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Technically, they don't have to have anyone but Dale, the Log Lady, and the Palmers. It's just that when we learned more people were being asked back, that's when I started thinking, "Is Bobby going to be there?" If James or Michael Horse or Norma and Ed are going to be there, then yes, it will bother me if Bobby isn't there, mostly because I just don't think you can understand Laura half as well without Bobby, and also because he was an awesome character.

Edited by DRW50
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Are you ready for more ancient TP minutiae from the depths of the Internet at 5 AM on a Saturday? I thought you might be.

So one of the few licensed tie-ins I never got a look at as a kid was Twin Peaks: An Access Guide to the Town, published in 1991. It has long been rumored that this mock guidebook, apparently written in-universe by some of the show staff (possibly with contributions from Lynch and Frost), may have had hints to future storylines. One such rumor was about the annual Twin Peaks Passion Play and a crucial local football game, as detailed in an old fan essay:

Probably nothing, but an interesting little thought. It would be just like TP to have the fate of Cooper's soul hanging in the balance juxtaposed against a school football game.

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This is still so strange to read that it's happening. Carl, I echo your sentiments about Bobby. He was my favourite character next to Audrey and I loved it when they were put into each others orbits in season two. I guess I'm in the minority, but I remember finding the Norma amnesia story to be entertaining and I literally must be the only person that had no problem with the James story with whatshername. Unfortunately, I watched the show in 2008 so my memory is pretty fuzzy on a lot of the story. A re-watch will be mandatory when the return date draws near. You guys remembering all these intricacies is blowing my mind.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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I am slammed with work deadlines this Halloween, but I have taken time out to bring you this, another inscrutable interview about TP with Catherine E. Coulson.

There's also some nice discussion of her past with Lynch, her life with Jack Nance, etc.

Edited by Vee
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Those were so much fun and so creative. I sometimes wonder why Kimmy Robertson didn't get bigger roles.

It's a hoot to see that crazy dancing scene again with Catherine and Leland. It's insane and depressing and hilarious - Twin Peaks at its core.

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