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OLTL: Tuesday June 4, 2013 Episode Discussion

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Any movement toward the neanderthal sleaze known as Cutter cannot, even under the loosest interpretation of the term, be considered "evolution". Just because Natalie is freeing herself from one scumbag, she shouldn't go slumming and bathe in [!@#$%^&*].

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I missed that - was it in reference to Gina's Kelly?

Really enjoyed the episode but it was too short. I needed more!

Todd and Dorian's barbs slayed me. Such talented, entertaining actors. This wig definitely looks better on Dorian. Dani and Todd bonding was cute.

Laura seemed to be doing a bit better at the angry Destiny in today's episode and I really enjoyed the scenes between her and Matthew.

I'm over Snoop. Bye! I think Thursday is his last show.

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Another divine Marin Gazzaniga day. Episode just zipped by, loved it. So many great scenes. Gazzaniga really knows how to write for character.

Matthew and Destiny - awkward but loving and Matthew is trying a little to be a dad. Loved the realism of the stubbornness with the lid too, and the unintentional swearing while being told not to swear. Jeffrey's eagerness about the story. Tea IMi'ing with Victor. The great music montage. Todd trying to be a dad to Dani, going to the nail salon, plu great repartee with Dorian. Viki and Clint finding out about the Pellegrino fund -- hope they get their money out in time.

That cliffhanger with that threatening organization leaving a note for Todd!

OLTL also has a much better handle on how to blend humor with drama, and at how to bring out personalities, dimensions, and dilemmas of characters, than AMC right now, especially on Marin Gazzaniga days. The subtlety, the layers, of Nora walking in on Destiny, being excited to see her, seeing Matthew, thinking best not to say hi, then walking out and looking through the window, all without saying a word -- well-directed too -- is well beyond anything cry-cry, scream-scream AMC would manage right now

No idea why people are finding OLTL slower than AMC ... Viki already knows about Pellegrino, Victor has reached out to Tea, and someone is sabotaging Shelter ... To me nothing is still happening on AMC and the characters seem like they are going through the motions too, worst of both worlds. Whoever said based on her DAYS work that Marlene McPherson's writing is not plot-based, not character-based, but "boring based," is totally right..

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I agree. OLTL is much faster than AMC, if I were to compare. I often try not to compare the two, they're different shows and I like them each for their own reasons.

However, you've summed up more or less what's really working for me with this reboot.

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Who said he can only find internet women? The show has made no claims that Matthew cant find a girl in his every day life. He's just caught up with this social media chick who he's made a connection with and is now smitten by her. It happens in real life and I dont think it requires much suspension of belief.

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