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HBO's Looking


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Its so frustrating how hard this show tries to be absolutely boring. Like Kevin and John breaking up should have been seen onscreen. Preferably with stupid Patrick in the background and a moment where it dawns on John that he's the odd man out or something. Instead we get some bs ending where Kevin claims he ended it with John and woohoo he and Patrick can be soul mates forever. I feel so robbed as a viewer.

The same thing as the stupid party last week. All this build up and nothing. I loved Doris and Don so much in this previous episode. A part of me agrees that Don should only accept the money as a loan but at the same time it was very moving to see how good a friend Doris is that she placed no limits at all on it.

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I thought it was telling that Kevin looked like crap as he waited there for Patrick.

And looking around online a bit...there appears to be a reason for the breakup being off screen.

Is it wrong that I liked Dom and Doris's small town background? And that small town bar?

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I've always said Looking has never been that kind of show. It's not going to go for the drama just for the sake of drama. It's more low-key than that. Most of the confrontations, Richie and Augstin, Richie and Patrick, Dom and Lynn, Patrick and Kevin, have never been big drama filled moments.

I feel like this is the end for Patrick and Kevin though, sadly enough. Now that they are together and there are only three episodes left, they are pretty much over. That being said the last scene was very sweet. Patrick looks so happy, he got everything he wanted.



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Well, obviously. wink.png

But I suspect the reason for not seeing it was done ON PURPOSE aka a story twist coming.

ETA: Love that last scene. And the finger on the chin pulling him forward to kiss thing...le sigh.

That said...while low-key that has not stopped LOOKING from having drama moments. Low key...but drama all the same.

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I know a lot of viewers think that Kevin lied and didn't break-up with John, but I feel like they are jaded sour grape Richie fans, mostly. I don't think the show will do something that tawdry, and go that route. It would be pretty atypical of them, especially with Kevin and Patrick taking themselves public at the App convention. I heavily doubt the story will take that route, but who knows maybe the writers have a real hard on for Richie and will make Kevin a complete douche. However this was in the making for awhile now, they planted seeds about Kevin telling John quite a few episodes ago -- I actually thought Kevin was going to tell John back in the episode where Richie and Patrick went to see his cousin. All the signs were there, but it looks like they saved it for later.

Maybe John comes back for an episode and lays into Patrick about stealing his boyfriend or something, that could be a dramatic moment, if they really needed one, but I think it's more likely that If Kevin and Patrick do break up, I think it will be because Patrick wants Richie. Which would make me gag personally.

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I watching only with the hopes that John would pop up and land a well earned punch on both Patrick and Kevin (especially Patrick)....but alas it was so boring and cliche. Even the moment at the gaming convention where they were called out for being so identical by wheelchair (who stole the freaking show btw) was low key. And of course they had to make Richie and his new boyfriend the villain and back down.

Cuz God forbid anybody chastise Patrick. His sister will read his butt next week but I'm sure she'll apologize immediately or his mom will protect him.

I would say "I hope they don't ruin Dom/Doris" but this show sucks at any type or meaningful drama or emotional conflict. Don will forgive Doris by the end of the 30 minutes rather than I dunno go one episode where they're not talking.

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I thought this past weeks episode was the most fun episode of the season, right along with the Rugby episode and the season premiere. There was just so much to like about it. The bitchy wheelchair queen, the prom, the gamer exhibition, even Brady was kind of humorous, I thought the Agustin storyline was also quite cute and even a bit sweet. Dom continues to be irrelevant.

After this episode I am really questioning why Richie fans want him with Patrick. It's clear as day that Patrick will never invest in him as a romantic partner, while he pretty much is riding Kevin as hard as he can into couple-dom and gay matrimony territory. Is it because Richie will then "winarrow-10x10.png" in the contest that is Patrick? I understand the reasons why some may not like Kevin, but after this episode it's become painfully apparent that Kevin is what Patrick wants in his life, right down to the "I love you" which he never even entertained with Richie. Patrick has committed to Kevin in a fraction of the amount of time he was with Richie. The whole Patrick-Richie pairing, seems so odd to me because Patrick is so not into him the way Richie is into Patrick.

It's almost like Patrick doesn't even matter, and people just want to be in a relationship with Richie, but I don't see what's so great about Richie to warrant this amount of special attention. Because he is Latino and gay?

John was never really given a true platform to where we saw him as an actual person, so it doesn't surprise me that his influence isn't that pervasive in Patrick and Kevin's relationship now that they are no longer together. Kevin himself is just a fragment of Patrick's story, so delving deeper into Kevin isn't going to happen at the expense of Patrick's airtime. Dom himself hasn't even gotten a lot of airtime, why would John?

I was actually glad to see Richie in less than hero mode here. It would do him some good to have his own interests and his own opinions that aren't complete and utter perfection and in the morally right frame of mind. This was the first hint that Richie was trying to sabotage Patrick and Kevin's relationship, which I like. Richie finally has a flaw and ulterior motive, I can work with that. I don't think this makes him a villian or a bad character, it makes him human and realistic. His self-righteous, holier than thou, judging nature was too much anyway, at least now we have something that humanizes him and makes him one of the cast. The real problem is that Richie doesn't like Patrick dating Kevin at all in any incarnation, and that's fine. But it brings up a point, Richie can't decide who Patrick can and can't date.

As to Brady, I think he's actually extremely likable, despite his messiness. But it is obvious Richie is leading him on.

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