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Prospect Park Sues ABC Over ‘One Life To Live’ & ‘All My Children’ Licensing Agreement

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No, I think the problem was that the PP revival appeared to be not happening, so Frank and Ron took that as a sign that any and all contracts and agreements would be declared null and void. Even fans on this board considered the dream to be dead. It's only after the Miracle of 2012 that everyone at ABC had to scramble.

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I think they just thought no one would ever dare question them. They were seen as the soul of OLTL and the last saviors of soap opera to much of the uninformed and frankly fickle soap press, so this attitude was endorsed when PP returned - I certainly took a while to come around, and DC, etc. completely [!@#$%^&*] on the revival for months. They've been riding a wave of populist support from fans and fan sites and so on for over a year, they were the only game in town, and I think they thought they could keep using that goodwill, drag their feet, leak a little and it would all work out in their favor.

If they did all that, plus flout the agreement, plus potentially mislead the three actors, well...

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I'm just a third year law student but I imagine that this will (1) settle or (2) ABC will file a motion to dismiss that will be granted. One key aspect that no one has really mentioned and that is not stated in the complaint is that PP publicly announced it was suspending its plans for the reboots and did not start back up again for almost another year. Their complaint makes it seem ABC knew all along that they were revving up for production but I don't believe that's the case. They may have known earlier than December but I think for at least several months there was a good faith belief that OLTL was stick a fork in it done. The fact that PP did not seem to be making noise when Cole and Hope were first killed and let the characters become more and more integrated seem to add credence to this. If PP was truly outraged at the time Cole/Hope were killed, I doubt we would have had the Tomas/Alcazar thing as there would have been some kind of talking between legal teams. I imagine the abandonment of the project would be an important piece of ABC's defense. But again, I don't see it getting that far.

Oh how I would love for this to go to trial. Your honor, there are no damages for the deaths of Cole and Hope Thornhart as characters being creatively scripted back from the dead is common practice on soaps. Please refer to Youtube for Exhibit A- Project Orpheus- Dixie Cooney Martin is brought back to life in Dr David Hayward's lab after dying onscreen by way of poison pancakes. This was notably your Honor the third time she had returned from the dead. Exhibit B- Jesse Hubbard- also died right in front of us. exhibit C- Anna Scorpio, Robert Scorpio, Robin Scorpio, Cesar Faison, Lucky Spencer and pretty much everyone who has even been blown up or set on fire on General Hospital returned at one point or another. Then soap writers could testify as expert witnesses as to plausible ways they could be written back in...The car ended up in Eterna etc.

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Which makes their claims about Cope, VJ and Alkie even more ridiculous! The whole Alkie thing happened at the end of November, and again, Cope have been deceased for 14 months. The truth about the baby switch came to a head in late September/early October. All this stuff could have been changed easily. REEEEEEdiculous!

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I think that is a pretty good guess as you could tell there was a shift in pacing, and that it was very noticeable. They sped things up involving the 3, especially Tarly. They went from spending one night together to being soul-mates and madly in love. FRon wanted to cement this pairing before PP got their hands on Todd again.

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You're also correct about ABC selling licensing rights to GH as well to PP down the road. I mean, who else are they going to sell GH to? American Home Products?

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