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Big Brother (Live Feeds/Other Spoilers)

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Aaryn is just a sociopath. It's a little scary at times. If she ever got past the pouty little girl routine she'd be dangerous.

Judd decided he wanted to keep Aaryn over Kaitlin, and claimed that he heard Kaitlin and "another girl" in the bathroom saying that they wanted Helen out next. Not sure if this was a lie or not (probably is). Helen and Andy and McCrae and Amanda have agreed to vote Kaitlin out. Not sure where Spencer is (he's usually everywhere). Candice and Howard still seem to want Aaryn out. Jessie agreed to vote Kaitlin out, although she wasn't as gung ho as she was a few days ago. When Judd told Elissa about the Helen stuff, she still said she wanted Aaryn out first. So he may have to blindside her. That won't end well. I still think Aaryn may end up going.

Judd and Elissa played a prank on GM by Elissa saying "Nick's back!" only for Judd, dressed in his clothes, to run in and hug her. GM burst into tears. Judd then had to spend an extended amount of time consoling her.

Everyone still thinks Elissa is MVP, aside from Andy occasionally saying it was America.

Jessie was in a bad mood. Some fans think she feels like Judd doesn't care about her now (she said she thought GM was coming between them), he's upset because she interrupted some of his conversations, etc. I hope their alliance won't break down. I do think that he's a little overly cautious - even when they rarely interact people still think they're together. Of course they may not be anymore, I don't know. Some think he's lusting after Aaryn. He might be but I think he's just using her for game.

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Spencer just related to Elissa that maybe America Voted to nominate someone last week... and it slowly sinked in. Slowly. "America wanted me to be on the block?" Cue sad face as she shrugs off a hug from Helen due to the agony. They tried to explain to her that Aaryn was probably first and Kaitlin was probably second by a lot but it wasn't good enough for her. "They wanted me on the block more than Gina Marie?" They try to explain her sister is polarizing and maybe she is a little polarizing too and fans probably wanted to shake things up. "America hates me that much? Even after what you fools did to me the first two weeks?" Then she starts thinking America hates her so much that her son may be getting the affect of it and starts crying. I hope they show it on the CBS edition of the show: from her panic after the twist reveal to the nomination to POV, of course. They should put this scene in between nomination and POV. This morning after GM was nominated she was like "don't ever do this me again. This is f--kin ridiculous" - good scene to end that stressful week on.

I think she only calmed down because she went back to thinking it's somebody in the house. Helen needs to prepare her for the fact it may be America's Vote so she's not off on Thursday if Julie announces it. I'll LMAO if Judd or Spencer speculate she is MVP again after that mini-breakdown.

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I'm going to blame PMS and Julie Chen's "twist" for her extra dose of emotion and quirkiness this week. She was so together the first 2-3 weeks and now you are definitely seeing the Rachel in her. I hope Julie doesn't confirm it was America's Vote on Thursday, lol.

Jessie, Helen and Elissa (and even Andy, Gina Marie) should lay low and they could be safe for a few weeks. They can even throw HoH's.

Howard, Spencer and Candice are going to war with Amanda, McCrae and Aaryn. (Kait is already gone. Aaryn will do as told). Elissa finally saw the light about Howard and told Amanda so which murdered Amanda's attempt to stop her aggressive game talk about Howard. This is very good for the people without a firm aggressive team.

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If these people, especially Helen and Elissa, keep Aaryn, they're effin' stupid. Aaryn needs to go now and she's just as competitive and vengeful as Kaitlin is.

Helen last night solidified how blind and stupid she is. Does she really think that Aaryn has forgotten that Helen orchestrated three of her allies evictions? Do they really think Aaryn is going to let them dictate her HOH if she wins? I think not. She's pulling a Dan on these idiots and if/when she gets that key, Aaryn is gonna gun for everyone.

I hope Candice finally gets HOH so everyone will have to kiss her ass, especially Amanda. Only then will dumb Helen see that she's an early boot on McRae and Amanda's side while she's easily top four with Howard. Dummy. . . .

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So Elissa, McCrae, Andy and Amanda were sitting outside talking. She misinterpreted the guys trying to hush her and Amanda up because the mean girls and I think Spencer were outside. She thought they were saying she uses religion like Howard does because she was talking about religion at the moment that incident happened. They're explaining themselves over and over but she won't comprehend it. (This is awful for her game, as well. Her being so head-strong about what was "REALLY" going on even when she's totally misunderstood something). I wonder if she's really a little crazy or if this is a really bad case of PMS. She did the same thing yesterday with America's Vote, she wouldn't process what they were explaining. It's fascinating. She really was very normal and mature the first few weeks, now she's ... very, very different sometimes between being way too headstrong/blunt/transparent and not comprehending in certain situations. Very good feeds material though.

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EW at Elissa outing someone having an abortion and judging her for it.

EW at Judd calling Candice a whore.

And seriously I think BB didn't give Judd his meds or not the right amount. He's cray right now and Amanda asked him about his meds and he asked ER not to mention it or something. I have no idea.

This season is insane on the feeds. Too bad the CBS show, editing and production suck as usual.

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Judd was (is) acting insane.

Elissa gave Kaitlin a huge hint that she's going home basically destroying (Elissa's) own game. Is she just completely production? Or is it a mix - she's rich so she doesn't care if she wins or loses at the game and DR pressure?

Kaitlin is laughing it off and telling everybody including Aaryn.

I want Kaitlyn and Helen to talk about Judd's lie.

This is better than prime-time story. Hard to believe it's not scripted.

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