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B&B : Hunter Tylo dishes some tea!

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Here's full interview: http://www.telestar.fr/2013/12/hunter-tylo-son-interview-verite-avec-ronn-nous-avons-pas-mal-flirte/113543


Tormented from Susan Flannery, the violence of the ex-husband of Katherine Kelly Lang and his love affair with Ronn Moss, also part of the series ... For the first time, Hunter Tylo reveals all
Téléstar.fr: Why did you leave The Bold and Beauty in May 2013?
Hunter Tylo: My contract is stopped. The series has completely changed after the departure of Ronn Moss and Susan Flannery. I was delighted that Taylor gives the place a kind of new matriarch, a little instead of Stephanie. But then Brad Bell, the producer, preferred guide series on the side of the Brooke family so ....

Precisely, this rivalry between Taylor and Brooke did she ever sustained in life with Katherine Kelly Lang?
HT: One time there a few years ago. I was in my dressing room and I heard through the next door, its totally crazy ex-husband rage after a love scene she had played. Objects were stolen. I was afraid that it hurts and I called security. Katherine wanted me because she was trying to save his marriage. But today it is out of this situation and better. During all these years, we often laughed disputes of our characters.

What did you think of the departure of Susan Flannery?
HT: She told me she wanted to leave because his contract negotiations were not going well. Frankly I thought it would work out. I do not see how they would let him go Ronn and Susan at the same time! Even when Ron is gone, I thought he would come back a month or two later. But nobody came back. And Susan told me: "They will not get me. I asked them to kill my character. "She left dissatisfied and disappointed.

"My husband was jealous of Ronn Moss"

What memories do you have of these fifteen years of working with Ronn Moss?
HT: There were good times and some less. I was married to Michael (Tylo) and he was jealous of Ronn. This is normal when you play as many love scenes. These are always difficult times for spouses. No matter what the actors say to reassure himself and hide the truth, it is always a dilemma. So I did everything to push Ronn during all these years. I felt the danger because we played our scenes with more passion. In 2002, my character was "killed." Leaving the series, I was very touched. Ronn had just separated from his wife Shari Shattuck and he told me he lost his "two women" at the same time.

"With Ronn, we flirted a lot"

When your relationship has she changed?
HT: When I separated from Michael, after 18 years together. The production was asked to return to The Bold and Beauty. I was happy to see my family and .... Ronn. We were now free and we flirted a lot. Our kisses were now real kisses. We managed to keep it secret until a party in New York where we danced against each other in front of our colleagues.

Would you say that you have lived a real romance?
HT: We played with fire ... But we knew our history could not last because we were both working in the same series. So we chose to see other people. It was at this time that he began dating Devin Devasquez (a Playboy Playmate) with whom he is married today.

Are you remained close to Ronn?
HT: After that, we have maintained a rather brotherly relationship. But there has been a concern.

When this?
HT: After meeting with the fan club, August 18, 2007. Ronn organized a party and he invited me to his home. On seeing Devin was really pleased me. During the evening, things deteriorated between Devin and me. She threw my jacket for me to go and I fell in their garage, the head on the ground. I saw red. I returned to the kitchen and we were on the ground in beating us by pulling her hair. I regret everything that happened. The next Ron called me and told me that we could no longer be close as before. It cost me my friendship with him.

Today you are married?
HT: Yes I met Gerson through a dating site on the net. I had used a false name to avoid being recognized. We communicated by phone long without knowing that we lived a ..... 200 meters from each other. We got married after a year. It's a wonderful man. My daughters have lost their brother (his son Michael Jr died in 2007, 19 by drowning due to an epileptic seizure), their grandmother in a very short time. They see very little of their father who lives far away, Gerson is a very reassuring man and also very religious. This gives them marks they needed.

"There will never really finding in the history of Ridge and Taylor"

Why did you want to give us all the details of a private nature during this interview?

HT: For Katherine Kelly Lang. To do him justice because her ex-husband not peddling bad rumors about her and insist that Ronn Moss is nothing to do with their separation. Regarding my story with Ronn is to allow fans to understand why there will never really finding in the history of Ridge and Taylor. Finally Susan Flannery, I am often asked if it is a party to hide illness, or because it is a capricious diva. It is neither one nor the other, people need to know.

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It seems not even B&B with its relatively happy set was free of scandalous drama.

But, then again, put a bunch of actors in an enclosed space for a long period of time and sh.t's gonna happen. :lol:

Can't believe she's admitting getting into a catfight. Real life soap opera.

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