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Me too! There's a wonderfully generous YouTuber who is uploading Italian dubbed episodes of Capitol every day. I try my best to keep up, there's the language barrier of course, and I have the closed captioning and my limited knowledge of Italian, but Marj is so fabulous in the role. Marj said that Myrna was her favorite soap role, and I think she later amended that Vanessa was her favorite, but in my opinion, Myrna was where she was at her truly best.

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Myrna Clegg was the kind of character who could survive just about any storyline -- provided, of course, you didn't write her as a total loon, which is what writers tended to do with Marj Dusay's other characters.


I'd really love to know what MD loved so dern much about Vanessa Bennett, because, IMO, AMC never knew what to do with her.

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Khan, Marj is one of a handful of soap actors I was blessed to know, and at the very time she played Vanessa. She felt more freedom with Vanessa, and she really seemed to be having fun working on AMC. Her co-stars welcomed and respected her, and you could tell she was happy. I don't know how much that contrasts with the experiences on other shows... And while she never said anything about this in particular, it comes to my mind that Vanessa may be the only daytime role she created - all the others were recasts (I think).

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I've always thought there was a good chance Sorel had a part in what provoked Robin to leave OLTL the first time in 1987. I don't think she ever directly said anything about LS, but she didn't exactly have kind words for Paul Rauch... Of course most everyone knows what was happening with LS & PR during that time, and Judith Sanders was created for her & story / family built all around her. 


So the petty side of me wonders if there's also, beyond just the fun of playing this character, a tiny bit of particular pleasure for RS in taking on Vivian...





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As stated earlier this week when the photo chart was posted, Robin Strasser was in what seemed to be a contract position on the photo chart (listed before Susan Hayes, Bill Hayes and John Aniston). Strasser confirmed tonight that she is not contract. Some websites posted only a portion of my headline, but cut off the part where I said it was "per the makeup room photo chart." I also said in my post earlier this week that contract status is never fully confirmed until the credits run. In Strasser's tweets with a particular website, it was made to seem that I had posted it was 100 percent for certain that Strasser would be on contract. Strasser tweeted "maybe this is where we remind people that not everything they read on Social Media is necessarily true." I agree with Strasser, and if she was given the whole story, she would have known that I never fully confirmed her to be on contract, just that it was possible based on her placement on the photo chart.



Replying to @soapparty411

Hello-I AM Robin Strasser & I can tell you I am NOT on contract! I was lucky & honored to have been asked to GUEST on #DaysOfOurLives I HAD A FABULOUS TIME in #Salem-but my FANGIRL kicked in hard-it has a small hair/make-up room-filled w/so many DAZZLING #DaytimeStars #AwesomeOpp




Replying to @soapparty411

THANKS for your quick response...maybe this is where we remind people that not everything they read on Social Media is necessarily true...ASK me if you want to vet facts! If I can-I'll tell you...if I can't: la di dah I won't;-)

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I mean, she's not a spring chicken anymore either. Nothing wrong with her wanting to retire, personally. But yeah, she's often been unhappy and I don't blame her. Like fans, she probably gets excited to return only to be dumped quickly after (or as in 2009, two years later). I imagine it was too soon.


Personally, I thought her worst stint was 2009-2011 and I really saw nothing too offensive this time except Ron discarding her too soon which I guess anyone would take personally after such fanfare with her return (and to be fair, he left Vivian alive when he could have just discarded her). I really would like to know what changed because I don't believe that was the actual plan at the time.

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I agree.


I think her stint in 2009-2011 had alot of bad stuff, but also some fun too. Her return last year was not offensive but at times kinda boring. 


I'd like to know what changed too. But first, I read that she was supposed to be the one killed last January and that Andre as the victim was a rewrite. That would have really been a short-term return.

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I agree some of the 2009-2011 stuff was fun and Louise was as good as ever. But I was just so turned off from the show during that period of time.


Also agreed most of her latest stint was fairly boring. But I was sort of glad Vivian was more subdued this go around. But he could have and should have done more with her.


In regards to the short stint, I imagine he saw her as a means to an end (using her to get Stefan on the canvas, but failing to be properly "up to speed" on the show, and I think he probably realized he wanted to write for her and the return was met with a lot of positive reaction), but they tape and plan so far ahead. It all felt so thrown together at times. And then Vivian was "killed" only to be revealed alive (and we ended up with both Andre and Vivian dead anyway, not that I'm upset Andre is dead, and I hope he stays that way but I have my doubts). It was all such a mess.


I know Ron often dropped things to pick them up later (and it's kind of silly they write and plan things without securing actors first ... but I guess they probably didn't expect Louise to be so upset over her exit, although wouldn't she have known it was a short stint, or did they mislead her? It's all so confusing!) but it all just felt so ... messy. Would love to be a fly on the wall someday on this show when decisions are made LOL

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I agree with you about how they write stories without securing the actors.


About Andre, I read that Thaao is coming back later this year because the show dropped their plans/story to bring back Peter Blake (with a recast). I'm conflicted on this. I would have liked to see Peter again because I think he's the DiMera with the most story potential but I know Jason Brooks is never coming back and I'm not as accepting of recast as many other fans. I can't say I'm suprised that Ron tried to bring the character back, if any writer would, it's him. And Thaao's one of my favorites but I've hated the writing for him in recent years, so yeah, I don't know how to feel about all this.

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I agree, only Ron is the type of writer to want to bring Peter back (Tomsell might have; I thought I saw on Daytime Royalty that they wanted to recast before, but maybe I read it wrong). I give him kudos for it, but I'm with you. I've wanted it before, but honestly, at this point, I don't. And I imagine Missy doesn't either. Not sure she 'gets a say' but even a recast Peter still probably reminds her of that time in her past, so it's probably for the best.


Not sure how the story works where Peter can now be replaced by Andre in it, eh (unless they re-write or it didn't heavily involve JnJ). I figured Andre would come back some day so I'm not surprised. I'd rather have Tony (I feel like Ron was sort of going to bring him back but then Anna was dumped and explained away in a few sentences). Agreed on Thaao. I see so many gripe about him, but I still have always liked him and remain really ticked (like I was with Jack's horrible 'death' in 2012) how they killed Tony so needlessly back in 08/09 (I can't remember the year anymore, lol)


The Tandre thing they did, doesn't work for me. Andre's either a psychopath or he stays dead and they bring Tony to fill that void. I would have loved to have had Tony instead of Andre these last few years :/ (I know they tried to make Andre "viable" but it really never worked for me at all; just made me want Tony all the more). Once I heard Robin was playing Vivian, I had figured Thaao wouldn't be far behind. But I guess he's lucky the Peter recast never happened. Unless they planned to bring him back anyway. Ron reminds us enough of Tony/Andre so they're on his mind.

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