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As The World Turns Full Episode List


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All right, so as mentioned, I'm currently working on a major overhaul of the entire list. There is a wealth of information to be found in these historical newspapers, if you know how to look for it. One thing I've realized is that I've previously been a bit too hasty to assume a number of 'regular' pre-emptions. Turns out they were a lot less regular than expected. Especially the Thanksgiving pre-emptions, which I had long considered to be a given, proved a revelation. Here's a quick overview:

NCAA Men's Basketball 

(assumption: Thursday & Friday pre-empted from 1991 onwards)


1957 - 1989: unknown

1990: confirmed as airing on Thursday & Friday

1991 - 1993: confirmed as pre-empted on Thursday & Friday

1994: unknown

1995 - 2010: confirmed as pre-eempted on Thursday & Friday


US Open

(assumption: Monday pre-empted from 1976 onwards; Friday pre-empted from 1982 onwards)


1956 - 1967: unknown

1968 - 1975: confirmed as airing on Monday & Friday

1976 - 1977: confirmed as pre-empted on Monday, airing on Friday

1978: unknown

1979 - 1981: confirmed as pre-empted on Monday, airing on Friday

1982 - 1987: confirmed as pre-empteed on Monday & Friday

1988: Monday unknown, confirmed as pre-empted on Friday

1989 - 1993: confirmed as pre-empted on Monday & Friday

1994: unknown

1995 - 2010: confirmed as pre-empted on Monday & Friday



(assumption: Thursday pre-empted 1966 - 1969 and 1973/1974 - 2010; Friday pre-empted 1982 - 1990 and 1994/1995/1996 - 2010)


1956 - 1965: unknown

1966 - 1969: confirmed as pre-empted on Thursday, airing on Friday

1970 - 1972: confirmed as airing on Thursday & Friday

1973: unknown

1974 - 1979: confirmed as pre-empted on Thursday, airing on Friday

1980: unknown

1981: confirmed as pre-empted on Thursday, airing on Friday

1982 - 1990: confirmed as pre-empted on Thursday & Friday

1991 - 1993: confirmed as pre-empted on Thursday, airing on Friday

1994 - 1995: unknown

1996 - 2010: confirmed as pre-empted on Thursday & Friday



(assumption: pre-empted from 1978 - 1992 and 1997 - 2008)


1956 - 1959: unknown

1961 - 1964: unknown

1967 - 1970: confirmed as airing

1972 - 1975: confirmed as airing

1978 - 1981: confirmed as pre-empted

1984 - 1987: confirmed as pre-empted

1989: confirmed pre-empted in listings, yet appears on YouTube; possibly dated wrong?

1990 - 1992: confirmed as pre-empted

1995 - 1996: confirmed as airing

1997 - 1998: confirmed as pre-empted

2000 - 2003: confirmed as pre-empted

2006 - 2008: confirmed as pre-empted

2009: confirmed as airing


New Year's Eve

(assumption: pre-empted from 1990 onwards)


1956 - 1959: unknown

1962 - 1965: unknown

1968: confirmed as airing

1969: unknown

1970: confirmed as airing

1971: unknown

1973 - 1975: confirmed as airing

1976: unknown

1979 - 1982: confirmed as airing

1984: unknown

1985 - 1987: confirmed as airing

1990 - 1993: confirmed as pre-empted

1996 - 1999: confirmed as pre-empted

2001 - 2004: confirmed as pre-empted

2007 - 2009: confirmed as pre-empted


New Year's Day

(assumption: pre-empted from at least 1968 (possibly earlier) onwards, with the exception of 2004)


1957 - 1960: unknown

1962 - 1965: unknown

1968 - 1969: confirmed as pre-empted

1970: unknown

1971: confirmed as pre-empted

1973: unknown

1974 - 1976: confirmed as pre-empted

1979 - 1982: confirmed as pre-empted

1985: unknown

1986 - 1988: confirmed as pre-empted

1990 - 1993: confirmed as pre-empted

1996 - 1999: confirmed as pre-empted

2001 - 2003: confirmed as pre-empted

2004: confirmed as airing

2007 - 2010: confirmed as pre-empted


I'm working on Christmas pre-emptions as we speak. Will update with that info soon.

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Having said all that, I am, as I said, currently working on a major overhaul of the list. This time, I am working my way backwards. Since so little is known about the early years, it just makes more sense to use the final episode number (#13858) as a reference point. 

I'm sorry if what I'm about to do sounds a bit like a monologue, but I want to document the steps I take to provide clarity for myself and others. I've done this before in the ATWT discussion thread. What I will do is I will cut the list up in smaller pieces, to see which ones I can already connect and which individual episodes provide the biggest question marks.


For the final 13 years of the show, there is a lot of material around. As a result, I have every episode confirmed (either because it's on youtube, or because there are recaps around somewhere) from 1998 onwards. The first episode (going backwards) that I do NOT have confirmed is the March 17, 1997 episode. Therefore the first period is:


March 18, 1997 - September 17, 2010: 131 pre-emptions, all confirmed. Status: closed.


Going backwards further, the first confirmed episode number we encounter is May 12, 1995, which is #10000. If I count every weekday between May 12, 1995 and March 18, 1997, the latter would be episode 10482. Since we have connected the 1997 episode to the final episode number, we know it must be #10466, meaning there were 16 pre-emptions in between. I have 15 of those 16 pre-emptions confirmed:


September 4, 1995: US Open

September 8, 1995: US Open

December 29, 1995: Extended New Year's? [confirmed from an episode]

January 1, 1996: New Year's Day

March 14, 1996: NCAA Men's Basketball

March 15, 1996: NCAA Men's Basketball

September 2, 1996: US Open

September 6, 1996: US Open

November 28, 1996: Thanksgiving

November 29, 1996: Thanksgiving  

December 31, 1996: New Year's Eve

January 1, 1997: New Year's Day

March 7, 1997: President Clinton news coverage [episode was re-broadcast on March 10]

March 13, 1997: NCAA Men's Basketball

March 14, 1997: NCAA Men's Basketball


That leaves 1 other pre-emption. I have 2 more suspected pre-emptions: Thanksgiving Thursday & Friday 1995. 


Here's where I went wrong before: I didn't have the US Open '95 or the NYE '96 confirmed at th time, so I was looking for 4 more pre-emptions. Since Thanksgiving and US Open both seemed like pairs, I assumed that those four episodes were pre-empted, while NYE '96 aired. I now know it didn't. 


When we check the Thanksgiving pre-emptions above, we'll see that the Thursday was always pre-empted from the early 70s onwards, while there was a period in the mid-90s when the Friday actually aired.


It seems safe to assume (but it's still only assuming!), therefore that November 23, 1995 is our missing pre-emption, and that the show aired on November 24, 1995 (Following this logic, it then also seems reasonable to assume the Thanksgiving Friday aired in '94 as well, but we'll get to that).


May 12, 1995 - March 18, 1997: 16 pre-emptions, 15 confirmed, 1 assumed. Status: open





Haha, oops, excellent point. I'll amend that. I'm reasonably sure that the tournament was only broadcast on CBS from '91 onwards anyway. 

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I just looked over some notes I took a while back on the collection held by the Paley Center, and it turns out they actually have the November 24, 1995 episode in their collection (title: Carly And Rosanna Are Rescued From A Burning Car).


Firstly, this means that Thanksgiving Friday aired in '95, much like '91, '92 and '93. It therefore seems extremely likely that Thanksgiving Friday would have aired in '94 as well. 


Secondly, that means I now have only one (strong) suspicion for our one remaining pre-emption: Thursday November 23, 1995 (Thanksgiving). Since Thanksgiving Thursdays were pre-empted all through the 90s and beyond, it seems like we have connected May 12, 1995 to March 18, 1997. I sure wish I was able to confirm that final pre-emption though. 


I should probably also mention that there is one slight issue with the numbers as I've figured them so far. I believe I have mentioned this before, but the Scrapbook includes a behind-the-scenes look at the making of an episode, which is said to be #10155, and said to have aired on December 22, 1995. By my current count, #10155 aired on December 20, 1995, while #10157 aired on December 22, 1995. Since the Scrapbook contains many errors, and the alignment of that date and episode number contradicts all my other sources, I'm considering this to most likely be a mistake. However, I'm still keeping it in the back of my mind to check with later findings. 

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All right, so we've made our way backwards to May 12, 1995 and episode #10000. The next (going backwards) confirmed episode number is #9932 on February 3, 1995, which is in the collection held by the UCLA Library. To make the numbers work, 2 episodes need to have been pre-empted in between those dates. And indeed, we have both pre-emptions verified:


March 16, 1995: NCAA Men's Basketball

March 17, 1995: NCAA Men's Basketball

February 3, 1995 - May 12, 1995: 2 pre-emptions; 2 confirmed. Status: closed




The next era is a big one. Episode #9548 aired on July 12, 1993, and is held by the P&G Corporate Archives. In between these two dates, there need to have been no fewer than 25 pre-emptions. Of course, this is the O.J. Simpson era (which actually also includes a lot of random, one-off, not-O.J.-related pre-emptions), so who knows if we will ever get to the bottom of this one. I have 10 pre-emptions confirmed currently:


September 6, 1993: US Open

September 10, 1993: US Open

November 25, 1993: Thanksgiving Thursday

December 24, 1993: Christmas Eve

December 31, 1993: New Year's Eve

January 17, 1994: Northridge Earthquake coverage

February 1/2, 1994: "The Bell Tower" was re-broadcast on the 2nd, because it had been pre-empted in parts of the country

February 21, 1994: Winter Olympics Coverage [thanks @kalbir for confirming]

December 30, 1994: Extended New Year's Eve holiday

January 2, 1995: Extended New Year's Eve holiday


In addition, there are 5 pre-emptions that, although unconfirmed, seem highly likely:


March 17, 1994: NCAA Men's Basketball

March 18, 1994: NCAA Men's Basketball

September 5, 1994: US Open

September 9, 1994: US Open

November 24, 1994: Thanksgiving Thursday


Even with those pre-emptions included, we still need 10 more dates. I have the following written down as potential candidates:

September 13, 1993: Oslo Accords signing? [listed as airing, but could be an unplanned pre-emption?]

June 30, 1994: O.J. Simpson?

July 1, 1994: O.J. Simpson?

July 4, 1994: O.J. Simpson?

July 5, 1994: O.J. Simpson?

July 6, 1994: O.J. Simpson?

July 7, 1994: O.J. Simpson?

July 8, 1994: O.J. Simpson?

November 25, 1994: Thanksgiving Friday??? [seems highly unlikely, as Thanksgiving Friday aired in '93 and '95]

January 24, 1995: O.J. Simpson opening statement?


Unfortunately, 1994 is pretty much the one year that is largely missing from my historical tv listings sources. I'm also sad to find magilla71's YouTube channel has gone missing, as they were systematically uploading '94 episodes, which were being dated in the comment sections. 


July 12, 1993 - February 3, 1995: 25 pre-emptions, 10 verified, 5 highly likely; 9 potential candidates; 1 highly unlikely. Status: Open




But for some good news, following that frustrating period: The next five (smaller) cases have been closed.


"Jelinda's Theme" debuted in episode #9437 on February 3, 1993 ("The World Turns On And On" was last seen the day before in #9436), which means 2 episodes were pre-empted:


March 18, 1993: NCAA Men's Basketball

March 19, 1993: NCAA Men's Basketball


February 3, 1993 - July 12, 1993: 2 pre-emptions, both confirmed. Status: closed




Episode #9381 aired on November 10, 1992 and is held by the P&G Corporate Archives. 5 pre-emptions are needed, all have been confirmed:


November 26, 1992: Thanksgiving Thursday

December 25, 1992: Christmas

December 31, 1992: New Year's Eve

January 1, 1993: New Year's Day

January 20, 1993: Clinton inauguration


November 10, 1992 - February 2, 1993: 5 pre-emptions, all confirmed. Status: closed




The UCLA Library holds the September 8, 1992 episode, which is #9337. 1 episode was pre-empted, and we know which one it is:


September 11, 1992: US Open


September 8, 1992 - November 10, 1992: 1 pre-emption, confirmed. Status: closed




The UCLA Library also holds the August 24, 1992 episode, which is #9327. 1 episode was pre-empted, and we know it:


September 7, 1992: US Open


August 24, 1992 - September 8, 1992: 1 pre-emption, confirmed. Status: closed




And it doesn't end there, the library also has August 4 (and 3), which is #9313 (and #9312). Those numbers line up perfectly with the previous ones, which means there were no pre-emptions in between.


August 4, 1992 - August 24, 1992: no pre-emptions. Status: closed




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Two tidbits:



I just found that February 20, 1990 is indeed listed as pre-empted in the historical listings. Thanks again @adrnyc for putting me on this trail. I believed it already, but it's nice to see it confirmed!

I have also just added the Christmas pre-emptions to the post above, but in researching those dates I came upon an issue that I'd like to ask your help on. 

There is an episode named "Christmas 1989" on Oakdalian's channel, as well as on the AsTheWorldStillTurns channel under 12 25 89. It is one of the classic episodes that aired years later on (I believe) SoapNet, as end credits have been added to the episode in the 90s style, which unfortunatly makes it more difficult to date the episode (as Dan Region's voice-overs usually provide a hint).


However, I have just found out that December 25, 1989 is actually listed as pre-empted in some of these historical newspapers. Now, I know these listings are never a 100% certain, but the ones I've found so far have been very reliable. They largely match up with pre-emptions I had known about previously. There are probably a number of pre-emptions that don't appear in these listings (as they were unplanned), but I doubt it's the other way around. If a pre-emption appears in the listings, I doubt it would have aired instead. 


Long story short: I have a semi-credibly source confirming that the December 25, 1989 episode was pre-empted. I'm now wondering if the date on that episode could be wrong. Oakdalian only has it as "Christmas" not "December 25", and I could imagine AsTheWorldStillTurns having assumed that to mean December 25.


So, the question that arises: Is it possible that this episode aired on a different date? Maybe December 26? December 22? Would anyone be able to shed some light on this?


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@Brolden My pleasure. Thanks again for all the work you’re putting into this! As I continue to watch the show (am at June 1990 now - Bob slept with Susan but he and Kim are looking like they’re gonna make it through. Worst is I think Casey is dying. Am gonna cry my eyes out when that happen) I’ll let you know if I find any other discrepancies. 

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OK, the next bit gets a bit tricky, so bear with me. I want to take you through the thinking process, but if you want the short version, skip to the section on the bottom of this post...


We left things at August 3, 1992 (#9312). The next number I have is #9177 on January 20, 1992, which is also in the UCLA Library. Trying to connect those two numbers tells us that 5 episodes must have been pre-empted in between. We know about 3 of them:


February 17, 1992: Winter Olympics Coverage [thanks @kalbir for confirming]

March 19, 1992: NCAA Men's Basketball

March 20, 1992: NCAA Men's Basketball


For the remaining 2 pre-emptions, we unfortunately have no leads:


January 20, 1992 - August 3, 1992: 5 pre-emptions, 3 confirmed, 2 unknown. Status: open




The next confirmed number, also from th UCLA Library, is #9149 on December 10, 1991. This would mean that only 1 episode would have been pre-empted in between December 10 and January 20, yet I have 3 pre-emptions confirmed:


December 25, 1991: Christmas

December 31, 1991: New Year's Eve

January 1, 1992: New Year's Day


December 10, 1991 - January 20, 1992: 1 pre-emption, yet 3 confirmed. Status: system failure




However, if we combine these two sections, we find that in between December 10 and August 3, a total of 6 episodes must have been pre-empted and we have exactly 6 pre-emptions confirmed. Therefore, it seems like either the date or the number is off for the #9177/January 20, 1991 entry in the UCLA Library. Now, this is a bit of a slippery slope, as both of the other episodes used for reference (August 3, 1992 and December 10, 1991) come from the UCLA Library as well. If this one entry is off, who's to say the others are correct? So, in my next post, not only will I tie the December 10, 1991 episode to the next non-UCLA checkpoint, but I will also tie that checkpoint to November 10, 1992, which was the last non-UCLA checkpoint we've encountered. 


December 10, 1991 - August 3, 1992: 6 pre-emptions, all confirmed. Status: closed




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I think this might be CBS Sports coverage of the Lillehammer Olympics.


I think this might be CBS Sports coverage of the Albertville Olympics.


CBS Sports' last Olympics was Nagano in 1998. If CBS did pre-empt the weekday daytime schedule for coverage of the Nagano Olympics, the most likely date would be Monday February 16, 1998, which was also President's Day.

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