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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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I think whatever happens, this was always going to be a rocky period. These shows came together and flew off the carrier very, very, very quickly and have been running full tilt on massive overtime BTS to get on air in record time. This is a corporate team that has also never done this before and committed to this kind of daily grind. The old network machines have been ancient siege engines, in place for decades upon decades - they knew how to do this kind of meat grinder that makes the soaps year in and year out, and even if he's miffed at me I think even Khan would agree that they also knew it so very well enough that they know exactly how to slowly but surely shortchange and marginalize that process and the output down to nothing. This, OTOH, is a project where the people are trying to make it the best they can be and put it out every week. I don't know if that's a lost art or not, but they're definitely trying to resurrect it.

I think they should run them three days a week and let them both run on Fridays. Or, I think that if they have to be two days a week they should each be an hour (or at least two episodes packaged together) for both days. But I can't fault them for the bumps in the road. This was going to be a massive, difficult, bumpy undertaking no matter who was doing it. Unless they were just back on ABC in the hands of Valentini - who might have kept the trains running on time, sure, but honestly, at this point, I just really don't want to watch a daytime world where everything is being produced via The World According To Ron & Frank. I think that would be a profound imaginative poverty. For all the bile projected at them on the board they do have their skills, and they are good at certain things - Frank is particularly good at simply cranking a show out - but it can't be like that for everything and everyone, and honestly I think Frank's energy for it has become very regimented and cold. That's how these shows lost their identities and colors in the first place, under the banner of Brian Frons as one for all. I still watch GH, and for all the madness on it right now I enjoy a fair bit of it even now. And I like that these shows are different, I like that AMC and OLTL feel not only different from network soaps, but also different from each other. And I don't want to go back to a same-y assembly line. So am I willing to drive down the cobblestone roads and hope for the best for now? Sure. Hasn't everyone with a new show?

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Well my point was about AMC had already produced at least 3 more weeks of episodes to air but now those will be dragged out to air over 6 weeks. It will drag since it was meant for 4 episode a week format.

And this is essentially watching a primetime soap. I'm not here to watch primetime soaps.

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Thank you for your take on it, Vee, you make me feel better.

And the ironically apt metaphor in more ways than one, or perhaps intentional symbolism, of you mentioning a cobblestoned road -- the titular Coronation Street is a cobblestoned road.

Days22, my point was that even 2 episodes in the current format already moves a lot, so it won't feel dragged out if 3 weeks becomes 6 weeks. The 3 weeks of 4 episodes a week already packs in as much story as 6 weeks of a TV soap. So if it really ends up taking place over 6 weeks, it will just be that.

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I think they're both in good shape. I think the stories that need to move faster on AMC - Cara's secret and Cassandra - are doing so. I always figured AMC to be an easier-paced show, myself. But I'm pretty much turning into the Prospect Park propaganda organ (emphasis on organ), so w/e.

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Cady McClain · 8,589 like this
2 minutes ago ·
  • Forgive me for BELIEVING in the show, for having FAITH in people I've known behind the scenes for over 20 years, for fighting tooth and nail to make every bit of this show both loving and powerful from the inside out. If you think that I don't "get it" then I you don't know me at all.

Cady McClain · 8,589 like this
2 minutes ago ·
  • It seems to me some people just want to hate and lash out. I can have compassion on a certain level but this show isn't being cancelled, it's being honed like a fine racehorse to be fast and powerful and beautiful.
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