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Future AMC/OLTL eps released all at once as a 20 ep season?

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Not really, though I guess Irna had to convince people to do ATWT as 30 mins.

With AMC it was diff--Agnes was a respected HW due to her 7 or so years on GL, and P&G were interested in her creating a soap for them. She pitched AMC but they passed in the end as they decided they didn't have room on their schedule and placed her at AW. Her huge success at AW (which she wrote for a while, while still writing GL) made ABC who were desperate for more daytime success notice, they asked for a soap, she created OLTL they asked for a second soap and she re-pitched AMC. One thing I've always wondered is if she changed the bible at all over those five years--she's spoken about how much more freedom ABC offered her and how that was hugly appealing.

Anyway long story short--I don't think that really compares to the PP situation, so your question confuses me but I enjoyed blabbering on.

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I think the transition from radio to TV went a lot smoother since everyone wanted a TV and it was new and therefore people would watch anything just to have something to watch. There was no competition that was similar except movies, and TV dramatically cut into moviegoing.

With the internet all we have here is a different way to watch very similar or the exact same type of product, so there isn't this great yearning for product or this giant audience waiting for explode onto the scene.

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Charles Dickens is the father of the serial format in print, he described what he wanted to do for the readers of his serial novels by saying, "make them laugh, make them cry, but most of all, make them wait!" Radio and television soaps followed those same objectives, so a serial should not be releasing tons of episodes at once, as that would take a way the much needed "make them wait" core aspect of the genre.

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Agnes Nixon has used that quote too--and her soaps are particularly Dickensian (the mix of over the top, near caricatured comic characters--both villains and good ones--with funny names, the bland but rootable young lovers torn apart, the social issues of the day incorporated.) But actually *and this is very anal of me* the quote now, it is thought, is from Wilkie Collins who of course wrote around the same time (Woman in White, The Moonstone) and who was friends with DIckens and was published in Dickens' magazines--and literally invented the cliffhanger with a character hanging off a cliff at the end of one of his installments.

OK now back to Linda telling us how awful the shows are.

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I have always assumed that TPTB have a more sophisticated approach to receive feedback than just facebook/message board comments. I think they keep them in consideration but not there main source. I mean, there were millions of viewers on ABC and still a large number of fans watching the new episodes that never go on the internet to post comments or go on message boards.

That being said every fan board including facebook has there focus and every fan board almost acts like a fan of its own. It seems like we attract the more crazy people (Bellcurve, Linda, that Brooke/Adam person, Me) while Soap Central attracts some of the more stupid people. We tend to hate Rylee/Zendall while the facebook people love them. I do think they take this board into account more because it is no secrete we are more knowledgeable than Soap Central.

They could have a system that detects parts of the episodes people skip the most and all the individual stories are time-coded. Lets say all the Jesse/Angie scenes for the first episode of some week are from 4:00-6:00 then 10:00:-15:00 then finally 20:00-22:00. Maybe if 20% of fans skip those times in the episode HuLu will report that to PP. Then PP can decide that "Since 20% of fans skip those times 20% of fans must hate the Jesse/Angie scenes. lets look at the message boards and Facebook to see why."

I don't know if there is a system like that in place but I am sure they have something similar. Maybe I could invent it for them!!

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Truth is all fan want what they want and those wants are of differing opinions. There are those fan bases out there that nobody can be dismissive of. Y&R is getting pressure to get rid of their EP and even their HW. GH got new EP. EP's can be fired and/or replaced.

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I am sure. There were many shows that had to be retooled over and over again until they gave up. I think Portia Faces Life and Rode of Life had a lot of issues until they finally canceled them. Many of them changed focus and changed actors quite a bit.

During the radio years the schedules were pretty crazy at one point. I am not sure but I think some were MWF and some alternated everyweek I believe.

I think people were more tolerant to change however in general back then when it came to entertainment.

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I think PP needs to stick to a schedule right now and not change it every month.

This latest change effect 7/1/2013 didn't affect AMC at all... in fact the first episode is usually a top 5 on Monday and sometimes a top 10 on uesday.. I think OLTL has been affected more then AMC with the latest schedule change. If I had opted to do this my way, I would have dropped all episodes of AMC on monday.. and all episodes of OLTL on Tuesday (especially since people were use to seeing OLTL on Tuesday for over two months).. Plus, no print advertisements either for the change on 7/1. Advertising online is not the only way to go..

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