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GH: March 2014 Discussion

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I have a hard time believing FV would come down on her over that since he stays out of the public fray himself. I have a feeling poor Maura just saw the shitstorm online and thought it best to steer clear, period, much like how she made sure to disassociate herself from the Michael Muhney affair a few months ago. I can relate to that impulse.

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So I just watched today's episode and Luke telling Kiki that he'll blow her mind, hot sauce, etc. is nasty as hell but as gross as it is, this is the most entertaining I've found Luke in awhile. And LMAO at Tracy's face when Puke told her Kiki has been hitting on him.

I like that Cam is an artist like his mom. And Liz looks great in tomorrow's preview.

I'm so bored with Sonny/Ava scenes zzzzzzzz.

I like the Jordan actress so far. She seems good.

Spencer telling Emma she looks scrumptious. mellow.png Can we not?

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I agree, I actually find the scenes pretty hilarious LOL.

I caught that too! I just wish they would show Elizabeth doing artsy things. Is it just me or was Cameron doing a much better job with his acting today than in the Chupacabra scenes a bit back? I guess even he is above that shitty material!

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Out of the kids actor I like the kid who plays Cameron way more than emma and spencer. I dont feel like he is overdoing it and seems much more natural than the others

Of course it feels weird to criticize 7 years-olds' acting abilities.

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Jordan and Shawn were the best part of today. TJ's easier to take when he's with them. But there's still too much of that ignorant twit Molly.

I knew Luke would lie about Kiki hitting on him. Luke and Kiki are putrid. I'm liking Tracy more and more though.

I hate the word "soapy" but that might describe Liz ending up with Britt's confession!

Spencer to Emma: You look scrumptious.

Yep. There's a line. It sickens me and makes me laugh at the same time. Spencer just wanted to say a big word.

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No offense, but Madeline is not a Donna Mills role, it's an Anna Stuart-type role. When you are blessed with a Donna Mills, you roll out the red carpet and place her with your MVPs. You don't use her as a prop for your vapid new creation. Meanwhile, Michele Lee looks more like his mommie.

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Agreed. I still would've made her Liz's scheming, brilliant philanthropist mother - the invisible Mrs. Webber has been an object of lore for years, plus you could give the hospital, Liz, etc. actual stories.

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