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The Media/Journalism Thread


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The media knows that if they keep throwing all these little knives out - claims of Harris lying, all the tut-tutting over her not answering the "first day" question clearly enough, claims that Harris has something to hide about her race - it will create a narrative for voters who don't pay a lot of attention. The same with all the smears about Tim Walz. It's loathsome and shows how they have fully given the game away. Yet given how close the race is and how much Trump's support is undercounted, they clearly see an opening to push him over. I've never trusted the media, but even then, I'm agog at how they encourage and enable Trump's blithe promises of mass deportations or free IVF for everyone.

I still read Weigel's tweets in spite of better judgment as he covers a lot of stuff and sometimes I agree with his takes, but his encouraging the homophobic pile-on of Pete Buttigieg never leaves my mind.

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They're just desperate to derail the Dems and make it a much closer horse race than I suspect it will end up being. They never like it when Dems are happy or in command. The Kamala train has been running full steam since the end of July and they're straining to slow it down. Hasn't happened yet.

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An embarrassing piece which admits in the headline and briefly in the article that Vance is wildly unpopular with Americans, then dives into mostly a puff piece about how open he is with media, 'self-assured' and beloved by Trump.



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The fact that most of us already knew that this was going to happen doesn’t make it any less satisfying. Yes, I also know that this will only mildly bite the Saudi and Qatari investors but still to watch the value of Jack’s shares tumble and so precipitously, well, it tickles me.

Musk’s Twitter investors have lost billions in value

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This media dude got ratioed on the original tweet and has been whining about it for the whole weekend, followed by some even more deeply embarrassing replies. He's just mouthing the same excuses re: covering Trump voters from way back to just after 2016, followed by a rather pathetic plea that more critical coverage could lead to 'backlash'.


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The fact is, there were millions who supported Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party and they were - pardon the pun - dead wrong.

In the end, the NYT (and the rest of the MSM) have an obligation to nothing and no one except the truth.  Point blank, period, end of discussion, thanks for stopping by.

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