Members DRW50 Posted August 10, 2013 Members Share Posted August 10, 2013 The only interesting thing I've heard is Amanda and McCrae saying Helen will go next week (they aren't telling anyone else). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 10, 2013 Members Share Posted August 10, 2013 Candice and Judd leaving killed the feeds I knew it would happen, but it still makes me sad. I heard BB12 got really boring this early but I didn't watch BB12. I feel like an idiot for even buying them. Oh well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted August 10, 2013 Members Share Posted August 10, 2013 They told Andy and Aaryn. ETA: Helen is definitely Amanda's next target but she's not 100% on it like with Howard and Judd. She's close to 100%. McManda want to get rid of anybody they think will nominate them together and Andy pretty much has let them know that Helen wants to nominate them. Helen is targeting Amanda and McCrae for next week but she always backs off due to Andy. The war is set to begin next Thursday. McManda were contemplating Final 3 tonight. They don't want Aaryn to get in the Final 3 because she's winning more comps than any of them. They're conflicted on Andy because he might be able to beat them overall. They're considering Elissa because they feel she would not be able to win the Final comps and even if she did either of them would beat her in the Jury Vote. McCrae is scared El's going to be out for their blood once they take out Helen but McCrae mentions he can make her lose any HoH simply by making sounds that throw her off a bit during the HoH comp, lol. Amanda feels El will just get over any anger and fully join her side once they eliminate Helen with the help of a lil brainwashing (i.e. "Helen said you were disposable") and because she'll have nobody else. (Amanda also believes El would never nominate her or vote her out and she's pretty much wrong about that.) They talk about dividing the Helen eviction votes also - of course, Amanda would not vote to evict Helen while McCrae would. Transparent. Elissa for all her quirks and awkwardness (+ being rich + the HG feeling she had an unfair advantage) has a good social game and I can see her getting at least 3 jury votes off of that plus her BB cred with flipping Jessie in Week 2. Just add a HoH win and another PoV. On the other hand, GM and Spencer would be sure-fire bets to win against. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted August 10, 2013 Members Share Posted August 10, 2013 HoH: Andy Nominees: Spencer, Jessie Extra PoV Players: Amanda, Elissa, Helen Amanda wants everybody to throw the PoV to her, hopefully none of them are that stupid. Hopefully it's a comp where it's impossible to throw. Amanda's been thinking she can convince Andy to backdoor Helen THIS WEEK. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted August 11, 2013 Members Share Posted August 11, 2013 Andy won PoV. It was a 3-way-tie (counting game) in the final round with Andy, Elissa and someone else. El inexplicably folded in the final round automatically losing the game. She may have done that on purpose so Andy could finally get some blood on his hands. Andy doesn't seem keen on getting rid of Jessie. Amanda is keen on it. Aaryn sounds like she wants to turn the vote against Spencer but she's the evil type. She'd convince the Have Not girls to vote out Spencer with her and then vote out Jessie. SHE TOTALLY WOULD DO THAT. Aaryn's sure they can get Elissa on board because Elissa "hates" Spencer. She said she'd have to work on Helen. Gina Marie is currently under Elissa's spell and will probably do anything she asks her to do + GM & Aaryn are a team. I'm starting to not dislike Aaryn in terms of the game but I wouldn't be against Andy back-dooring her. She's a competition threat. ETA: Aaryn is telling Andy everything. They're discussing the benefits of keeping Jessie over Spencer, Spencer over Jessie for them. Andy is thinking of it in terms of Andy and Aaryn danger (Spencer), while Aaryn is thinking of it in terms of McCrae and Amanda danger (Jessie). Aaryn is now telling Jess what Andy said with some "lies": Andy said you're staying; Andy said it's important that you keep me, him, Helen and Elissa safe - he said Amanda, not Elissa. His one con about keeping Jessie was how hard she is going for Amanda (and McCrae). I think Aaryn's just working on a jury vote should she make Final 2. There's no way Amanda would allow Andy to not do what's best for her: getting rid of Jessie. She'll drag McCrae along. Meanwhile, Helen and Elissa will be wary of Aaryn and Jessie's connection. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Winchester91 Posted August 12, 2013 Author Members Share Posted August 12, 2013 WORK IT, GURLZ. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted August 12, 2013 Members Share Posted August 12, 2013 So it's Monday afternoon in BB house. Amanda has declared it's 3 A-M to the end (Amanda, Andy, Aaryn, McCrae). She told Andy and McCrae to make a fake Final 3 alliance with Helen. Helen has fallen for that ... because she is that stupid. She totally believes McCrae and Andy would take out Amanda and do it soon. Amanda is still planning on taking Helen out next week if there is a HoH winner she can control. Helen still wants to take Amanda out but she wants to take Aaryn out first. I still think she'd push a HoH she felt she could control to take out Amanda before Aaryn, IMO, unless Andy mind-melts her well enough. She wouldn't do it herself. McCrae is contemplating evicting Elissa sooner than later incase there's an America's Vote for a juror returning to the game. His philosophy on this is that America would vote her back in instead of Judd (or Candice). Amanda's not down with that as they don't know 100% what the deal with the jury is and she feels Elissa isn't targeting them like some others - in or out of jury - may be targeting them. Jessie thinks she's safe due to everybody lying to her so she is not campaigning much. She's doing what she does best which is sleep 20 hours a day. Aaryn is...miserable. She's on slop and has been more or less quiet since the sentence. She did find a moment to call homosexual relationships disgusting (in front of Andy). The house is talking more openly about Gina Marie's bulimia so I'm thinking it might get air-time on the CBS show. Aaryn told a few of the HG and some of them are talking to GM about being in shape just with healthy eating and exercise without straight-out talking to her about the bulimia. She's doing yoga with Elissa. GM's actually very good at the yoga (pink shirt): Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted August 13, 2013 Members Share Posted August 13, 2013 Uhm, Jessie went ballistic tonite. The drama just died down at 3:30 AM BBT. Elissa's been short-fused with Jessie since Saturday when it leaked out more than once that Jessie was talking smack behind her back. Helen dismissed Jessie from her life last week during the Candice debacle. Jessie is very attention starved so this was all due to set her off at any moment. Monday night, Jessie confronted Helen about pretty much acting like she doesn't exist. Helen does what she always does in the middle of an argument she can't get the better of. She runs away and then tries to throw the person who fought with her under the bus to everybody else. Tonight, Jessie returned the favor. She's still going home but she attempted to destroy everybody's game except for McCrae and Amanda's (and maybe GM and Spencer). She's revealing everybody's crap. She's blatantly spying on conversations. She's mindf--king. She's lying. She's plotting. She's hiding property. She's... She doesn't have all the pieces (ex: she thinks Andy is with Helen and Elissa) so a lot of this is coming off half-baked but she'd doing her best. She plans to continue this through to her eviction on Thursday. So it'll probably be the 6 hours a day she's awake, lol. In other news, Gina Marie and Aaryn went at it too. I think that was due to Jessie as well. The night ended with the HN girls slightly terrified Jessie was going to enter the room and finish them off, literally. Bonding moment. If only Aaryn would turn on McCrae and Amanda and tell her HN sisters what she knows so they could team up against the empire. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 13, 2013 Members Share Posted August 13, 2013 Elissa three img to quit and leave the show because Jessie called her a ditz and she's scared of how she's coming across was amazing. She really is a ditz too. So then she started talking about having a baby in a hospital and world hunger before saying Jessie was being fed drugs in the dr and that she's an addict and bipolar. Damn. Calling her a ditz sure did get to her! And I'm so over this bitch going off about ppl taking meds in the dr when she too is def taking something in there and I was so glad Jessie called her ass on at [!@#$%^&*] too. She also blew Helen's game up. Helen was already going to be a target but she really ratted her out good. The GM/aaryn fight was funny. Now I want Jessie to return if someone is returning but then again it'll be just like Candice and they will be voted right out unless they return at hoh and even then will likely go the next week. With Jessie gone I have nobody to root for, but aaryn/Amanda are strong players just sucky ppl. Basically rooting for ppl to lose at this point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 13, 2013 Members Share Posted August 13, 2013 For those with feeds you can read this post for FB times or if you don't and want a Full recap of last nights drama read Princess Jessie's reign of terror Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 13, 2013 Members Share Posted August 13, 2013 She also exposed Andy, which he deserved, because he was so into this dumb plan to blindside her. As Jessie pointed out to people, it's stupid to blindside a juror. He will likely not get her vote after tonight. She called Elissa, Aaryn, and Helen c***s, which I was a little shocked by, because I didn't think she'd say it, but I guess she and Judd had more in common than I realized. I can't say I blame her. Most of what she did last night was against the people Judd hated most by the end. I hope we get to see them talking about this (and maybe making out). Amanda managed to annoy me by spending more time pouting over Jessie being alone in a room with McCrae than on the rest of the game. I hope Jessie throws herself at McCrae tomorrow. It's an example of how much this season has declined that Amanda keeps making the wrong choices and trusting the wrong people, and still lucks out, because everyone else is even worse. One of the reasons Jessie snapped at Elissa was because Elissa asked her if she's taking drugs in the DR. Jessie told someone else, "Look in the mirror, bitch!" She told Elissa that everyone in the house laughed at her behind her back, and she hoped her family would be proud of her lies. That was probably the #1 thing to say that would upset Elissa. Jessie also told her Helen drags her name through the mud. I'm glad someone said it. Helen continues to disgust me and shame me with her ugliness as a player, as she talked about how Jessie was going to stab her to death and Judd was going to have a breakdown post-show, come to her town, and shoot her. My blood ran cold that she would say these things. Helen never treats this as a game, she always goes the lowest road. She should be ashamed of herself, day after day. I still hope Judd comes back, because he might actually win some competitions, and he had ties to various people in the house. Jessie has burnt her bridges with everyone but Amanda/McCrae (who hate her), and Candice would just have Elissa. I know people think if they return there will be big fights and drama, but that would be very short term. Aaryn was playing a good jury game until Jessie overheard her. Even she admitted she shouldn't have trash talked. I just hope this all ends in Helen going next week. Aaryn claimed that GM asked the DR if she could hit Candice in jury house. Aaryn also said that she [Aaryn] wanted to try to make Candice hit her, so she'd be expelled. Classy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 13, 2013 Members Share Posted August 13, 2013 Jessie def went in on Elissa and hit her where it hurts because Elissa was as always questioning her meds and why she needs them and trashing her. We've seen Elissa do this all season and it was nice to Jessie call her out. Idk what her issue is with ppl taking meds in the dr. Makes me wonder what she's taking in the dr tbh. I was so happy Jessie got in that dig about hope your family is proud because that and the meds really got to her. She does always threaten to DOR and that's sad. The moment ppl threaten to DOR they should just get out. Andy looked like he was going to cry when jessie told him he lost her vote. Loved it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 13, 2013 Members Share Posted August 13, 2013 I think Elissa has a point about meds for some people (especially Amanda), but Jessie is clearly NOT on meds. To say she is just makes Elissa seem like she's taking a cheap shot. Elissa is fortunate that Amanda trusts her, and wants her around to final 3. Sometimes I feel like Elissa is the only genuine one in there, but then nights like last night she just seems to teeter on the edge, being a little too weird and passive-aggressive, and when she gets shoved back, she doesn't react well. She's never liked Jessie, that was set off again earlier this week when she learned Jessie had smack talked her a little, so we got the current slow burn to the big drama. Every time I feel like Elissa is able to handle the house, I question myself. Spencer, if he makes it to the end, may be in the best jury position. They've played terrible jury games this season, especially Helen and Andy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 13, 2013 Members Share Posted August 13, 2013 Elissa is completely a phony. Now if its just in the house or she's like that in her daily life idk. But she does want to appear sweet and nice and smart but if you really look at her she's none of those things. I just don't think it's Elissa place to question anyone on their meds. It isn't like they go into dr one day and demand this or that. Most of these ppl she's judged (aaryn, Judd) have talked about how their meds changed their lives for the better. They clearly were in them long before bb and a bb dr still approves their meds. And Elissa herself takes meds from the dr and the moment anyone brought that to her she couldn't handle it. And Elissa questioning Jessie's personality and what meds she was on was a cheap shot as those are the only shots she can take when talking to someone as opposed to about them. Even in a big confrontation like the one with aaryn all she could do was try to deflect and make pointless vague accusations. If bb wanted Rachel they sure as hell missed the boat here. Elissa is as terrible at a social game as Rachel is and she's terrible at comps. Amanda/McC taking Elissa to finals is smart on their part because she can't in [!@#$%^&*] and is genuinely terrible at this game and nobody wants to see her win. I think that spencer could win depending on who he's against. If McC/Amanda don't win against anyone it's cuz the jury is bitter. And honestly, aaryn and Helen have played damn good games. Spencer and Andy could win ith a bitter jury cuz they did ok at not pissing ppl off yet.GM could totally win this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted August 13, 2013 Members Share Posted August 13, 2013 She was a douche bag her first few weeks on the show. She does make comments behind people's back when she's not getting the most attention or to save herself (attaching herself to HoH's hard), much like everybody else. If you remember the first half of the week of Candice's eviction, Candice was hating Jessie for a similar situation. When I look over the season only three people have won more than one competition, I believe: McCrae, Aaryn and Andy. The rest have won 0-1. I don't think Elissa is any more awful at competitions than the majority of the house. Her social game? IDK, nobody will seriously talk game with her which is a negative. That said, you have the two Queens of manipulation wanting to take her far and not just because they think she'll lose. Most of the house wants her to like them. She is loopy and gets flighty and she definitely has days where you think "drugs?" but most of the rest have the same too. I don't think Elissa was in the wrong for being short with Jessie. She's always thought Jessie would float to whoever she feels is treating her the absolute best at the moment and then throw anybody else UTB and it's sort of true. Then she tried to take Elissa out in the wake of Helen's UTBitis so I do get Elissa doing a dose of her own UTBitis. I think it was less UTBitis and more she was mad Jessie did the UTBitis to her, made the comment ("are you on drugs?" is common when somebody is flipping out), and then got defensive about the way she herself looked to the outside world when something was made of the comment. I also get why Jessie was upset. Helen was throwing her UTB and then she found out she was going to be blindsided by Helen, Elissa, Aaryn, Andy - who she kind of trusted while she doesn't trust Amanda and McCrae and Spencer and GM are in the middle - while spying. In a perfect world, I'd love Jessie and Elissa to squash it today. I'd love for Aaryn and Jessie to squash it as well. All this is doing is helping Amanda. Jessie is still lost on Andy being with Amanda. A problem Elissa may run in to today is MVP paranoia returning. What she has going for her here is she's very obvious about who she wants in and wants out and it's been Spencer (Spencer: Who do you think Rachel and Brendon would like? Elissa: Not you.) and Aaryn. Also it's been obvious that Jessie and Helen have been the Amanda-ouster ring leaders while Elissa's first target and return target after Amanda-persuasion sessions has always been Spencer - even Jessie would admit that when push comes to shove. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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