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GH50: November 2013 Discussion

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I read some spumors on DD that state Elizabeth originally factored more into the Spin/Ellie/Maxie triangle. I believe it. Here's the quote.

"Earlier this year, RC wanted to revisit Elizabeth and Maxie's troubled history. Then BA turned down FV's 4 year deal, and RC scrapped chunks of story including Elizabeth's role feeding Ellie information on Maxie's past lies, and Maxie/Spinneli/Ellie triangle."

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Ellie STFU! Why is she grilling Luke about having the baby? He is the baby's grandfather! Is it a surprise that he would be with the child his daughter is raising? Seriously, I don't get why she got in Luke and Tracy's face. Mind your business twit!

I cant hate on Elizabeth for testifying against Maxie. What she did with Lucky was the worst thing she's ever done IMO. Good that it was thrown in her face again. With that said though I think its irrelevant to the case and Alexis is really reaching bringing this stuff up. That was how many years ago? Its not exactly representative of who Maxie is today

Chemistry or not, Carly should NOT be with Franco

Jerry released Robin, Nik, Britt, Obrecht and Faison so they could go get the antibodies from Luke as without that, Anna and Robert will be killed. Its been about a month now. WHY have they not made contact with Luke yet or even look for him? Seriously WTF?!? They act like they have all the time in the world. What if Jerry dies bc they take too long and his minions kill Anna/Robert as per his instructions? I don't get why they are all just chilling in the mansion not even attempting to do with they were come here for

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