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AMC & OLTL Get Summer Run On OWN

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In my area, they pulled the listings off of TVGN years ago though in some areas TVGN still has listings (though during Y&R they do not run them.) To get listings on screen where I live you have to pay the cable company more money per month as you have to either have advanced cable box or a DVR from them for each television beyond the first. If you have multiple televisions, it gets a bit pricey (about $10 a month per every tv and this is for the non-DVR cable box), so I wish I had the TVGN listings option still.

TVGN did a good job promoting the move of Y&R to their station by the in character ads on not just SoapNet (since I don't have Soapnet anymore due to cable dropping it) but also on CBS during the regular Y&R broadcast.

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What is the point of repeatedly telling people here that the show is over. This isn't a frothing at the mouth board full of people who are going to go run shirtless in the street shouting "PP IS NOT FOR ME!" or "OWN MY ASS, OPRAH TRAITOR!!!!"

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In my experience, Vee, you are the who struggles the most here to accept the fact people don't always agree with you. You constantly order others to STFU and demand they accept your pov as the only valid one. Unless you're a mod, I don't understand where you get off ordering Jonny or anyone to post somewhere else.

And for the record, ITA with you on JP. She's horrendous and soaps need to stop recycling lousy talent.

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It takes some chuzpah for you to play the victim card now.

You're the one with a long pattern of trying to stifle differing povs. If someone doesn't agree with your take, you can't just civilly disagree so you insult them, call them blind, stupid, having no taste, etc., and then often tell them to STFU. That's wrong and you need to be called out for that even if the mods won't do anything.

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What the hell Eric, No one here was telling Jonny to shut up. We were saying and if u look over the thread, you will see that many have told him:

If you feel its over fine, but dont anyone else how to feel and when they need to move on.

Attacking Vee or anyone over this is stupid especially when no one ever attacked Jonny about this,

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John, I had no problem with those objecting to Jonny's posts about moving on.

I ONLY took exception to Vee saying "You don't have to go home but you can't stay here." Because that's a pattern of his to tell others their different povs aren't welcome here and that's wrong. He finds it off-topic, maybe it is, but I'm tired of reading him telling others to STFU. He doesn't have that right.

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Exactly why I find it so annoying. People coming on saying "Get real people, it's dead!!!" repeatedly just strikes me as kinda... sad or something. It's one thing to bemoan the fact that you feel it's gone, but even the people here who have said they hold out hope, I've seen next to nobody saying "GUYS they are definitely coming back!" etc.

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I decided to graph the OWN ratings. (Don't judge me. It was during a two-hour conference call.) Forgive me for the remedial nature of this. Excel and spreadsheets aren't my strong suit.


In the interest of comparing apples to apples, I left off the dates before 8/5 when OWN was showing multiple eps on the same day.

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Interesting--they seem to both rise and fall at the same time (albeit with OLTL lower) though right at the end they seem to be evening out.

I'm a bit worried about even saying this but... While I think overall AMC was the stronger show--and I think it still has more name recognition, AND I know Oprah has a very wide ranging fanbase--could the fact that AMC focused so much on a beloved black couple (Linda--please don't come back) play a part?

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