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The Young and The Restless Shocker: - Actress Leaving

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What irks me up EB, MTS, etc.'s overt resentment of the "newbies." Every one of their asses were new at some point. Yet, their egos are so damn big that they cannot share the airtime with the new actors. It is like they live in a delusional world where they think that they are the Highlander who will stay young, beautiful, and live forever.

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To be honest, you might as well blame the fans as well. Fans keep saying "we want vets," not "we want newbies;" the show should establish a healthy medium. I for one am happy to see Tracey Bregman front and center again though.

Then the show might as well cancel itself. Y&R thrives on its recognizable faces. With Jeanne gone, Walton reoccurring, and Stafford leaving; they aren't really doing a good job setting up the next generation.

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RME. Absolute rubbish. I am so tired of this false mantra that these soaps will collapse if the vets leave. It never happens. BTW, I think that Y&R has a good younger generation. They are just not being utilized well. In part, because they are not getting enough airtime. Getting rid of a whole slew of vets would be a good thing for Y&R.

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I'm surprised at DD's comments since it feels like he's been on much more in the past few months than he was on for years. I mean his offscreen love interest sucks but at least I know that's his love interest. I couldn't figure out for a long time what was going on between Paul and Nina.

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DD is the perfect example. I adored Paul in his prime. He was a great character. He had a crazy hot body and was sexy as hell. But WTH is he still doing on the canvas? Successive regimes have found barely anything for him to do for years. He should been fired, not Thad Luckinbill who was the younger and had more story potential with stronger ties to the canvas as the father of a Newman and Chancellor. J.T. should be the younger generation PI/police detective in a romance with Colleen, the next generation Abbott.

No actor is owed a job forever. These vets are rightly being transitioned into supporting roles of their children. Yes, they can have romances, but the focus of the show should be on featuring the next generation. It really irks me that Noah is doing absolutely nothing, while his parents are having sex with everything that walks.

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I agree there should be a shifting of focus to the younger generation, but the younger generation has to have actors that can act.. and have good writing to back up the actors.

I'm not seeing either of those factors, hence why people are crying out for the veterans.

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To me an actor should stay if they keep their talent, charisma, and chemistry with other actors, so I would have kept DD (I would have had him as a mentor to JT).

It's people like Bergman or Morrow or Rikkart I don't see the point of now. Dead-end characters played by actors who just do nothing for me at this point. Jack used to be one of my favorite characters and now all I see is a crying, weak man who has proposed to everyone but his sisters.

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The real question is which actors can produce chemistry, produce story, deliver story, carry any scene or story even when it sucks. There's this whole prefab idea of who should stay around. ____ should stay around...because. Why? Just because. That's it.

Let's take Victoria, a character mostly getting by based on her strength somewhere in 2000. Why is she there? Why is Billy there? Why are Chloe and Kevin there? Why is Cane there? What do they offer?

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J.T. had long past needing Paul as a mentor and he could have turned to any of the older males as a confidant. If anyone should have left, it should have been DD so for him to complain about airtime when he is lucky to still be employed is ridiculous.

Jack and Nick are not dead-end characters. They both have younger relatives and family on the canvas. They should be transitioning into patriarchs. Jack needs to have more scenes with his nephew, niece, and brother. Morrow should be parenting his children, not spending most of his life drooling over Avery.

Rikaart is a different story all together. Kevin should have never been brought back and I have no idea how he has lasted this long. He should have been long gone along with DD.

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I completely agree. A lot of the vets who are fan favorites are nothing special in the acting department. There will always been strong and weak actors in every group. EB has never been able to act. Same with JM.

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I don't think JT would have worked well with most of the older males. In a lot of ways JT was a young Paul.

I have no real interest in whose relatives are on the canvas because I think most of the family interactions on Y&R are poorly written and have been for a long time. Y&R spent so many years having various Abbotts tell Jack what a loser he was that it is pretty much all I see now. The Newmans mostly ended up being crushed under Victor's foot. To me, Nick mostly seems like a dumbass, Jack mostly seems weak and ineffective, and this has taken over most of their scenes. There's no fire, no life. I can't invest in them now because I feel like this is what they will always have, no matter who they're with.

I think Y&R's best bet is to weed out dead spots and stale characters regardless of their ties to the show, although I know they likely never will, especially if the characters are men.

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