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Y&R Spoiler pics

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Patty looked ike Barbara Bain in the first shot.Gee its tough to be in the public eye and age before us. I think Quinn is 77 so he is hlding up well. Those false teeth really change the shape of the face.

Glad Y&R will be paying a proper tribute.

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Patty looks more like her old self in the second photo. I never thought we'd see her on Y&R again, even for a brief spot, so this is a happy surprise. I wonder how Rex will be involved. I guess if we have ghost John I could deal with ghost Rex. I hope that since Tricia Cast was on the special yesterday, she might be involved in some of the Katherine material too.

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Ashley Bashioum is a doctor now but if they asked her nicely and told her that it's in honor of JC, perhaps her schedule might permit. That would be nice though.

Quinn Redeker. I really am curious how these spoiler pics relate to story. The wheels in my mind are truly turning now. Yes, he has aged but to me, he looks far better than people who have blasted their faces into oblivion with plastic surgery. And I'm even taking into account the ill fitting chompers.

Hey, it may look somewhat a mess, but from that picture Michael Damian's hair looks real. A lot of people were saying he had a toupee. Well, it looks real to me.

And I've missed Patty Weaver. I hope that she is well and if she was ill, I hope that she has recovered. Sometimes people get worn down by the stresses of life.

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Weaver had to leave Y&R back in 2009 because of some serious back pain issues. Unfortunately she had no send-off and her last scenes I know of was of Colleen of all people telling Gina she shouldn't bad mouth poor wittle Kevin.

I could see Ford or Kinsey back as Mac as I know they're both working actresses still. I know Kinsey was on Days a couple years ago, but no clue about what Kruger is up to these days either.

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Since spoilers are not about Katherine's funeral. These three actors are just back as a tribute to Jeanne Cooper telling stories. What these three actors will do is going to be on the internet. As of yet, they have not written the stories for Katherine's death or funeral. I listened to a tribute to Jeanne Copper on Blogtalkradio. So do you think that with Patty Weaver's serious back pain issues that she will not be able to come for Katherine's funeral episodes? Please let me know what you think. Since they have not written Katherine death and funeral scripts yet. I think viewers should still contact the show to say the actors and characters we would like to see return. Do you think viewers should still continue to contact the show about Katherine's death and funeral stories? Please let me know what you think. sad.png

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I think this is part of some online tribute extension they're doing (mainly for actors and people who couldn't participate in Tuesday's tribute episode).

Eileen Davidson mentioned on Twitter she was also doing taping something next week for the online tribute (but couldn't do the show that aired on Tuesday due to scheduling conflicts with DAYS).

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So is there a way to download the bonus footage and extension footage from the tribute to my computer? Also will they have it on Youtube? Also does anyone think they have or will ask actors and characters to return for Katherine's funeral? Please, Please, Please, Please help me figure out how I get the bonus footage downloaded to my computer. sad.pngsad.pngsad.pngsad.pngsad.pngsad.png

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