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It's funny that Sterek became the huge slash ship because I thought there was more sexual tension with Derek/Jackson than there was with Sterek.  Other than that Derek never came across as someone who would have interest in men, tbh he came across as more asexual than anything else.  Apparently Jeff said he left hints that Stiles might be bi, but that never came to fruition.  It might have been for the best because there would have been hissy fits if Stiles was bi and they didn't do Sterek.

Back to Colton, good for him for coming out.  Like Carl said, this was basically like an open secret, except to me since my gaydar is horrible.


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I mean, you just can't help but think something is up, when you have a guy come up very close to another guy half-naked in his towel in the locker room.....but they really did make it seem like Derek was more asexual, especially in the first 2 seasons....

This time they are now saying for Season 6, Scott is gonna end up being Bi, which doesn't make much sense to me.

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Actually a vast majority of Hoechlin's stans are gay men and women in their mid 20s to early 30s.  Sterek was probably the best thing to happen to his career.


While his TW audition was awful apparently he got cast because the casting directors noticed he had chemistry with Posey and Obrien. 


I'm putting my response in the TW thread because I didn't want to crowd the Supergirl thread with Hoechlin talk.


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haha no problem! :)

Sterek.....one thing I'm glad will officially never be canon, if no  other reason then things just got too out of hand....and awkward when you had Hoechlin himself say, it was just a group of passionate fans, and Posey just completely shunned the whole thing and the fans who supported it.....

Yeah, the 3 became so close that when the audition was over they all met up and exchange numbers in case neither got the role, and one of the producers took a picture of the 3, and that's how it all began......It's a nice story, yet It's interesting that they are implying it wouldn't have been the same chemistry/friendship IRL if Hoechlin wasn't cast...

IDK, maybe I'm just bitter cause I'm extremely shy, and admit have a hard time allowing new people into my life right off the bat, but I sometimes have gotten annoyed at how close the cast has always been....only because I feel like it usually is rarely like that with any workplace, especially on soaps. Even if the cast is not too big which would make it easier to know and befriend your co stars, it's just a little odd, we have never heard at least One rambling of some sort of petty grudge between actors on that set.....even if the Stans try to point some out.....one recent hilarious one, was someone saying how Posey is jealous over Cody Christian and Sprayberry getting closer, and during interviews Cody kept making faces and did those stupid gestures at Sprayberry which is what Posey is known for.....

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I never thought I'd say this,but good. The first two seasons were the best, then 3 and 4 were pretty flawed but had enough to be enjoyable, and season 5(5b in particular) was just terrible, with little to enjoy about the season.  If Liam had not insufferable in season 5 and if I didn't hate his love interest, I would have been open to seeing him and Mason as the new leads. 





Even Sterek stans are glad they never became canon, because romances have always been one this show's Achilles heel.  The was they handled the Sterek fandom got out of hand, but that's the pitfalls of pandering to a certain section of your fandom.


Now and days it seems that shows that are dependent on fandoms (sci-fi, fantasy, teen shows) like to portray their casts as one big family so fans can gush over them on tumblr and other social media sites.  I'm sure someone will do a tell all book about the shenanigans that happened on this show.

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I think 6 is a good way to end it, before it got too out of hand, and now unless there is a spinoff (which I heard is in the works for MTV) they won't have to rely on the 2.0 stuff they said they'd probably do...
I think I will always love Season 1 the most, I always find the show entertaining, but plot wise it's where it loses it's way. 1&2 were the most campy,(and fun)  Season 3 (B) changed the tone entirely, Season 4 I think tried to bring the campiness of 1&2 back, but it was a mess overall, I did enjoy 5, but the show's new obsession with Cody/Theo really overwhelmed me, and I'm already worried they are gonna hype up that Nazi werewolf villain from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles this coming season...

It's all JD's fault, for even leading the fan on....I will never get whether it's a network thing or not, how any gay showrunner never allows a gay/lesbian couple to take the spotlight. I wouldn't want Sterek, but he missed out on 5 opportunities to develop his gay pairings......though it's funny how Corey and Mason seem to be getting more airtime  then Ethan and Danny did.

Oh I'm so ready for that book! LOL......just by watching their recent CC panel.....Posey was F**king high as a kite!....worse then usual.....don't care if he's emotional over the last season, and given the fact he's already admitted he's smoked pot (I hate that he's probably already exposed Sprayberry to that stuff too) It really explains why he was more OTT and ridiculous then he usually is......I love it when one of the cast members gives him a mean look, or throws some sort of shade towards him.....Like when Cody almost called him out (when they were explaining their biggest pet peeves to the fans) for taking a snapchat of him, Sprayberry and Khylin Rhambo (sp) peeing in the urinal as if he was about to say that was annoying to him, then he changed it to "Oh when people leave puddles on the bathroom floor".....right.....

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What spinoff would that be?  The only ones I think they'd do would be with Kira, but Mtv made it clear they wanted nothing to do with Arden.  Or would it be with the Argents in the past?  I might even assume a Liam spinoff, but Sprayberry has looked done with this show since he got there (or he may just be his natural expression).




I agree about seasons 1 and 2, but I think season 3a is where they tried to be darker and edgier but fell apart at the end.  I thought the fanbase had more of obsession with Cody/Theo than the show itself did.  Season 6 seems like it will have the same problems as seasons 3-5, in that they try to do too much. 





Corey and Mason may get more screentime, but their development isn't really any better especially Corey who just screams token.



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This is a supposed list of 10 possible spin offs that can come from TW after it ends.


They said 2 are definitely not going to happen, but most of them seem pretty questionable....I wouldn't mind honestly a Theo spinoff as overwhelming the character got for me, Cody is a decent enough actor to carry his own show.....the one called "Beacon Hills" with Liam,Hayden,Mason and Corey seems like it would essentially be TW 2,0. I can't imagine a spin off of Argent and Peter Hale happening..or that one about Brett's character....sorry, no way.....as for Sprayberry, he's not the best actor, but I wonder if that would change if he led his own show.

Yeah Season 3 totally changed things on the show for how they are now, even if they did a great job highlighting DOB's acting.....but still even during 4, it just never was as lighthearted as the first 2 seasons.....and yes while I'm looking forward to S6 it does look like it will have all those S3-S5 elements that didn't always work....though Posey said it's supposedly not gonna be as confusing as some of the other seasons were to follow...

Corey really annoyed me more then he probably should of TBH, I guess originally being one of Theo's resurrected chimeras and worshiping him like a hero and attempting to be evil and sneaky towards Scott's pack was a little too much....I also wish we would have gotten some sort of scene at the end of 5B where Corey acknowledge Scott being the hero of everything even if he didn't seem that way towards him in 5A  when he dug his claws into Corey's memories.....I'm almost worried that Corey in S6 will still view Scott as some sort of villain, that when Theo returns he will be overly ecstatic for some reason, which wouldn't make sense considering Theo was probably gonna kill Corey too at some point.


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