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Days: Minor Character Making a Return Appearance.

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Agree.  Much easier accepting Abe and Tamara having a child together than AMC's Tad and Hillary having one (Damon) sometime after they had split up and left Pine Valley separately.

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lol!!! so true! (and didn't they even basically refuse to bring back Hillary? When the actress was more than willing? Did she cameo? I don't think she ever did but I could be wrong. I tend to block out some things I don't like and forget other details, lol)


They should have just recast Finn as Jamie.




I know, it's kind of shocking that it fits the timeline. But if so, then shouldn't she be aged about 10 years

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 like everyone else? LOL!

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Correct.  Carmen Thomas, who lives in L.A., was willing to return for the reveal.  (AMC, by that point, had relocated to California).  Instead, they brought in Robert Curtis-Brown (ex-Alec Kendall, SFT) to play Hillary's husband/Damon's stepfather, Paul Miller.


Realistically, Lani should be one or two years younger than Eric and Sami, for example.  Then again, Lucas should be at least three years OLDER than Sami, so who knows anymore?


I seriously can't with DAYS and their refusal to age characters appropriately.

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That's not even mentioning the fact that the conception of Belle was the reason why teenage Sami started her rebellion and she also ended up kidnapping baby Belle and Belle's now a mother to a 20-something Claire? How old is Sami exactly?


I really wish soaps would stop SORAS-ing characters so majorly. I really like the fact that they kept Will's aging on the show somewhat true to what his actual age should be irl (though that was probably down more to the producers not wanting to prematurely age Sami).

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