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GH50: January 2014 Discussion - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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Adam and Yelman ...just no words for that mess but Ron isnt too far behind in his crapfest of gay storytelling. Gay people have flaws like anyone else but Ron's makes them out as dirt bag losers...not that there isnt out there...but his writing stinks when writing for most stories...the only reason ratings are up for this show is because of all the vets that are back....this is the first time I think that the writing has taken a back seat to viewers.

And Brad and Felix are both dogs...looks wise and as human beings...

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Brad is already an exception - he's one of three gay characters on the show.

I think there's a huge gap between vanilla and what Brad was for his first months on the show. And all of that was shock value. None of it led to a story or added to a story.

If Sam sacrificed a goat (no, not Silas), that would be edgy, but it wouldn't add anything to her character.

Liz and Sam were flayed alive for years on end by many fans, far more than Brad has ever been.

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I meant they are not being hailed as a bad representation for all straight women, single mother or whatnot. Brad shouldnt be spared being called upon but not for being a bad representation of gay guys everywhere.

Hes a morally questionable guy that just happens to be into dudes.

Felix is an annoying busy body i wanna throw off a cliff... he just happens to be gay.

Lucas comes across as clingy and given whats he being dealt with who can blame him... he just HAPPENS to be into dudes.

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Liz has been called a terrible mother and blamed for her child's death.

If Brad were running credit card scams while being gay, then I'd think, well, that's different. The problem is that everything he did that was presented as shocking or disturbing was directly tied to his sexuality.

I don't have high standards for gay men on soaps. I just don't care about gay stories on soaps because they are an automatic fail. All I ask is that I not have to see gay men presented as deviants and as sick and wrong. And that is what I felt the writing was saying for Brad during his first months on the show.

Brad is popular now, I'd say he's more popular with fans than he is with the writers, so I don't feel like he's being crucified. But if we're comparing this show to DAYS, then yes, I prefer DAYS.

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To each their own becuz watching will babystep his way out of the cushy walk in closet he was in was a cure for insomnia.

And sonny was never allowed to have much of a personality beside being the way too understanding wanna be bf.

Brad is far from perfect but nothing un redeemable compared to the rapist, psycho, mob lords and neurotic nutjobs on the show. That leaves him room to improve compared to felix whos been stuck in the sabrina propping horse whisperer from day one.

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The problem is that it's not enough for gay characters to be better than just the worst straight characters, because it's always more of a risk to have them on the show.

I'm really not sure what I should say, to be honest. I'm not asking them to fire Perry Shen. I can accept Brad. He's certainly preferable to Felix, and given that Lucas is there to give story to Julian, the world's most boring, fiveheaded underwear model, Brad might be preferable to him as well. The only thing we disagree on is that his early material was good.

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I saw posts talking about how unfair that was and it showed how Sonny wasn't a real man. And it just made me laugh, because I remember hearing fans talking about how bad ass Julian was and how he was going to show Sonny what true mobsters were. And now he is a big vicitmized baby.

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Oh i wasnt trying to pick an argument i was actually very interested in your POV. I have loved brad from the get go so i guess the way he was introduceddidnt bother me much.

And we agree on jillian. I just cant stand him anymore. He was a nice distraction but now im rooting for sonny to win which in itself goes against everything i believe in.

Actually i want ava to be the last one standing when the dust settles. Shes the only jerome i like.

Then have him charged for hate crime and sent behind barres forever. This is made of win lol

I dont know if its wdv who inspire so much hatred from me but i couldnt care less how jillian made it home. He probably took a ride home hitch hiking.

Or wait for william shatner to come pick him up

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