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I have a squick about watching people humiliate themselves. I can't watch it. I get second hand embarrassment for them and end up closing my eyes and waiting for it to be over. I had a major fear of embarrassment as a child, until I learned to laugh at myself, but still it's hard to watch other people humiliate themselves as it takes me back to one of my most crippling fears in childhood. As a result I ended up completely fast-forwarding threw Patrick's meltdown. I understand the reasons and why it happened. We can tell Patrick is courting disaster from the very first scene. Patrick is unhappy with his life and he is going to make everyone else miserable as a result. Seeing other people happy only magnifies the fact that he isn't. This is one of the reasons why I just don't think Richie and Patrick work. Patrick clearly wasn't happy with Richie before, but now that Patrick isn't with Kevin he is trying to latch on to anything to give him that illusion of being in a successful relationship, even though Patrick realized early on that he was not invested in Richie enough to really move forward with their relationship.

Upon looking at the episode further we see the cause for Patrick's epic meltdown is that he is terrified, angry, hurt, sad, etc. that Kevin might be leaving him behind, and that he will never see him again. All the carefully crafted facade of him not caring falls away right there, when Patrick is at his most vulnerable on the steps. It's interesting because up until this point it's been Kevin who can barely muscle through tears at seeing Patrick and not being with him. But we see here how angry Patrick is with Kevin for throwing his relationship with John in his face, in his own house. For what it's worth I think John does know or at least has an inkling about Kevin-Patrick. But it's clear as day that John isn't going to let him go. Kevin is going to have to be the one to end that relationship. Remember John wants to marry Kevin, from what we know about their relationship in 1x07. Clearly John is the aggressor here, and him pawing Kevin right in front of Patrick was done in my opinion to serve a message. He might as well have run around him in circles and urinated on him.

From the spoilers over the next episode, Patrick will be influx from 2.05-2.07.

I think it's obvious that Patrick wants Kevin. We see that in his meltdown. Kevin leaving him, throws his entire world apart -- and Kevin showing up at the party with John further aggravates his downward spiral. I think Patrick was hoping to strong hold Kevin into submission by freezing him out indefinitely, until Kevin succumbed to his feelings. The karaoke machine was an excuse. Patrick is freaking out because nothing is going the way he wants it to. We could tell from the very beginning that Patrick wasn't happy and wasn't having fun. Agustin even says it "everyone is having a great time, you're not having fun."

He is the obvious inversion to Patrick. Brady tackles social issues and cares about provoking a dialogue about health issues. That being said I don't believe he fits well with what we have seen of Richie, but that is because we only see Richie threw Patrick's point o view. Who knows who Richie is outside of Patrick? He doesn't seem like Richie's type, but from what we got from last episode all we know is that Richie likes white men.

Other fun highlights:

It was fun to see Patrick get pawned so many times during the episode, first from Richie, then from the random black woman I had to laugh when she told Patrick "I love your megaman costume", and then again from James. It was just fun, I think we are supposed to hate Patrick a little sometimes.


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I was the same skin. I hate those scenes. And yet at the same time, I couldn't look away at the trainwreck. Patrick's meltdown was EPIC.

I agree with Prince though. I think John now will start to suspect.

This episode had a lot of LMAO moments in it. And the shade being thrown at Patrick was great.

'I'm Bilbo Baggins, motherf*ka!!'

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Watched the first four episodes of this...

- I wish there were more scenes of the three of them as friends. There was one when they were helping Augistin move and I actually liked all of them and wanted to see more of them joking and annoying each other.

- At first I felt nothing for Dom, as his friendship with Doris is lacking in believable connection as well as believable dialogue (they remind me of those endless, endless conversations in interchangeable indie movies between the gay lead and his straight female best friend), and the whole thing with the ex he gave money to should have been much more interesting than it was - onscreen it ended up being a cliche of a cliche of a cliche, one I cringed at by the time of those awful hotel scenes. I was a lot more interested when they brought in Scott Bakula, who is giving the usual Scott Bakula performance (not good or bad, just Scott Bakula), but works well with Murray Bartlett and adds a different perspective on the gay experience.

- I just don't like Patrick, nor do I find him interesting. I guess we're supposed to feel sorry for him in struggling to accept himself and see him as endearingly awkward, but to me he comes across as exceedingly self-absorbed, bitchy, and whiny. His bad date episodes were excruciating and instead of pitying him I just cheered the doctor and Richie for pushing him away. I don't think Jonathan Groff was the right choice for this role. The character feels like something shat out of QAF, but with a different actor, ideally with a less annoying voice, I would care more.

- Augistin is very interesting to me. I'd never seen the actor before but he's charismatic and handsome and manages to make some cheesy dialogue (like the whole bit about uncut men and being Mexican and so on) seem natural. His identity crises and his relationships with the other characters and that sense of not being able to find peace. The scene where he told his boss how terrible her art was, half-joking, half-truthful, and she fired him, felt "real" in a way many other scenes don't.

- I wanted to see Russell Tovey, but the first meeting with Patrick was SO contrived I ended up regretting it. All the awkward romcom cliches in the world don't make up for a lack of chemistry.

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I know there has been some issues with some viewers thinking that the trio aren't good friends, but I always felt they had easier chemistry with one another to at least feign a strong friendship. I feel they are good friends in the same way most sitcom characters are friends, and I more or less believe that they have each others back.

As to Patrick and the references to Queer As Folk, I don't think anything on Looking remotely resembles Queer As Folk. The characters are completely different and completely at cross purposes of what the two shows were. I think they are only being linked because they are the most prominent shows revolving around gay male characters. Interestingly, who would you want in the role of Patrick -- I don't necessarily see him as being miscasted, I think he is more or less supposed to be like this. I don't agree with making him the centerpiece or heart of the show, but I think Patrick is supposed to be looked like this -- in the same way those characters on Girls are. Agustin is growing on me, but I can still take or leave him.

I'd be interested to see your take on Kevin and Patrick when you get later into the series. As it stands, I think they are probably the best fit compared to anyone else Patrick has ever dated.

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He reminds me a ton of Ted and Michael on QAF. He could be their son. Awkward, quirky guys looking for love as we root for them to find happiness. Otherwise, I agree, there aren't that many similarities between the shows.

I would want someone who just has a little more personality and can play against the material.

I take it that Richie is supposed to be Patrick's soulmate, but in these early ones I just don't see it. I don't think Patrick needs a man, he needs a lot of time alone to learn to accept himself and not push his issues all over people.

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Do you guys think Patrick is crying at a relatives funeral in this Sundays episode or someone completely unrelated and I swear if the intent is for me to hate Patrick or not really care if he finds love then they are doing an ace job.

I think DRW50 is right...a lot of it has to do with Groff. His voice is annoying and two are we really supposed to believe its that hard for someone that good looking to find someone? Well I guess its his personality and the way it comes thru in Patrick. He just seems snarky and annoying at points.

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I think it's clear from the promo that the group goes to Doris' father's funeral, and that's where Patrick loses it. Then Doris's mother tells him that she doesn't know why he was crying so hard because he didn't know Doris family well at all.

Groff's performance has never really been an issue for me, I think the writing kind of paints Patrick as being a bit over obsessive, awkward and annoying at times. He's a neurotic character who feels his life either isn't stable or isn't where he believes it should be. Maybe it's the Girls treatment but I get the feeling that he is being portrayed exactly as he is supposed to. I think the question comes down to, if you believe Patrick is supposed to be likable, and I think the answer is: sometimes, but not necessarily always.

If the writers wanted Patrick to be perfect I think they would do that, but they are getting something story-wise from the way he is currently characterized, so they are going to keep him this way.

If you want to see the way a perfectly, "likable" character is being portrayed on this show by comparison, look no further than Richie, whose characterization for all intensive purposes is whiter than white, with not a single issue to be found within him. Most of Richie's flaws or issues are more or less just inverted good character virtues like "has too much self respect" or "refuses to be emotionally abused", where every other character is more culpable or in the wrong than he is. Those aren't flaws, they are Mary Sue characterizations used to endow a character the writers believe is too good, perfect or special to actually humanize. This is why I feel the writers are doing a disservice to the character and ship because Richie doesn't even feel like a real person in the universe they are creating. He's the perfect and endless giving tree in his relationship to Patrick, who knows right and wrong.

The white washing of Agustine is getting to this point a bit too, he's suddenly becoming the most perfect person in the cast after his self-destructive behavior last season.

So that being said I think Patrick is supposed to be infuriating, at some level and I think he is supposed to be unlikable and fallible at times. That feels like purposeful intent.

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Glad to see others agree with me about Patrick.As for being good looking...can't see it myself.

Don't know if its my personal distaste for the character or inherent in the writing,but thee were so many moments when Patrick did or said something to bring the attention back to himself. The very fact that he was there at all annoyed me.Maybe because Groff is the'star' he has to be in the thick of it.

If Dom has any self respect he should take Doris' money as a loan only.

Some good writing tonight.I think the show is so variable depending on the scripts.

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