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B&B: July 2013 Discussion Thread

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Putting her with Thorne equates to backburner as he is rarely on and I don't expect that to change. You dont need to be featured consistently to get an Emmy. All it takes is 1-2 good episodes. They've backburnered Katie in the past. As of now I suspect she will fill a similar role that Taylor and Stephanie did as being Brooke's primary adversary. They'll play that off for a few months till Katie forgives her

pretty much this. She had the lead counts for last month but all she did was play supporting role to Steffy's story. Before that it was Brooke's story
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What Cheap and divinemotion said. Except the heavy emotional breakdown scenes written by Mulcahey as Emmy bait, Katie has been barely had any presence in this story and she rarely ever has her own story. I have no doubt that Brad loves those Emmys that Tom gives him, but it is obvious that B&B is all about KKL. Brad clearly considers her the show's leading lady and has written her scene after scene to try to get her an Emmy. Those final Brooke/Stephanie scenes and submitting KKL as a supporting actress when was to finally get her that Emmy, but it did not work which probably why he hangs onto HT. The only issue to me is if Heather Tom plans to stick around or move on.

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Sorry JP, but I don't see this being about Katie/HT at all, especially when there are photos of Brill in paradise floating around. Emmy? Who cares? BB/CBS can used them in an accumulative count, but that is all they are worth. This is just another story about the sociopath Brooke and has very little to do with Katie. Before, Katie had to fight with Bill about Steffy. That was about Bill. Now, it's about Brooke and Bill, but mainly Brooke. Um, matters not to me because I can't stand Katie anyhow. I've long awaited the final big one!

Thorne? They haven't written him out yet? BB is so short sighted because Bill is the only man on this show over 40 who gets significant airtime (Eric excluded because he's about 70). It's very predictable how Brooke's next story is going to go because nothing changes.

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Thorne barely has a presence on the show but every so often he'll be seen at Forrester or those family scenes during events/holidays. His last storyline was his romance with Taylor which they barely featured. Heck their breakup happened offscreen with Taylor mentioning in passing that they werent together anymore. I dont think putting him with Emmy winning Heather Tom will do much to put him back on the map

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Nothing will help Thorne or Katie when the writing will always feature KKL/Brooke. It really does not matter that just about EVERYONE is better than KKL, BB is about Brooke, always has been about Brooke, and always will be about Brooke!

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Yep, Katie is little too much for me. I remember how PSYCHO she was in 2008 when she practically stalked Nick and got into his home like a leach. And really, if Heather Tom wasn't so good at playing mad hysterical woman, foaming from the mouth with pre heart-attack screams and heavy breathing... she would be long gone. I don't expect for Brad to write major storyline around her. The whole Brill sexcapade happened, because Ridge left Brooke and the only older man with leading potential left for Brooke was Bill. It was never about Katie. From the start it was obvious we are heading for the good old Brooke "miSSStake" scandal - Brooke and Bill were starting to look at each other like animals. Then Stephanie dies at the bench, their first kiss happens at the same place 2 minutes later and then - the bad surprise Katie is home and Bill won't be able to "help" Brooke deal with the loss. laugh.png For the future I expect Katie will threaten Bill with divorce and that would be again unspoken "ok" for Brooke and Bill to sleep together. Till the end of the year we may even get another Brill pregnancy. It will suit Brad's writing and obsession with Brooke very well. laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

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If they ever write a story for Katie that doesn't revolve around being cheated on or having a heart attack, I'll be happily surprised. I love Heather Tom but they don't know how to write for her and I don't think they ever have.

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Yep, this heart attack nonsense is really stupid, when she collapses 10000 times and is still alive. It gets to a point when I say - just wrap that [!@#$%^&*] up and let her rest. (in peace) laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

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I don't think the story has been all about Katie at all. I do think the story as it has been written tho has Katie playing good guy and Brooke in the role of bad guy. That's what I mean. This ist about how Katie deserved this and it seems like she's actually call broke out and make valid points. I don't think that shows a disinterest in Katie by any means or that she's going to be cast aside.

Everyone has said HT will be tossed out from the day she came on but that hasn't been the case. I think she and JMW very much were leading ladies and KKL took a backseat but with losing RM, SF he wanted to utilize her and JMC and even Hunter and have them all more story than they had been. Then when JMW took off/left/break it kept that going due to his spending so ,ugh time making JMW such a central actress and in a major role to the show. And I think it was a wise choice.

Then again I think with BB almost always being about Brooke any scene she is in or story she is insane just feels like the lead when she isn't. She deserved to be in that supporting Emmy section not just because she isn't and has ever been lead material but because Brooke very much became supporting IMO.

And I don't think the scenes were Emmy bait for heather Tom. I think Bb throws her the heavy [!@#$%^&*] because they know she can handle it just like SF did. And what's why she wins Emmys. Not because of games or baiting, because of talent.

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