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Married to Medicine


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I watched last night and I liked it... the first episode definitely tried too hard (Mariah/Quad), but I think the second episode was better.

I like the Doctors a lot.

Mariah seems smart - she knows how to play both sides and make the producers happy. She's not too hood like Quad - I think she knows how to play for the cameras just enough.

Quad is funny, but I think she's too much too. She reminds me of a mix between Marlo (Atlanta) and New York (from VH1 shows).

And Toya looks like a black Sammi from Jersey Shore (seriously, look at the dead eyes and lazy face).

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I know... I'm not feeling it tonight. The show seems way too disjointed with the types of ladies and their drama.

I feel like Quad, Mariah, and Kari are trying way too hard to be another housewife series, but it's not genuine. Quad is funny but she's too good and ghetto for this type of show.

And the two doctors just seem way out of place here.

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Oh I cannot wait to see Mariah scrub Toya (and that cheap, shiny ass weave) up and down the poolside next week! Toya keeps up majority of the drama and I am over her.

Another one I am over is Dr. Jackie. I get that she is a doctor, but she is too haughty for my taste. Kari is another one that is too haughty for my taste, but I feel bad for her b/c she fails to see that she is nothing more that Toya's puppet. Toya fills her up with info and send Kari out into the field to the take the shots, while Toya sits back grinning.

Now Simone, Quad, and Mariah I can deal with. Three women that are confident. Three women that came from nothing but made something of themselves. Three women that don't put on a front and have not forgotten where they came from. Three women that aren't afraid to check you real quick. I love them.

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Only saw the first half of episode 2 and I just CANT with this Quad bitch. The way she was going in on Kari was so over the top and unnecessary, and all within the first 10 minutes!I don't like Kari so its not that I felt sorry for her, but Quad is just trash. Acting like that in front of her husband's medical colleagues? She is WAY TOO hood for this group, but maybe that's why the producers picked her. She needs a tranquilizer shot

Mariah kind of looks like Rihanna to me

This show has too many parties. 2nd episode and already up to party 3. They need to come up with different ways to bring everyone together.

I love Dr. Jackie. The scene of her visiting Dr. Simone at her home was the best of the episode for me.

I cant hate on Kari sending that text calling Quad, a low class whore. Quad was asking for it

Loving Dr. Simone with her family. She seems like a good mother and wife and her interactions with her kids and husband are great. Im enjoying the material with the two doctors the most. I don't really care for the drama

Edited by Cheap21
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Don't care about this show, but I will be damned if I miss this fight. More than likely I'm going to have to wait til the end of the show to see it.

Tacky heifers!

OMG! WOW! Not sure who I was supposed to root for, but how embarrassing! No doubt the other black people there were super embarrassed.

Mariah is such a performer. She carries on way too much, and I don't find it cute. Now she won't leave? POS!

Edited by ChitHappens
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I just...chile. That was something else and I wouldn't even know what to think if I had been a guest there. I don't get how right off the bat everyone blames Mariah. Um...she wasn't fight herself. Toya played an equal part in that. And then Kari sitting her inflated lips up there trying to squeeze out some tears when she knows good and damn well her face has been altered so much she doesn't have no damn tear ducts anymore.

And Miss Lucy. Miss Lucy, Miss Lucy, Miss Lucy...chile. That old lady is a hot ass mess. Not only did she join in, she was being all loud about it all and ain't one damn bit ashamed. Was the sister fighting too? Just because someone is your mom, doesn't mean they don't need a checking every now and then. My mom would NOT have been conducting herself like Lucy does. She's of the mindset that because her daughter lays on her back for money, SHE has somehow arrived. She betta' get her life....for real.
I can't stand Toya's ass though but lawd I just cant.

Dr. Simone showed her messy side. She's clearly Team Kari/Toya and seems to always have something to say as if she's somebody's mama. I will never forget how she told Quad something about cleaning up the [!@#$%^&*] that comes out of her mouth or something to that effect. Then she's getting on to Mariah about being late. They are grown ass women...let them be responsible for themselves, good, bad, or ugly.

Quad...is just Quad. I LOL'd at her saying "Absolutely not! Absolutely not!" in her Southern accent.
Edited by Eric83
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Eric, you are my man - 100 grand, and you know this!

But Mariah is filth! She is a project ho who's incapable of an intelligent conversation. Toya is not much better, but she is not the trash to me that Mariah is. Toya picked a bad time to have a conversation about that beast, Lucy, but Mariah should have handled it better. While Toya is trying to talk to her, she becomes very disrespectful about "my mama" and won't listen to a word Toya is saying. Her listening ears are locked shut and she carries on trying to be a diva. Fail! I [!@#$%^&*] hate her!

Lucy has been beaten with way too many ugly sticks and is proof that ignorance and rotten disgusting manners are learned.

Both are embarrassments and my only consolation is that Ayden has his green card by now from staying marrying to that trick, and now he can divorce her and find a wife who won't embarrass him in public!

I wanted Toya to knock that bitch's teeth out!

Kari, fake plastic bitch trying way too hard to bring back glamour. I'm convinced she used to be a man!

Quad's husband had the right idea. He wasn't letting his wife get in the middle of that chit!

Edited by ChitHappens
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LMAO! I want to know who Mariah's daddy is because Lucy looks NOTHING like her child.

All of the "wives" except Kari seem like some hood chicks trying to put on these classy, sophisiticated airs. Mariah had me fooled but after seeing how ratchet her mama is she is straight from the slums!

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I'm sorry but I love Ms. Lucy's gutter-butt ass. She read Toya's bougie ass for the filth! And Toya cast the first stone talking about ppl's kids, which is a "no-no." Mariah shouldn't've scrubbed Toya at that particular moment, but hey it happened. And Kari . . . that Daisy Duck faced trick gets on my last nerve. Dr. Simone, who I like, was irking my last nerve last night too. These women trip me out wanting to play the "haughty woman with class" card, when really NONE of them are. That's why I personally am drawn to Quad & Mariah b/c they don't put on a front while the other women. . . .

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I can't watch this show on the regular but I did watch this episode for the fight. Plus the previews with Quad are absolutely hilarious.

if these girls say "Whats the tea?" one more time I'm gonna die....

Can't stand Toya.....there's nothing wrong with wanting all the finer things in life but she comes across so fake and pressed about it. Clearly you're not at that level yet so why are you so ready to throw down 1.2-1.4 million dollars on a house.

Talk about living beyond your means....

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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