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GH 50: Discussion for the Month of April - May 3, 2013

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Oh, yeah. I believe she is still taping. And Ingo is coming back, so maybe this is a longer term arc then we initially thought. Last time Brenda returned it took a village to prop her, but this time I fear she is going to be thrown under the Katoonie bus....I just don't think RC gets we aren't in the midst of an amazing S/B/J triangle and this angst works. J&B have been back for two episodes and Jax looks like a fool and Brenda looks like a wishy-washy ho.

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I will say it again but GH made a big mistake not going with Patrick and Liz. They seem better suited for each other than Sabrina and AJ

This Sam and Maks connection is stupid and doesn't work since KM wasn't paired with him on DWTS. With that said, he looked pretty hot today

LOL at Sonny telling Brenda to leave when she asked him if he had something to say about her engagement. Im already sick of her and her irritating crying. Stupid skank ho.

Love Ethan's hair. He looks so much better this way. GF did an amazing job when she gave her reason for not wanting to shoot him

LMAO at Hels breaking it down why Laura shouldn't give a damn about Luke. She had some very interesting points

Now we got random old people showing up to prop up Sabrina

Felix is annoying me thinking everything cute guy that talks to him is into him

Brenda is a wishy washy ho! She's been going back and forth between both men for close to 2 decades nowsomething about Brenda makes me instinctively root for Carly. Besides Carly was right in what she had to say about Brenda
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I feel like there may be begging and pleading on Brenda's part. It's so telling she is nowhere around with these scenes going on. Listen, I have always had a soft spot for S&B, but I think fans and haters alike can agree VM has way more chem with MB on her worst day than KSu could ever hope to. I see J&B ending and Brenda putting herself out there and Sonny choosing Kate and I just............can't. A 20 min drive to Prospect full of rage may be in my future.

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Okay, kinda of true. But 15 years ago they showed both sides of the triangle in depth so you understood her dilemma. Brenda running, not walking to Sonny the minute she gets to town while lying to the fiancé that clearly is devoted to her is not a soapy triangle. It's character assassination-AGAIN. In the past, her fickle behavior about J/S was understandable because she was truly torn. Now she just looks desperate trying to stick it to Sonny. The triangle worked because Brenda was a good person caught in a bad situation. Now she just looks like a bad person trying to push Sonny's buttons-and clearly succeeding. I don't like all the reasons she left are still there, but she seems to be salivating at the thought of Sonny's crumbs. I want to smack Brenda so bad and tell her what a better choice Jax is.

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