down. Brad asks if he has tried this again. Peggy says he hasn’t, and he swore he wouldn’t without her consent. Brad asks if she really believes that. If she doesn’t, she has reason to be afraid, but if she does, then she needs to give him a chance, tell him about her fears and feelings and she needs to be honest enough with herself about how she feels about him.

Jack & Joann – Jack is trying to explain his side of things about the night they had sex. Joann doesn’t want to talk about it. He tells her he knows she feels used and taken advantage of, but he never meant for that to happen. Joann doesn’t want to hear it. She reminds him he has only been married a month or so, and how quickly the joy of nuptial bliss seemed to wear off. How the last time they made love as man and wife he was drunk and said Peggy’s name. How she has lost her self-respect and has contempt for her actions. She tells him that even sitting here letting him try to explain himself is degrading, she doesn’t want excuses and she doesn’t want to have anything to do with him anymore. 

Kay, Liz & Joann – Liz arrives for work, surprising Kay who was about to mail her pay check and tells her to stay home. Liz refuses, she needs to be busy and get on with life. The subject of Snapper comes up and Kay tells her to forgive him for what he did to Bill. She remembers how Bill suffered so much and says that if she were to suffer as much, she would want Brock to do the same thing. She would be proud of Snapper for doing something so tough. The man, a doctor trained to save lives. She goes on to talk about the hell he must have gone through, and what an act of love it was. She asks that if Liz can’t condone what he did, to at least try to understand and forgive him. Liz says she has tried but it is eating her up inside. Kay asks if Bill would want her to feel this way. She also says that if Liz believes in God’s will, then isn’t it possible that what Snapper did was an instrument of God’s will? Later Joann returns home and is still in a funk about Johnny. Kay senses this and suggests they get away from it all and go to Hawaii. Though initially reluctant, Joann agrees to get away for a week. 

Peggy & Jack – Peggy is back at the apartment, but she panics, she can’t be there. As she goes to leave Jack returns home. Peg puts on a brave face and starts dinner acting as if the trauma of the day never happened.







EPISODE - #1004

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell& Kay Alden

TAPE DATE – Friday March 4, 1977

AIR DATE – Monday March 14, 1977

CAST – Chris, Jen, Brad, Lance, Kay, Joann, Maestro Fautsch, Leslie, Snapper, Karen (U/5), Stagehand (U/5)

SETS – Chris and Snapper’s Apartment, Brad and Leslie’s Apartment, Chancellor Living Room, Portion of Toronto Concert Hall – Small Backstage Area – Limbo Portion of Stage with Piano




Chris, Jen & Snapper - Chris and Jen discuss the good news about the charges being dropped against Snapper. Chris thanks them for the bail money (which she returns) Jen is still having trouble understanding what happened. If Snapper didn’t pull the plug, who did? Chris side steps the question as Karen comes home. Chris asks if Jen could look after Karen for the night. Karen is excited by the idea and Jen agrees, saying that Snapper and Chris need some time alone. Later, Chris returns home with groceries. Snapper is home and moody. Chris remains upbeat but notices the change in his attitude. She assumes the hospital gave him the afternoon off to celebrate but Snapper tells her they have given him more than the afternoon off. He shows her the letter detailing his suspension and a medical board review over the death of his father and how he could be censured, suspended or discharged from the hospital. They are both stunned. 

Brad & Lance – Brad sits thoughtfully at Leslie’s piano when Lance arrives. Lance mentions that he just realised Leslie has concerts in Toronto, Brad dryly remarks that he is surprised Lance only just realised that. Lance gets the implication and tells him he was once better at remembering those things “But now that you’re married” “Yes – now that I’m married” Lance asks if maybe Brad would like to join his wife in Toronto. Brad is reluctant, Lance says he has had his pilot file a flight plan, he just needs to get to the airport. Brad tells him he has barely left the apartment, much less gone to another city. He implies that if Lance were to go too, he might. Though Lance has a lot of work to do and doesn’t want to leave Vanessa alone, he calls Lorie and then tells Brad that Lorie has given her blessing for them to go, she will stay with Vanessa. As they are getting ready, Brad realises Leslie will be playing her matinee and has Lance call backstage so he can listen. Maestro introduces Leslie who begins to play as Brad becomes emotional, knowing he will be there soon

Kay & Joann – Joann returns home and Kay wonders where she has been. Joann tells her she hasn’t seen Johnny. Kay says there are plenty of other men at school, but Joann has no interest in them. Joann tells her she bought a bathing suit for their trip. They discuss how daunting it is to wear one when you are fat or getting older. Kay tells her the beach boys in Hawaii will give her a lot of attention. Joann only cares what Mrs. Chancellor thinks. Kay wants to see it on her. Joann suddenly feels nervous. Kay tells her she needn’t be, Kay is a woman, just like her, she understands how she feels. Their eyes lock as Joann says “Yes. You’re a woman too. A wonderful woman”






EPISODE - #1005

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell& Kay Alden

TAPE DATE – Monday March 7, 1977

AIR DATE – Monday March 15, 1977

CAST – Liz, Jill, Greg, Kay, Joann, Ralph Olson, Snapper

SETS – Foster Living Room, Chancellor Living Room and Foyer




Jill, Liz, Greg & Snapper – Jill is happy about the news that the charges against Snapper have been dropped, but Liz isn’t willing to celebrate. It upsets Jill that Liz doesn’t have enough faith in Snapper. Liz asks Jill to tell her about the pain their Pa was in at the end. Jill doesn’t want to; she thinks it is morbid. Liz tells her that everyone seems to know what happened but her. They keep talking about the pain he was in and how she is being unfair to Snapper. She wants to know. So, Jill goes into detail about it, but breaks down in tears and runs upstairs. Greg comes down and asks what happened. Liz tells him she has finally figured out who really pulled the plug on Bill, it was Jill. Jill has heard the whole thing from the stairs and confirms her mother’s suspicions. Snapper, who has been listening at the door tells Jill to stop, just forget the whole thing. Liz asks her son again if he did it. Snapper tells the lady to drop it. Liz can’t believe she is living in a house of lies. Snapper changes the subject and talks to Greg and Jill about his letter and the medical board hearing. Jill pushes him to tell the truth, after all, the charges against him were dropped. Snapper refuses to implicate their mother, so Greg tells him he has only one option left. To defend what they think he has done. He needs to make a case for euthanasia. 

Kay, Joann & Ralph – Kay has been woken by noise. Joann apologises and says the sink was stopped up, so she called a plumber. Kay soon realises she has called Ralph; she and Joann discuss how Kay knows him. Kay plans to make a hasty retreat, but Ralph walks in. Joann leaves but lingers in the foyer a little while. Ralph tells Kay he knows what she did for Bill and Liz and feels he may have misjudged her. He asks if they could resume their friendship and maybe go to dinner, unless there is another man in her life. Kay assures him there is no other man in her life. Later Joann returns and is surprised Kay didn’t go out with Ralph. They make eye contact as Kay says “I’d much rather be here Joann” “I’d much rather be here with you”

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