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TAINTED DREAMS: Interview with Grant Aleksander (Guiding Light Bombshell!!)

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As some people know, I have weird dreams at times. I dreamed that someone would pick up AMC/OLTL one night and I woke up in a cold sweat and went online and read the NYP article about PP acquiring the rights to AMC/OLTL. From there I have been having similar dreams. I keep dreaming of Agnes Nixon being called to consult the resurrection of AW and GL. Not necessarily complete story-bibles but giving input that help bring the shows back to there roots. I am sure GL will be back, which will pave the way for other returns.

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I'd love to see Nola back. And Peter.

I'm afraid if Michelle was a part of it NSA fans would demand and demand until she was hired, and I just don't want to see her again. After watching Supernatural I'm back on my Rachel Miner kick, although I would take any actress with a flicker of charisma over NSA.

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It wouldn't be hard to get a good Michelle recast. But after Corbin Bleu on OLTL I'd push and try to get Miner to commit. She has a cachet with both GL fans and with the primetime Supernatural fanbase. Assuming it was the PP model of however many weeks and months on and off, which I think has worked for people like Eden Riegel and Roger Howarth - well, within reason; he taped a very substantial amount of time for Season 1, regardless of how well the OLTL PTB cut and spaced it out onscreen near the end - you could handle someone like her that way and she could do other TV and films. Eden is also supposed to be back a lot more for Season 2, but I thought they used her well all in all in Season 1 of AMC for a start.

Oh, what the hell; this is what I posted about GL back before AMC and OLTL aired and I think it still holds up:

I think now more than ever, GL could follow the AMC model perfectly. I think AMC has had a near-flawless Season 1 and just been excellent, and I could see a very similar show in tone playing well.

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I think there could be room for more than one soap, especially online.

And if the stories are compelling.

There was a time when there were dozens of them and over half seemed to be successful for years, so some people were obviously making the time to watch.

Now in this age of watching when you want on various mobile devices, I think it is possible, even though the broadcast model may not be particularly hospitable for more than a paltry few shows at this point.

Online, may just be a different story, though.

I think there could be room for more than one soap, especially online.

And if the stories are compelling.

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If the show was to reboot and they needed a Michelle, I'd hope they'd reach out to Joie Bethany Lenz. She was the best Michelle, IMO. And for Marah, grab Martha Madison. She does have resemblance to KZ and is a solid actress.

I'd just hope that like my blog, they would've brought on Blake's twins and played on the good/evil twin. Kevin, being the good twin--the Ross like twin. And Jason being like his grandpa, Roger.

Have Jason still have a vendetta against Phillip & Rick. He wants to bring them down. He does so by dating Leah (a plot to stick it to Rick). And a plot to take the Spaulding fortune from Phillip or worse . . . plot to kill him.

Meanwhile, have Kevin become close to Rick, who was once believed to be his father, causing Blake to become anxious as she still harbors ill will towards Rick. Kevin wants to be a doctor (like Rick) but Blake pushes him into law (like Ross). Have him be the tortured/conflicted, but nice twin.

And Clarissa of course has to follow in the footsteps of the women she's related too (Holly, Blake, Dinah)--the self-destructive, social climbing vixen.

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I only dipped into Guiding Light off and on for years depending on what storylines seemed to be good at the time but I would love to see the show come back. There is definitely room online for more soaps and even being produced by PP, especially if they are going to do "Seasons". They could just "air" them at different cycles so that they aren't "competing" with each other.

Personally, I would prefer that my favorite soap of all time, Another World, be brought back instead but I would support any soap continuing. There do not need to be a lot of veterans/former cast members to make it work as long as it was well written and stuck true to the history. I'm sure there are many fans who would love to see what is happening with Reva's kids and grandkids even if Reva isn't on herself.

I still miss the Corys, the Frames, the Loves. I'd give anything to know what the next generation is up to and if they are acting just like their parents. Haha.

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