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The Flash: Discussion Thread

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I figured he didn't save his mother because he didn't think it was fair to change reality. He wanted to live with Iris and Joe, wanted Iris to stick with her boyfriend and for the red head to stay married to Ronnie. I'm also guessing that he's created a new reality just the same.

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yeah, I wish they'd explained it---or even hinted at an explanation before throwing the Blackhole of Doom at us. I've got a feeling that FutureBarry knew there was no "saving Mom". His mom always died that night. In the Star Trek universe, trying to save someone meant to die never worked. So maybe something like that applies here.

I was actually a little underwhelmed by the finale. It had plenty of nice moments, but I felt a lot cheated by no clear answer as to why Thawne hated Barry so much.

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I could cheat and explain what I know about him from the comics because the show has heavily borrowed from the comics when it comes to the Reverse Flash, but there is no guarantee the show will follow the original storylines it is borrowing from currently. You can google "Professor Zoom" for a complete history of this character, as well as "Flashpoint".

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That was a great finale! It was probably the best season finale of any show I watched this season. That scene with Barry and his mom was so good and emotional. Grant really impressed me with that scene. Eddie killing himself was shocking! Another surprise was Cisco being a meta-human, which could mean Caitlin is one too? Interesting!

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After Barry visited his father and his father urged him not to mess with the timeline, I found it hard to believe that he still went back anyway. I didn't like that he would go through all that agonizing to seemingly fall prey to Thawne yet again since he already seemed to make up his mind that he was fine with his life and didn't want to change it. I figure that this was just an easy way to undo Harrison Wells' death. Having Eddie kill himself took care of ending the body transfer since Eobard technically does not exist and Harrison Wells was thus never killed by him. Now they've just selectively altered certain things while still leaving Barry's life intact and the meta-humans as is and having some explanation to glaze over whatever might not fit such as how the meta-humans came to be meta-humans.

I don't know why Jay Garrick's helmet was used as Eobard's sign. I assume that along with the flashes are previews of the second season.

Caitlin was shown as Killer Frost.

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Just(finally) watched last night, and it was everything a season finale SHOULD be! Other networks should watch this and learn how to do it!

Even though I read ahead of time, Eddie's suicide still made my hair stand up. Great job, looking forward to next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Solid finale but I wish they spent more time milking the singularity and Ronnie's actions a little.  There was danger and drama to be shown and they dispatched it in a minute.


I have always loved Jay Garrick's cool retro costume, but from what I have seen the show has toned it down colorwise which will be a disappointment.   I didn't fully understand the father's decision at the end there, it reeked of sentimentality for the sake of sentimentality.  "How can we get a touching moment here?   Anyone have any ideas?"  I can almost hear the writers saying, and I prefer this kind of Hallmark Card moments on shows I do not watch.

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Kind of disappointed. It felt like the entire issue of the Singularity was handled like "how the bleep do we get out of this" and slapped together a piecemeal explanation.

And yeah, I totally call Bullshit on Henry just up and deciding he couldn't stick around because then Barry wouldn't "become the man he was destined to be". Couldn't he at least tried to stick it out for an episode or two, while showing us that it wasn't going to be easy for Henry to pick up the pieces of his life?

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Second episode much better than the first.   They worked in the singularity more now than last week, and set up their formula for the year I assume.   I loved Earth 2 as a kid, and it was great to see Jay Garrick in his helmet, and they even recreated a noteworthy comic book cover image as a homage.  Earth 2 itself was interesting, you could see the retro decor, hair and clothing in their STAR Labs and I that is good.   The worlds didn't develop the same so they could eventually just plonk Barry and Jay down in whatever earth they want and we could get interesting visuals.   The idea of multiple earths also gave them an easy out for Wells.  


New cop/love interest is okay but they sort of moved this very fast.   Teddy Sears is fine as Jay and he has a good authoritative, mature presence to him which will contrast nicely with Grant Gustin's youthfulness.  

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I'm just not enjoying this -- Patty is SO forced, doomed from the moment they said she's Felicity 2.0. Plus I've never been impressed with the actress, and I think she's somewhat of a show killer.

I liked Iris and a lot of what she had going on in this episode, and interesting that they are going the route of making Wally West her brother and not her cousin, as he is in the comics.

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