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AMC: Matthew Cowles passes away

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RIP Matthew Cowles. Thank you for being the coolest. http://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Actor-Matthew-Cowles-Passes-Away-20140524

May you Rest In Peace #MatthewCowles. So sad to hear. This man always had a smile on his face. #TeamAMC

My deepest condolences go out to the family of my friend & former cast mate #MatthewCowles. A true legend taken way too soon. @allmychildren

So sad to hear about the death of Matthew Cowles, #AMC's one and only Billy Clyde Tuggle. A sweet man and a uniquely talented actor.

    1. So sad to hear that Matthew Cowles has died. RIP Billy Clyde Tuggle. #AMC

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Jay O. Sanders posted a very nice tribute to his colleague, Matthew, on FB.

In the spring of '01, my college girlfriend and I went into the city for dinner one evening. I forget which UES avenue we were strolling along, but at one point, we passed Christine who was walking north. My girlfriend teased me for noticing her loud enough for her to hear, but what stood out was that she was crying. Her lips were closed in sort of a half smile, and her eyes were wide and teary. The way the streetlight hit her face, I'll never forget that snapshot. I don't know if she was going through something, if she'd just been moved by a piece of theatre, if she had allergies, but one of those uniquely New York moments.

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I remember when some of the cast appeared on Oprah for the 25th anniversary celebration. A gentleman in the audience stood and shared one of his favorite memories which always stuck with me. He said Billy Clyde and Estelle were in their slummy apartment, and Billy was cooking on a burner atop the toilet. Estelle called for him and he replied, "I'm stirrin' the soup!"

It's going to be bittersweet when I finally watch 2.0 this summer.

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Such sad news. AMC was never my thing, but there were a few characters that had me switching to ABC during Days of Our Lives commercial breaks. Billy Clyde Tuggle was one of them. No surprise, then, that I found Matthew Cowles one of the most enjoyable elements of AMC 2.0 for me. It's not easy to portray both great menace and great humor in the same role – he did it with great aplomb. RIP.

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