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As The World Turns Full Episode List


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I have the February 16, 1998 episode as pre-empted! Thanks for filling in those blanks for '92 and '94. What about '96? The only Monday I have left that could possibly be pre-empted is Monday February 26, 1996. Do you happen to know if that matches up with the Olympics? 

Do you know when CBS Sports coverage of the Olympics began? I have Monday February 19, 1990 pre-empted as well. In 1988 I have no info on any of the February Mondays. In 1986, however, all of the February Mondays seem to have aired for ATWT.

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From December 10, 1991 onwards, the next checkpoint is October 2, 1991, #9102, which is in the P&G Archives and therefore a non-UCLA source. 2 episodes were pre-empted, one of which we know for sure:

November 28, 1991: Thanksgiving


For the remaining pre-emption, I have 2 potential candidates. Both episodes are listed as airing in the newspapers, but there could have been unplanned pre-emptions:


October 9, 1991: dual Baseball game??

October 11, 1991: Clarence Thomas hearings?? 


Out of the two, the CT hearings seem a more likely candidate, as the dual Baseball game would have surely been planned and therefore appeared in the listings? But now I'm speculating and I try to do as little of that as I can.


October 2, 1991 - December 10, 1991: 2 pre-emptions, 1 confirmed, 2 candidates. Status: open




Since the UCLA dates in the last few posts got a bit messy, here is this entire period between non-UCLA checkpoints:


October 2, 1991 (#9102) is in the P&G Archives, as is November 10, 1992 (#9381). In between, there were 10 pre-emptions. We know about these 9: 

November 28, 1991: Thanksgiving

December 25, 1991: Christmas

December 31, 1991: New Year's Eve

January 1, 1992: New Year's Day

February 17, 1992: Olympics

March 19, 1992: NCAA Men's Basketball

March 20, 1992: NCAA Men's Basketball

September 7, 1992: US Open

September 11, 1992: US Open


For the remaining pre-emption, we have these two candidates:


October 9, 1991: dual Baseball game??

October 11, 1991: Clarence Thomas hearings?? 


October 2, 1991 - November 10, 1992: 10 pre-emptions, 9 confirmed, 2 candidates. Status: open

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From October 2, we make our way to June 11, which is #9025 according to... the UCLA Library (I know... but this one will be backed up by the next entry, bear with me). There were 4 pre-emptions, and we know about two of them for sure:


September 2, 1991: US Open

September 6, 1991: US Open


For the remaining two pre-emption slots, I have one potential candidate:


August 20, 1991: Reason unknown, but could have been pre-empted according to @YRfan23 [listed regularly in historical newspapers, so if pre-empted, would have been an unplanned pre-emption]


June 11, 1991 - October 2, 1991: 4 pre-emptions, 2 confirmed, 1 candidate. Status: open




So, the reason why I trust that UCLA-based date is that only a few episodes earlier, on June 3, we get to #9019, which is in the P&G Corporate Archives (as well as the Museum of Broadcast Communications). That one matches up with #9025, so there would not have been any pre-emptions.


Of course, there is a slight chance the June 3/#9025 combination could be off, but either way, we are looking for 2 more pre-emptions in between June 3 and October 2.


June 3, 1991 - June 11, 1991: 0 pre-emptions. Status: closed

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The Olympics I remember CBS broadcasting were Albertville 1992, Lillehammer 1994, Nagano 1998. 1992 was the last year Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics were held in the same year, therefore no Winter Olympics in 1996.


Monday February 20, 1989 and Monday February 19, 1990 were NBA Basketball afternoon games; those two dates were President's Day. CBS Sports coverage of NBA Basketball was 1973-1990. Two other NBA dates for your list: Monday May 27, 1985 and Monday May 26, 1986 were NBA Finals afternoon games; those two dates were Memorial Day. 



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I just checked the Wikipedia page for CBS Olympic Broadcasts, and apparently CBS covered it in 1960 (Winter & Summer), and then in 1992, 1994 and 1998 (Winter only). 


They had the NBA rights from 1973 - 1990, so there might be a lot more there. I'm making a mental note to dive into that, try to find afternoon games and/or dates that were simultaneously holidays.


May 26, 1986 seems to have aired, if it's dated correctly. May 1985 is wide open still, so it's possible.


Thanks so much for your help!

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I just found a wonderful page with descriptions for 1956/57 episodes, coming from TV Guide issues. 




However, this info seems to corroborate your first post above, not the second. It also states there actually WAS a Thanksgiving pre-emption.


What do you think @Paul Raven? How are we to interpret this info? 


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The Lisa plot thickens... The Paley Center has an episode dated December 16, 1965, which they called "Lisa And Bob's Custody Battle".
According to our info now, this would be in between Fulton's exit to do OPW (in '65) and her return (in '67). Interestingly, the cast list for the episode does not include Fulton or the character of Lisa.

Was Bob involved in a custody battle with an offscreen Lisa? Did Fulton make an appearance during her break from the show? Did Fulton in fact return much earlier than we previously believed?

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Just found a lot more info on the collection held by the Jerome Lawrence & Robert E. Lee Theatre Research Institute, including a LOT of episode numbers!

Unfortunately, many of them do not match up with the episode numbers we've previously established (particularyly those from the P&G Archives), and some of them don't even match up with each other. Some of the dates listed are even weekend days.

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 I swear, I love working on this project, but sometimes it just gets extremly frustrating. 


Sometimes, I wonder if this show actually had 13.858 episodes, or if that's just what some writers thought was the correct number.

Anyways, you know I will be triple-checking all of these numbers against the previously "established" info. I'll let you know when I know more. 




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OK, we left off on June 3, 1991. Next up is January 8, 1991, which is in the P&G Archives (and Museum of Broadcast Communications) as #8920.

This means 5 episodes were pre-empted in between. We know about these two for sure:


March 14, 1991: NCAA Men's Basketball

March 15, 1991: NCAA Men's Basketball


We have two potential candidates for the final three slots:


January 9, 1991: Possibly pre-empted for Gulf War news coverage?
January 17, 1991: Possibly pre-empted for Gulf War news coverage?


January 8, 1991 - June 3, 1991: 5 pre-emptions, 2 confirmed, 2 candidates. Status: open




December 20, 1990 is in the ATAS-UCLA Television Archives as #8910, which means 3 episodes were pre-empted in between. We know about all three of them:


December 25, 1990: Christmas

December 31, 1990: New Year's Eve

January 1, 1991: New Year's Day


December 20, 1990 - January 8, 1991: 3 pre-emptions, all confirmed. Status: closed




July 30, 1990 is also in the ATAS-UCLA Television Archives, as #8812. This means 5 episodes were pre-empted. We have 4 confirmed:


September 3, 1990: US Open

September 7, 1990: US Open

November 22, 1990: Thanksgiving

November 23, 1990: Thanksgiving


For the remaining pre-emption, we have one candidate:


August 22, 1990: possibly pre-empted as per @YRfan23 [the episode does appear in the newspaper listings, so if pre-empted, this would have been an unplanned pre-emption]


July 30, 1990 - December 20, 1990: 5 pre-emptions, 4 confirmed, 1 candidate. Status: open




July 4, 1990 is also in the same archive, as #8794. This lines up perfectly, which means there were no pre-emptions.


July 4, 1990 - July 30, 1990: 0 pre-emptions. Status: closed




June 15, 1990 is also in the same archive (and the P&G Archive, and the Museum of Broadcast Communications), as #8794. This lines up perfectly, which means there were no pre-emptions.


June 15, 1990 - July 4, 1990: 0 pre-emptions. Status: closed




December 8, 1989 is also in the ATAS-UCLA Television Archive, as #8650. This means there were 4 pre-emptions. We know about three:


January 1, 1990: New Year's Day

February 19, 1990: NBA Afternoon Basketball Game

May 28, 1990: NBA Eastern Conference Playoff Game


I have one contender for the remaining pre-emption:


December 25, 1989: Christmas [listed as pre-empted in the newspapers, but appears on 2 Youtube channels from a later SoapNet re-airing. Possibly dated wrong?]


December 8, 1989 - June 15, 1990: 4 pre-emptions, 3 confirmed, 1 contender. Status: open



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The next confirmed episode number is #8603, airing October 2, 1989, which is in the P&G Archives. 2 episodes need to have been pre-empted, and we know both of them:


November 23, 1989: Thanksgiving

November 24, 1989: Thanksgiving


October 2, 1989 - December 8, 1989: 2 pre-emptions, both confirmed. Status: closed




#8550, airing July 17, 1989, is everywhere (P&G Archives, ATAS-UCLA Television Archive, Museum of Broadcast Communications). 2 episodes were pre-empted, we know both of them:


September 4, 1989: US Open

September 8, 1989: US Open


July 17, 1989 - October 2, 1989: 2 pre-emptions, both confirmed. Status: closed




The March 20, 1989 episode is in the ATAS-UCLA Television Archive as #8465. That lines up perfectly, meaning there were no pre-emptions in between.


March 20, 1989 - July 17, 1989: 0 pre-emptions. Status: closed




February 17, 1989 is in the P&G Archives as #8445, meaning there was 1 pre-emption, which we have confirmed:


February 20, 1989: NBA Game (Houston vs. Cleveland)


February 17, 1989 - March 20, 1989: 1 pre-emption, confirmed. Status: closed




And then there is no confirmed number until November 3, 1987, nearly 1,5 years before. That episode is in the P&G Archives as #8120. There were 14 pre-emptions in between. We know about 10 of them:


November 26, 1987: Thanksgiving

November 27, 1987: Thanksgiving

December 25, 1987: Christmas

January 1, 1988: New Year's Day

September 5, 1988: US Open

September 9, 1988: US Open

November 24, 1988: Thanksgiving

November 25, 1988: Thanksgiving

December 26, 1988: Extended Christmas Holiday? [confirmed in The Journal listings]

January 2, 1989: Extended New Year's Holiday / Tournament of Roses


 For the remaining 4 pre-emptions, I have 5 potential contenders:


December 19, 1988: possible pre-emption in this week as per @YRfan23? [listed regularly in The Journal]

December 20, 1988: possible pre-emption in this week as per @YRfan23? [listed regularly in The Journal]

December 21, 1988: possible pre-emption in this week as per @YRfan23? [listed regularly in The Journal]

December 22, 1988: possible pre-emption in this week as per @YRfan23? [listed regularly in The Journal]

January 20, 1989: Bush inauguration? [listed regularly in The Journal]


Interestingly enough, I found absolutely nothing in the listings for that week about the inauguration. I did find that the Bush inauguration took place at noon. Since ATWT aired at 2PM, I'm wondering if the festivities would have been over by then? But that still doesn't account for the fact that the listings in The Journal didn't have anything at noon either. So possibly as mistake was made, in which case we shouldn't factor in the regular listing too heavily.  


November 3, 1987 - February 17, 1989: 14 pre-emptions, 10 confirmed, 5 contenders. Status: open


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