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GH: March 2014 Discussion

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There's an interview posted over in the Spoilers section. In it, RC says that he was a huge Knots Landing fan, that he envisioned Madeline Reeves as an Abby Ewing type, and then decided to try for Abby herself.

In the same interview, Mills says she took herself out of the game while her daughter was in school, and with her kid off to college she was ready to work more.

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Tyler is in this for the paycheck, and he's super pissed TLG got canceled. Tyler whines and he's another that wants to be anywhere but where he is currently, and it shows in his output. Sean was not happy, but he gave 200%. That's the difference.

The bloated prince can go at any time!

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I still have no idea why the three rugrats have their own storyline with the vets supporting them. Like really, who is looking for a love triangle between kids in kindergarden? I thought it was just setup to add to the Heather plot but its continued on past that story and blown up into its own thing. Airtime shouldnt be wasted on these brats and Im perfectly fine with seeing them only on holidays and special oocasions

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