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Cassie Lookalike Identity Revealed on Tuesday's 'The Young and the Restless'

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Truth be told, Brighton is a better actor than Shemar, but Shemar is Shemar. You are not going to find a lot of men who look like that with so much charisma. I had hoped RW would pick up where Shemar left off, but sadly, he's in a lackluster pairing, and the guy just is there.

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Well, yeah. You kinda did in a round about way when you caveat the black actors horrid treatment with lines about them being undeserving and lacking talent. The unspoken premise is that in order to get story on Y&R you must have special talent. So then it would follow that the these many white leads have special talent which is why they are out front. I have a mathematical mind. LOL.

Honestly, though. I think we can all see that the black actors are treated as second class actors. But it doesn't bother you because you don't think that they deserve any better anyway because you see nothing special in their performances. On the other hand, I don't think that this matters in the grande scheme of things because it never stopped any of the white actors from getting better treatment. How is any of this fair? It's not.

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TV Guide Magazine: Let's talk about your other big reveal. At what point did you decide Fake Cassie would also turn out to be Mariah?

Phelps: Very early on. As soon as Tyler even mentioned there was a Mariah, the writers knew it would be Fake Cassie. She is going to be a huge threat to the Abby-Tyler relationship, which we know really needed some help. Mariah will also continue to have enormous involvement in the Sharon-Nick story and, obviously, her relationship with Ian is going to be big when it's finally discovered by other people. She's a wild girl, not a good girl like Cassie, and that will impact the whole Newman family.

According to JFP this was not a rewrite. The Ian part was but they always knew Fake Cassie would be Mariah. And she knows that Tabby is a flop. LOL

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Must Steve Burton be dragged into every conversation?

But seriously, folks. I agree with you, ajsp, that neither looks nor performances matter in the end. What matters is which actors and/or characters TPTB tend to cater to; and with some exceptions, perhaps, they cater to the Whites. If Burton, Josh Morrow, or Peter Bergman get the privilege of boring us to death with front-burner romances, then why can't any of their Black colleagues?

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People care about Neil and Hilary in so far as it will cause drama for Lily and Devon. But that is about it. Once that initial story (reveal) is told, then who will care? I see that they are Soras'ing Moses to 4 years old to use a prop for after the reveal. Another miscalculation because folks are still mad about what Neil did to Sophia. No one wants to see Hilary play mother to her child when she can be on screen doing that herself. Bad move. Or according to Chit, just the right move. LOL


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Wow. I posted last night and wanted to see reaction today. Had no idea CG as Mariah would turn into a Hevon slight. Bizarre. The funny thing is that certain people who suddenly find that Mariah being white would have crashed this board had the reveal been CK as Mariah. Oh, she can't act. Oh, it's the valley girl. Oh, she's a favorite of writers even though she has no talent. Oh, we've got TWO doppelgangers, etc. Please. For the record, I think the Hilary/Neil thing is just gross. The problem with Devon is the same as Kevin, there is no real sex appeal - the actors are bland. That role should have been recast - there are an upteen number of awesome AA actors there that could turn the Devon character into the next Shemar Moore. I still think Hilary will come out of this OK - at least I hope so because I think the addition of Hilary & Leslie has been a huge step for the show. They are interesting characters, played by talented actors, regardless of race.

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And yet Kevin has had lots of romance and female attention...so really, is there really a problem with Devon? I see this blame being put on BJ constantly and I do not buy it for the simple fact of... Kevin/GR...

I don't know how this discussion of Mariah turned into me having to defend BJ and KSJ but it never fails to happen.

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Yeah all this talk about BJ is the reason why Devon isn't getting action, but in the same breath, the same folks say Steve Burton, who has been super underwhelming, has had 2 great loves in less than a year? Okie dokie!

It's not BJ. It's BJ's skin color! Can the white 1/2 of him get some action?

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