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Y&R: January 2014 Discussion Thread

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I love Davery and have wanted them to be together from the start! I am glad it seems to be happening. I didn't notice anything suspicious about the candles, and I just watched it again to see. Not saying this is the case but it seems that some people are going to complain about SBu's scenes no matter what. I don't get it, as a new SBu viewer. I like him. I think the camera likes him, like I think the camera likes Jeremy Renner. I am not speaking about acting ability or a lack of it when I say that. I thought it was hot that they showed his stomach when Avery took his belt off. Me-ow. I hope to see more today, even if it is just the afterglow. Yayyyyy Davery!!!

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This is very true. Victor isn't even a character we can love to hate anymore he's become so over the top and predictable. I realize he won't suffer any major punishment, but definitely feel he should lose the Chancellor Indudtries portion of the company.

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Because JFP wants to make this a Thing. Part of Y&R history. Kind of like when she tried to replace the Nurses Ball on GH with a bunch of half-assed galas on the Haunted Star which always ended in a shootout or explosion.

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