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B&B Promo - Who Will She Choose?

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This story is D. O. A. to mimic that dramatic enunciation in the promo. Should've gone with Ridge/Caroline/Rick/Maya instead. I'm telling you, Rick getting drunk/stranded with Caroline after Maya gets depressed/frustrated that they can't have children/difficulty adopt. Rick + Caroline = Baby and a winning storyline + first Forrester/Spencer baby. This story truly writes itself. This nonsense with Thomas is forced and illogical. 

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Thomas is creepy and Caroline looks to be asleep an he's gonna kiss her? Under the bus he goes LOL.


I have a feeling Caroline is gonna take those anxiety meds of Pam's she put in her purse as a way to cope. My theory is she takes them and is "out of it" when Pervy there kisses her and she thinks it's Ridge and Thomas goes with it

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While I do find Caroline wanting a kid and Ridge not angle interesting, her and Thomas have zero chemistry. I agree they should have thrown in Rick and Maya instead of Thomas. Or Carter, he isn't doing anything. Did they ever try Caroline and Carter? 



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Actually, there seemed to be a little 'testing' of Caroline and Carter during the episodes before the huge fall fashion show. They had several scenes together where he was being supportive. Seriously, they are trying to made that dud Zende work and work, while LSV, who is an accomplished actor, and, frankly, smoking hot, is sitting on the sidelines? Good grief, at least pair him with RS. I bet Quinn/Carter would have some smokin' scene. At a minimum, Carter would be an interesting addition to the Liam/Steffy dead-end. I've really been perplexed by the choices (except for the Raya wedding episodes), that B&B has made since Aly's death. It's like they are trying to put on bad characters and storylines. 

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They sure like to put LSV in the "hot guys of B&B" promos, but then use him sparingly. I admit, he used to be kind of wooden, especially during his early GL days, but he's greatly improved. And quite frankly, Carter is the greatest catch of them all: super-successful job (plus, he's got like 3 or 4 job professions under his belt... talk about job security!), he's got no ex-girlfriend or baby mama drama, plus HE FINE!


But by all means, let's lust after mama's boy Wyatt or wishy-washy Liam instead.

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Yes this would have made so much sense and would've been so much more entertaining to watch. And that way Rick and Maya wouldn't be backburned either which they probably will be now.


I find myself always agreeing with you. You should write for B&B.

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Thank you! Wouldn't that be a dream come true! The funny thing is that they could make that suggestion happen in less than a couple of weeks. (They can retro it where Maya and Rick made applications to agencies all this summer before they got married, etc. like those details matter.) And, yes, I'm really concerned that they are backing Raya into a corner very quickly. I still don't understand the urgency for the wedding - just like the urgency for the quickie divorce from Caroline. I know Brad wanted to make a political statement with Rick unconditionally loving Maya, but a long engagement would've been interesting as Rick is fighting off naysayers, Maya is dealing with her family. Because of the way Raya met - we all buy that Rick loves Maya and that Maya loves Rick for more than his money. I think Brad underestimated that the audience would assume Rick would walk away from her.

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B&B is too busy trying to neuter, uh, neutralize Carter while they hypermaculine-ize Liam and Wyatt.  Just think about it for a moment:  If B&B really showcases LSV in a hot love scene with Caroline or Steffy, what will that do to Liam or Wyatt the next time they're in bed with someone. 

I think B&B is truly afraid that people will somehow compare the men (which honestly, we all do anyway) and people will be reminded that Liam and Wyatt do not have that type of sex appeal. 


B&B likes to pretend that we are not already aware of this.

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I agree.  One thing about Shemar Moore though, is Y&R never put him in an interracial relationship- flirting with Phyllis doesn't count (lol).  I don't know what the issue is for B&B but it appears to me that they're almost afraid to try Carter with a Caucasian character and Maya is already fated to Rick (even if this handcuffs both characters) and I don't realistically see Maya and Carter ever rekindling their relationship because of the deception about Maya's gender (Carter was a bit more upset than Rick), so unless B&B is open to pairing Carter with one of the Caucasian characters in his age group, I seem him being very good looking, sexy wallpaper for the foreseeable future.


Such a shame.

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