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Too Close for Comfort

Marco Dane

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Well it's about time! :-) I have loved this show since it originally aired, and I currently watch it late nights on Antenna TV. Ted Knight cracks me up. He was a bit of a legend in our home when I was growing up thanks to this show, but especially thanks to Caddyshack. Lydia and Jm have said that he was quite mean at times, and Lydia has said the same about Nancy.

Ever dreamed of living in a house like theirs?

Ever notice Nancy's frequent use of the double take? In one version of the opening titles, she does two.

If I miss the opening theme, I feel cheated.

I love the shot of them pushing the carriage, Henry's arm swinging proudly. I think of that stride whenever I leave a good audition.

Henry's father looked more like his brother.

Audrey Meadows was an inspired casting choice.

Lots more to discuss about this show, thank you Marco for getting the ball rolling!

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I love me some Too Close for Comfort! Though I mainly prefer the ABC seasons when the premise was more focused on the daughters and parents. I still love Monroe, though.

Thanks for bringing up the house, SFK! I know that everybody who reminisces about this show talks about how much they loved Jackie and Sara's apartment, but I actually prefer Henry and Muriel's, and it's mainly because of those arched built-in bookcases. That just screams sophistication and class to me. The only apartment I might like better is Bob and Emily Hartley's.

Contrary to what Khan tells you, that shot of Henry falling off of the beanbag chair never gets old.

Interestingly, before I ever saw this series (and I've only become familiar with it fairly recently, like maybe 5 or so years ago), I always thought it seemed like a good companion piece to Three's Company. Then after watching my first episode, I saw that it was based on a British sitcom created by the same team who created Man About the House, and it all made sense.

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AMS, I knew that TCFC was based on a series from the UK, but I didn't realize it was the same team that produced MATH. Interesting, because I too always noticed the similarities starting with Jackie and Sarah and Janet and Chrissy. But then look at landlords Henry and Muriel and you have a spin on the Ropers, down to the hair color. And I don't care what nobody say, Jack had a little sugar in that tank just like MONroe.

I also prefer the parents' apartment! No joke, I would love a set up just like that, move the kids downstairs when they hit their teens. Did we ever see Monroe's "loft" aka converted attic?

That rape episode is so incredibly bizarre, what pothead wrote that [!@#$%^&*]?? There was so much subtext and commentary on sexuality crammed into that episode, yet handled like one big uncomfortable joke. They knew they couldn't just come straight out and say two big scary lesbians kidnap and rape a gay boy. That episode could only happen on a cable primetime drama these days.

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I've recently started watching the show because of Antenna TV and I really really enjoy it. It's a lot funnier than I ever thought it would be. Three's Company is one of my favorite shows ever, and TCFC is definitely a great companion for it. Makes total sense now that I know the UK version was by the same people as MATH. Had no idea of that little tidbit. I didn't even know TCFC was based on a UK series, and I'm usually pretty up on my classic television.

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No. Ted Knight was one of a kind, IMO. OTOH, if there were a TCFC remake today, they could do away with all the silly innuendo, come right out and say Monroe is gay.

My favorite part of the show were Henry's seemingly inexhaustible supply of college sweatshirts. I don't believe I would have known about half the universities he promoted had it not been for them.

Nancy Dussault was mean? Frankly, that's disheartening. I always adored seeing her on TCFC as well as on the annual Cerebral Palsy telethons.

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To this day, I have no idea why Henry and Muriel had another child. Was Nancy Dussault pregnant IRL and they chose to write in her pregnancy?

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